أيزو 639
المعيار أيزو 639 بالإنجليزية: ISO 639 هو معيار صادر عن المنظمة الدولية للمعايير (أيزو) وهو المعيار الذي يعطي اللغات رموزاً دولية. الهدف من هذا المعيار هو وضع رموز متعارف عليها دولياً لترميز اللغات أو أُسر اللغات, يكون طول الرمز إما حرفين أو ثلاث أو أربعة حروف[1].
تستخدم هذه الرموز على نطاق واسع في العديد من الإختصاصات مثل أغراض الفهرسة في المكتبات العامة وكذلك النظم الحاسوبية وتمثيل إصدارات اللغات على مواقع الإنترنت. ظهرت الحاجة لترميز اللغات بسبب أن اللغة الواحدة يعبر عنها بطرق مختلفة في مجتمعات مختلفة وكذلك قد تتشارك لغتين مختلفتين ذات الاسم, لذى فإن ترميز اللغات يساعد في فك الإلتباس هنا. إن قائمة رموز اللغات مفتوحة مما يساعد في توسيعها وتنقيحها, وأوكلت هذه المحمة إلى مؤسسات تسمى سلطات التسجيل (en)
الأجزاء الستة للمعيار
المعيار | الاسم (Codes for the representation of names of languages – ...) | النسخة الأولى | الحالية | العدد في القائمة |
ISO 639-1 | Part 1: Alpha-2 code | 1967 (as ISO 639) | 2002 | 184 |
ISO 639-2 | Part 2: Alpha-3 code | 1998 | 1998 | >450 |
ISO 639-3 | Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages | 2007 | 2007 | 7704 + local range |
ISO 639-4 | Part 4: Implementation guidelines and general principles for language coding | 2010-07-16 | 2010-07-16 | (not a list) |
ISO 639-5 | Part 5: Alpha-3 code for language families and groups | 2008-05-15 | 2008-05-15 | 114 |
ISO 639-6 | Part 6: Alpha-4 representation for comprehensive coverage of language variants | 2009-11-17 | 2009-11-17 | ? |
يتكون المعيار أيزو 639 من ستة أجزاء مختلفة[1]:
- الجزء الأول (ISO 639-1:2000) يوفر رموزاً مكونة من حرفين وهو مصمم لترميز اللغات الأكثر إنتشاراً في العالم.
- الجزء الثاني (ISO 639-2:1998) يوفر عدداً أكبر من الرموز لأن كل رمز في هذا الجزء مكون من ثلاثة أحرف لذى فهو يغطي عدداً من اللغات أكبر من تلك التي يغطيها الجزء الأول.
- الجزء الثالث (ISO 639-3:2007) تتكون الرموز في هذا الجزء من ثلاثة أحرف وتسعى لتقديم قائمة بكافة اللغات بما في ذلك اللغات الحية والميتة والقديمة.
- الجزء الرابع (ISO 639-4:2010) يقدم المبادئ العامة لترميز اللغات ويضع مبادئ توجيهية لاستخدام ISO 639.
- الجزء الخامس (ISO 639-5:2008) يوفر رموزاً مكونة من ثلاثة أحرف لاُسر ومجموعات اللغات الحية منها والميتة.
- الجزء السادس (ISO 639-6:2009) يوفر رموزاً مكونة من أربعة أحرف وهو مفيد عن وجود حاجة لتغطية مجال كامل يحتوي أُسر ومجموعات اللغات واللغات واللهجات في نظام واحد.
العلاقات بين الأجزاء
The first four columns contain codes for a representative of a specific type of relation between the parts of ISO 639. E.g. there are four elements that have a code in part 1, have a B/T code, and are macrolanguages per part 3. One representative of these four elements is "Persian" [fas].
ISO 639-1 | ISO 639-2 | ISO 639-3 | ISO 639-5 | # | وصف المثال |
en | eng | eng | (-) | 132 | 185 in Part 1, subtract all special cases for Part 1 codes, 185-2-25-17-4-2-1-1-1=132 |
nb | nob | nob | (-) | 2 | individual language, belongs to macrolanguage (nor), same code in Part 2 and has a code in Part 1. The two codes are: nob, non |
ar | ara | ara (M) | (-) | 25 | Part 3 macro, 55 macro total, subtract special cases, 55-24-4-1-1=25 |
de | ger/deu (B/T) | deu | (-) | 15 | 22 elements where B and T differ. Subtract special cases, 22-1-4-2=15. |
cs | cze/ces (B/T) | ces | (-) | 1 | Element with differing B/T code and the letters from the Part 1 code are not the first two letters of the T code. |
fa | per/fas (B/T) | fas (M) | (-) | 4 | Part 3 macro; the four T codes are: fas, msa, sqi, zho |
hr | scr/hrv (B/T) | hrv | (-) | 2 | Part 2 B deprecated, the two T codes are: hrv, srp. Deprecated 2008-06-28. |
no ("M") | nor ("M") | nor (M) | (-) | 1 | Part 3 macro and containing languages have codes in Part 1, nor: non, nob; no: nn, nb |
bh | bih | (-) | ? | 1 | Bihari (bih) is marked as collective despite having an ISO 639-1 code which should only be for individual languages. The reason is that some individual Bihari languages received an ISO 639-2 code, which makes Bihari a language family for the purposes of ISO 639-2, but a single language for the purposes of ISO 639-1. The single are: bho, mai, mag |
sh | (-) | hbs (M) | (-) | 1 | Part 3 macro, ISO 639-1 code deprecated, no part 2 code |
(bh) | bho | bho | (-) | 3 | individual language code in Part 2 + 3, belongs not to a macrolanguage, in Part 1 covered by a code which has equivalent in Part 2 which is a collective. The three codes are: bho, mai, mag |
(bh) | (bih) | sck | (-) | individual language no code in Part 2, belongs not to a macrolanguage, in Part 1 covered by a code which has equivalent in Part 2 which is a collective. | |
(-) | car | car | car | individual language in Part 2 and Part 3, but also included in Part 5 as a family[2][3] | |
(-) | ast | ast | (-) | individual language in Part 2 and Part 3, no code in Part 1 | |
(-) | bal | bal (M) | (-) | 24 | individual language in Part 2 and macro in Part 3, no code in Part 1 |
(-) | mis | mis | ? | 1 | special code: uncoded language |
(-) | mul | mul | ? | 1 | special code: multilingual content |
(-) | und | und | ? | 1 | special code: undetermined |
(-) | zxx | zxx | ? | 1 | special code: added 2006-01-11 to declare the absence of linguistic information |
(-) | qaa | qaa | ? | 520 | reserved for local use, range is qaa ... qtz |
(-) | aus | (-) | aus | regular group in Part 2 | |
(-) | afa | (-) | afa | In Part 2 a rest group, i.e. same code but different languages included. In Part 2 "afa" refers to an Afro-Asiatic language that does not have an individual-language identifier in Part 2, and that does not fall into the rest groups "ber - Berber (Other)", "cus - Cushitic (Other)", or "sem - Semitic (Other)", all of which are Afro-Asiatic language groups. | |
(ar) | (ara "M") | arb | (-) | individual language, belongs to macrolanguage (ara), in Part 2 covered by the macrolanguage code, in Part 1 also covered | |
(-) | (nic "R") | aaa | (-) | in Part 2 best covered by a rest group, "Niger-Kodofanian (Other)" | |
(-) | (-) | (-) | sqj | group not coded in Part 2 |
- codes in Part 1 have one or two codes (B/T codes) in Part 2, every language that has two codes in Part 2 has one code in Part 1
- one code: en -> eng
- two codes (#~23): de <-> ger/deu
- Part 2 has reserved codes and three special codes
- qaa ... qtz, mul, und, zxx
- individual languages in Part 2 have a code in Part 3 and have one or no code in Part 1
- one code: eng -> eng -> en
- no code: ast -> ast -> (empty)
- collective codes in Part 2 have a code in Part 5
- cover different languages: afa != afa
- cover same languages: aus = aus
- one collective code in Part 2 has a code in Part 1
- bih -> bh
- some codes in Part 5 have no code in Part 2
- sqj
- some codes (#~56) in Part 3 are macrolanguages, they may have
- no Part 2 code but a Part 1 codes and their containing languages have codes in Part 2 and Part 1 (#1): hbs <-> sh (deprecated) ; bos, hrv/scr, srp/scc -> bs, hr, sr
- a Part 2 code and a Part 1 code(#1), while their containing languages also have codes in Part 1 and Part 2: nor -> nor -> no ; non, nob -> non, nob -> nn, nb
- no Part 1 code (#several):
- two Part 2 codes (B/T) (#4): fas, msa, sqi, zho -> per/fas, may/msa, alb/sqi, chi/zho
- ^ أ ب
{{cite web}}
: Empty citation (help) - ^ "ISO 639 code sets". Sil.org. Retrieved 2012-08-05.
- ^ "ISO 639-5 Identifier : Codes for the representation of names of languages (ISO 639-5 Registration Authority - Library of Congress)". Loc.gov:8081. 2008-12-23. Retrieved 2012-08-05.
وصلات خارجية
- Official ISO 639 list [مطلوب توضيح]
- ISO 639-2 Registration Authority
- ISO 639-3 Registration Authority
- Common Locale Data Repository which contains translations of ISO 639 codes in other languages in an XML format. The CLDR survey tool also contains a more readable format of the data.
- ISO 639 and the Ethnologue
- ISO 639 Registration Authority Report, 2004–2005
- ISO 639-2/RA Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages, US Library of Congress