مجموعة إس كيه

مجموعة إس كيه
الاسم المحلي
에스케이 주식회사
رمز التداولKRX: 034730
الصناعةمجموعة مؤسسات
تأسست8 أبريل 1953; منذ 71 سنة (1953-04-08
المقر الرئيسيسيول، كوريا الجنوبية
نطاق الخدمةعالمية
الأشخاص الرئيسيون
تشي تاي-وون، رئيس مجلس الإدارة & الرئيس التنفيذي
تشو داي-سيك، رئيس مجلس SUPEX (الرئيس الفعلي)[1]
المنتجاتطاقة & المواد الكيميائية، اتصالات،
التجارة & الخدمات، أشباه الموصلات
الدخل US$213٫6 billion (2018)
US$23٫8 billion (2018)
إجمالي الأصول US$257٫9 billion (2018)
المـُلاكEstate of Chey Tae-won (29.5%)
SK (25.7%)
National Pension Service (8.46%)
الموظفونKorea: 107,983 (2019)[2]
Worldwide: N/A
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.sk.com/en/

مجموعة إس كيه SK Group (Korean: SK그룹, 에스케이그룹) وهي تكتل مؤسسات تجارية كورية جنوبية، وثالث أكبر تشايبول في كوريا الجنوبية. تتكون مجموعة إس كيه من 95 شركة فرعية تشترك في اسم العلامة التجارية SK وثقافة إدارة المجموعة، المسماة SKMS (نظام إدارة SK). وغيرت اسمها من "مجموعة سونكيونگ" (Korean: 선경그룹, Hanja : 鮮京그룹) إلى مجموعة إس كيه في عام 1997. حجر الأساس في مجموعة إس كيه هو قسم الطاقة والمواد الكيميائية.[3]

لدى مجموعة إس كيه أكثر من 70000 موظف يعملون من 113 مكتباً حول العالم. بينما تشارك أكبر أعمالها بشكل أساسي في صناعات المواد الكيميائية و البترول و الطاقة، تمتلك مجموعة إس كيه أيضاً أكبر مزود لخدمات الهاتف المحمول اللاسلكي في كوريا الجنوبية، كوريا الجنوبية للاتصالات، و تقدم خدمات في الإنشاء، الشحن البحري، التسويق، الهاتف المحلي، إنترنت عالي السرعة، والنطاق العريض اللاسلكي (واي بو). في 20 مارس 2010، وسعت SK نطاق أعمالها إلى أشباه الموصلات من خلال دمج هاينكس في إس كيه هاينكس، ثاني أكبر مصنع لأشباه موصلات الذاكرة في العالم.[بحاجة لمصدر]


التكوين وبداية الإنتاج

أعمال جديدة

في نهاية عام 2005، طورت مجموعة إس كيه فاصل بطارية ليثيوم أيون (LiBS) لأول مرة في كوريا، وبدأت في بيع المنتج في عام 2006. في يوليو 2007، تبنت مجموعة إس كيه هيكل الشركة القابضة.[4][5] تحت إعادة التنظيم، تم تقسيم الكيان الرئيسي لشركة إس كيه، إلى شركة استثمارية، إس كيه القابضة حالياً وشركة تشغيل، إس كيه للطاقة حالياً. تشمل الشركات الفرعية التي تعمل الآن تحت مظلة إس كيه القابضة المركزية: إس كيه للطاقة، إس كيه للاتصالات، إس كيه للشبكات، SKC، SK E&S ، إس كيه للشحن البحري وكيه پاور.

السنوات الأخيرة

في فبراير 2017، استحوذت إس كيه على أعمال حمض الپولي إيثيلين أكريليك لشركة شركة داو للكيماويات مقابل 370 مليون دولار،[6]وخططت لزيادة الطاقة الإنتاجية للبطاريات من 1.9 إلى 3.9 GWh سنوياً في نهاية عام 2018، لتزويد كيا ومرسيدس.[7]

في 31 مارس 2017، صرحت شركة إس كيه للابتكار أن مصنع بطاريات المركبات الكهربائية الذي كان يملكه في الصين قد أُغلق منذ يناير من ذلك العام، بعد أن "أوقف شركاء مشروع مشترك صيني الإنتاج دون سبب واضح."[8]

في 21 مارس 2018، أعلنت شركة إس كيه للابتكار عن استحواذها على شركة النفط والغاز الصخري الأمريكية لونگفيلو نيماها.[9] في فبراير 2021، حظرت لجنة التجارة الدولية الأمريكية (ITC) استيراد بعض بطاريات الليثيوم أيون من طراز SK إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، بينما سمحت بتسليم بعض مكونات التجميع الأمريكي إلى فورد وفولكس‌ڤاگن.[10]

في سبتمبر 2021، أعلنت فورد و إس كيه للابتكار عن مشروع مشترك لتصنيع البطاريات في منطقة كنتاكي/تينيسي لمركبات فورد. [11]

الأعمال الأساسية

الأعمال الأساسية لشركة إس كيه هي أشباه الموصلات والطاقة والاتصالات. تم إدراج ثلاث عشرة شركة من شركات إس كيه في بورصة كوريا: إس كيه القابضة، إس كيه للابتكار، كوريا الجنوبية للاتصالات، SKC، SKC Solmics، إس كيه للكيماويات، SK C&C، إس كيه للشبكات، إس كيه للغاز، إس كيه للاتصالات، إس كيه برودباند، إس كيه هاينكس وإس كيه للأوراق المالية. ADRs الخاصة بـ كوريا الجنوبية للاتصالات مدرجة أيضاً في بورصة نيويورك.


SK Building in Beijing CBD

Some of the member companies that now operate under the SK brand include SK E&C, SK Energy, SK Telecom, SK Broadband, SK Networks, SK Planet, SKC, SK E&S, SK Chemicals, SK Telesys, SK Shipping, SK Telink, SK Hynix, SK Corporation C&C, Walkerhill, Jeju United FC and SK Wyverns.

SKC (Korean: SKC or 에스케이씨, KRX: 011790), headquartered in Seocho-dong Seocho-gu Seoul, is the leading Korean company in chemical and film industry. SKC was founded and established in 1976 as previous name of Sunkyong Chemicals Ltd (Korean: 선경화학 (주)). SKC developed polyester films firstly in Korea, by its own efforts. Nowadays, SKC is one of the best polyester film makers in the world, supplying 10% of worldwide demands with its wide applications including labels, LCDs, and solar cells. With its main plant and R&D center located in Suwon, South Korea, it also operates large capacity of film plant (SKC Inc.) in Georgia, United States. SKC is now developing into one of the leading companies dealing with a variety of eco-friendly, advanced materials for the future energy and chemical industries such as biodegradable films, battery components, LEDs and photovoltaic materials.

SK Innovation and SK Energy (Korean: SK 이노베이션 or 에스케이 이노베이션 and SK 에너지 or 에스케이 에너지 KRX: 096770) is a South Korean enterprise formed as part of the July 1, 2007, reorganization of SK Corporation into a holding company and operating company, SK Holdings and SK Energy, respectively. In 2011, the petroleum business was spun off to become SK Energy. Simultaneously the chemical business was spun off to become SK Innovation. SK Energy was founded in 1962 as Korea's first oil refinery. In 1982, changed company name to Yukong. SK Energy is an energy and petrochemical company with 5,000 employees, KRW 23.65 trillion in sales and 26 offices spanning the globe. The company is Korea's largest (and Asia's fourth largest) refiner with a refining capacity of 1.15 million barrels per day, as of 2006. SK Energy is engaged in exploration and development activities in 26 oil / gas blocks in 14 nations worldwide.[12][13]

SK Telecom (Korean: SK 텔레콤 or 에스케이 텔레콤, KRX: 017670) is a South Korean company specializing in offering mobile phone services, wired and wireless combined services. It is part of the SK Group and has evolved from a first-generation analog cellular system operator to become the company that launched the world's first commercial CDMA service. SK Telecom moved on to operate Korea's first 2.5-G CDMA 2000 1X system, followed by the world's first commercial 3-G synchronized cellular system. SK Telecom also launched the world's first 3.5-G HSDPA and HSUPA services.[بحاجة لمصدر]

SK Hynix (Korean: SK 하이닉스 or 에스케이 하이닉스, KRX: 000660) is the world's 3rd-largest semiconductor manufacturer and the 2nd-largest in South Korea after Samsung Electronics which is the leader in the global semiconductor industry. SK Hynix was founded in 1983 as "Hyundai Electronics", which is the origin of its name "Hynix", and merged to SK Group in 2012 when SK Telecom became the major shareholder. The major products are DRAM, flash memory, and many other semiconductor materials. While its headquarter is located at Icheon, Gyeonggido, it also runs a large production line at Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do.

SK E&C (Korean: SK 건설 or 에스케이 건설) is a Korean construction company founded and established in 1977 with a previous name of Sunkyong Construction (Korean: 선경 건설), headquartered in Gwanhun-dong Jongno-gu, Seoul. Its brands include SK View, SK Hub, and Apelbaum. The company's CEO is Ki Haeng Cho. Industries: Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power, Environmental Protection, Industrial, Civil, Building, Housing. Services:Feasibility Study, EPC Service, Project Management, Operations & Maintenance.

SK Corporation Holdings (Korean: SK 주식회사 홀딩스 or 에스케이 주식회사 홀딩스, KRX: 003600) is the holding company which resulted when SK Corporation was reorganized on July 1, 2007, into a holding company and operating company, SK Holdings and SK Energy, respectively. SK Holdings is a part of the SK Group that focuses on 3 core business interests, Energy & Chemicals, Telecommunications, and Trading & Services. The SK Group is composed of 88 affiliate companies that share the SK brand and culture. In 2006, SK Group recorded combined revenues of $75.8 billion, with exports contributing $26.4 billion of that total. SK continues to expand its global presence, with more than 25,000 employees who work from 113 offices worldwide.

SK Telink (Korean: SK 텔링크 or 에스케이 텔링크), a subsidiary of SK Telecom, was established in April 1998 as an international telephony service provider and has grown into a major player in the international calling market. Under the brand name 00700, the company provides international call services. Building on the commercial long-distance telephony and value-added services launched in 2005, the company began offering Korean SMS in June 2006 in the U.S. The service allows subscribers to send and receive Korean text messages in the U.S., as well as to and from Korea. From 2008 on, SK Telink also started e-Learning service (giving Lectures to customers through the internet) and Foreign Language Test service BULATS. BULATS is being used as the main English speaking test for most of the SK Group subsidiaries.

SK Planet (Korean: SK 플래닛 or 에스케이 플래닛) is a marketing and management company in the SK Group. The company mainly derived from the marketing teams of SK Energy and SK Telecom. It was established on April 4, 2008. The company accounts for several services which were previously provided by SK Energy and SK Telecom, such as the OK Cashbag from SK Energy and the Gifticon service from SK Telecom. They also hold a subsidiary "Ofelis", which is a wedding consulting company.

SK Corporation C&C (Korean: SK 주식회사 C&C or 에스케이 주식회사 씨앤씨) was established in 1991 and is currently one of the "Big Three" IT services companies in Korea. SK C&C has business interests across IT services, including telecommunications, banking & finance, government, public, logistics, and other fields. And the company is expanding its presence overseas. Industries in its product portfolio include GIS, ITS, ERP, national security & defense, postal, e-government, e-learning, postal, and other areas. They also specialize in mobile commerce products and SK C&C USA launched Google Wallet services recently.

Jeju United FC (Korean: 제주 유나이티드 FC) is one of the oldest professional football clubs in the K League.

SK Wyverns (Korean: SK 와이번스) is one of the top-ranking baseball teams in the KBO League.

SK Biopharmaceuticals is a drug discovery and drug development company. It discovered solriamfetol.[14]

Management system

SK's subsidiary companies all operate under the SK Management System (SKMS) which was developed, articulated and enhanced by SK's Chairman, Chey Tae-won.

On April 7, 2008, SK Group launched a marketing and management company named "SK Marketing & Company" to pursue Chairman Chey's vision.

See also


  1. ^ "SK conducts sweeping personnel reshuffle". 21 December 2016. Archived from the original on 22 December 2016. Retrieved 9 July 2017.
  2. ^ "SK, '3년간 2만8000명 채용' 계획 쉽지 않네...코로나19로 고용확대 난망". consumernews.co.kr. Archived from the original on May 17, 2020. Retrieved Aug 19, 2020.
  3. ^ "SK Group | Encyclopedia.com". www.encyclopedia.com. Archived from the original on 2020-03-26. Retrieved 2020-03-25.
  4. ^ "SK Corp to split as adopts holding co. structure". Reuters. April 11, 2007. Archived from the original on 2009-01-12. Retrieved 2008-01-23.
  5. ^ "SK Launches Holding Company System". 2007-07-02. Archived from the original on 2007-09-30. Retrieved 2008-01-23.
  6. ^ Reuters Archived 2017-04-09 at the Wayback Machine Reuters Deals
  7. ^ "SK Innovation is doubling its battery production for electric vehicles to 4GWh/year to support demand from Mercedes and others". Electrek. 6 March 2017. Archived from the original on 7 March 2017. Retrieved 6 March 2017.
  8. ^ Jung-a, Song (April 2, 2017). "LG Chem holds faith in China despite battery of obstacles". Financial Times. Archived from the original on August 3, 2020. Retrieved April 3, 2017.
  9. ^ "SK Innovation's U.S. unit to buy U.S. gas exploration firm Longfellow Nemaha". Yonhap News Agency (in الإنجليزية). Archived from the original on 2018-03-22. Retrieved 2018-03-21.
  10. ^ Yang, David Shepardson, Heekyong (10 February 2021). "SK Innovation loses U.S. battery trade case but gets temporary OK to sell to Ford, VW". Reuters (in الإنجليزية). Archived from the original on 10 February 2021. permit SK to import components for domestic production of lithium ion batteries and other parts for Ford Motor Co's EV F-150 program for four years, and for Volkswagen of America's MEB electric vehicle line for the North America region for two years.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  11. ^ https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/news/2021/09/27/ford-to-lead-americas-shift-to-electric-vehicles.html
  12. ^ "China Aviation faces 3rd creditor lawsuit". International Herald Tribune. February 24, 2005. Archived from the original on March 16, 2008. Retrieved September 3, 2007.
  13. ^ "New probe hits SK chief". BBC News. September 22, 2003. Archived from the original on June 8, 2004. Retrieved September 3, 2007.
  14. ^ Ji-young, Sohn (5 March 2018). "SK Biopharmaceuticals' narcolepsy drug on track to hitting US market". The Korea Herald (in الإنجليزية). Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 16 April 2018.

External links