كتاب الأدغال (فيلم 2016)

(تم التحويل من The Jungle Book (2016 film))
كتاب الأدغال
الملصق الدعائي للفلم.
الملصق الدعائي للفيلم.
اخراججون فاڤرو
كتابةجستن ماركس
موسيقىجون دبني
سينماتوگرافياBill Pope
تحريرMark Livolsi
توزيعWalt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures
تواريخ العرضأبريل 4، 2016 (2016-04-04) (El Capitan Theatre)
أبريل 15، 2016 (2016-04-15) (United States)
طول الفيلم106 minutes
البلدUnited States[1]
الميزانية175–177 مليون دولار [2][3]
إيراد الشباك$966.6 million[4]

كتاب الأدغال (إنگليزية: The Jungle Book)، هو فيلم فانتازيا ومغامرات أمريكي من إنتاج عام 2016، من إخراج وإنتاج جون فاڤرو، تأليف جستن ماركس وإنتاج والت ديزني پيكتشرز. الفيلم مقتبس من أعمال مجمعة تحمل نفس الاسم لروديارد كپلنگ، ومستوحى من فيلم رسوم متحركة أنتجته والت ديزني عام 1967.[5][6] كتاب الأدغال هو فيلم حركة يستخدم الصور المنشأة بالحاسوب، يروي قصة ماوكلي الفتى اليتيم الذي ترشده مجموعة من الحيوانات التي تحرسه، وينطلق في رحلة لاكتشاف الذات محاولاً الهرب من الخطر الذي يتهدده وهو شريخان. الفيلم من بطولة نيل سيثي، برفقته صوت و لاقط حركة كل من بيل موراي، بن كنگزلي، إدريس ألبا، لوپيتا نوينگو، سكارلت جوهانسون، جيانكارلو إيسپوسيتو، وكريستوفر ووكن.

طور فاڤرو وماركس والمنتج بريگهام تايلر الفيلم، كنوع من التوازن بين رسوم ديزني المتحركة وأعمال كپلنگ الأصلية مستعينين بعناصر من كليهما. بدأ التصوير عام 2014 واتخذ مدينة لوس أنجلس موقعاً للتصوير. تطلب الفيلم استخداماً موسعاً للصور المولدة حاسوبياً من أجل تصوير الحيوانات والخلفية.[7]

صدر كتاب الأدغال بالولايات المتحدة في ديزني ديجيتال ثري دي ريل أي دي ثري دي، أيماكس ثري دي ودي-بوكس، and premium large formats، في 15 أبريل 2016 .

لاقى الفيلم نقداً جيداً ونجاحاً تجارياً كبيراً، محققاً أكثر من 966 مليون دولار حول العالم أي أنه أصبح خامس أعلى الأفلام دخلاً في عام 2016. كما كان الفيلم موضع إشادة بسبب المؤثرات البصرية والأداء الصوتي والإخراج والموسيقى التصويرية بالإضافة إلى حفاظه على روح فيلم الرسوم المتحركة الأصلي ورواية كپلنگ. حصل الفيلم على جائزة أفضل مؤثرات بصرية في حفل جوائز أوسكار التاسع والثمانين وجوائز اختيار النقاد الثانية والعشرون وجوائز أوسكار السبعين.

كان هناك جزء آخر قيد التطوير من تأليف ماركس وإخراج وإنتاج فاڤرو.

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قصة الفيلم

في غابات الهند يعيش ماوكلي صغير الإنسان ويربيه الذئب راكشا وبرفقته أكيلا في إحدى غابات الهند حيث أتى به النمر الأسودباگيرا عندما كان ماوكلي رضيعاً. يقود باگيرا بتدريب ماوكلي كي يتعلم مهارات الذئاب ولككن الطفل يعاني عدة صعوبات ولذلك يتخلف عن إخوته الذئاب، تعترض أكيلا على استعماله للحيل البشرية كصناعة الأدوات مثلاً عوضاً عن تعلم الأساليب التي يستخدمها القطيع.

يوماً ما أثناء موسم الجفاف تجتمع حيوانات الغابة لشرب الماء المتبقي كجزء من هدنة خلال الجفاف تسمح لحيوانات الأدغال بالشرب من مياه مفترسيها. تخرق الهدنة حين يصل نمر شرير ويعلو وجهه جرح يدعى شريخان حين يشتم رائحة ماوكلي ضمن القطيع، متمسكاً بفكرة الثأر بعد شوه البشر وجهه مستخدمين النار. يهدد بقتل ماوكلي في نهاية موسم الجفاف. بعد نهاية موسم الجفاف تتجادل الذئاب بشأن إبقاء موكلي أو ترحيله عنهم. يقرر ماوكلي أن يغادر الغابة حفاظاً على سلامة القطيع. يتطوع باغيرا ليرشده إلى أقرب قرية للبشر.

بنصب لهما شريخان فخاً قي الطريق ولكن ماوكلي يتمكن من الهروب بين قطيع من الجاموس. لاحقاً، يتعرف ماوكلي على أنثى ثعبان ضخمة تدعى كا والتي تنومه مغناطيسياً. وهو تحت تأثيرها يرى ماوكلي رؤيا عن والده وهو يقتل على يد شريخان أثناء محاولته حمايته. تحاول كا أن تقضي على ماوكلي ولكن يهاجمها دب يدعى بالو وينقذ ماوكلي الغائب عن الوعي. يستيقظ ماوكلي فيما بعد ويجلب لبالو بعض العسل الذي يصعب الحصول عليه كرد للجميل. تتطور صداقتهما في خضم الأحداث ويوافق ماوكلي على البقاء مع بالو حتى يحل فصل الشتاء. في هذه الأثناء، وبعد أن اكتشف أن ماوكلي قد غادر الغابة، يقوم شريخان بقتل أكيلا ويهدد القطيع أنه سيستدرج ماوكلي.

وأخيراً يجد باگيرا ماوكلي وبالو ويصعق لأن ماوكلي لم ينضم إلى البشر كما اتفق معه، ولكن بالو يهدئ من روعه ويقنع كليهما أن يتغاضيا عن الأمر. أثناء الليل، يجد ماوكلي قطيعاً من الفيلة الهندية مجتمعة حول حفرة ويستخدم أغصان الكرمة لتنقذ صغيرها. وبالرغم من انبهار بالو وباگيرا بذلك، يدرك بالو أنه لا يستطيع أن يضمن سلامة ماوكلي بما أن شريخان يلاحقه. يوافق بالو على أن يبتعد عن ماوكلي كي يدفعه ليكمل طريقه نحو قرية البشر.

تختطف عصابة من القرود المعروفة باسم باندار- لوگ ماوكلي ويقدمونه إلى زعيمهم القرد العملاق المختل المدعو الملك لوي. مفترضاً أن جميع البشر قادرون على صنع الوردة الحمراي أي (النار، يعرض الملك لوي على ماوكلي أن يحميه مقابل أن يعد له النار. يشتت بالو انتباه الملك لوي ريثما يحاول باگيرا أن يتسلل مع ماوكلي ولكن خدعتهم تنكشف. ريثما يطار الملك لوي ماوكلي في معبده يخبره أن أكيلا توفي. ينهار معبد الملك لوي فوق رأسه بسبب هياجه.

بسبب غضبه من بالو وباغيرا كونهما أخفيا عنه أمر مقتل أكيلا، يذهب ماوكلي لمواجهة شريخان. يسرق مشعل نار من قرية البشر ويعود أدراجه إلى الغابة، ومن دون قصد يضرم بها النار. يواجه شريخان الذي يدعي أن ماوكلي جعل من نفسه عدواً للغابة حين أحرقها. وبعد أن لاحظ مدى خوف الذئاب منه يرمي ماوكلي مشعل النار في النهر غاضباً. يعرقل بالو وباغيرا وقطيع الذئاب شريخان كي يتمكن ماوكلي من الهرب إلى الغابة المحترقة. يهزمهم شريخان جميعاً بمنتهى السهولة وينطلق ساعياً خلف ماوكلي. يستدرج شريخان إلى شجرة كبيرة ويدفعه ليعتلي أحد أغصانها الذي ينكسر تحت ثقل وزن النمر فيسقط شريخان غلى حتفه في النار. بعد ذلك، يوجه ماوكلي الفيلة ليحولوا مجرى النهر ويخمدوا النيران. Furious that Baloo and Bagheera neglected to tell him about Akela's death, Mowgli goes to confront Shere Khan. He steals a lit torch from the man village and heads back to the jungle, accidentally starting a wildfire in the process. He confronts Shere Khan, who claims that Mowgli has made himself the enemy of the jungle by causing the wildfire. Seeing the wolves' fear of him, Mowgli throws the torch into a river in rage. Baloo, Bagheera, and the wolf pack hold off Shere Khan, giving Mowgli enough time to flee into the burning jungle. Shere Khan defeats all of them single-handedly and goes after Mowgli. He lures Shere Khan up a dead tree and onto a branch, which breaks under the tiger's weight, and Shere Khan falls into the fire to his death. Mowgli then directs the elephants to divert the river and put out the fire.

في نهاية المطاف، يتولى راكشا قيادة قطيع الذئاب. يقرر ماوكلي أن يستخدم معداته وحيله من أجل مصلحته بعد أن وجد موطنه الحقيقي برفقته عائلته من الذئاب وبالو وباغيراIn the aftermath, Raksha becomes the new leader of the wolf pack. Mowgli decides to utilize his equipment and tricks for his own use, having found his true home and calling with his wolf family, Baloo, and Bagheera.

فريق العمل

Neel Sethi, the actor who portrayed Mowgli
  • Neel Sethi as Mowgli:
    A young boy who was raised by wolves. The search for casting Mowgli was extensive, with thousands of children auditioning from the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Canada. Eventually, newcomer Neel Sethi was confirmed for the role, with casting director Rebecca Williams describing him as embodying "the heart, humor, and daring of the character. He's warm and accessible, yet also has an intelligence well beyond his years and impressed us all with his ability to hold his own in any situation".[8] Sethi underwent parkour training in preparation for the role.[7]
    • Kendrick Reyes as toddler Mowgli.
  • Ritesh Rajan as Mowgli's father.

ممثلو الصوت

  • Bill Murray as Baloo:
    A bear, referred to by Baghera as a sloth bear, who encounters and befriends Mowgli. Favreau had Murray in mind to voice Baloo since the beginning of the project. “He’s perfect", says the director. “Bill just exudes all the charm and humor that you need and expect from Baloo. He has a certain dryness and a rebellious quality”. He had also always wanted to work with Murray, having been a huge fan of his work, though he has been aware of how hard it is to contact him. Fortunately for Favreau, he was able to get a hold of Murray, and he agreed to come on board, with Favreau going on to comment that “Once he came aboard, he was incredibly passionate. He has a very high standard”. “I just couldn’t say no to playing Baloo", says Murray. “Jon [Favreau] is a terrific storyteller and I’m such a huge fan of the original stories. Kipling wrote a lot of amazing stuff. I read that book when I was about 22 and I’ve always thought that it was just extraordinary writing".[5]
  • Ben Kingsley as Bagheera:
    A black panther who is Mowgli's mentor and protector. Favreau said that Kingsley "brought this elegance and refinement to the character, yet with great firmness. He's an interesting dude with crazy range".[5] Kingsley said that Bagheera's "role in Mowgli's life is to educate, to protect and to guide".[5] Kingsley said that "[Bagheera] is instantly recognizable by the way he talks, how he acts and what his ethical code is", and stated that "Rudyard Kipling’s stories of Mowgli’s adventures with these extraordinary, beautifully defined characters introduce many around the world to the Indian subcontinent and its culture" through he felt that both the film and the book's story was ultimately about Mowgli's search for a family. "There are many wonderful stories that are based on the struggle of an orphan to find a family—to create a family around him, which is a very poignant part of Jon Favreau’s version of the film. It will have its beautiful, thrilling, exciting, joyous moments of celebration. But must also quite rightly have its darker moments, because we’re dealing with a very isolated child who triumphs over enormous odds".[5]
  • Idris Elba as Shere Khan:
    A fearsome, scarred tiger with a blinded left eye who wishes to kill Mowgli. Favreau felt that Elba's voice "wields tremendous presence in a room",[9] and that "[Elba]'s got such gravity and brings his steely presence, a deep timbre that echoes in a larger-than-life way. He understands this scarred, imposing tiger in a way the character demands".[9] Elba said that "Shere Khan reigns with fear. He terrorizes everyone he encounters because he comes from a place of fear".[9] Elba was highly impressed with the film's effects, stating that "[w]hen Jon [Favreau] showed [Elba] Shere Khan's expressions and how he moves, [he] had to ask, ‘Is that a real tiger?’ The technology is incredible".[9]
  • Lupita Nyong'o as Raksha:
    A female wolf who is Mowgli's adoptive mother. Favreau and Marks decided to give the character of Raksha a more predominant role in the film similar to Kipling's original tales.[10] Favreau chose Nyong’o because he believed her voice imbued the emotion required for the role, commenting "Lupita has tremendous depth of emotion in her performance. There's an emotional underpinning she brings, and a strength, and we wanted that for this surrogate mother. Much of that comes from her voice".[11] Along with saying that she was a fan of the original Disney animated film, Nyong’o also commented, “I really enjoyed preparing for this and learning about wolves and how social they are, how they stick together", continues Nyong’o. “There’s such an order—a hierarchy to a wolf pack. Mowgli tries to fit in with the other wolf pups. He has his challenges, but he is very much a part of the pack as far as Raksha is concerned".[5]
  • Scarlett Johansson as Kaa:
    A gigantic python. Favreau decided to cast Johansson, a recurrent collaborator of Favreau's, to play Kaa, originally a male character, as he felt the original film was "a little too male-oriented".[12] On Kaa's role in the film, Favreau said that "Mowgli is exploring different regions of the jungle—mistier, darker, more mysterious parts of the jungle. That’s where Kaa lives. That’s where she gets ahold of him—till Baloo rescues him and brings him back to his cave".[9] Johansson said that "For [her], the opportunity to play Kaa as envisioned by Jon [Favreau] was so exciting",[9] and described Kaa as "the mirror into Mowgli’s past".[9]
  • Giancarlo Esposito as Akela:
    A male wolf who leads the pack. Producer Brigham Taylor praised Esposito, claiming that "Giancarlo is an esteemed actor who absolutely embodies the nature of the character".[9] Along with commenting that he's a fan of both the animated film and Kipling's books, Giancarlo described his character as “...a fierce patriarch of the wolf pack. He believes that the strength of the pack lies in what each and every wolf offers. He knows if they stick together, they can survive. He’s a great leader, a wise teacher. I aspire to be like him”.[5]
  • Christopher Walken as King Louie:
    A gigantopithecus who rules the Bandar-log. Favreau decided to change King Louie from an orangutan to a gigantopithecus due to the fact that orangutans are not native to India, where the story takes place, although modern humans and gigantopithecus never coincided:[6] however, he gives the animal a very similar appearance to an orangutan, contrary to evidence about gigantopithecus. His character was given a slight alteration from the 1967 film and was partly inspired by Marlon Brando's character Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now,[10] as well as incorporating Walken's own physical mannerisms.[13] In regards to Louie's changes, Favreau stated, "We created this looming figure that was trying to extract the secret of fire from Mowgli. And also this gave Mowgli the idea that if he had fire, he could have power over Shere Khan, whether it was good or bad. So there was Lord of the Rings aspect to that; the fire was almost like the ring in that was going to give someone ultimate power, but corrupt them as well as create destruction".[14]
  • Garry Shandling as Ikki, a porcupine that observes the Water Truce, a character not featured in the original film.[9] This would prove to be Shandling's final role, as he died of a pulmonary embolism prior to the film's release.
  • Brighton Rose as Grey Brother, a wolf pup who is the youngest of Mowgli's adoptive siblings.[9]
  • Jon Favreau as Fred, a hog. A character not featured in the original film.[9]
  • Sam Raimi as a squirrel.[9]
  • Russell Peters as Rocky, a rhinoceros.[9] This character was originally meant to appear in the 1967 film, but Walt Disney scrapped the character.
  • Madeleine Favreau as Raquel, a rhinoceros.[9]
  • Sara Arrington as an antelope.[9]

Emjay Anthony, Max Favreau, Chloe Hechter, Asher Blinkoff, Knox Gagnon, Sasha Schrieber, and Kai Schrieber voice the young wolves.[9]

Dee Bradley Baker, Artie Esposito, Sean Johnson, and Allan Trautman provide additional animal voices.[9]



"The idea of going out to the jungle and shooting this, it just felt like it wouldn't have the magic that the 1967 film had had. There was a dreamlike quality to it. There was a surreal quality to it. It was a high-water mark for character animation and to me, that's what I remember about it. And so I wanted to make sure we preserved that...But what [Alan] Horn said was: Look at the technology. Look at Life of Pi, Avatar. Why not use the technology to create a whole world that transports you? Let's really embrace this new technology and see what we can do if we push its limit".

— Jon Favreau on approaching the film's technical intent.[15]

التصوير والمؤثرات الصوتية



The Jungle Book (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Film score by
ReleasedApril 15, 2016
StudioSony Pictures Studios (score)
Esplanade Studios, New Orleans
Chalice Recording Studios
Music Shed Studios, New Orleans
GenreOrchestral, swing jazz
LabelWalt Disney
ProducerJohn Debney
John Debney chronology
The Young Messiah
The Jungle Book
Mother's Day

Walt Disney Records released the film's soundtrack on April 15, 2016.[16]

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قائمة الموسيقى التصويرية

All music composed by John Debney except where noted.

No. TitlePerformer(s) Length
1. "The Bare Necessities"  Dr. John and The Nite Trippers 3:36
2. "Trust in Me"  Scarlett Johansson 2:55
3. "Main Titles[1] / Jungle Run"    2:27
4. "Wolves / Law of the Jungle"    2:16
5. "Water Truce"    3:40
6. "Rains Return"    1:46
7. "Mowgli's Leaving / Elephant Theme"    3:28
8. "Shere Khan Attacks / Stampede"    2:06
9. "Kaa / Baloo to the Rescue" (quotes "Trust in Me")  5:21
10. "Honeycomb Climb"    3:31
11. "Man Village"    2:59
12. "Mowgli and the Pit" (quotes "The Bare Necessities")  3:26
13. "Monkeys Kidnap Mowgli"    1:52
14. "Arriving at King Louie's Temple"    4:35
15. "Cold Lair Chase"    4:03
16. "Red Flower" (quotes "Trust in Me")  3:15
17. "To the River"    3:05
18. "Shere Khan's War Theme"    2:37
19. "Shere Khan and the Fire"    4:52
20. "Elephant Waterfall"    3:27
21. "Mowgli Wins the Race" (quotes "The Bare Necessities")  0:41
22. "Jungle Book Closes"    2:16
23. "I Wan'na Be Like You"  Christopher Walken 3:02
24. "The Bare Necessities"  Bill Murray, Kermit Ruffins 3:01
Total length:


Jon Favreau at the premiere of The Jungle Book in Sydney, Australia

The film was originally scheduled for October 9, 2015, but the film's release date was later postponed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures to April 15, 2016.[17][18] The film was released in the Dolby Vision format in Dolby Cinema in the United States,[19] and is the first film to be released in Dolby Vision 3D (in a few select theaters in New York City and Chicago).[20] The Jungle Book held its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre on April 4, 2016.[21]

It was released on April 8 in 15 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Russia, Malaysia, and most notably in India a week ahead of its U.S. debut on April 15.[22] The release date in India was strategic for the film as it coincided with the Indian New Year and was a holiday in most parts of the country.[23] The film had a special Hindi version with famous actors giving their voices to the main characters, including Irrfan Khan as Baloo, Om Puri as Bagheera, Priyanka Chopra as Ka, Nana Patekar as Sher Khan and Shefali Shah as Raksha. As the Japanese anime series Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli had been immensely popular in India in the 1990s, Disney India also commissioned a contemporary recording of "Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai" (originally used for the popular Indian version of Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli), overseen by the original Hindi song's composers Vishal Bhardwaj and Gulzar, and released it as part of the film's promotional campaign in India.[24][25]


(L to R) The vocal performances of Bill Murray, Idris Elba, and Ben Kingsley were particularly praised.[26][27][28][29]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ "The Jungle Book (2016)". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on September 26, 2016. Retrieved January 23, 2020.
  2. ^ "The Jungle Book (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
  3. ^ FilmL.A. (May 23, 2017). "2016 Feature Film Study" (PDF). FilmL.A. Feature Film Study: 25. Archived (PDF) from the original on July 31, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
  4. ^ "The Jungle Book (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Archived from the original on August 26, 2019. Retrieved December 12, 2016.
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ "The Jungle Book: Production Notes" (PDF). wdsmediafile.com. The Walt Disney Studios. Archived (PDF) from the original on September 18, 2019. Retrieved March 28, 2016.
  6. ^ أ ب Thompson, Luke Y. (February 22, 2016). "Jon Favreau Says 'The Jungle Book' Will Be His 'Avatar,' Reveals New Images". Forbes. Archived from the original on February 26, 2016. Retrieved February 27, 2016.
  7. ^ أ ب Turan, Kenneth (April 14, 2016). "'Jungle Book' is a sweet and scary triumph of modern moviemaking". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on April 16, 2016. Retrieved April 16, 2016.
  8. ^ Graser, Marc (July 15, 2014). "Disney's 'The Jungle Book' Finds its Mowgli in Newcomer Neel Sethi". Variety. Archived from the original on December 27, 2014. Retrieved December 13, 2014.
  9. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ "The Jungle Book: Press Kit" (PDF). wdsmediafile.com. The Walt Disney Studios. Archived (PDF) from the original on June 26, 2019. Retrieved March 29, 2016.
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