سي شارپ (لغة برمجة)

العنوان الصحيح لهذا المقال هو C# (programming language). استبدال أو حذف # هو لقيود تقنية.
C Sharp logo.svg
ParadigmStructured, imperative, object-oriented, event-driven, task-driven, functional, generic, reflective, concurrent
Designed byMicrosoft
First appeared2000; 25 years ago (2000[1]
الإصدار المستقر
8.0[2] / 23 سبتمبر 2019; منذ 5 سنين (2019-09-23
الإطلاق الپروڤة
9.0 / 20 مايو 2020; منذ 4 سنين (2020-05-20 [3]
Typing disciplineStatic, dynamic,[4] strong, safe, nominative, partially inferred
PlatformCommon Language Infrastructure
Filename extensions.cs
Major implementations
Visual C#, .NET Framework, Mono, .NET Core, DotGNU (discontinued), Universal Windows Platform
, Spec#, Polyphonic C#, Enhanced C#
Influenced by
C++,[7] , Eiffel, F#,[أ] Haskell, Icon, J#, J++, Java,[7] ML, Modula-3, Object Pascal,[8] Rust, VB
Chapel,[9] Clojure,[10] Crystal,[11] D, J#, Dart,[12] F#, Hack, Java,[13][14] Kotlin, Nemerle, Oxygene, Ring,[15] Rust, Swift,[16] Vala, TypeScript

سي شارپ (#C) أحد لغات بيئة الدوت نت لتطوير البرامج من أنتاج شركة ميكروسوفت يرمز اليها بالرمز #C وتنطق "سي شارب"، وهي إحدى اللغات التي انتجتها شركة مايكروسوفت وذلك خروجا من ورطة الجافا والقضية الشهيرة التي رفعتها عليها شركة صن ميكروسيستمز ، تم الاعلان عنها في اواسط العام 2000 تزامنا مع الاعلان عن بيئة الدوت نت إنگليزية: Net.. تتميز سي شارب بأنها أحد لغات البرمجة الكائنية وتجمع صفات سي++ وفيجوال بيسك حيث انها تستخدم القواعد الخاصه السي++ وسرعة التطوير كما في فيجوال بيسك . لغة السي شارب موجهه إلى مبرمجي الفيجول سي ومبرمجي السي++ على انها امتداد لهذه اللغات



Version Language specification Date .NET Version Visual Studio
Ecma ISO/IEC Microsoft
C# 1.0 December 2002 April 2003 January 2002 January 2002 .NET Framework 1.0 Visual Studio .NET 2002
C# 1.1
C# 1.2
October 2003 April 2003 .NET Framework 1.1 Visual Studio .NET 2003
C# 2.0 June 2006 September 2006 September 2005[ب] November 2005 .NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
C# 3.0 None August 2007 November 2007 .NET Framework 2.0 (Except LINQ)[17]

.NET Framework 3.0 (Except LINQ)[17]
.NET Framework 3.5

Visual Studio 2008
C# 4.0 April 2010 April 2010 .NET Framework 4 Visual Studio 2010
C# 5.0 December 2017 December 2018 June 2013 August 2012 .NET Framework 4.5 Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2013
C# 6.0 None Draft July 2015 .NET Framework 4.6
.NET Core 1.0
.NET Core 1.1
Visual Studio 2015
C# 7.0 Specification proposal March 2017 .NET Framework 4.7 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.0
C# 7.1 Specification proposal August 2017 .NET Core 2.0 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3[18]
C# 7.2 Specification proposal November 2017 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5[19]
C# 7.3 Specification proposal May 2018 .NET Core 2.1
.NET Core 2.2
.NET Framework 4.8
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7[19]
C# 8 Specification proposal September 2019 .NET Core 3.0 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3[19]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ for async
  2. ^ The Microsoft C# 2.0 specification document only contains the new 2.0 features. For older features, use the 1.2 specification above.


  1. ^ "InfoQ eMag: A Preview of C# 7".
  2. ^ "What's new in C# 8".
  3. ^ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/welcome-to-c-9-0/
  4. ^ Torgersen, Mads (أكتوبر 27, 2008). "New features in C# 4.0". Microsoft. Retrieved أكتوبر 28, 2008.
  5. ^ "The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.: dotnet/roslyn". نوفمبر 13, 2019 – via GitHub.
  6. ^ "CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes.: dotnet/coreclr". نوفمبر 13, 2019 – via GitHub.
  7. ^ أ ب Naugler, David (مايو 2007). "C# 2.0 for C++ and Java programmer: conference workshop". Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 22 (5). Although C# has been strongly influenced by Java it has also been strongly influenced by C++ and is best viewed as a descendant of both C++ and Java.
  8. ^ Hamilton, Naomi (أكتوبر 1, 2008). "The A-Z of Programming Languages: C#". Computerworld. Retrieved فبراير 12, 2010. We all stand on the shoulders of giants here and every language builds on what went before it so we owe a lot to C, C++, Java, Delphi, all of these other things that came before us. (Anders Hejlsberg)
  9. ^ "Chapel spec (Acknowledgments)" (PDF). Cray Inc. أكتوبر 1, 2015. Retrieved يناير 14, 2016.
  10. ^ "Rich Hickey Q&A by Michael Fogus". Archived from the original on يناير 11, 2017. Retrieved يناير 11, 2017.
  11. ^ Borenszweig, Ary. "Crystal 0.18.0 released!". It's heavily inspired by Ruby, and other languages (like C#, Go and Python).
  12. ^ "Web Languages and VMs: Fast Code is Always in Fashion. (V8, Dart) - Google I/O 2013". Retrieved ديسمبر 22, 2013.
  13. ^ Java 5.0 added several new language features (the enhanced for loop, autoboxing, varargs and annotations), after they were introduced in the similar (and competing) C# language [1] [2]
  14. ^ Cornelius, Barry (ديسمبر 1, 2005). "Java 5 catches up with C#". University of Oxford Computing Services. Retrieved يونيو 18, 2014. In my opinion, it is C# that has caused these radical changes to the Java language. (Barry Cornelius)
  15. ^ Ring Team (ديسمبر 5, 2017). "Ring programming language and other languages". ring-lang.net. ring-lang.
  16. ^ Lattner, Chris (يونيو 3, 2014). "Chris Lattner's Homepage". Chris Lattner. Retrieved مايو 12, 2020. The Swift language is the product of tireless effort from a team of language experts, documentation gurus, compiler optimization ninjas, and an incredibly important internal dogfooding group who provided feedback to help refine and battle-test ideas. Of course, it also greatly benefited from the experiences hard-won by many other languages in the field, drawing ideas from Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and far too many others to list.
  17. ^ أ ب "Using C# 3.0 from .NET 2.0". Danielmoth.com. مايو 13, 2007. Retrieved أكتوبر 4, 2012.
  18. ^ "Visual Studio 2017 15.3 Release Notes". docs.microsoft.com.
  19. ^ أ ب ت "Visual Studio 2017 15.9 Release Notes". docs.microsoft.com.

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Microsoft FOSS قالب:Ecma International Standards

لغات برمجة
لغات كائنية
سي شارپ
دلفي (لغة برمجة)
ادا 95
اوبجكت پاسكال
Object Pascal
لغات تقليدية
لغات وظيفية
هندسة برامج
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