قائمة مواقع ويكي

هذه الصفحة تتضمن قائمة بمواقع الوب التي تستخدم الويكي كنموذج.

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الاسم التركيز ملاحظات المقالات[1] الرخصة
ويكيبيديا موسوعية Umbrella, متعددة اللغات MediaWiki project &&&&&&&014000000.&&&&&014٬000٬000 CC-BY-SA
المعرفة موسوعية مظلة جامعة لمشروعات متعددة، مشروع ميدياويكي &&&&&&&&&&076000.&&&&&076٬000 GFD
Hudong (互动百科) موسوعية أكبر ويكي باللغة الصينية، بملامح شبكة اجتماعية &&&&&&&&03920000.&&&&&03٬920٬000[2] محفوظة الحقوق غير حرة
ويكيبيديا الانكليزية موسوعية Public access, most prominent الإنگليزية wiki 156٬685[3] CC-BY-SA
سيتيزنديوم موسوعية Requires real names; guided by expert input while allowing edits from the general public &&&&&&&&&&013698.&&&&&013٬698[4] CC-by-sa 3.0
سكولارپيديا موسوعية Written exclusively by professionals focusing on their field of expertise; subject to peer review &&&&&&&&&&&01619.&&&&&01٬619[5] Copyrighted
نول موسوعية تقنية شبيه بالويكي من جوجل &&&&&&&&&0100000.&&&&&0100٬000[6] CC-by 3.0
ويكي كتب General—textbooks A ويكيميديا project &&&&&&&&&0115200.&&&&&0115٬200[7] GFDL + other
NotePub General purpose An online notepad that allows for both public and private content.
Wikiversity General—Self-directed learning Supports free learning communities, projects, materials, and learners; a wikimedia project GFDL + other
ويكي كيف تعلميات وإرشادات عامة دليل لكيفة عمل الأشياء &&&&&&&&&&066000.&&&&&066٬000[8] CC-by-nc-sa 2.5
WikiAnswers General knowledge Compiles answers to questions posed &&&&&&&&03625500.&&&&&03٬625٬500[9] محفوظة الحقوق
Everything2 Personal essays A wiki-like project for essays &&&&&&&&&0273900.&&&&&0273٬900[10] محفوظة الحقوق
MeatballWiki Communities—Online communities &&&&&&&&&&&04900.&&&&&04٬900[11] محفوظة الحقوق
Wikitruth نقد اجتماعي للوكيبيديا &&&&&&&&&&&&0200.&&&&&0200 GFDL
TV Tropes موسوعية Focuses on documenting tropes in various media
ويكي اقتباس Reference—Quotations A quote repository, a ويكيميديا project &&&&&&&&&&090200.&&&&&090٬200[12] GFDL
ويكي مصدر Reference—Primary sources Dedicated to use on Wikipedia; a ويكيميديا project &&&&&&&&&0586400.&&&&&0586٬400[13] GFDL
Wikimedia Commons Misc—Electronic media A repository of free electronic media; a wikimedia project CC-SA and other
Biographicon Misc—Biographies of people A directory of personal profiles GFDL
MyWikiBiz Misc—Business directory Allows people and enterprises to write about themselves
Memory Alpha Fiction—Star Trek Contains canon-only material &&&&&&&&&&031000.&&&&&031٬000[14] CC-NC 2.5
WoWWiki Gaming—Warcraft Contains in-universe material &&&&&&&&&&080000.&&&&&080٬000[15] CC-BY-SA 3.0
Wookieepedia Fiction—Star Wars Science fiction encyclopedia &&&&&&&&&&074000.&&&&&074٬000[16] GFDL
MuseWiki Music—Muse Muse related information, biographies of the band and its members, full discography, lyrics, tour schedules and reports, news, tabulatures. &&&&&&&&&&&09300.&&&&&09٬300
A Million Penguins Fiction—collaboratively-written novel &&&&&&&&&&&&0491.&&&&&0491[17] Copyrighted
Galaxiki Fictional galaxy Dedicated to the creation of a fictional galaxy
Lostpedia Fiction—Lost &&&&&&&&&&&06197.&&&&&06٬197 [18]
WikiWikiWeb Computer programming, specifically design patterns World's oldest wiki (began circa 1995) &&&&&&&&&&033886.&&&&&033٬886[19] GPL
Javapedia Computers—Java An online encyclopedia for developing Java
SWiK Computers—Open source software
GeoNames Places A geographical database that links specific names with unique features
ويكي مدينة Places An umbrella term for a variety of wikis dedicated to cities or other geographic regions
The Student Room Place—UK University and student life Offers UK university guides, revision notes, examples of university personal statements and information on student life and university courses
DavisWiki Place—Davis, California A city wiki dedicated solely to Davis; at one point the largest city wiki &&&&&&&&&&015593.&&&&&015٬593[19] CC-by 3.0
WikiPilipinas Place—The Philippines A combined non-academic encyclopedia, web portal, directory and almanac for Philippine-based knowledge
Travellerspoint Places—Travel A social networking site dedicated to sharing stories and recommendations about travel &&&&&&&&&&&02400.&&&&&02٬400[20] CC-SA 3.0
OpenStreetMap Places—Maps Uses GPS, aerial photography and other free sources of images to create a map of the world CC-SA 2.0
WikiMapia Places—On-line map Combines Google Maps with a wiki system; currently supports 35 languages
Wikitravel Places—Travel A travel guide using wikimedia's software, but otherwise unconnected to the Wikimedia Foundation. 20 supported languages &&&&&&&&&&048000.&&&&&048٬000[21] CC-SA 1.0
Baidu Baike Encyclopedic/Chinese A Chinese encyclopedia &&&&&&&&02038373.&&&&&02٬038٬373[19] Copyrighted
Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Encyclopedic/Spanish A Spanish language fork of Wikipedia GFDL
Vikidia Encyclopedic/Spanish and French A Spanish and French language encyclopedia for children ages 8–13 GFDL
Susning.nu Encyclopedic/Swedish A Swedish language encyclopedia, which competes with Swedish Wikipedia محفوظة الحقوق
ويكي اخبار General—News Collaborative news service, a ويكيميديا project GFDL and other
GCPEDIA حكومية Internal Government of Canada Wiki
WikiCandidate Fictional presidential campaign A virtual campaign for a fictional U.S. presidential candidate. A project of Cornell University.
Congresspedia Government—United States Congress A separately branded sub-section of SourceWatch GFDL
Diplopedia Government—Diplomacy Encyclopedia of the U.S. Department of State collecting items related to international relations and diplomacy
جوريسبيريديا حكوميقانون متعددة اللغات academic encyclopedia, including Arabic, Chinese, الإنگليزية, French, German and Spanish CC-NC
SourceWatch Social—Propaganda Formerly Disinfopedia, discusses propaganda and includes organizations that seek to influence public opinion GFDL
ويكيليكس اجتماعي—Whistleblowers Allows people to leak documents anonymously -
Intellipedia Government—Intelligence Three non-accessible wikis running on networks that link the U.S. intelligence community
WikiTimeScale General—Human history An interactive timeline of history GFDL
OpenWetWare Science—Biology Promotes sharing and dissemination of knowledge related to biological research CC-SA
ويكي أنواع Science—Biology A directory of species; ويكيميديا project GFDL...
BOWiki Science—Gene function An ontology curation framework and gene function editor GFDL
SNPedia Science—Biology A database of research and information about single-nucleotide polymorphisms, including medical consequences for people who have DNA info about themselves &&&&&&&&&&&03500.&&&&&03٬500[22] CC-by-nc-sa 3.0
Sensei's Library Misc—Go (game) &&&&&&&&&&018200.&&&&&018٬200 OPL
PlanetMath Misc—Mathematics Free wiki-style mathematical encyclopedia GFDL
ATWiki Misc—Assistive technology Also addresses disabilities related to assistive technology
ShopWiki Misc—Products A shopping wiki and product comparison search engine featuring buying guides and shopping resources
RitchieWiki Reference—Construction Equipment An equipment wiki geared for the construction industry. Includes equipment specifications. Also available in French and Spanish.
Foodista.com Reference—Food and Cooking A Creative Commons structured wiki about foods, recipes, and other culinary information. CC-BY
Appropedia English, French, German, Spanish تنمية مستدامة including Appropriate technology merging with several other wikis &&&&&&&&&&&02900.&&&&&02٬900[23] CC-BY-SA 3.0
Ekopedia Multilingual—Encyclopedic Environmental sustainability merging with Appropedia. CC-SA 3.0
Heroes Wiki Fiction—Heroes CC-NC-ND
Medpedia Encyclopedic Medical/health Requires real names; guided by medical expert input while allowing edits from the general public GFDL
Catawiki Catalogues Dutch language only. Collectors specific for comics, coins, stamps, trading cards, board games, model cars, model trains, bank notes, books, watches, Disney memoriablia, clocks en other. &&&&&&&&&0200000.&&&&&0200٬000
Collegewikis Information exchange among college students
Armeniapedia Encyclopedic Wiki encyclopedia about anything related to Armenia or Armenians &&&&&&&&&&&05624.&&&&&05٬624[24] CC-BY-SA
Uninotes.org نوطات دروس جامعية
AboutUs.org دليل إنترنت Initially pre-poلpulated with information about many different websites. Uses MediaWiki software, but now largely with Ruby on Rails &&&&&&&017611146.&&&&&017٬611٬146 GFDL and CC-BY-SA
SKYbrary معلومات سلامة الطيران
OrthodoxWiki موسوعية Multilingual project for things pertinent to the Orthodox Church &&&&&&&&&&&03294.&&&&&03٬294 CC-BY-SA
ويكي عرب موسوعة موقع ثقافي عربي يهتم بأثراء المحتوى العربي 20,000

اقرأ ايضاً


  1. ^ At least this number of edits
  2. ^ http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS146305+22-Sep-2009+PRN20090922}}
  3. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Statistics
  4. ^ Citizendium - Category:CZ Live lists the number of clusters. Citizendium also contains subpages: see Citizendium - Special:Statistics for details.
  5. ^ http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Special:Statistics
  6. ^ http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/100000th-knol-published.html
  7. ^ http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikibooks
  8. ^ http://www.wikihow.com/Special:Statistics
  9. ^ http://wiki.answers.com/
  10. ^ http://www.surveytome.com/e2/Stats/General.aspx
  11. ^ http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?action=index
  12. ^ http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote#List_of_Wikiquotes
  13. ^ http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikisource/List
  14. ^ http://memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/Special:Statistics
  15. ^ http://www.wowwiki.com/Special:Statistics
  16. ^ http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Statistics
  17. ^ http://www.amillionpenguins.com/wiki/index.php/Special:Statistics
  18. ^ [1]
  19. ^ أ ب ت "List of largest wikis". Wikimedia Foundation. 2010-03-01. Retrieved 2010-03-21.
  20. ^ http://www.travellerspoint.com/wiki_stats.cfm
  21. ^ http://wikitravel.org/shared/Multilingual_statistics
  22. ^ http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/Special:Statistics
  23. ^ Appropedia:Special:Statistics
  24. ^ http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Special:Statistics

روابط خارجية