ڤولفگانگ شويبله
Wolfgang Schäuble ([ˈvɔlfɡaŋ ˈʃɔʏblə]; born 18 September 1942) is a German lawyer, politician and statesman whose political career has spanned almost five decades. A member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), he is one of the longest-serving politicians in German history. Schäuble served as President of the Bundestag from 2017 to 2021.
Born in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1942,[1] Schäuble studied at both the University of Freiburg and the University of Hamburg and subsequently began a career in law at the district court of Offenburg in 1978. His political career began in 1969 as a member of the Junge Union, the youth division of the CDU and CSU; in 1972, Schäuble was elected to the Bundestag by winning the constituency seat of Offenburg, and he was still a member of the Bundestag in 2022. His ministerial career began in 1984 when he was appointed Minister for Special Affairs by Chancellor Helmut Kohl. In a 1989 reshuffle, Schäuble was appointed Minister of the Interior, and he led negotiations for reunification on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany.[2][3] During his tenure as Minister of the Interior, Schäuble was one of the most popular politicians in Germany and was regularly mentioned as a possible future Chancellor,[4] though he faced occasional criticism from civil rights activists for his law and order policies.[5]
After the defeat of the CDU/CSU in the 1998 federal election, Schäuble succeeded his mentor Helmut Kohl as Chairman of the CDU, but resigned after less than two years in the aftermath of the 1999 party financing scandal.[6] In 2005, Schäuble again became Minister of the Interior in the Cabinet of Chancellor Angela Merkel, and in 2009 Minister of Finance,[1] a position he remained in for almost eight years. Described in this capacity as "Germany's second most powerful person" after Merkel,[7] he took a hard line towards Southern European countries during the eurozone crisis[8] and rejected calls from the International Monetary Fund to give Greece more time to rein in deficits.[9] A proponent of austerity policies, Schäuble's 2014 budget allowed Germany to take on no new debt for the first time since 1969,[10][11] which is generally known as Black Zero in CDU election campaigns.
On 27 September 2017 the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag announced Schäuble's nomination as President of the Bundestag.[12] He was elected to that position on 24 October 2017. Following the defeat of the CDU/CSU in the 2021 German federal election, Schäuble lost the office by October 2021.
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Early life and education
Schäuble was born in Freiburg im Breisgau, as the son of tax finance advisor and politician Karl Schäuble and Gertrud Göhring. He is the middle brother of three.[1]
After completing his Abitur in 1961, Schäuble studied law and economics at the University of Freiburg and the University of Hamburg, which he completed in 1966 and 1970 by passing the First and Second State Examinations respectively, becoming a fully qualified lawyer.[بحاجة لمصدر]
In 1971, Schäuble obtained his doctorate in law, with a dissertation called "The public accountant's professional legal situation within accountancy firms".[بحاجة لمصدر]
السياسة الخارجية
Schäuble is considered a "committed transatlanticist".[13] On 7 June 2011, he was among the guests invited to the state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama in honor of Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House.[14]
In 2002, shortly before the Iraq War, Schäuble accused German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of "strengthening Saddam Hussein" by undermining the unanimity of international pressure on Iraq to open up to United Nations weapons inspectors.[15] On Schröder's initiative to join forces with President Jacques Chirac of France and President Vladimir Putin of Russia in opposing the war, Schäuble commented: "This triangular relationship involving Berlin, Paris and Moscow was a dangerous development. It was very dangerous for the small countries in Europe because they perceived it as an axis and you can understand why. We want good relations with Russia but we do not want those relations to be misunderstood."[16] Schäuble, in contrast to many German politicians, subsequently defended the United States' decision to invade Iraq. By 2006, he said he thought the overthrow of Saddam Hussein was in itself correct, but that he was "doubtful" from the outset about the Iraq war because it resulted from a unilateral decision by the US.[17]
Schäuble accused Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of lacking an appropriate historical conscience, because he accepted alleged human rights violations by the Russian government without criticism. On 31 March 2014, Schäuble compared the annexation of the Sudetenland by Nazi Germany in 1938 to the annexation of Crimea by Russia in the 2014 Crimean crisis. Similar to Vladimir Putin, Adolf Hitler had claimed that "ethnic Germans" in peripheral regions of what was then Czechoslovakia required protection.[18]
فولفجانج شويبله من قيادات الحزب المسيحي الديموقراطي المعارض في 2022، والذي شغل كل المناصب عدا المستشار وعمره في 2022 هو ٨٠ عام، ظهر في 18 مايو 2022 في لقاء تليفزيوني للحديث عما يقع حاليا فكال اللوم لروسيا وعندئذ عرض عليه المذيع تسجيلا من عام ٢٠١٤ للمستشار الراحل هلموت شميدت قال فيه علينا الا نجعل اوكرانيا تستعذب حلم الانضمام للناتو والاتحاد الاوروبي لأن هذه فكرة مدمرة لكل من المنظمتين وهي تنهض علي حلم ساذج يجب الا ننشره ان كنا نريد الحفاظ علي هاتين المنظمتين.
لم يجد شويبله ردا يقوله سوي ان شميدت اجري هذا الحديث عام ٢٠١٤ عندما كان عمره ٩٦ عاما ولم يكن في أحسن حالاته، اي انه بمعني آخر كان مهرفا. مع ان شويبله هذا افاض في خطاب رثاء شميدت عند وفاته عام ٢٠١٥ وقال ان خسارته أصابت المانيا في قوتها العقلية التحليلية لانه كان رجلا من حكماء القرن
أنشطة أخرى (مختارة)
مجالس إدارة
- KfW, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Supervisory Directors (2009–2017)
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Ex-Officio Member of the Board of Governors (2016–2017)[19]
غير ربحية
- Friends of the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Chairman
- Deutsche Nationalstiftung, Member of the Board of Trustees
- Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Member of the Board of Trustees
- Deutsche Stiftung Querschnittlähmung ("German Paraplegia Foundation"), Member of the Board of Trustees
- Deutsches Museum, Member of the Board of Trustees[20]
- Friends of the Berliner Philharmonie, Member of the Board of Trustees
- House of Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt, Member of the Board of Trustees
- International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia, Member of the Board of Trustees
- Max Planck Society, Member of the Board of Trustees
- RAG-Stiftung, ex-officio Member of the Board of Trustees
- Robert Schuman Foundation, Member of the Board of Directors
- 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, Member of the Board of Trustees[21]
الدرجات الشرفية
- 1992: Honorary Doctorate of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- 2005: Honorary Doctorate of the University of Fribourg
- 2006: Honorary Doctorate of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
- 2009: Honorary Doctorate of the University of Tübingen
- 2011: Honorary Doctorate of the Corvinus University of Budapest
تكريمات أخرى
- 1986: Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
- 1988: Grand-Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite by the President of France
- 1989: Grand Commander (Commander with the star) of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
- 1991: Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
- 1998: Konrad-Adenauer-Preis
- 1998: Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
- 2008: Order of Merit of Baden-Württemberg
- 2010: Toleranzpreis der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing
- 2011: Order of the Oak Crown of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- 2012: International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen[22]
- 2014: Award for Understanding and Tolerance of the Jewish Museum Berlin
- 2015: Bambi Award
- 2016: Leopold Kunschak Prize
- 2017: Kissinger Prize
- 2017: Member of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
- 2019: Grand Officer of the Order of the Three Stars
الحياة الشخصية
Schäuble has been married to economist, teacher and former Welthungerhilfe chairwoman Ingeborg Hensle since 1969. They have four children:[23] three daughters Christine, Juliane and Anna, and one son Hans-Jörg. His late brother, Thomas Schäuble (1948–2013), was a former Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg, and an executive chairman of the Baden-Württemberg state brewery Rothaus from 2004 to 2013. His son-in-law is Thomas Strobl, who currently serves as Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg.
Schäuble and his wife lived in Gengenbach before moving to Offenburg in 2011.[24] They also have an apartment in Berlin's Grunewald district.[25][26]
When Schäuble celebrated his 70th birthday at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin in September 2012, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, delivered the keynote speeches in his honor.[27]
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محاولة اغتياله والمشاكل الصحية الناجمة عن ذلك
On 12 October 1990, at the age of 48, Schäuble was the target of an assassination attempt by Dieter Kaufmann, who fired three shots at him after an election campaign event attended by about 300 people in Oppenau.[28][23] Kaufmann injured a bodyguard, and severely injured Schäuble's spinal cord and face.[23]
Schäuble was left paralysed from the attack and has used a wheelchair ever since. The would-be assassin was declared mentally ill by the judges, and committed to a clinic because of psychoneurosis. He was released in 2004.
Meanwhile, Schäuble returned to work within three months, even while he was still living in a rehabilitation unit, learning to manoeuvre while paralysed below the waist.[1] For his last rally in the 1990 elections, Chancellor Helmut Kohl travelled to Offenburg, where Schäuble made his first public appearance after the assassination attempt to a crowd of about 9,000.[29]
In May 2010, on his way to Brussels for an emergency meeting of European Union finance ministers, Schäuble found himself in the intensive care unit of a Belgian hospital, battling complications from an earlier operation and an allergic reaction to a new antibiotic.[30] At that point, the German news media speculated about his resignation, and even his chances of survival.[31] However, Chancellor Angela Merkel twice declined Schäuble's offer to step down during a period of ill health in 2010.[32]
أعمال مختارة
Schäuble has written a number of books including
- Der Vertrag. Wie ich über die deutsche Einheit verhandelte (The treaty: How I conducted the negotiations on German unification, 1991);
- Und der Zukunft zugewandt (Looking to the future, 1994); Und sie bewegt sich doch (And yet it moves, 1998); Mitten im Leben (In the prime of life, 2000);
- Scheitert der Westen? Deutschland, Die neue Weltordnung (Is the West failing? Germany and the new world order, 2003) and
- Zukunft mit Maß. Was wir aus der Krise lernen können (Future of moderation: What we can learn from the crisis, 2009).[33]
- 60 Jahre Grundgesetz: Verfassungsanspruch und Wirklichkeit, in: Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline Y. (ed.): 60 Jahre Grundgesetz. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (= Kulturwissenschaft interdisziplinär/Interdisciplinary Studies on Culture and Society, Vol. 4), Baden-Baden 2009
- ^ أ ب ت ث Quentin Peel (12 March 2010), Man in the News: Wolfgang Schäuble Financial Times.
- ^ "Unification Treaty is Signed Without Reference to Nazi Era". JTA. Bonn. 4 September 1990. Retrieved 5 September 2013.
- ^ "Günther Krause: Wir machen aus Hausmüll Erdöl". Focus. Retrieved 5 September 2013.
- ^ Kinzer, Stephen (12 October 1992). "Bonn Journal; Kohl's Protege Turns Into Kohl's Challenger". The New York Times.
- ^ "German Linux Community Boycotting LinuxTag - Slashdot". slashdot.org.
- ^ Cecilie Rohwedder (17 February 2000), Schaeuble Resigns From CDU Posts In Hopes of Reducing Party Scandal Wall Street Journal.
- ^ Troianovski, Anton; Walker, Marcus (2014-05-23). "Q&A With German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble". The Wall Street Journal (in الإنجليزية). ISSN 0099-9660.
- ^ Jack Ewing (12 December 2010), Germany Signals Support for Euro-Zone Members The New York Times.
- ^ Alan Cowell and Nicholas Kulish (12 October 2012), Nobel Committee Gives Peace Prize to European Union The New York Times.
- ^ Paul Taylor (4 March 2013), Jolt From Italy's Elections May Not Be Enough The New York Times.
- ^ Erik Kirschbaum and Michelle Martin (9 September 2014), No new debt for Germany in 2015, first time since 1969 Reuters.
- ^ Emma Anderson (27 September 2017), Schäuble to be nominated as German parliament president: report Politico Europe
- ^ TRANSCRIPT: Globalizing World Requires Transatlantic Partnership and Leadership - A Conversation With German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, 11 April 2014 Archived 19 أبريل 2014 at the Wayback Machine Council on Foreign Relations.
- ^ Expected Attendees at Tonight's State Dinner Office of the First Lady of the United States, press release of 7 June 2011.
- ^ Stephen Erlanger (17 August 2002), U.S. Quietly Chides German For His Dissension on Iraq New York Times.
- ^ Judy Dempsey (26 August 2005), Merkel adviser seeks more-integrated EU International Herald Tribune.
- ^ War on Terror: Merkel Demands Respect for International Law Spiegel Online, 11 September 2006.
- ^ "Fighting Words: Schäuble Says Putin's Crimea Plans Reminiscent of Hitler", Der Spiegel, 31 March 2014
- ^ Board of Governors Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
- ^ Board of Trustees Deutsches Museum.
- ^ WM-Kuratorium unter Vorsitz von Dr. Thomas Bach FIFA, press release of 30 September 2008.
- ^ Ondruskova, Iveta (2012-05-17). "Schäuble receives Charlemagne Prize". Deutsche Welle. Archived from the original on 2014-12-16. Retrieved 2014-12-16.
- ^ أ ب ت Ray Moseley (13 October 1990). "German Cabinet Member Shot, Seriously Wounded By Attacker". Chicago Tribune. Berlin. Retrieved 11 September 2013.
- ^ Ralf Burgmaier (26 December 2010) Henco-Areal: Wolfgang Schäubles Umzug nach Offenburg rückt näher Badische Zeitung.
- ^ René Pfister (22 May 2010), Der Feind in ihm Der Spiegel.
- ^ Alexander Dinger (13 July 2018) [1] Berliner Morgenpost.
- ^ Jack Ewing (17 April 2013), Euro Zone Crisis Has Increased I.M.F.'s Power The New York Times.
- ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةSchmemann-1990
- ^ Serge Schmemann (1 December 1990), Kohl, Dominating Campaign, Acts as if He's Already Won The New York Times.
- ^ Quentin Peel (19 May 2010), Schäuble interview: Berlin's strictures Financial Times.
- ^ Nicholas Kulish and Jack Ewing (18 November 2011), Seeing in Crisis the Last Best Chance to Unite Europe The New York Times.
- ^ Rainer Buergin and Birgit Jennen (20 September 2013), Schaeuble Seen Keeping Finance Post Even in SPD Coalition Bloomberg News.
- ^ Speakers: Wolfgang Schäuble Brussels Economic Forum, 18 May 2011.
وصلات خارجية
مناصب سياسية | ||
سبقه Waldemar Schreckenberger |
Chief of the Chancellery 1984–1989 |
تبعه Rudolf Seiters |
سبقه Egon Bahr |
Minister for Special Affairs 1984–1989 | |
سبقه Friedrich Zimmermann |
Minister of the Interior 1989–1991 | |
سبقه Otto Schily |
Minister of the Interior 2005–2009 |
تبعه Thomas de Maizière |
سبقه Peer Steinbrück |
Minister of Finance 2009–2017 |
تبعه Peter Altmaier Acting |
سبقه Norbert Lammert |
President of the Bundestag 2017–2021 |
تبعه Bärbel Bas |
مناصب حزبية | ||
سبقه Alfred Dregger |
Chair of the CDU/CSU Group in the Bundestag 1991–2000 |
تبعه Friedrich Merz |
سبقه Helmut Kohl |
Leader of the Christian Democratic Union 1998–2000 |
تبعه Angela Merkel |
ألقاب فخرية. | ||
سبقه Hermann Otto Solms |
Father of the Bundestag 2021–present |
الحالي |
- Short description is different from Wikidata
- مواليد 18 سبتمبر
- مواليد 1942
- شهر الميلاد مختلف في ويكي بيانات
- يوم الميلاد مختلف في ويكي بيانات
- Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021
- 1942 births
- Living people
- Christian Democratic Union of Germany politicians
- Finance ministers of Germany
- German Lutherans
- Grand Crosses 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Recipients of the Order of Merit of Baden-Württemberg
- Heads of the German Chancellery
- Interior ministers of Germany
- Members of the Bundestag for Baden-Württemberg
- Politicians from Freiburg im Breisgau
- Politicians with paraplegia
- Presidents of the Bundestag
- Shooting survivors
- German politicians with physical disabilities
- Members of the Bundestag 2021–2025
- Members of the Bundestag 2017–2021
- Members of the Bundestag 2013–2017
- Members of the Bundestag 2009–2013
- Members of the Bundestag 2005–2009
- Members of the Bundestag 2002–2005
- Members of the Bundestag 1998–2002
- Members of the Bundestag 1994–1998
- Members of the Bundestag 1990–1994
- Members of the Bundestag 1987–1990
- Members of the Bundestag 1983–1987
- Members of the Bundestag 1980–1983
- Members of the Bundestag 1976–1980
- Members of the Bundestag 1972–1976
- Members of the Bundestag for the Christian Democratic Union of Germany
- Government ministers with physical disabilities