شاهين 2

شاهين 2 / حتف-VI
النوع صاروخ بالستي متوسط المدى (MRBM)
مكان الصنع Flag of Pakistan.svg پاكستان
تاريخ الخدمة
في الخدمة 9 مارس 2004
اسُتخدم من قبل Flag of Pakistan.svg پاكستان
تاريخ الانتاج
المُصنع مجمع الدفاع الوطني (NDC)
الوزن 25,000 كج
(مركبة معاودة الدخول 1,050 كج)
الطول 17.5 م
القطر 1.4 م

رأس حربي متفجرات عالية تقليدية أو نووية

المحرك محرك صاروخ ذو وقود صلب من مرحلتين
المدى العملي 2,500 كم [1]
ارتفاع التحليق 100-300كم
نظام ملاحة قصوري
توجيه سواتل GPS
Transporter erector launcher (TEL)

شاهين-2 (اردو: شاهين؛ إنگليزية: Shaheen-II) هو صاروخ بالستي متوسط المدى (MRBM)[2][3] developed by NESCOM's National Defence Complex (NDC) of Pakistan. The Shaheen missile series is named after a white eagle that lives in the mountains of Pakistan.


شاهين-2 هو صاروخ بالستي متوسط المدى (MRBM)، وهو تنويع أبعد مدى للصاروخ شاهين-1 وهو حالياً أكثر الصواريخ البالستية تقدماً في جعبة عسكرية باكستان. It uses a two-stage solid propellant rocket motor designed to carry conventional or nuclear payloads. The missile is stated to have a CEP of 50 m, achieved through the use of a post separation booster to provide terminal course correction. [4] It is transported and launched by a 6-axle transporter erector launcher (TEL). According to U.S. based analysts, a satellite image of a Pakistani missile production facility taken on 5 June 2005 shows fifteen 6-axle TELs being fitted out for the Shaheen 2 missile.[5]

Shaheen-II was successfully test fired for the first time on March 9, 2004. At that time, the National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) chairman Samar Mubarakmand stated that the missile was a two-stage rocket with diameter of 1.4 m, length of 17.5 m, weight of 25 tons and a range of 2,500 km.

In February 2001 it was reported by Pakistan's Jang newspaper that the range of Shaheen II had been increased from 2,500 km to 3,500 km,[6] although this is considered unlikely.[7]

Re-entry vehicle

The re-entry vehicle carried by the Shaheen-II missile has a mass of 1050kg, which includes the mass of a nuclear warhead and a terminal guidance system.[8] The terminal guidance system is most likely a radar correlation terminal seeker, which allows the warhead to achieve a CEP in the range of 30-50 m (similar to the Pershing II missile [9]).

This re-entry vehicle is unlike that of the Shaheen-I in that it has four moving delta control fins at the rear and small solid/liquid-propellant side thrust motors, which are used to orientate the re-entry vehicle after the booster stage is depleted or before re-entry to improve accuracy by providing stabilization during the terminal phase. This can also be used to fly evasive manoeuvres, making it immensely problematic for existing anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defence systems to successfully intercept the missile. The Shaheen-II warhead may change its trajectory several times during re-entry and during the terminal phase, effectively preventing ABM radar systems from calculating pre-calculated intercept points. The re-entry vehicle is also stated to utilise a GPS satellite guidance system to provide updates on its position, further improving its accuracy and reducing the CEP. [10] [11]

تطويرات مُستقبلية

Since deployment of the 2,500 km range Shaheen-II, a multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) warhead system (which may be first fielded on the Shaheen-II) and the Shaheen-III missile with a range of 4,000-4,500 km are under development. [12]

أنظر أيضًا

Related developments
قوائم متعلقة بالموضوع

قائمة الصواريخ


  1. ^ http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3823118
  2. ^ Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat - Federation of American Scientists.
  3. ^ Greisler, David. Handbook of technology management in public administration. CRC Press, 2006. ISBN 1574445642, 9781574445640. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help)
  4. ^ Strategy Center Details
  5. ^ http://www.dawn.com/2007/05/10/top7.htm
  6. ^ http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/pakistan/shaheen-2.htm
  7. ^ http://www.missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/id.54/missile_detail.asp
  8. ^ www.pakdef.info/nuclear&missile/geo_samar.html - 41k
  9. ^ The Pershing Weapon System And Its Elimination
  10. ^ How 'Shaheen' Was Developed
  11. ^ http://www.missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/id.54/missile_detail.asp
  12. ^ http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3823118

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