قائمة رؤوس دول هايتي

قالب:Politics of Haiti

يسرد هذا المقال رؤساء دول هايتي منذ بداية الثورة الهايتية عام 1791. وكان الاستقلال التام لهايتي المعلن عام 1804 .

رؤوس دول هايتي

سان دومينگو (1791–1804)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
N/A Général Toussaint Louverture.jpg Toussaint Louverture
1 January 1791 6 May 1802 11 years, 125 days Independent Leader of the Haitian Revolution (1 January 1791 – 6 May 1802)
Lieutenant Governor of Saint-Domingue (1797 – 7 July 1801)
Governor-General for Life of the entire island of Hispaniola (7 July 1801 – 6 May 1802)
Vacant (6 May 1802–1 January 1804)
N/A Jean-Jacques-Dessalines.jpg Jean-Jacques Dessalines
1 January 1804 22 September 1804 265 days Independent Governor-General of Haiti

إمبراطورية هايتي الأولى (1804-1806)

No. Portrait Name
Period of reign Coronation Title(s)
Reign start Reign end Duration
1 Jean-Jacques-Dessalines.jpg Jacques I
22 September 1804 17 October 1806 2 years, 25 days 8 October 1804 Emperor of Haiti

دولة هايتي (1806-1811)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
N/A Henri Christophe.jpg Henri Christophe
17 October 1806 28 March 1811 4 years, 162 days Independent Provisional Chief of the Haitian Government (17 October 1806 – 17 February 1807)
President (17 February 1807 – 28 March 1811)

مملكة هايتي (1811-1820)

No. Portrait Name
Period of reign Coronation Title(s)
Reign start Reign end Duration
N/A Henri Christophe.jpg Henri I
28 March 1811 8 October 1820 9 years, 194 days 2 June 1811 King of Haiti[ب]

جمهورية هايتي (1806-1822)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
1 Petion (President d'Haiti 1807-1818).jpg Alexandre Pétion
17 October 1806 29 March 1818 11 years, 163 days Independent President (17 October 1806 – 9 October 1816)
President for Life (9 October 1816 – 29 March 1818)
2 Président Jean-Pierre Boyer.jpg Jean-Pierre Boyer
30 March 1818 9 February 1822 3 years, 316 days Independent President for Life[ث]

جمهورية هايتي خلال توحيد هيسپانيولا (1822–1844)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
(2) Président Jean-Pierre Boyer.jpg Jean-Pierre Boyer
9 February 1822 13 February 1843 21 years, 4 days Independent President for Life
3 Charles Rivière-Hérard.jpg Charles Rivière-Hérard
4 April 1843 27 February 1844 329 days Independent President

جمهورية هايتي (1844-1849)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
(3) Charles Rivière-Hérard.jpg Charles Rivière-Hérard
27 February 1844 3 May 1844 66 days Independent President
4 Philippe Guerrier.jpg Philippe Guerrier
3 May 1844 15 April 1845 347 days Independent President
5 Jean-Louis Pierrot.jpg Jean-Louis Pierrot
16 April 1845 24 March 1846 342 days Independent President
6 Jean-Baptiste Riché.jpg Jean-Baptiste Riché
24 March 1846 28 February 1847 341 days Independent President
7 Faustin Soulouque.jpg Faustin Soulouque
2 March 1847 26 August 1849 2 years, 177 days Independent President

إمبراطورية هايتي الثانية (1849–1859)

No. Portrait Name
Period of reign Coronation Title(s)
Reign start Reign end Duration
2 Faustin I.jpg Faustin I
26 August 1849 22 January 1859 9 years, 149 days 18 April 1852 Emperor of Haiti

جمهورية هايتي (1859–1957)

No. Portrait Name
Elected Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
8 Fabre Geffrard (President d'Haiti 1859-1867).jpg Fabre Geffrard
22 January 1859 13 March 1867 8 years, 50 days Independent President
Nissage Saget.jpg Jean-Nicolas Nissage Saget
20 March 1867 2 May 1867 43 days Independent Provisional President
9 Sylvain Salnave .jpg Sylvain Salnave
4 May 1867 27 December 1869 2 years, 237 days Independent President
10 Nissage Saget.jpg Jean-Nicolas Nissage Saget
27 December 1869 14 May 1874 4 years, 138 days Liberal Party President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Council of Secretaries of State 14 May 1874 14 June 1874 31 days Independent Council of Secretaries of State
11 Michel Domingue.jpg Michel Domingue
14 June 1874 15 April 1876 1 years, 306 days Independent President
12 Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
23 April 1876 17 July 1879 3 years, 85 days Liberal Party Provisional President (23 April 1876 – 17 July 1876)
President (17 July 1876 – 17 July 1879)
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Joseph Lamothe
26 July 1879 2 October 1879 68 days Independent Provisional President
13 Salomon 200.jpg Lysius Salomon
2 October 1879 10 August 1888 8 years, 313 days National Party President
Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
10 August 1888 16 October 1888 67 days Liberal Party Provisional President
14 François Denys Légitime.jpg François Denys Légitime
16 October 1888 23 August 1889 311 days Liberal Party President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Monpoint Jeune
23 August 1889 17 October 1889 55 days Independent Provisional President
15 Florvil Hyppolite official photo.jpg Florvil Hyppolite
17 October 1889 24 March 1896 6 years, 159 days National Party President
16 Tirésias Simon Sam portrait.jpg Tirésias Simon Sam
31 March 1896 12 May 1902 6 years, 42 days National Party President
Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
26 May 1902 17 December 1902 205 days Liberal Party Provisional President
17 Pierre Nord Alexis, 1905.jpg Pierre Nord Alexis
21 December 1902 2 December 1908 5 years, 347 days Military President
18 Presidentsimon.jpg François C. Antoine Simon
6 December 1908 3 August 1911 2 years, 240 days Liberal Party President
19 Cincinnatus Leconte.jpg Cincinnatus Leconte
15 August 1911 8 August 1912 359 days National Party President[ج]
20 Tancrede Auguste.jpg Tancrède Auguste
8 August 1912 2 May 1913 267 days National Party President
21 Michel Oreste portrait.jpg Michel Oreste
12 May 1913 27 January 1914 260 days Independent President
22 Oreste Zamor portrait.jpg Oreste Zamor
8 February 1914 29 October 1914 263 days Military President
23 Joseph Davilmar Theodore portrait.jpg Joseph Davilmar Théodore
7 November 1914 22 February 1915 107 days Military President
24 Vilbrun Guillaume Sam portrait.jpg Vilbrun Guillaume Sam
25 February 1915 28 July 1915 153 days Military President[ح]
25 Dartiguenave.jpg Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave
12 August 1915 15 May 1922 6 years, 276 days Independent President[خ]
26 Louis Borno.jpg Louis Borno
15 May 1922 15 May 1930
Independent President[خ]
27 Louis Eugene Roy portrait.jpg Louis Eugène Roy
15 May 1930 18 November 1930 187 days Independent President[خ]
28 Stenio Vincent portrait.jpg Sténio Vincent
18 November 1930 15 May 1941 10 years, 178 days Independent President[د]
29 Elie Lescot portrait.jpg Élie Lescot
15 May 1941 11 January 1946 4 years, 241 days Liberal Party President
Franck Lavaud portrait.jpg Franck Lavaud
11 January 1946 16 August 1946 217 days Military Chairman of the Military Executive Committee
30 Dumarsais estime portrait.jpg Dumarsais Estimé
16 August 1946 10 May 1950 3 years, 267 days Independent President
Franck Lavaud portrait.jpg Franck Lavaud
10 May 1950 6 December 1950 210 days Military Chairman of the Government Junta
31 Paul Magloire portrait.jpg Paul Magloire
1950 6 December 1950 12 December 1956 6 years, 6 days Peasant Worker Movement President
Joseph Nemours Pierre-Louis portrait.jpg Joseph Nemours Pierre-Louis
12 December 1956 3 February 1957 53 days Independent Provisional President
Franck Sylvain portrait.jpg Franck Sylvain
7 February 1957 2 April 1957 54 days Independent Provisional President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Executive Government Council 2 April 1957 25 May 1957 53 days Independent Executive Government Council
Daniel fignole portrait.jpg Daniel Fignolé
25 May 1957 14 June 1957 20 days Peasant Worker Movement Provisional President
Antonio Thrasybule Kebreau portrait.jpg Antonio Thrasybule Kébreau
14 June 1957 22 October 1957 130 days Military Chairman of the Military Council

جمهورية هايتي خلال أسرة دوفالييه (1957-1986)

  • P  Presidential referendum
  • C  Constitutional referendum
  •   Died in office
No. Portrait Name
Elected Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
style="background:قالب:National Unity Party (Haiti)/meta/color; color:white" |32 Duvalier (cropped).jpg François Duvalier
22 October 1957 21 April 1971[†] 13 years, 181 days National Unity Party President (22 October 1957 – 22 June 1964)
President for Life (22 June 1964 – 21 April 1971)
style="background:قالب:National Unity Party (Haiti)/meta/color; color:white" |33 Baby Doc (centrée).jpg Jean-Claude Duvalier
21 April 1971 7 February 1986[ذ] 14 years, 292 days National Unity Party President for Life

جمهورية هايتي (1986 إلى الوقت الحاضر)

  • I  Indirect election
No. Portrait Name
Elected Term of office Party Title(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Henri Namphy
7 February 1986 7 February 1988
Military President of the National Council of Government
34 Leslie Manigat, 16 juin 1988.png Leslie Manigat
1988 7 February 1988 20 June 1988[ر] 134 days Rally of Progressive National Democrats President
35 Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Henri Namphy
20 June 1988 17 September 1988[ز] 89 days Military President
36 Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Prosper Avril
(born 1937)
17 September 1988 10 March 1990 1 years, 236 days Military President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Hérard Abraham
(born 1940)
10 March 1990 13 March 1990 3 days Military Acting President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Ertha Pascal-Trouillot
(born 1943)
13 March 1990 7 February 1991 331 days Independent Provisional President
style="background:قالب:Struggling People's Organization/meta/color; color:white" |37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
(born 1953)
1990–91 7 February 1991 29 September 1991[س] 234 days Lavalas Political Organization President
N/A Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Raoul Cédras
(born 1949)
29 September 1991 8 October 1991 9 days Military Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces[ش]
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Joseph Nérette
8 October 1991 19 June 1992 255 days Independent Provisional President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Marc Bazin
19 June 1992 15 June 1993 361 days Movement for the Instauration of Democracy in Haiti Acting President
style="background:قالب:Struggling People's Organization/meta/color; color:white" |37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
(born 1953)
15 June 1993 12 May 1994 331 days Lavalas Political Organization President[ص]
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Émile Jonassaint
12 May 1994 12 October 1994 153 days Independent Provisional President
style="background:قالب:Struggling People's Organization/meta/color; color:white" |37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
(born 1953)
12 October 1994 7 February 1996 1 years, 118 days Lavalas Political Organization President[ض]
style="background:قالب:Fanmi Lavalas/meta/color; color:white" |38 Rene Preval.jpg René Préval
1995 7 February 1996 7 February 2001
Fanmi Lavalas President
style="background:قالب:Fanmi Lavalas/meta/color; color:white" |39 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
(born 1953)
2000 7 February 2001 29 February 2004[ط] 3 years, 22 days Fanmi Lavalas President
Boniface Alexandre.jpg Boniface Alexandre
(born 1936)
29 February 2004 14 May 2006 2 years, 75 days Independent Provisional President
style="background:قالب:Lespwa/meta/color; color:white" |40 Rene Preval.jpg René Préval
2006 14 May 2006 14 May 2011 -2001 years Lespwa[ظ] President
style="background:قالب:Patriotic Unity/meta/color; color:white" |(40) Inite
style="background:قالب:Repons Peyizan/meta/color; color:black" |41 Michel Martelly on April 20, 2011.jpg Michel Martelly
(born 1961)
2010–11 14 May 2011 7 February 2016 4 years, 269 days Repons Peyizan President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Council of Ministers 7 February 2016 14 February 2016 7 days Independent Council of Ministers
style="background:قالب:Patriotic Unity/meta/color; color:white" |— Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Jocelerme Privert
(born 1953)
2016 (Feb)[I] 14 February 2016 7 February 2017 359 days Inite Provisional President[ع]
style="background:قالب:Haitian Tèt Kale Party/meta/color; color:white"|42 Jovenel Moise.jpg Jovenel Moïse
(born 1968)
2016 (Nov) 7 February 2017 Incumbent 8 years, 45 days Haitian Tèt Kale Party President

حكام أجانب وقادة عسكريون

Portrait Name
Term of office Title(s) Country
Took office Left office Time in office
United States occupation of Haiti
ADM William B. Caperton, 1914.jpg William Banks Caperton
28 July 1915 15 August 1915 18 days Commander cruiser squadron, Atlantic Fleet  الولايات المتحدة
Littleton Waller.jpg Littleton Waller
15 August 1915 21 November 1916 1 years, 98 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Eli Kelley Cole in 1917.jpg Eli K. Cole
22 November 1916 27 November 1917 1 years, 5 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
John H. Russell.jpg John H. Russell Jr.
28 November 1917 6 December 1918 1 years, 8 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Col. A.W. Catlin LOC 27484048562.jpg Albertus W. Catlin
7 December 1918 14 July 1919 −146 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Louis M. Little.jpg Louis M. Little
15 July 1919 1 October 1919 78 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
John H. Russell.jpg John H. Russell Jr.
2 October 1919 14 January 1922 2 years, 104 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
George Owen Van Orden.jpg George O. Van Orden
14 January 1922 28 March 1922 73 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Theodore P. Kane
29 March 1922 15 November 1923 1 years, 231 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png William N. McKelvy
16 November 1923 21 January 1924 66 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Ben Hebard Fuller.jpg Ben H. Fuller
21 January 1924 11 June 1925 1 years, 141 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png William N. McKelvy
12 June 1925 25 June 1925 13 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Harold Courtland Snyder
26 June 1925 29 July 1925 33 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Ben Hebard Fuller.jpg Ben H. Fuller
30 July 1925 7 December 1925 130 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Jtmyers-usmcphoto.jpg John T. Myers
8 December 1925 24 January 1928 2 years, 47 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Presley M. Rixey Jr.
25 January 1928 22 February 1928 28 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Louis Mason Gulick
23 February 1928 24 June 1929 1 years, 121 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Richard M. Cutts
25 June 1929 11 May 1931 1 years, 320 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Louis M. Little.jpg Louis M. Little
3 July 1931 15 August 1934 3 years, 43 days Commander, Expeditionary Forces Operating in Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
Arthur Bailly-Blanchard in 1920.jpg Arthur Bailly-Blanchard
15 November 1915 26 September 1921 5 years, 315 days Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary  الولايات المتحدة
John H. Russell.jpg John H. Russell Jr.
11 February 1922 16 November 1930 8 years, 278 days High Commissioner to Haiti  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Dana Gardner Munro
16 November 1930 14 September 1932 1 years, 303 days Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary  الولايات المتحدة
Norman Armour.jpg Norman Armour
7 November 1932 4 March 1933 117 days Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary  الولايات المتحدة
11 April 1933 21 March 1935 1 years, 344 days
George Anderson Gordon.jpg George A. Gordon
6 September 1935 21 July 1937 1 years, 318 days Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary  الولايات المتحدة
Operation Uphold Democracy
General Henry Shelton, official portrait 2.jpg Hugh Shelton
(born 1942)
19 September 1994 25 October 1994 36 days Commander of the Multinational Forces Haiti (MNF)  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png David C. Meade
(born 1941?)
25 October 1994 14 January 1995 81 days Commander of the Multinational Forces Haiti (MNF)  الولايات المتحدة
George A. Fisher, Jr. (MG).png George A. Fisher Jr.
(born 1942)
14 January 1995 31 March 1995 76 days Commander of the Multinational Forces Haiti (MNF)  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png Joseph W. Kinzer
(born 1939)
31 March 1995 5 March 1996 340 days Commander of the United Nations Mission in Haiti Force (UNMIH)  الولايات المتحدة
No image.png J. R. Pierre Daigle
(born 1950)
5 March 1996 30 June 1997 1 years, 117 days Commander of the United Nations Mission in Haiti Force (UNMIH)  كندا
No image.png Robin Gagnon
(born 1950)
1 August 1997 30 November 1997 121 days Commander of the United Nations Mission in Haiti Force (UNMIH)  كندا
2004 Haitian coup d'état
LtGen Ronald S. Coleman, USMC.jpg Ronald S. Coleman
(born 1948)
29 February 2004 1 June 2004 93 days Commanding General, Combined Joint Task Force Haiti and Commander of the Multinational Interim Force in Haiti (MIF)  الولايات المتحدة
Augusto Heleno (2007).jpg Augusto Heleno
(born 1947)
1 June 2004 1 September 2005 1 years, 92 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
General140430.jpg Urano Teixeira da Matta Bacellar
1 September 2005 7 January 2006 128 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
No image.png Eduardo Aldunate Herman
(born 1948)
7 January 2006 20 January 2006 13 days Interim Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  تشيلي
José Elito Carvalho de Siqueira.jpg José Elito Carvalho de Siqueira
(born 1946)
20 January 2006 9 January 2007 354 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
Lieutenant General Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz (Brazil) Force Commander (8969161515).jpg Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Cruz
(born 1952)
9 January 2007 9 April 2009 2 years, 90 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto.jpg Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto
(born 1954)
9 April 2009 11 April 2010 1 years, 2 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
VAC 9682.JPG Luiz Guilherme Paul Cruz
(born 1957)
11 April 2010 30 March 2011 353 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
Luiz Eduardo Ramos Pereira.jpg Luiz Eduardo Ramos Pereira
(born 1956)
30 March 2011 27 March 2012 363 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
No image.png Fernando Rodrigues Goulart
(born 1958)
27 March 2012 27 March 2013
Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
GenLealPujol1.jpg Edson Leal Pujol
(born 1955)
27 March 2013 15 March 2014 353 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
No image.png José Luiz Jaborandy Jr.
15 March 2014 30 August 2015 1 years, 168 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
No image.png Jorge Peña Leiva
(born 1961)
4 September 2015 13 October 2015 39 days Acting Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  تشيلي
No image.png Ajax Porto Pinheiro
(born 1956)
13 October 2015 15 October 2017 2 years, 2 days Commander, United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti Force (MINUSTAH)  البرازيل
2010 Haiti earthquake
P. K. (Ken) Keen.jpg P. K. "Ken" Keen
(born ح. 1953)
14 January 2010 18 April 2010 94 days Commander of the Joint Task Force for Haiti (JTF–H)  الولايات المتحدة
Simeon G. Trombitas.jpg Simeon G. Trombitas
(born 1948)
18 April 2010 1 June 2010 44 days Commander of the Joint Task Force for Haiti (JTF–H)  الولايات المتحدة


  1. ^ Rule limited to the northern State of Haiti
  2. ^ Rule limited to the northern Kingdom of Haiti
  3. ^ Rule limited to the southern Republic of Haiti
  4. ^ United the northern Kingdom and the southern Republic in 1820
  5. ^ Great-Grandson of Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Emperor of Haiti 1804–1806)
  6. ^ Son of Tirésias Simon Sam (President of Haiti 1896–1902). Also the inspiration for Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones
  7. ^ أ ب ت Served under the United States occupation
  8. ^ Served under the United States occupation until 1934
  9. ^ Deposed in the Anti-Duvalier protest movement
  10. ^ Deposed in the June 1988 coup d'état
  11. ^ Deposed in the September 1988 coup d'état
  12. ^ Deposed in the 1991 coup d'état
  13. ^ De facto leader of Haiti (29 September 1991 – 12 October 1994)
  14. ^ In exile, but recognized in Haiti
  15. ^ Served under the United States occupation until 1995
  16. ^ Deposed in the 2004 coup d'état
  17. ^ Until November 2009
  18. ^ Presidential term expired on 14 June 2016

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