مديرية داشنگ

Coordinates: 39°43′37″N 116°20′29″E / 39.7269°N 116.3414°E / 39.7269; 116.3414
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
مديرية داشنگ في بكين
مديرية داشنگ في بكين
داشنگ is located in الصين
موقع بكين في الصين
الإحداثيات: 39°43′37″N 116°20′29″E / 39.7269°N 116.3414°E / 39.7269; 116.3414
البلدجمهورية الصين الشعبية
Township-level divisions10 subdistricts
9 بلدات
District seatXingfeng Subdistrict (兴丰街道)
 • الإجمالي1٬012 كم² (391 ميل²)
 • الإجمالي671٬444
 • الكثافة660/km2 (1٬700/sq mi)
منطقة التوقيتUTC+8 (China Standard)
مفتاح الهاتف0010

مديرية داشنگ (simplified Chinese: 大兴; traditional Chinese: 大興; pinyin: Dàxīng Qū؛ إنگليزية: Daxing District) هي مديرية في بكين، تغطي الضواحي الجنوبية للمدينة. وتحد مديريات بكين تونگ‌ژو إلى الشرق/الشمال الشرقي، فانگ‌شان إلى الغرب، فنگ‌تاي إلى الشمال الغربي، و تشاويانگ إلى الشمال الشرقي، وكذلك مقاطعة خى‌بـِيْ إلى الجنوب.


Daxing District was upgraded from a county to a district with the approval from the State Council on April 30, 2001.[بحاجة لمصدر] Covering an area of 1,012 square kilometres (391 sq mi) with a population of 671,444,[1] Panggezhuang in Daxing is famous for its watermelons.

التقسيمات الادارية

There are 5 subdistricts, 14 towns with 5 towns of which carry the "area" () label in the district, and one development area:[2][3]

الاسم الصينية (المبسطة) هان‌يو پن‌ين التعداد (2010)[4] المساحة (كم²)
Xingfeng Subdistrict 兴丰街道 Xìngfēng Jiēdào 57,478 9.66
Linxiao Road Subdistrict 林校路街道 Línxiàolù Jiēdào 50,917 12.65
Qingyuan Subdistrict 清源街道 Qīngyuán Jiēdào 102,402 5.58
Guanyinsi Subdistrict 观音寺街道 Guānyīnsì Jiēdào 73,061 16.40
Tiangongyuan Subdistrict 天宫院街道 Tiāngōngyuàn Jiēdào 22,433 33.30
Yizhuang (town) Area 亦庄(镇)地区 Yìzhuāng (Zhèn) Dìqū 55,318 39.63
Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area 北京经济技术开发区 Běijīng Jīngjì Jìshù Kāifāqū 73,112 46.80
منطقة (بلدة) Huangcun 黄村(镇)地区 Huángcūn (Zhèn) Dìqū 168,444 35.00
منطقة (بلدة) Jiugong 旧宫(镇)地区 Jiùgōng (Zhèn) Dìqū 193,585 29.73
منطقة (بلدة) Xihongmen 西红门(镇)地区 Xīhóngmén (Zhèn) Dìqū 141,355 31.20
منطقة (بلدة) Yinghai 瀛海(镇)地区 Yínghǎi (Zhèn) Dìqū 49,612 36.79
بلدة Qingyundian 青云店镇 Qīngyúndiàn Zhèn 69,157 70.00
بلدة Caiyu 采育镇 Cǎiyù Zhèn 34,073 71.6
بلدة Anding 安定镇 Āndìng Zhèn 29,963 78.00
بلدة Lixian 礼贤镇 Lǐxián Zhèn 33,347 92.06
بلدة يوفا 榆垡镇 Yúfá Zhèn 56,002 136.00
بلدة Panggezhuang 庞各庄镇 Pánggèzhuāng Zhèn 46,632 109.30
بلدة Beizangcun 北臧村镇 Běizāngcūn Zhèn 31,524 60.00
بلدة Weishanzhuang 魏善庄镇 Wèishànzhuāng Zhèn 43,712 81.5
بلدة Changziying 长子营镇 Zhǎngzǐyíng Zhèn 32,985 63.00


Located in the south of Beijing, the area is not as affluent as those that most visitors to Beijing are familiar with, such as Xidan and Guomao. Much of the industry in Daxing is related to distribution of food and consumer goods to service Beijing. There are many self-built communities casually created by the residents themselves, mostly of whom have moved in from the countryside.[بحاجة لمصدر]

الحكم والبنية التحتية

The Beijing Municipal Administration of Prisons operates the following correctional facilities in the district:


Xiabu Xiabu has its headquarters in Daxing District.[7]


There are two major universities located in Daxing District, the Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology and the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. Both of them are headquartered in Qingyuan (清源), and have its branch in Kangzhuang (康庄). Qingyuan and Kangzhuang are planned as a university town in Daxing District. The Yang Guang Qing School of Beijing is also located in the district.


The Chinese government have voted that Daxing will be the location of the مطار بكين داشنگ الدولي.[8] The airport is expected to be completed by September 2019.


داشنگ يخدمها حالياً خطان من مترو بكين:


Danxing's Camps by Andrew Malone. August 16, 2008.

  1. ^ 2000 Census.
  2. ^ These towns are officially classified as subdistricts, but as they coincide with the area of the same name, they are commonly named "areas" (地区)
  3. ^ 2011年统计用区划代码和城乡划分代码:大兴区 (in الصينية المبسطة). National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 2013-02-23.[dead link]
  4. ^ Census Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China; Population and Employment Statistics Division of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China (2012). 中国2010人口普查分乡、镇、街道资料 (1 ed.). Beijing: China Statistics Print. ISBN 978-7-5037-6660-2.
  5. ^ "监狱简介 Archived 2015-05-18 at the Wayback Machine." Beijing Municipal Prison. Retrieved on 15 May 2015. "通信地址:北京市大兴区219信箱"
  6. ^ Home page Archived 2015-07-05 at the Wayback Machine. Beijing Women's Prison. Retrieved on May 15, 2015. "地址:北京市大兴区"
  7. ^ "呷哺呷哺餐饮管理有限公司招聘启事" (Archive). Beijing University of Agriculture. 2014-04-23. "我们的联系方式 呷哺呷哺(中国)总部地址:北京市大兴区黄村镇孙村工业开发区海鑫南路15号"
  8. ^ http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/6636914.html
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