زوران جينجيتش

Zoran Đinđić
Zoran Djindjic Cropped.jpg
Zoran Đinđić
رئيس وزراء صربيا السادس
في المنصب
25 يناير 2001 – 12 مارس 2003
الرئيس ميلان ميلوتينوڤتش
ناتاشا ميچچ (قائمة بالأعمال)
سبقه ميلومير مينيتش
خلفه Zoran Živković
عمدة بلگراد رقم 67
في المنصب
21 فبراير 1997 – 30 سبتمبر 1997
سبقه Nebojša Čović
خلفه Vojislav Mihailović
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد (1952-08-01)1 أغسطس 1952
Bosanski Šamac, PR Bosnia and Herzegovina, FPR Yugoslavia
توفي 12 مارس 2003(2003-03-12) (aged 50)
بلگراد، صربيا والجبل الأسود
القومية Serbian
الحزب الحزب الديمقراطي
Ružica Đinđić
(m. 1990⁠–⁠2003)
الأنجال يوڤانا
الجامعة الأم جامعة بلگراد
جامعة كونستانز

زوران جينجيتش (Zoran Đinđić ؛ سيريلية صربية: Зоран Ђинђић؛ تـُنطق [zǒran dʑîːndʑitɕ]  ( استمع)؛ 1 أغسطس 195212 مارس 2003) كان سياسياً صربيا، شغل منصب رئيس وزراء صربيا من 2001 حتى اغتياله في 2003. وقد كان عمدة بلگراد في 1997، وسياسي معارض لزمن طويل ودكتور في الفلسفة.

Đinđić was one of the original thirteen restorers of the modern day Democratic Party,[1] becoming its president in 1994.[2] وطوال عقد 1990، كان أحد قادة المعارضة لحكم سلوبودان ميلوشڤتش، وأصبح رئيس وزراء صربيا في 2001[2] after the overthrow of Milošević. As Prime Minister, he advocated pro-democratic reforms and the integration of Serbia into European structures.[3] He was assassinated in 2003 by Zvezdan Jovanović, a former Special Forces operative with ties to the Serbian Mafia.[4][5]

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العمل السياسي

جينجيتش ووزيرة الخارجية السويدية آنا لند. لند أغتيلت في ستوكهولم بعد ستة أشهر من اغتيال جينجيتش.


نشر جينجيتش أربع كتب وأكثر من مائة مقال في مواضيع مختلفة.

الكتب التي نشرها بالصربية:

  • Subjektivnost i nаsilje, Nastаnаk sistemа u filozofiji nemаčkog ideаlizmа, (Subjectivity and Violence: A Continuation of German Idealist Philosophy) Istrаživаčko-izdаvаčki centаr SSO Srbije, Izаzovi, 1982, drugo izdаnje Novi Sаd, Dnevnik, 2003.
  • Jesen dijаlektike, Kаrl Mаrks i utemeljenje kritičke teorije društvа, Mlаdost, V Velikа edicijа idejа, 1987.
  • Jugoslаvijа kаo nedovršenа držаvа, (Yugoslavia as an Incomplete State) Književnа zаjednicа Novi Sаd, Anthropos, 1988.
  • Srbijа ni nа istoku ni nа zаpаdu, (Serbia Neither East Nor West) Cepelin, 1996.
  • Jedna srpska vizija, (One Serbian Vision) Ateneum, 2004

حياته الشخصية

Đinđić and his wife Ružica had a daughter and a son, Jovana and Luka, both minors at the time of his assassination.[بحاجة لمصدر]


قبر جينجيتش في درب المواطنين ذوي الكفاءة، المقبرة الجديدة في بلگراد

His state procession and funeral, held on 15 March 2003, was attended by hundreds of thousands of citizens and by foreign delegations. Đinđić's death represented a political and moral tragedy to many Serbs who saw in him a statesman of hope who offered peaceful coexistence with neighboring nations, integration to Europe and the rest of the world, economic prosperity and a brighter future. He appealed to people in Serbia whose goal is for their country to join the West, to join the European Union, and to become "normal Europeans" with "normal lives".

Đinđić and Koštunica realised that they both needed each other for their respective goals. Koštunica believed that Serbia needed to join the West so that it could keep Kosovo and so that Republika Srpska could be maintained. Vojislav Koštunica, who served as Đinđić's political opponent and critic during his premiership, acknowledged his work two years later with these words:

Zoran Đinđić was the first to take this difficult task to lead government in very unstable times. Probably his energy and commitment made it possible for things to move forward. It is one thing to watch it from the sidelines and it is completely different to be a part of it. I understand that now when I am Prime Minister and watch things a bit differently. He was very important for the whole process.

Following his death, a small but influential movement emerged throughout Serbia and the Serbian diaspora organized around a short documentary about Zoran Đinđić (created by Belgrade director Aleksandar Mandić). The documentary – "Ako Srbija Stane" (If Serbia stops)[6] – was a collection of edited speeches given by Đinđić on a speaking tour in Serbia shortly before his death. A movement called "Kapiraj" created a network of students and other young people who were committed to copying and distributing the documentary free of charge. This campaign was known by the slogan "Kapiraj-kopiraj"[7] (which means "Catch on and Copy" in Serbian) and its purpose was to have a "non-party initiative to have as many people as possible hear Đinđić's message, to put an end to the fleeing from responsibility, and to do the most for oneself so that Serbia does not stop."[بحاجة لمصدر]


Wikiquote-logo.svg اقرأ اقتباسات ذات علاقة بزوران جينجيتش، في معرفة الاقتباس.
  • We can tell the citizens we will fight for their rights and we can say that this is going to be the first government that will not be dealing with itself but with the interests of the citizens.


  1. ^ Democratic Party official site: Reforming of Democratic Party (صربية)
  2. ^ أ ب Democratic Party official site: Dr Zoran Đinđić (1952-2003) (صربية)
  3. ^ Laura Silber (14 March 2003). "Serbia Loses More Than a Leader". New York Times. Retrieved 2010-01-15.
  4. ^ Steven Erlanger (16 March 2003). "The World: Murder in Belgrade; Did Serbia's Leader Do the West's Bidding Too Well?". New York Times. Retrieved 2010-01-15.
  5. ^ "2 Suspects in Murder Of Serbian Premier Are Killed by Police". New York Times. 28 March 2003. Retrieved 2010-01-15.
  6. ^ "www.srbijauevropi.org". www.srbijauevropi.org. Retrieved 17 November 2011.
  7. ^ "Kapiraj-kopiraj". Kapiraj.org. Retrieved 27 June 2016.


وصلات خارجية

مناصب سياسية
Milomir Minić
رئيس وزراء صربيا
Zoran Živković
Nebojša Čović
عمدة بلگراد
Vojislav Mihailović
مناصب حزبية
Dragoljub Mićunović
رئيس الحزب الديمقراطي
بوريس تاديتش

قالب:Demokratska stranka Presidents قالب:Cabinet of Serbia (2001–04)
