قائمة التقسيمات الإدارية لبكين

قالب:Infobox administrative divisions of China

بكين هي واحدة من أربع direct-administered municipalities of the People's Republic of China, and is divided into 16 districts.

التقسيمات الإدارية

All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. This chart lists only county-level divisions of Beijing.

Name Chinese Hanyu Pinyin Division code[1] Area (km²) Population (2010 census)[2] Density (/km²)
   Dongcheng District
(City seat)
东城区 Dōngchéng Qū 110101 DCQ 40.6 919,000 22,635
Xicheng District 西城区 Xīchéng Qū 110102 XCQ 46.5 1,243,000 26,731
Chaoyang District 朝阳区 Cháoyáng Qū 110105 CYQ 470.8 3,545,000 7,530
Fengtai District 丰台区 Fēngtái Qū 110106 FTQ 304.2 2,112,000 6,943
Shijingshan District 石景山区 Shíjǐngshān Qū 110107 SJS 89.8 616,000 6,860
Haidian District 海淀区 Hǎidiàn Qū 110108 HDN 426.0 3,281,000 7,702
Mentougou District 门头沟区 Méntóugōu Qū 110109 MTG 1,331.3 290,000 218
Fangshan District 房山区 Fángshān Qū 110111 FSQ 1,866.7 945,000 506
Tongzhou District
(City seat)
通州区 Tōngzhōu Qū 110112 TZQ 870.0 1,184,000 1,361
Shunyi District 顺义区 Shùnyì Qū 110113 SYI 980.0 877,000 895
Changping District 昌平区 Chāngpíng Qū 110114 CHP 1,430.0 1,661,000 1,162
Daxing District 大兴区 Dàxīng Qū 110115 DXU 1,012.0 1,365,000 1,349
Huairou District 怀柔区 Huáiróu Qū 110116 HRO 2,557.3 373,000 146
Pinggu District 平谷区 Pínggǔ Qū 110117 PGU 1,075.0 416,000 387
Miyun District 密云区 Mìyún Qū 110118 MYI 2,335.6 468,000 200
Yanqing District 延庆区 Yánqìng Qū 110119 YQY 1,980.0 317,000 160

التغييرات مؤخراً في التقسيمات الإدارية

Date Before After Note Reference[3][4]
1974-08-01 parts of Fangshan County Petrochemical District Office established
1980-10-20 parts of Fangshan County Yanshan District established
parts of Petrochemical District Office merged into
1986-11-11 Fangshan County Fangshan District reorganized
Yanshan District merged into
1997-04-29 Tong County Tongzhou District reorganized State Council [1997]30
1998-03-03 Shunyi County Shunyi District reorganized State Council [1998]17
1999-09-16 Changping County Changping District reorganized State Council [1999]112
2001-01-09 Daxing County Daxing District reorganized State Council [2001]4
2001-12-30 Huairou County Huairou District reorganized State Council [2001]175
Pinggu County Pinggu District reorganized State Council [2001]176
2010-06-28 Xuanwu District Xicheng District merged into State Council [2010]55
Chongwen District Dongcheng District merged into
2015-10-13 Miyun County Miyun District reorganized State Council [2015]182
Yanqing County Yanqing District reorganized

التقسيمات التاريخية

جمهورية الصين (1911–1949)

الناحية / المدينة التقسيم الحالي
Beiping City
Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Haidian
Tong County, Hebei
Daxing County, Hebei
Wanping County, Hebei
Mentougou, Fengtai, Shijingshan
Liangxiang County, Hebei
Huairou County, Hebei
Shunyi County, Hebei
Changping County, Hebei
Pinggu County, Hebei
Miyun County, Hebei
Yanqing County, Qahar


  1. ^ 2012国家统计局统计用区划代码 Archived 2013-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ 北京市2010年第六次全国人口普查主要数据公报 Archived 2011-10-04 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ 中华人民共和国行政区划沿革 (1949-2006). www.gov.cn. Government of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
  4. ^ 县级以上行政区划变更情况 (1999-present). www.mca.gov.cn. Ministry of Civial Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.

قالب:Subdivision of major cities of China