علوم زائفة

Phrenology is regarded today as a classic example of pseudoscience.
العلوم الزائفة أو العلوم الكاذبة هي أي مجموعة من المعارف و المناهج و المعتقدات أو الممارسات التي تدعي أنها علمية تنطبق عليها مواصفات العلم و خصائصه في حين انها لا تتبع طرائق المنهج العلمي. [1] العلوم الزائفة يمكن أن تبدو عليمة ، لكنها في الواقع لا تخضع لقواعد قابلية الفحص testability المشروطة في المنهج العلمي [2] و تكون غالبا على تعارض مع الإجماع العلمي الحالي .
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اقرأ أيضا
- طب بديل
- علم سيء
- Cargo cult science
- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry aka. CSICOP
- نظرية الخلق Creationism
- Dianetics
- Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, a book by Dr William F. Williams
- علوم مهملة
- تغير الباردايم
- علم مرضي Pathological science (أو علم زائف)
- غير طبيعي Paranormal
- باراسايكولوجي Parapsychology
- علوم بدئية Protoscience
- تاريخ زائف Pseudohistory
- شكوكية زائفة Pseudoskepticism (أو شكوكية مرضية Pathological skepticism )
- Quackery
- علمولوجيا Scientology
- Sokal Affair
- True-believer syndrome
- What the Bleep Do We Know
- Crank (مقالة تحتوي قائمة نظريات)
- قائمة المصطلحات الزائفة List of misconceptions
- قائمة العلوم الزائفة و المصطلحات العلمية الزائفة
منشورات للقراءة
- Bauer, Henry H. (2000) Science or Pseudoscience University of Illinois Press
- Beyerstein BL (1990) Brainscams: Neuromythologies of the New Age. Int'l. J. of Mental Health, 19(3):27-36.[1]
- Georges Charpak (2004) Debunked!, Johns Hopkins University Press [ISBN 0-8018-7867-5]
- Derksen, AA, (1993) The seven sins of pseudo-science J Gen Phil Sci 24:17-42. [2]
- Derksen AA (2001) The seven strategies of the sophisticated pseudo-scientist: a look into Freud's rhetorical toolbox,J Gen Phil Sci 32:329-50
- Gardner M (1983) Science – Good, Bad and Bogus Oxford University Press, Oxford
- Gauch Jr Hugh G (2002) Scientific Method in Practice, Cambridge University Press [ISBN-13 978-0521017084]
- Hansson SO (1996) Defining pseudoscience Philosophia naturalis 33:169-76
- Joseph J (2002) Twin studies in psychiatry and psychology: science or pseudoscience? Psychiatric Quarterly 73:71-82[3]
- Martin M (1994) Pseudoscience, the paranormal, and science education Science & Education 3:1573-901 [4]
- Ostrander.G.K, Cheng,K.C, Wolf.J.C. WolfeM.J. Shark Cartilage, Cancer and the Growing Threat of Pseudoscience. Cancer Research 64, 8485-8491, December 1, 2004
- Sampson W, Beyerstein BL (1996) Traditional medicine and pseudoscience in China Skeptical Inquirer Sept-Oct
- Sagan, Carl (1996) The Demon-Haunted World: Science As a Candle In the Dark
- Shermer M (2002) Why People Believe Weird Things – Pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time New York
- Wilson F (2000) The Logic and Methodology of Science and Pseudoscience, Canadian Scholars Press [ISBN 1-55130-175-X]
مواقع خارجية
- The Anatomy of Pseudoscience - Steven Novella, MD
- Debating pseudoscientists - Philip Plait
- Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience - Rory Coker, PhD
- Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience - Barry L. Beyerstein
- Pseudoscience - Robert Todd Carroll, PhD
- Pseudoscience. What is it? How can I recognize it? - Stephen Lower
- Science and Pseudoscience - transcript and broadcast of talk by Imre Lakatos
- Science Needs to Combat Pseudoscience - A statement by 32 Russian scientists and philosophers
- Science, Pseudoscience, and Irrationalism - Steven Dutch
- The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science - Robert L. Park
- Why Is Pseudoscience Dangerous? - Edward Kruglyakov
- Plate Tectonics: The Rocky History of an Idea by Brian Simison, University of California, Berekley, Museum of Palenotology, retrieved August 2, 2006
- ^ "Pseudoscientific - pretending to be scientific, falsely represented as being scientific", from the Oxford American Dictionary, published by the Oxford English Dictionary.
- ^ For example, Hewitt et al. Conceptual Physical Science Addison Wesley; 3 edition (July 18, 2003) ISBN 0-321-05173-4, Bennett et al. The Cosmic Perspective 3e Addison Wesley; 3 edition (July 25, 2003) ISBN 0-8053-8738-2