
نوڤارتـِس العالمية
Novartis International AG
النوعشركة عامة (SIXNOVN, NYSENVS)
ISINCH0012005267 Edit this on Wikidata
الصناعةصناعة الصيدلانيات
السابقVereinigte Ultramarinfabriken
سيبا-غايغي Edit this on Wikidata
تأسست1996 (من اندماج)
المقر الرئيسيبازل، سويسرة
الأشخاص الرئيسيون
Daniel Vasella (Chairman of the مجلس الادارة) Joseph Jimenez[1] (CEO)
المنتجاتصيدلانيات، generic drugs, over-the-counter drugs, لقاحات، diagnostics, عدسات لاصقة، صحة الحيوان (list...)
الدخلUS $44.27 بليون (2009)[2]
ربح العمليات US $9.98 بليون (2009)[2]
US $8.40 بليون (2009)[2]
الموظفون99,830 (FTE, 2009)[2]
الشركات التابعةCiba Vision، ساندوز
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.novartis.com

نوڤارتـِس العالمية Novartis International AG هي شركة أدوية متعددة الجنسيات مقرها في بازل، سويسرا، تـُصنف رقم واحد من حيث الدخل، بدخل يفوق 53 بليون دولار في 2008، ورقم ثلاثة من حيث المبيعات، بمبيعات قدرها 36.173 بليون في 2008.[3]

نوڤارتـِس هي واحدة من أكبر شركات الرعاية الصحية في العالم وهي عملاق رائد بين شركات الأدوية. نوفارتيس تقوم بتصنيع أدوية مثل كلوزابين (كلوزاريل), ديكلوفيناك (ڤولتارين), كاربامازيبين (تيجريتول), ڤالزارتان (دايوڤان), إيماتينيب ميزيلات (جليفيك / ), سيكلوسبورين (نيورال / سانديمون), ليتريزول (فيمارا), ميثيل فينيدات (ريتالين), تيربيفينامين (لاميزيل), و غيرها أخرى. نوڤارتـِس تمتلك ساندوز, a large manufacturer of generic drugs. The company formerly owned the Gerber Products Company, a major infant and baby products producer, but sold it to Nestlé on 1 September 2007.[4][5][6][7]


المقر الرئيسي لنوڤارتس في بازل


بدأ يوهان رودولف گايگي-گموسويس (1733–1793) عام 1758 في تجارة "المواد والكيماويات والأصباغ والأدوية من كل صنف"[8] في بازل, سويسرة. يوهان رودولف گايگي-مريان (1830–1917) and يوهان مولر-پاك acquired a site in Basel in 1857, where they built a dyewood mill and a dye extraction plant. Two years later, they began the production of synthetic fuchsine. In 1901, they formed the public limited company Geigy and the name of the company was changed to J. R. Geigy Ltd in 1914.


The Chemiefirma Kern & Sandoz ("Kern & Sandoz Chemistry Firm") was founded in 1886 by Dr. Alfred Kern (1850–1893) and Edouard Sandoz (1853–1928). The first dyes manufactured there were alizarine blue and auramine. After Kern's death, the partnership became the corporation Chemische Fabrik vormals Sandoz in 1895. The company began producing the fever-reducing drug antipyrin in the same year. Further pharmaceutical research began in 1917 under Professor Arthur Stoll (1887–1971). In 1899, the company began producing the sugar substitute saccharin.

Between the World Wars, Gynergen (1921) and Calcium-Sandoz (1929) were brought to market. Sandoz also produced chemicals for textiles, paper, and leather, beginning in 1929. In 1939, they began producing agricultural chemicals.

In 2005, Sandoz expanded significantly though the acquisition of Hexal, one of Germany's leading generic drug companies, and Eon Labs, a fast-growing US generic pharmaceutical company.

"Sandoz" continues as a Novartis generic drug brand (see below for details).

بعد الاندماج

Suffern, New York: the sole Novartis pharmaceutical production facility in the United States.

After the merger, Novartis reorganized its activities, and spun out its chemicals activities as Ciba Specialty Chemicals (now a part of BASF).

In 1998 the company made headlines with its biotechnology licensing agreement with the UC Berkeley Department of Plant and Microbial Biology. Critics of the agreement expressed concern over prospects that the agreement would diminish academic objectivity, or lead to the commercialization of genetically modified plants. The agreement expired in 2003.

Novartis combined its agricultural division with that of AstraZeneca to create Syngenta in November 2000.

In 2003, Novartis created a new company named Sandoz, a subsidiary that bundles its generic drug production, reusing the predecessor brand.[9]

التاريخ البيئي



صحة المستهلك (OTC)


  1. ^ "Novartis's Jimenez Beats Out Reinhardt to Replace CEO Vasella". Businessweek. Retrieved 2010-02-15.
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث "Annual Report 2009" (PDF). Novartis. Retrieved 2010-01-26.
  3. ^ "Top 15 global corporations" (PDF). IMS. Retrieved 2009-06-12.
  4. ^ "Gerber: Infant and Baby". Novartis. Retrieved 2007-02-17.[dead link]
  5. ^ Novartis completes divestment program with transfer of Gerber baby foods business
  6. ^ [www.nestle.com/MediaCenter/PressReleases/AllPressReleases/AcquisitionGerber-12APR07.htm Nestlé Consolidates Nutrition Leadership Position Through Acquisition of Gerber]
  7. ^ [www.nestle.com/MediaCenter/PressReleases/AllPressReleases/Nestlé_completes_its_acquisition_of_Gerber.htm Nestlé completes its acquisition of Gerber]
  8. ^ http://www.ciba.com/index/cmp-index/cmp-about/cmp-abo-history.htm%7C Ciba history website
  9. ^ [www.us.sandoz.com/site/en/company/profile/history/content.shtml "Sandoz U.S. History"]. Sandoz. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  10. ^ http://www.novartis.com/investors/product-sales.shtml Novartis official 2007 product sales

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