الأمريكان العرب

(تم التحويل من عرب أمريكان)
أمريكان عرب
Arab American
التعداد الإجمالي
0.5% من سكان الولايات المتحدة (2008)[1]
1.14% من سكان الولايات المتحدة (2009)[2])
المناطق ذات التواجد المعتبر
كاليفورنيا, فلوريدا, إلينوي, مساتشوستس, مشيگن, نيو جرزي, نيويورك, اوهايو, اوكلاهوما, پنسلڤانيا, تكساس, ڤيرجينيا وفي مناطق أخرى.
إنگيزية أمريكية, العربية, السريانية, الكردية, الفرنسية ولغات أخرى.

العرب الأمريكان هم العرب المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ومنهم 80% حاصلين على الجنسية الأمريكية. ينحدر العرب الامريكان من غالبا البلاد العربية والتي تتكون من 22 دولة بدءا من عمان في أقصى الشرق الجنوبي للعالم العربي حتى موريتانيا في أقصى غرب افريقيا.

According to the Arab American Institute (AAI), countries of origin for Arab Americans include Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.[3]

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, there are 1,698,570 Arab Americans in the United States.[4] 290,893 persons defined themselves as simply Arab, and a further 224,241 as Other Arab. Other groups on the 2010 Census are listed by nation of origin, and some may or may not be Arabs, or regard themselves as Arabs. The largest subgroup is by far the Lebanese Americans, with 501,907,[5] followed by; Egyptian Americans with 190,078, Syrian Americans with 187,331,[6] Iraqi Americans with 105,981, Moroccan Americans with 101,211, Palestinian Americans with 85,186, and Jordanian Americans with 61,664. Approximately 1/4 of all Arab Americans claimed two ancestries.

A number of native non-Arab ethnic groups in Western Asia and Northern Africa that may have lived in Arab countries and are now resident in the United States are not always classified as Arabs but some may claim a dual Arab-non-Arab identity; they include Assyrians, Arameans, Jews (in particular Mizrahi Jews, some Sephardi Jews), Copts, Kurds, Iraqi Turkmens, Mandeans, Circassians, Shabaki, Armenians, Yazidis, Balochs, Kawliya/Romani, Syrian Turkmens, Somalis, Djiboutians, Berbers (especially Arab-Berbers), and Nubians.


Census Bureau 2000, Arabs in the United States.png
Americans with Arab Ancestry by state according to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey in 2019

The majority of Arab Americans, around 62%, originate from the region of the Levant, which includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan, although overwhelmingly from Lebanon. The remainder are made up of those from Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Libya, the GCC and other Arab nations.

There are nearly 3.5 million Arab Americans in the United States according to The Arab American Institute. Arab-Americans live in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C., and 94% reside in the metropolitan areas of major cities. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city with the largest percentage of Arab Americans is Dearborn, Michigan, a southwestern suburb of Detroit, at nearly 40%. The Detroit metropolitan area is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans (403,445), followed by the New York City Combined Statistical Area (371,233), Los Angeles (308,295), San Francisco Bay Area (250,000), Chicago (176,208), and the Washington D.C area. (168,208).[7](Note: This information is reportedly based upon survey findings but is contradicted by information posted on the Arab American Institute website itself, which states that California as a whole only has 272,485, and Michigan as a whole only 191,607. The 2010 American Community Survey information, from the American Factfinder website, gives a figure of about 168,000 for Michigan.)

Sorting by American states, according to the 2000 U.S. Census, 48% of the Arab-American population, 576,000, reside in California, Michigan, New York, Florida, and New Jersey, respectively; these 5 states collectively have 31% of the net U.S. population. Five other states - Illinois, Texas, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania - report Arab-American populations of more than 40,000 each. Also, the counties which contained the greatest proportions of Arab-Americans were in California, Michigan, New York, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

The cities with 100,000 or more in population with the highest percentages of Arabs are Sterling Heights, Michigan 3.69%; Jersey City, New Jersey 2.81%; Warren, Michigan 2.51%; Allentown, Pennsylvania 2.45%; Burbank, California 2.39% and nearby Glendale, California 2.07%; Livonia, Michigan 1.94%; Arlington, Virginia 1.77%; Paterson, New Jersey 1.77%; and Daly City, California 1.69%.[8] Bayonne, New Jersey, a city of 63,000, reported an Arab-American population of 5.0% in the 2010 US Census.[9]


صحيفة السائح، عدد 14 نوفمبر 1918، كانت يصدرها عبد المسيح حداد، مرتين بالأسبوع في مدينة نيويورك



62% من العرب الأمريكان أصلهم من دول الهلال الخصيب (فلسطين، لبنان، سوريا، والاردن. أما العرب من أصل مصري فيكونون 11 % من العرب الأمريكان. العرب من العراق، دول المغرب العربي والدول العربية الأخرى يكونون النسبة الباقية من العرب الأمريكان وهي 27%. أكبر التجمعات العربية في أمريكا موجودة في ولايات كاليفورنيا، ميتشيغان، ونيويورك

العرب الأمريكان في الولايات المتحدة (تقديرات 2000)[10]
الأصل 2000 % من السكان
Flag of Iraq.svg عراقيون 37,714 0.01%
Flag of Morocco.svg مغاربة 137,462 0.03%
Flag of Lebanon.svg لبنانيون 440,279 0.2%
Flag of Egypt.svg مصريون 142,832 0.1%
Flag of Palestine.svg فلسطينيون 72,112 0.02%
Flag of Syria.svg سوريون 142,897 0.1%
Flag of Yemen.svg يمنيون 15,000 0.005%
عرب آخرون 424,807 0.2%
الاجمالي 1,275,641 0.42%

خلفية دينية

The religious affiliations of Arab Americans

While the majority of the population of the Arab World is composed of people of the Muslim faith, most Arab Americans, in contrast, are Christian[11].

يكون العرب المسيحيين ما نسبته 77% بينما يكون المسلمون 23% من العرب الأمريكان. يصنف العرب الأمريكان على انهم عرق أبيض من الحكومة ودائرة الاحصاء الأمريكية.

تبعا للمعهد العربي الأمريكي، تنقسم الانتماءات الدينية للعرب الأمريكان كالتالي:

الوضع العرقي

The Arab American National Museum celebrates the history of Arab Americans


المهرجانات/ملكات الجمال

ملكة جمال الولايات المتحدة العربية

مدينة نيويورك



مشاهير الأمريكان من أصل عربي



كتاب ومفكرون :

  • إدوارد سعيد, (فلسطيني) مفكر وناشط فلسطيني.
  • هلن توماس, (لبناني) reporter, columnist and White House correspondent.
  • Ismail al-Faruqi, (Palestinian) philosopher and authority on Islam and comparative religion.
  • Susie Gharib, co-anchor of the Nightly Business Report, 100 most influential business journalists.
  • Hala Gorani, (Syrian) Journalist and anchor of CNN's International Desk.

شخصيات عام/سياسيون:

رجال أعمال:


انظر أيضا


  1. ^ US Census 2008 Community Survey
  2. ^ http://www.aaiusa.org/about/17/our-history المعهد العربي الأمريكي (AAI)
  3. ^ "Texas" (PDF). Arab American Institute. 2003. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 February 2012. Retrieved 26 November 2012.
  4. ^ Data Access and Dissemination Systems (DADS). "American FactFinder - Results". Archived from the original on 18 January 2015. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  5. ^ "B04003. Total Ancestry Reported". United States Census Bureau. 2013 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. Archived from the original on 12 February 2020. Retrieved 17 July 2016.
  6. ^ "SELECTED POPULATION PROFILE IN THE UNITED STATES 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates". American FactFinder. U.S Census Bureau. Archived from the original on 14 February 2020. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  7. ^ "Arab American Population Highlights" (PDF). Arab American Institute Foundation. Washington, DC. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 July 2011. Retrieved 7 July 2011.
  8. ^ de la Cruz, G. Patricia; Angela Brittingham (December 2003). "The Arab Population: 2000" (PDF). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 17 October 2016.
  9. ^ "U.S. Census website". US Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  10. ^ Brittingham, Angela. Ancestry 2000:Census Brief. 2004. October 30, 2006. [1]
  11. ^ The Arab American Institute
  12. ^ Presentation at Al

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