قائمة أقدم الأشجار

تحتوي هذه المقالة قائمة "أقدم الأشجار المعروفة" في العالم كما وردت من مصادر موثوقة. هذا وتختلف التعريفات المعتمدة لاعتبار شجرة معينة كشجرة معمرة. إضافة لذلك، تشتق أعمار الأشجار من مصادر مختلفة، بما في ذلك اعتماد عدد الحلقات الدائرية في جذع الشجرة، والرجوع إلى التقديرات. لهذه الأسباب، تعرض هذه المقالة 3 قوائم لأقدم الأشجار حسب معايير مختلفة.
هناك ثلاثة جداول من الأشجار ، والتي يتم سردها حسب العمر و الأنواع. يتضمن الجدول الأول الأشجار التي تم تحديد الحد الأدنى لسنها بشكل مباشر ، إما من خلال العد أو الإسناد الترافقي حلقات الشجرة أو من خلال مواعدة الكربون المشع. قد تكون العديد من هذه الأشجار أكبر من أعمارهم المدرجة في القائمة ، ولكن أقدم الخشب في الشجرة قد تعثر. بالنسبة إلى بعض الأشجار القديمة ، يفتقد جزء كبير من المركز بحيث لا يمكن تحديد عمرهم بشكل مباشر. بدلاً من ذلك ، يتم إجراء التقديرات بناءً على حجم الشجرة ومعدل النمو المفترض. يتضمن الجدول الثاني الأشجار مع هذه الأعمار المقدرة. بينما يسرد الجدول الأخير مستعمرات clonal التي قد لا يكون فيها جذوع الأشجار الفردية قديمة بشكل ملحوظ ولكن يُعتقد أن الكائن ككل قديم جدًا.
تعتبر أشجار الصنوبر المعمر الموجودة في كاليفورنيا ونيفادا في الولايات المتحدة أقدم الأشجار المعمرة في العالم بحسب السجلات والمرجعيات المختلفة، وأشهرها اعتماد الحلقات الدائرية والتي تشير إلى أن عمرها يزيد عن 5000 عام.
يمكن أن تعيش مستعمرة مستنسخة لفترة أطول بكثير من شجرة فردية. مستعمرة مكونة من 47000 quing aspen أشجار (الملقب پاندو ) ، تغطي 106 acres (43 ha) في Forestlake National Forest من يوتا ، تعتبر واحدة من أقدم وأكبر الكائنات الحية في العالم. قدرت المستعمرة بعمر 80،000 عام ، على الرغم من أن عينات حلقات الأشجار لا تتعدى تاريخ الأشجار الفردية ، فوق الأرض ، بمعدل 130 عامًا فقط.[1][2][3][4] تقدر مستعمرة Huon pine التي تغطي 2.5 acres (1.0 ha) في Mount Read (Tasmania) بحوالي 10000 عام ، على النحو الذي تحدده عينات DNA المأخوذة من حبوب اللقاح جمعت من رواسب بحيرة قريبة. يرجع تاريخ الأشجار الفردية في هذه المجموعة إلى ما لا يزيد عن 4000 عام ، على النحو الذي تحدده عينات حلقات الأشجار.[5]
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أشجار منفردة بأعمار محققة
Name | Age (years) |
Species | Location | Country | Notes |
Prometheus (WPN-114) |
4,900+ | Great Basin bristlecone pine Pinus longaeva |
Wheeler Peak, Nevada | United States | Cut down by Donald Rusk Currey in 1964.[6] |
Methuselah | [nb 1] | 4٬856Great Basin bristlecone pine Pinus longaeva |
White Mountains (California) | United States | It is the oldest-known living tree in the world.[8] |
Gran Abuelo | 3٬653 | Patagonian cypress Fitzroya cupressoides |
Cordillera Pelada, Los Ríos | Chile | Alive.[8][9] Located within Alerce Costero National Park.[10] |
CBR26 | 3,266 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Dead.[8] |
D-21 | 3,220 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Dead.[8] |
D-23 | 3,075 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Dead.[8] |
CMC 3 | 3,033 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Dead.[8] |
Scofield Juniper | 2,675 | Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Dead.[8] |
BLK227 | 2,625 | Bald cypress Taxodium distichum |
Three Sisters Cove, Black River (North Carolina) | United States | [11] |
CB-90-11 | 2٬467 | Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine Pinus aristata |
central Colorado | United States | [8][12] |
Panke Baobab | 2,419 | African Baobab Adansonia digitata |
Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | Dead in 2011; the oldest non-clonal angiosperm ever documented.[13] |
Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi | 2,305 | Sacred fig Ficus religiosa |
Anuradhapura, North Central Province | Sri Lanka | A sapling from the historical Bodhi tree under which the Buddha became enlightened. It was planted in 288 BC and is the oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date.[8] |
? | 2,200 | Coast Redwood Sequoia sempervirens |
northern California | United States | Dead.[8] |
Bennett Juniper | 2,200 | Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | [8] |
SHP 7 | 2,110 | Foxtail Pine Pinus balfouriana |
Sierra Nevada California | United States | [8] |
BLK232 | 2,089 | Bald cypress Taxodium distichum |
Three Sisters Cove, Black River (North Carolina) | United States | [11] |
? | 1٬951 | Subalpine Larch Larix lyallii |
Kananaskis, Alberta | Canada | [8][14] |
CRE 175 | 1,889 | Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum |
northern New Mexico | United States | [8] |
Miles Juniper | 1٬836 | Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | [8][15] |
Jōmon Sugi | 1٬813 | Sugi Cryptomeria japonica |
Yakushima Island | Japan | [16] |
KET 3996 | 1٬727 | Limber Pine Pinus flexilis |
Ketchum, Idaho | United States | [8][17] |
BFR-46 | 1,697 | Limber Pine Pinus flexilis |
Wasatch Mountains, Utah | United States | [8] |
FL117 | 1٬686 | Northern Whitecedar Thuja occidentalis |
Ontario | Canada | [8][18] |
ERE | 1,670 | Limber Pine Pinus flexilis |
northern New Mexico | United States | [8] |
RCR 1 | 1,666 | Foxtail Pine Pinus balfouriana |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | [8] |
? | 1,661 | Limber Pine Pinus flexilis |
South Park (Park County, Colorado) | United States | [8] |
BBL 2 | 1,649 | Foxtail Pine Pinus balfouriana |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | [8] |
BCK 69 | 1٬658 | Bald cypress Taxodium distichum |
Bladen County, North Carolina | United States | [8][19] |
? | 1,636 | Nootka Cypress Callitropsis nootkatensis |
Vancouver Island | Canada | [8] |
FL101 | 1,567 | Northern Whitecedar Thuja occidentalis |
Ontario | Canada | [8] |
? | 1,542 | Limber Pine Pinus flexilis |
central Colorado | United States | [8] |
أقدم الأشجار مع تقدير لأعمارهم
'ملاحظة:' أعمار الأشجار في هذه القائمة تعتمد علي المقاربة وربما لا يمكن الاعتماد عليها.
الاسم | العمر (بالسنين) |
النوع | الموقع | البلد | Notes |
?[nb 2] | 5٬074 | Great Basin bristlecone pine Pinus longaeva |
White Mountains (California) | United States | Tree cored by Edmund Schulman, age determined by Tom Harlan. However, core is missing and date is unconfirmed.[8] |
Llangernyw Yew | 4,000–5,000 | Common Yew Taxus baccata |
Llangernyw, Conwy | Wales | Girth of 10.75 m. Situated in the churchyard of St Dygain's Church in Llangernyw village. One of the 50 Great British Trees. |
Sarv-e Abarkuh | 4,500 | Mediterranean cypress Cupressus sempervirens |
Abarkuh, Yazd | Iran | Also called "Zoroastrian Sarv",[20][21] |
Koca Porsuk | 4,112 | Yew Taxus baccata |
Zonguldak | Turkey | Alive, found in 2016.[22][23] |
The Ancient Yew | 4,000 | Yew Taxus baccata |
Tisbury, Wiltshire | England | 37 feet in circumference. Situated in the churchyard of St John's, Tisbury. Carbon dated by David Bellamy.[24] |
The Senator | 3,500 | Pond cypress Taxodium ascendens |
Longwood, Florida | United States | Destroyed in January 2012 by an addicted former model, who was taking illegal drugs inside the hollow tree and lit a fire to look for her things. She took photos of the fire with her cellphone and later sent them to friends, ultimately leading to her arrest.[25][26][27][28][29] |
Oliveira do Mouchão (KNJ1/601) | 3,350 | European olive tree
Olea europea L. var. europaea |
Mouriscas, Abrantes | Portugal | Alive.[30][31] |
The President | 3,200 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Sierra Nevada, California | United States | Alive. |
Fortingall Yew | 3,000 | Common Yew Taxus baccata |
Fortingall, Perthshire | Scotland | Alive. Possibly the oldest tree in Britain.[32][33] |
Alishan Sacred Tree | 3,000 | Formosan cypress Chamaecyparis formosensis |
Alishan National Scenic Area, Chiayi | Taiwan | Collapsed on July 1, 1997, following heavy rainstorms.[34] |
S’Ozzastru | 3,000–4,000 | Olive Olea europaea |
Luras, Sardinia | Italy | [35] |
Patriarca da Floresta | 3,020 | Jequitibá-rosa | Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, São Paulo | Brazil | Alive. Probably the oldest non-conifer in Brazil. Its name translates as "Patriarch of the Forest". Located at the Vassununga State Park.[36] |
Raintree | 3,000 | Great Basin bristlecone pine | Spring Mountains, Nevada | United States | Great Basin Bristlecone Pine located near Kyle Canyon in the Spring Mountain range in Southern Nevada, USA. Estimated 3000 years old but never cored. |
Oliveira de Santa Iria de Azóia | 2,850 | Olive Olea europaea |
Santa Iria de Azóia , Loures, Lisbon | Portugal | Magnificent Olive tree, probably the last one from a large olive grove. Studied by UTAD University and now classified "Public interest tree" by the Portuguese National Forest Authority; Tree ID[37] |
Mother of the Forest | 2,520 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Calaveras Big Trees State Park, California | United States | Dead. |
General Sherman | 2,300–2,700 | Giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park, California | United States | Alive with a height of 83.8 meters (275 ft), a diameter of 11 m (36 ft) at its base, and an estimated bole volume of 1,487 m3 (52,513 cu ft), it is among the tallest, widest, and longest-lived of all trees on the planet.[38] |
Kayano Ōsugi | 2,300 | Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica |
Yamanaka Onsen, Ishikawa | Japan | Girth of 9.6 m. One of the four trees believed to be sacred in the precincts in a Shinto shrine. Its name translates as "Great Sugi of Kayano". |
Jōmon Sugi | 2,170–7,200 | Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica |
Yakushima | Japan | Girth of 16.4 m. Exact dating is made difficult by the rotten core of the trunk. Its name is a reference to the Jōmon period of Japanese prehistory.[39][40][41] |
Koca Katran | 2,022 | Lebanon Cedar Cedrus libani |
Antalya | Turkey | Alive.[42] |
Ballyconnell Yew | 2,000–5,000 | Yew Taxus baccata |
Ballyconnell, Annagh | Ireland | Oldest tree in Ireland and possibly in Europe.[بحاجة لمصدر] |
Elia Vouvon | 2,000–5,000 | Olive Olea europaea |
Kolymvari, Crete | Greece | Its name translates as "Olive Tree of Vouves".[43] |
Castagnu dê Centu Cavaddi | 2,000–4,000 | Sweet chestnut Castanea sativa |
Sicily | Italy | Its name translates as the "Hundred Horse Chestnut". |
Ulleungdo Hyangnamu | 2,000–3,000 | Chinese Juniper Juniperus chinensis |
Ulleung-gun, Gyeongbuk | South Korea | Girth of 4.5 m. One of the main branch was broken in 1985 by typhoon "Brenda". |
Lady Liberty | 2,000 | Bald cypress Taxodium distichum |
Longwood, Florida | United States | Sometimes called the "Companion Tree" to 'Senator". |
Tnjri | 2,000 | Oriental plane Platanus orientalis |
Martuni Region | Azerbaijan | Oldest tree in Azerbaijan. Its trunk is hollow. Also known as "Sose's Tree". |
Stara Maslina | 2,000 | Olive Olea europaea |
Stari Bar, Bar | Montenegro | |
The Pechanga Great Oak Tree | 2,000 | Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia |
Temecula, California | United States | Oldest oak tree in the United States, possibly in the world. |
? | 2,000 | Olive Olea europaea |
Tavira, Algarve | Portugal | Possibly oldest olive tree in Portugal.[44] |
Tejo Milenario | 2,000+ | Yew Taxus baccata |
Cazorla, Jaén | Spain | Oldest tree in Spain.[45] |
? | 2,000 | Olive Olea europaea |
Exo Hora, Zakynthos | Greece | [46] |
? | 2,000 | Yew Taxus |
Sochi, Krasnodar Krai | Russia | A grove known to possess several 2,000-year-old specimens.[47] |
Houkisugi at Nakagawa | 2,000 | Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica |
Nakagawa Settlement, Yamakita town, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa Prefecture | Japan | |
Methuselah | 1,800 | Coast redwood Sequoia sempervirens |
Woodside, California | United States | [48] |
Araucaria Madre | 1,800 | Araucaria Araucana | Araucanía | Chile | Located in Parque Nacional Conguillío. 1,800 rings account for at least 1,800 years.[49] |
Granit oak | 1,700 | Pedunculate oak Quercus robur |
Granit | Bulgaria | |
Kongeegen | 1,500–2,000 | Pedunculate oak Quercus robur |
Jægerspris Nordskov, Zealand | Denmark | [50] |
Stelmužė Oak | 1,500-2,000 | Pedunculate oak Quercus robur |
Stelmužė, Zarasai | Lithuania | Oldest tree in the Baltic states. Supposedly oldest oak in Europe. |
Aubépines | 1,500 | Common hawthorn Crataegus monogyna |
Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Mayenne | France | Oldest tree in France.[بحاجة لمصدر] |
Seven Sisters Oak | 1,500 | Southern live oak Quercus virginiana |
Mandeville, Louisiana | United States | Highly speculative; live oaks are extremely difficult to age, and rarely live more than 500 years.[51] |
Jardine Juniper | 1,500 | Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum |
Logan Canyon, Utah | United States | [52] |
Árbol del Tule | 1,433–1,600 | Montezuma cypress Taxodium mucronatum |
Santa María del Tule, Oaxaca | Mexico | Stoutest tree trunk in the world. Its name translates as the "Tule Tree". |
Baikushev's pine | 1300+ | Pinus heldreichii | Pirin Mountain | Bulgaria | Oldest forest tree in Bulgaria |
Cedars of God | 1000+ | Cedrus libani Cedars of Lebanon |
Mount Lebanon | Lebanon | Oldest forest of cedars in Lebanon[53] |
Te Matua Ngahere | 1,200–4,000 | Kauri Agathis australis |
Waipoua Forest, Northland | New Zealand | Oldest tree in New Zealand. Its name translates as "Father of the Forest". |
Algarrobo Abuelo | 1,200+ | Algarrobo blanco Prosopis chilensis |
Merlo Forest, Merlo, San Luis | Argentina | Oldest tree in Central Argentina. |
The Old Elm | 1,100+ | Field Elm (Ulmus minor) | Center of Sliven, Bulgaria | The Old Elm won the 2014 European Tree of the Year Award. The tree has sat in the center of Sliven for 1100 years, serving as a gathering point and a historical marker. It is also part of the city coat of arms.[54] |
أشجار مستنسخة
كما هو الحال مع جميع الأنواع النباتية والفطرية طويلة العمر ، لا يوجد جزء فردي من مستعمرة clonal على قيد الحياة (بمعنى نشاط التمثيل الغذائي) . قد تكون بعض مستعمرات clonal متصلة تمامًا عبر systems root ، في حين أن معظمها غير مترابط فعليًا ، ولكنها مستنسخة متطابقة وراثياً والتي ملأت منطقة ما عبر التكاثر الخضري. الأعمار بالنسبة للمستعمرات المستنسخة ، والتي تعتمد غالبًا على معدلات النمو الحالية ، هي تقديرات.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Name | Age (years) |
Species | Location | Country | Notes |
Pando | 80,000[55]–1,000,000[56] | Quaking aspen Populus tremuloides |
Fishlake National Forest, Utah | United States | Covers 107 acres (0.43 km2) and has around 47,000 stems (average age 130 years), which continually die and are renewed by its roots. Is also the heaviest-known organism, weighing 6,000 tonnes. |
Jurupa Oak[57] | 13,000[58] | Palmer oak Quercus palmeri |
Jurupa Mountains, California | United States | Quercus palmeri Engelm. = Quercus dunnii Kellogg.[58] |
Old Tjikko | 9,550 | Norway spruce Picea abies |
Fulufjället National Park, Dalarna | Sweden | The tree's stems live no more than 600 years, but its root system's age[59][60] was established using carbon dating and genetic matching.[61] Elsewhere in the Fulu mountains, 20 spruces have been found older than 8,000 years.[62] |
Old Rasmus | 9,500 | Norway spruce Picea abies |
Sonfjället, Härjedalen | Sweden | [63] |
unknown | 3,000[64]–10,000[65] | Huon Pine Lagarostrobos franklinii |
Mount Read, Tasmania | Australia | Several genetically identical males that have reproduced vegetatively. Although single trees in this stand may be around 3 to 4 thousand years old, the stand itself as a single organism has existed for 10,000 years.[5] |
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انظر أيضاً
- King Clone
- List of largest giant sequoias
- قائمة العضيات الأطول عمراً
- List of old-growth forests
- List of notable trees
- List of superlative trees
- Oldest viable seed
- Veteran tree
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