جي إم سي (شركة سيارات)

(تم التحويل من GMC (automobile))
General Motors Truck Company
تأسست1911; 114 years ago (1911[1]
المؤسسWilliam C. Durant
المقر الرئيسي،
نطاق الخدمةNorth America
South Korea
Middle East
العلامات التجارية
الشركة الأمGeneral Motors
الموقع الإلكترونيgmc.com
East Front Street, El Paso, Illinois, Rebbec Motors

جي ام سي هو الاسم التجاري المستخدمة في الشاحنات والشاحنات الصغيرة والسيارات الرياضية متعددة الاستخدامات في الأسواق في أمريكا الشمالية و الشرق الأوسط من قبل شركة جنرال موتورز. في كانون الثاني / يناير 2007 ، جي ام سي وكانت جنرال موتورز ثانى أكبر مركز بيع المركبات الخفيفة بعد تقسيم شفروليه ، قبل بونتياك.


GMC Truck, from a 1919 advertisement

في عام 1901 أنشأت شركة تدعى "شركة السيارات السريعة" والتى وضعت تصميم الشاحنات التجارية في مقدمتها وكانت تستخدم مركبات ذات اسطوانة واحده وذلك في عام 1906 وكانت الشركة التي اشترتها شركة جنرال موتورز تشكل الأساس لشاحنة لشركة جنرال موتورز ، من جي ام سي التي استمدت شاحنة. وقد انطلقت شاحة جى ام سى اول مره عام1912وقد انتجت 22000 شاحنة في ذلك العام وظهرت للمرة الأولى في معرض نيويورك الدولي للسيارات على الرغم من جي ام سي مساهمة هذا المجموع هو 372 وحدة فقط. وفى عام1962عبرت شاحنات جى ام سى البلاد من سياتل إلى مدينة نيويورك في خلال ثلاثين يوما و خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية ، أنتجت جي ام سي 600000 شاحنة لاستخدامها من قبل الجيش الاميركي.

جي إم سي و شفروليه

ورغم أن جي ام سي وشاحنات شفروليه في معظمها متطابقة ، فقد تنوعت الخلافات بينهما على مر السنين. في حين يتم تسويق شفروليه نحو تعميم الجمهور ، ويتم تسويق سيارات جي ام سي "مهنية" ، وأكثر توجها نحو العمل المركبات تقليديا ، وكانت GMCs مختلفة في الديكورات من Chevrolets وبصورة عامة جدا على انخفاض طفيف في الأسعار بين عامي 1962 و 1972 ، ومعظمها سيارات جي ام سي رباعي مجهزة المصابيح الأمامية ، بينما نظيراتها شيفروليه مجهزة المصابيح الأمامية المزدوجة. وابتداء من عام 1973 ، مع مقدمة من جنرال موتورز الجديدة "تقريب خط" سلسلة شاحنات شفروليه جي ام سي وشاحنات وأصبحت أكثر مماثلة ، وتنتهي في إنتاج جي ام سي رباعية نماذج الأمامي ، ووضع معيار لشفروليه / جي ام سي خط الشاحنات لأكثر من ثلاثين سنة. وخلال هذه الفترة ، وضع نماذج الشركتين (سيلفرادو / سيرا ، السترة / جيمي ، تاهو / يوكون ، الخ) على كل شيء الا يشارك الديكورات والسعر. جنرال موتورز في الآونة الأخيرة بدأت في تصميم الاختلاف بين الخطين مع عام 2007 نموذجا Silverados وسلاسل الجبال

نماذج جى ام سى

جي ام سي القديم "اللوك" حافلة بناؤها في عام 1956. جي ام سي نيو لوك حافلة في العام 1971.

Platform sharing with Chevrolet

1919 GMC Tanker
1941 GMC Model 9314
1956 GMC 100

Beginning in 1920, GMC and Chevrolet trucks became largely similar, built as variants of the same platform, sharing much the same body sheetwork, except for nameplates and grilles – though their differences, especially engines, have varied over the years. GMC advertising marketed its trucks to commercial buyers and businesses, whereas Chevrolet's advertising was directed towards private owners. [بحاجة لمصدر] Beginning in 1928, GMCs used Pontiac's 186 cu in six-cylinder engines in their lighter trucks.[2] Medium-duty trucks relied on Oldsmobile straight-6 engines, while the heaviest trucks used GMC's own "Standard Big Brute" engine.[2] From 1939 to 1974, GMC had its own line of six-cylinder engines, first the inline sixes known as "Jimmy's" from 1939 to 1959, and then their own V6 from 1960 until 1974, of which a V8 and a V12 version also existed. Additionally, from 1955 through 1959, the less than 2-ton, domestic GMC gasoline trucks were equipped with Pontiac V8s, and Oldsmobile V8s—whereas the Canadian models used Chevrolet engines.[بحاجة لمصدر] GMC dealerships were partnered with Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Buick dealerships.[بحاجة لمصدر]

Between 1962 and 1972, most GMC vehicles were equipped with quad-headlights, while their Chevrolet clones were equipped with dual-headlights. The platform has been the most profitable for General Motors, as it was shared with the Chevrolet Blazer/GMC Jimmy, the Chevrolet Suburban and the Chevrolet Tahoe/GMC Denali. In 1998, the platform was introduced as the Cadillac Escalade.

In 1971, GMC marketed their version of the Chevrolet El Camino, which was based on the Chevrolet Chevelle. Called Sprint, it was virtually identical to the El Camino, and a sport version, the SP, was equivalent to the El Camino SS. It was renamed Caballero in 1978, and remained produced alongside the El Camino until its demise in 1987.

In 1973, with GM's introduction of the new "rounded line" series trucks, GMC and Chevrolet trucks became even more similar, ending production of GMC's quad-headlight models, and setting the standard for the Chevrolet/GMC line of trucks for over thirty years.[بحاجة لمصدر]

اعتبارا من 2020, GMC's vehicles were marketed as more premium, luxury vehicles positioned above similar vehicles from the more mainstream Chevrolet division. Chevrolet vehicles are priced lower than a comparable GMC, but GMC vehicles have features not found in a comparable Chevrolet.[3]

In North America, Chevrolet offers a full lineup of cars, crossover vehicles, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks. GMC, however, does not offer any car models, so typically they are sold along Buick (or sometimes Cadillac) vehicles at multi-brand dealerships, allowing the same dealer to sell a full lineup of upscale vehicles, including both cars and trucks. However some standalone GMC dealerships do exist, primarily for dealers who have a focus on selling to the commercial and fleet vehicle markets.

Other platform sharing

GMC models

Light-duty trucks

Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
1937 GMC Pick-Up (35561216296).jpg T and F series 1937 1938 Similar to the Chevrolet G/S and F/T series
1940 GMC Truck.JPG AC and AF series 1939 1940 AF series is cabover design
1941 GMC Model 9314 pic2.JPG C and E series[4] 1941 1947 Little different from the Chevrolet AK Series trucks
1953 GMC 3-4 Ton (Restored).jpg New Design series 1947 1955 Little different from the Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks
56 GMC 100 Pick-Up (6087868100).jpg Blue Chip series 1955 1959 Similar to the Chevrolet Task-Force trucks. Optional Pontiac V8
GMC-CK-pickup.jpg C and K Series 1960 1991 half–, three-quarter– and one-ton trucks, with Sierra, Sierra Grande,
High Sierra, and Sierra Classic trim lines
1975 GMC Sprint (18863984840).jpg Sprint 1971 1977 Coupe utility – GMC version of the 1971 to 1977 Chevrolet El Camino
1987 GMC Caballero Amarillo, front left.jpg Caballero 1978 1987 Coupe utility – GMC version of the 1978 to 1987 Chevrolet El Camino
GMC S-15 (1333647998).jpg S-15 1982 1990 Became the Sonoma in 1991
94-97 GMC Sonoma.jpg Sonoma 1991 2004 Formerly the S-15 1982–1990
GMCSyclone.jpg Syclone 1991 1991 High performance version of the Sonoma
'16 GMC Sierra Denali.jpg Sierra 1988 current GMC version of GMT400 Chevrolet C/K (1988–99) Chevrolet Silverado
(1999-present) light- and heavy-duty pickup
'16 GMC Canyon (Carrefour Angrignon).jpg Canyon 2004 current GMC version of Chevrolet Colorado midsize pickup
GMC Hummer EV.jpg Hummer EV SUT 2022 MY current General Motors' first all-electric off-road pickup

Medium-duty trucks

Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
1947 GMC FF250 series cabover truck side view.jpg Varies, first letter denotes production year:
A=1939-1940, C=1941-1945, E=1946,
F=1947-1950, Z=1954, Y=1955, X=1956,
T=1957, S=1958-1959, N=1960;
Second letter denotes cab style:
C=cab behind engine, F=cab over engine
1939 1959 Line sold to Navistar,
now marketed under the WorkHorse brand.
Atlas Negative Collection Image (21603057496).jpg L-Series 1960 c.1984 Steel Tilt Cab
GMC TopKick pickup truck.jpg TopKick 1980 2002
GMC Medium-Duty (conventional).jpg C-Series 1960 2002
1993 GMC W4000 Forward in beige.jpg Forward 1985 1997 rebadged Isuzu Elf
GMC W4500 dblcab.jpg W-Series 1998 2010 Rebadged Isuzu Elf
GMC T5500 box truck.jpg T-Series 1994 2010 Rebadged Isuzu Forward
GMC C5500 TopKick Towing (Sterling Ford).jpg TopKick 2003 2009 Model used for Ironhide in the Transformers film series

Heavy-duty trucks

Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
1959 GMC Cabover Semi Truck (17130960637).jpg DLR/F/“Crackerbox” 1959 1968 Aluminium Tilt Cab
No Longer Loved - Flickr - Hugo-90.jpg B-Model 1960 1966
GMC 7500 1972 (15895778735).jpg 7500 1963 1978
GMC Semi-Truck (1563806041).jpg 9500 1966 1978
1985 GMC Astro 95 tractor in Chile.jpg Astro 95 1968 1988
GMC General dump truck.jpg General 1977 1988
1986 GMC Brigadier 8000-series 4x2 Class 7 dump truck.jpg Brigadier 1978 1988


Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
B&A 2103 Pitman, NJ March 1983.jpg P-series[5] 1940s[6] 1980 "Parlor" (highway) coaches
New York City Omnibus GMC Old Look TDH-5101 2969.jpg "Old Look" 1940[6] 1969 transit
Suburban-type GM New Look bus - Pittsburgh, 1984.jpg "New Look" 1959 1986 transit
NYC Transit GMC RTS 4396 Phoenix.jpg RTS 1977 1987 transit
London Transit GM.jpg Classic 1982 1987 transit
Baumann Bus Company 020022.jpg B-series 1966 2003 school bus
S-series 1986 1989 school bus (forward control)


Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
GMC Handi-van (6047477569).jpg Handi-Van 1964 1970
1967 GMC Handivan - Flickr - dave 7.jpg Handi-Bus 1964 1970
GMC Rally 90's.JPG Rally 1970 1996 GMC version of the Chevrolet Sportvan
'91-'96 GMC Vandura.jpg Vandura 1970 1996 GMC version of the Chevrolet Chevy Van
GMC Safari AWD .JPG Safari 1985 2005 GMC version of the Chevrolet Astro
GMC Savana.jpg Savana 1996 current GMC version of the Chevrolet Express

Sport utility vehicles

Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
GMC Suburban GMT400.jpg Suburban 1937 2006 Rebranded as Yukon XL for 2000, it was sold in the Middle East using the Suburban nameplate through the 2006 model year.
'70 GMC Jimmy (Cruisin' At The Boardwalk '11).jpg Jimmy 1969 1991 GMC version of the Chevrolet Blazer
GMC-S15-Jimmy.jpg S-15 Jimmy 1983 2005 GMC version of the Chevrolet Blazer
'89-'91 GMC Tracker.jpg Tracker 1989 1991 Canada only, GMC version of the Geo Tracker
92typhoon.jpg Typhoon 1992 1993 High performance version of the S-15 Jimmy
GMC Yukon P4250783.jpg Yukon 1992 current GMC version of the Chevrolet K5 Blazer (1992-1994)
and Chevrolet Tahoe (1995–present)
GMC Envoy Denali.JPG Envoy 1998 2009 GMC version of the Chevrolet TrailBlazer
GMC Yukon Hybrid -- 04-20-2010.jpg Yukon Hybrid 2008 2013 GMC version of Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid and Cadillac Escalade Hybrid
GMC Yukon XL P4250780.jpg Yukon XL 2000 current Formerly the Suburban
2017 GMC Acadia.jpg Acadia 2007 current GMC version of the Chevrolet Traverse; became a mid-size crossover SUV
commencing with the 2017 model year
2018 GMC Terrain Denali, front right.jpg Terrain 2010 current GMC version of the Chevrolet Equinox
2024 GMC Hummer EV3X SUV, front left, 10-29-2023.jpg Hummer EV SUV 2024 current Sport Utility variant of the electric Hummer EV off-road sub-brand


Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
1973 GMC Motorhome.jpg GMC motorhome 1973 1978 The only Class A recreational vehicle produced by a car manufacturer. There were 12,921 produced.

Military vehicles

Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
ACK/ACKWX 1940 1940 Originally contracted for the French army
GMC 2 Half-ton 6x6 Truck.jpg CCKW/CCW 1941 1945
G-508 Cargo 17 FT Body GMC AFKWX-353 C.O.E. pic1.JPG AFKWX 1941 1945 Cab over engine
DUKW.image2.army.jpg DUKW 1942 1945 Amphibious


Image Model Introduced Discontinued Notes
GMC Chevette.JPG Chevette 1992 1995 Rebadged Chevrolet Chevette intended for the
Argentinian market

See also


  1. ^ Meyer, Donald E. (March 2009). "The First Century of GMC Truck History" (PDF). General Motors Heritage Center.
  2. ^ أ ب Stromberg, Austin W., ed. (January 1928). "New GMC Six Has Pontiac Engine". Power Wagon. XL (277): 64.
  3. ^ Hemer, Chris (November 28, 2019). "First Look: 2020 GMC Sierra HD". Trailer Life (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية).
  4. ^ "A Brief Outline of the First Century of GMC Truck History". GM Heritage Center. Archived from the original on 9 July 2015. Retrieved 5 February 2015.
  5. ^ "GM PD Series Parlor Coaches". utahrails.net.
  6. ^ أ ب produced by Yellow Coach 1940–43

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