قائمة الأحزاب السياسية في إسرائيل

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يقوم النظام السياسية في اسرائيل على التمثيل النسبي والذي يسمح بنظام التعدد الحزبي. بالرغم من ذلك ، يوجد ثلاث أحزاب رئيسية, ولا يستطيع عادة حزب واحد الإنفراد بالسلطة, ومواجهة الأحزاب الأخرى ولكن يتم التعاون بين مجموعة الأحزب لتكوين حكومة ائتلافية. يتضمن هذا المقال قائمة الأحزاب السياسية في اسرائيل.

الأحزاب الحالية

أحزاب ممثلة في الكنيست الحالي

الأحزاب الحالية ممثلة في الإنتخابات التشريعية الاسرائيلي، 2006|الكنيست 17:

الحزب والتأسيسات القائد المقاعد
كاديما تسيبي ليڤني 29
العمل - Meimad ايهود باراك 19
شاس Eli Yishai 12
ليكود بيامين نتنياهو 12
يسرائيل بيتنو Avigdor Lieberman 11
الاتحاد الوطني - الحزب الوطني الديني بنيامين ايلون 9
جيل Rafi Eitan 4
التواره اليهودية الموحدة Yaakov Litzman 6
ميرتس-ياحاد حايم ايرون 5
القائمة العربية الموحدة - Ta'al ابراهيم صرصور 4
حداش محمد بركة 3
بلد عزمي بشارة 3
الطريق الصحيح الحنان جلازر 1

أحزاب أخرى

الأحزاب التالي شاركت في الإنتخابات 2006 ولكنها لم تجتز electoral threshold:

أحزاب سياسية صغيرة

يوجد أحزاب سياسية أخرى صغيرة لم تشارك في انتخابات 2006:

أحزاب جديدة

الأحزاب التالية تأسست منذ إنتخابات 2006:

أحزاب سابقة

الحزب أول كنيست آخر كنيست ملاحظات
الزراعة والتنمية الثاني الرابع
عمال أجودات اسرائيل الثاني 9 إندمج مع أجودات اسرائيل
Ahdut HaAvoda الثاني 5 Merged into the حزب العمل
Ahva 9 9 المنشق عن الحركة الديموقراطية
الإنحياز 6 13 أصبح حزب العمل
Aliya 14th 14 المنشق عن Yisrael BaAliyah
الحزب الديموقراطي العربي 11 13 المنشق عن الإنحياز, إندمج مع القائمة العربية الموحدة
Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers 8 8 إندمج مع الانتخابات التشريعية الاسرائيلية(1976)
عتيد 13 13 Breakaway from Yiud
الفهود السوداء 12 12 المنشق عن حداش
حزب الوسط 14 26 المنشق عن الليكود, تزموت والعمل
التعاون والأخوة 4 7
التعاون والتنمية 6th 6 إندماج التعاون والأخوة والتقدم والتنمية, إنفصلا بعد فترة وجيزة
داش 9th 9th Disbanded into the الحركة الديموقراطية, Shinui, ويعاد
الخيار الديموقراطي 15th 15 المنشق عنYisrael BaAliyah, اندمح مع ميرتز-يحاد
القائدة الديموقراطية لعرب اسرائيل 2nd 3rd
الحركة الديموقراطية 9th 9th إندمج من سقوط داش
التنمية والسلام 9th 9th
Druze Party 6th 6th Breakaway from Cooperation and Brotherhood, merged into Progress and Development
Faction independent of Ahdut HaAvoda 2nd 2nd Breakaway from Mapam, merged into Mapai
Fighters' List 1st 1st
Free Centre 6th 8th Breakaway from Herut in 6th Knesset, breakaway from Likud in 8th Knesset
Gahal 5th 7th Became Likud
General Zionists 1st 4th Merged into the Liberal Party
Gesher 13th 15th Breakaway from Likud, merged back into Likud
Gesher – Zionist Religious Centre 10th 10th Breakaway from the National Religious Party, merged back into the NRP
Geulat Israel 10th 10th Breakaway from Agudat Israel
HaOlam HaZeh – Koah Hadash 6th 7th
HaOlim 16th 16th Breakaway from Shinui, merged into Yisrael Beiteinu
Hapoel HaMizrachi 2nd 2nd Merged into the National Religious Party
Hatzohar - - Disbanded after failing to cross the electoral threshold in the 1949 elections
Hebrew Communists 1st 1st Breakaway from Maki, merged into Mapam
Herut 1st 5th Merged into Gahal
HaTzeirim 14th 14th Breakaway from the Centre Party, merged into Shinui
Independent Liberals 5th 9th Breakaway from the Liberal Party, merged into the Alignment
Independent Socialist Faction 8th 8th Breakaway from Ya'ad – Civil Rights Movement
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood 6th 6th Breakaway from Progress and Development, merged into Cooperation and Brotherhood
Justice for the Elderly 17th 17th Breakaway from Gil, merged back into Gil
Kach 11th 11th Party banned
Left Camp of Israel 9th 9th
Left Faction 2nd 2nd Breakaway from Mapam
Lev 15th 15th Breakaway from the Centre Party, merged into Likud
Liberal Party 4th 5th Merged into Gahal
Maki (original) 1st 7th Merged into Moked
Mapai 1st 5th Merged into the Labour Party
Mapam 1st 12th Merged into Meretz
Mekhora 14th 14th Breakaway from Tzomet, merged into Moledet
Meri 7th 7th Established after HaOlam HaZeh – Koah Hadash broke up
Mizrachi 2nd 2nd Merged into the National Religious Party
Moked 7th 8th Merged into the Left Camp of Israel
Morasha 11th 11th
Moria 12th 12th Breakaway from Shas
Movement for the Renewal of Social Zionism 10th 10th Breakaway from Telem
National Home 16th 16th Breakaway from the Secular Faction
National List 7th 9th Merged into Likud
New Liberal Party 12th 12th Breakaway from Likud
New Way 15th 15th Breakaway from the Centre Party
Noy 16th 16th Breakaway from One Nation, merged into Kadima
Ometz 9th 11th Breakaway from Likud, merged into Telem, broke away again, merged into Likud
One Israel (1980) 9th 9th Breakaway from Likud
One Israel 15th 15th Joint list of Labour, Meimad and Gesher
One Nation 14th 16th Merged into the Labour Party
Progress and Development 4th 8th Merged into the United Arab List (1976)
Progress and Work 2nd 3rd
Progressive List for Peace 11th 12th
Progressive National Alliance 15th 15th Breakaway from the United Arab List
Progressive Party 1st 4th Merged into the Liberal Party
Rafi 5th 6th Breakaway from Mapai, merged into the Labour Party
Ratz 8th 12th Merged into Meretz
Religious Torah Front 3rd 4th Broke up into Agudat Israel and Agudat Israel Workers
Sephardim and Oriental Communities 1st 2nd Merged into the General Zionists
Shlomtzion 9th 9th Merged into Likud
Tami 10th 11th Breakaway from the National Religious Party, merged into the Likud
Tehiya 9th 12th Breakaway from Likud
Telem 9th 10th Breakaway from Likud
The Third Way 13th 14th Breakaway from the Labour Party
Tzalash 16th 16th Breakaway from Shinui
United Arab List (1976) 8th 9th Merger of the Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers and Progress and Development (not related to contemporary United Arab List)
United Religious Front 1st 1st Broke up into Agudat Israel, Agudat Israel Workers, Mizrachi and Hapoel HaMizrachi
Unity for Peace and Immigration 12th 12th Breakaway from the Alignment, merged into Likud
Unity Party 9th 9th Breakaway from Dash and the Left Camp of Israel
WIZO 1st 1st
Women's Party - - Formed before the 1977 elections but did not pass the electoral threshold
Ya'ad 9th 9th Emerged from the breakup of Dash
Ya'ad – Civil Rights Movement 8th 8th Merger of Ratz and one other MK, split into Ratz and the Independent Socialist Faction
Yachad 11th 11th Merged into the Alignment
Yemenite Association 1st 2nd Merged into the General Zionists but broke away later
Yisrael BaAliyah 14th 16th Merged into Likud
Yiud 13th 13th Breakaway from Tzomet

أسماء تغيرت

الأحزاب التالية غيرت أسمائها

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