جوناثان ساكس

حاخام المبجل

جوناثان ساكس
The Lord Sacks
الحاخام جوناثان ساكس.
ساكس في 2006
Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth
في المنصب
1 September 1991 – 1 September 2013
سبقهImmanuel, Lord Jakobovits
خلـَفهEphraim Mirvis
في المنصب
1 September 2009 – 7 November 2020
Life peerage
تفاصيل شخصية
Jonathan Henry Sacks

(1948-03-08)8 مارس 1948
London, England
توفي7 نوفمبر 2020(2020-11-07) (aged 72)
London, England
الحزبNone (crossbencher)
Elaine Taylor
(m. 1970)
المدرسة الأم
  • Rabbi
  • philosopher
  • theologian
  • author
الموقع الإلكترونيOfficial website Edit this at Wikidata
Artistic portrait of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks[1]

جوناثان ساكس Jonathan Henry Sacks, Baron Sacks (8 مارس 1948 – 7 نوفمبر 2020) حاخام إنجليزي أرثوذكسي ، وفيلسوف، ولاهوتي، ومؤلف. شغل منصب الحاخام الرئيسي للتجمعات العبرية المتحدة في الكومنولث من 1991 إلى 2013. بصفته الرئيس الروحي للكنيس المتحد، أكبر هيئة كنيس يهودي في في المملكة المتحدة، وكان الحاخام الأكبر للمعابد الأرثوذكسية ولكن لم يعترف به كسلطة دينية عند اتحاد التجمعات العبرية الأرثوذكسية الحريديم ولا الحركات التقدمية مثل الماسورتية، والإصلاحية، واليهودية الليبرالية.[2][3] بصفته الحاخام الأكبر، حمل رسمياً لقب رئيس بيت دين لندن. وحين توفي، كان الحاخام الأكبر الفخري.[4]

بعد تنحيه عن منصب الحاخام الأكبر، قام بالعديد من الرحلات الدولية وقدم كلمات وخطابات الخطابية وكتاباته الغزيرة، عمل ساكس كأستاذ متميز في الفكر اليهودي في جامعة نيويورك وجامعة عائلة كريسيل وإفرات، وعمل كأستاذ الفكر اليهودي في جامعة يشيفا. كما عُين أستاذاً للقانون والأخلاق والكتاب المقدس في كلية كينجز لندن.[5]وحصل على جائزة تمبلتون عام 2016.[6]وكان زميلاً بارزاً في مركز راؤول والنبرگ لحقوق الإنسان.

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Early life

Jonathan Henry Sacks was born in the Lambeth district of London on 8 March 1948,[7] the son of Jewish (of Ashkenazi Diaspora) textile seller Louis David Sacks (died 1996)[8] and his Jewish wife Louisa (née Frumkin; 1919–2010),[9][10] who came from a family of leading Jewish wine merchants.[11][12][13] He had three brothers named Brian, Alan, and Eliot, all of whom eventually made aliyah.[14] He said that his father did not have "much Jewish education".[15]

Sacks commenced his formal education at St Mary's Primary School and at Christ's College, Finchley.[7] He completed his higher education at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he gained a first-class honours degree (MA) in Philosophy.

While a student at Cambridge, he travelled to New York City, where he met with rabbis Joseph Soloveitchik and Menachem Mendel Schneerson to discuss a variety of issues relating to religion, faith, and philosophy. He later wrote, "Rabbi Soloveitchik had challenged me to think, Rabbi Schneerson had challenged me to lead."[14] Schneerson urged Sacks to seek rabbinic ordination and enter the rabbinate.[16]

Sacks subsequently continued his postgraduate studies at New College, Oxford,[7] and King's College London, completing a PhD which the University of London awarded him in 1982.[17] He received his rabbinic ordination from the London School of Jewish Studies and London's Etz Chaim Yeshiva,[18] with semikhah respectively from Rabbis Nahum Rabinovitch and Noson Ordman.


Sacks's first rabbinic appointment (1978–1982) was as the Rabbi for the Golders Green synagogue in London. In 1983, he became Rabbi of the Western Marble Arch Synagogue in Central London, a position he held until 1990. Between 1984 and 1990, Sacks also served as Principal of Jews' College, the United Synagogue's rabbinical seminary.[19] Dr. Sacks was inducted to serve as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth on 1 September 1991, a position he held until 1 September 2013.

Sacks became a Knight Bachelor in the 2005 Birthday Honours "for services to the Community and to Inter-faith Relations".[20][21] He was made an Honorary Freeman of the London Borough of Barnet in September 2006.[22] On 13 July 2009 the House of Lords Appointments Commission announced that Sacks was recommended for a life peerage with a seat in the House of Lords.[23][24] He took the title "Baron Sacks of Aldgate in the City of London"[25] and sat as a crossbencher.

A visiting professor at several universities in Britain, the United States, and Israel, Sacks held 16 honorary degrees, including a doctorate of divinity conferred on him in September 2001 by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, to mark his first ten years in office as Chief Rabbi. In recognition of his work, Sacks won several international awards, including the Jerusalem Prize in 1995 for his contribution to diaspora Jewish life and The Ladislaus Laszt Ecumenical and Social Concern Award from Ben Gurion University in Israel in 2011.[5]

The author of 25 books, Sacks published commentaries on the daily Jewish prayer book (siddur) and completed commentaries to the Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Pesach festival prayer-books (machzorim) اعتبارا من 2017. His other books include, Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence, and The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning. His books won literary awards, including the Grawemeyer Prize for Religion in 2004 for The Dignity of Difference, and a National Jewish Book Award in 2000 for A Letter in the Scroll.[5][26] Covenant & Conversation: Genesis was also awarded a National Jewish Book Award in 2009,[27] and his commentary to the Pesach festival prayer book won the Modern Jewish Thought and Experience Dorot Foundation Award in the 2013 National Jewish Book Awards[27] in the United States.[28] His Covenant & Conversation commentaries on the weekly Torah portion are read by thousands of people in Jewish communities around the world.[29]

Sacks' contributions to wider British society have also been recognized. A regular contributor to national media, frequently appearing on BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day or writing the Credo column or opinion pieces in The Times, Sacks was awarded The Sanford St Martin's Trust Personal Award for 2013 for "his advocacy of Judaism and religion in general". He was invited to the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton as a representative of the Jewish community.[30]

At a Gala Dinner held in Central London in May 2013 to mark the completion of the Chief Rabbi's time in office, the Prince of Wales called Sacks a "light unto this nation", "a steadfast friend" and "a valued adviser" whose "guidance on any given issue has never failed to be of practical value and deeply grounded in the kind of wisdom that is increasingly hard to come by".[31]

Chief Rabbi

In his installation address upon succeeding Lord Immanuel Jakobovits as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth in September 1991, Sacks called for a Decade of Renewal which would "revitalize British Jewry's great powers of creativity".[32] He said this renewal should be based on five central values: "love of every Jew, love of learning, love of God, a profound contribution to British society and an unequivocal attachment to Israel."[32] Sacks said he wanted to be "a catalyst for creativity, to encourage leadership in others, and to let in the fresh air of initiative and imagination".[32] This led to a series of innovative communal projects including Jewish Continuity, a national foundation for Jewish educational programmes and outreach; the Association of Jewish Business Ethics; the Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence; the Chief Rabbinate Bursaries, and Community Development, a national scheme to enhance Jewish community life. The Chief Rabbi began his second decade of office with a call to 'Jewish Responsibility' and a renewed commitment to the ethical dimension of Judaism.[33] He was succeeded as chief rabbi by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis on 1 September 2013.

Appointments held

In addition to serving as Chief Rabbi, Sacks held numerous appointments during his career including:

Sacks was also a frequent guest on both television and radio, and regularly contributed to the national press. He delivered the 1990 BBC Reith Lectures on The Persistence of Faith.[35]

Awards and honours

Sacks was awarded numerous prizes including:[34]

  • 1995: Jerusalem Prize (Israel)
  • 2000: American National Jewish Book for A Letter in the Scroll
  • 2004: The Grawemeyer Prize for Religion (USA)
  • 2009: American National Jewish Book Award for Covenant & Conversation Genesis: The Book of Beginnings
  • 2010: The Norman Lamm Prize, Yeshiva University (USA)
  • 2010: The Abraham Kuyper Prize, Princeton Theological Seminary (USA)
  • 2011: The Ladislaus Laszt Ecumenical and Social Concern Award, Ben Gurion University (Israel)
  • 2011: Keter Torah Award, Open University (Israel)
  • 2013: The Sanford St Martin's Trust Personal Award for Excellence in Religious Broadcasting
  • 2013: American National Jewish Book Award for The Koren Sacks Pesah Mahzor
  • 2015: American National Jewish Book Award for Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence
  • 2016: Templeton Prize, "has spent decades bringing spiritual insight to the public conversation through mass media, popular lectures and more than two dozen books"[36]
  • 2021: Genesis Prize Lifetime Achievement Award, awarded posthumously by Israeli President Isaac Herzog.[37]

فلسفته وآراءه

كُتب الكثير عن مساهمة ساكس الفلسفية في اليهودية وغيرها. ومنها:

(1) مجلد عن عمله بعنوان "تعميم الخصوصية" والذي يشكل جزءاً من سلسلة مكتبة الفلاسفة اليهود المعاصرين، وحرره هافا تيروش سامويلسون وآرون دبليو هيوز.;[38] (2) كتاب بعنوان "المسؤولية الراديكالية" حرره مايكل جي هاريس ودانيال رينهولد وتمرا رايت؛[39](3) كتاب بعنوان موراشا كحيلات يعقوب تحرير الحاخام مايكل بولاك وديان شموئيل سيمونز.[40]

التأثيرات المبكرة

في كتيب كتبه بمناسبة انتهاء فترة عمله كحاخام كبير بعنوان "يهودية منخرطة في العالم"،[41] يستشهد ساكس بثلاثة أفراد كان لهم تأثير عميق على تفكيره الفلسفي. الشخصية الأولى هي الحاخام مناحيم مندل شنيرسون الذي "كان مدركاً تماماً لمشكلة اليهود المفقودين... واخترع فكرة التواصل اليهودي، الثورية في وقتها... وهذا ما حفزني أن أبادر."[41]:10 ووصفه ساكس بأنه "أحد أعظم القادة اليهود، ليس في عصرنا هذا فحسب، بل في كل العصور".[42] والثاني كان الحاخام جوزيف سولوفيتشيك الذي وصفه ساكس بأنه "أعظم مفكر أرثوذكسي في ذلك الوقت الذي دفعني للتفكير".[41]:10–11 جادل ساكس أنه بالنسبة لسولوفيشيك فإن "الفلسفة اليهودية، يجب أن تنبثق من الهالاخاه. فالفكر اليهودي والممارسة اليهودية ليسا شيئان مختلفان ولكنهما نفس الشيء الذي يُنظر إليه من وجهات نظر مختلفة. كانت الهالاخاه طريقة للعيش وتفكير بالعالم – وذلك عبر أخذ الأفكار المجردة وجعلها حقيقية في الحياة اليومية."[41]:11

أماالشخصية الثالثة فهي الحاخام ناحوم رابينوفيتش، المدير السابق لـمدرسة لندن للدراسات اليهودية. إذ وصفه ساكس بأنه "أحد علماء موسى بن ميمون العظماء في عصرنا، الذي علمنا، أن قيادة التوراة تتطلب أعلى شجاعة فكرية وأخلاقية. لقد فعل ذلك بأفضل طريقة ممكنة: بالقدوة الشخصية. الأفكار التالية والتي هي له، هي إشارة صغيرة إلى ما تعلمته منه - وليس أقلها أن التوراة، هو رفض إعطاء إجابات سهلة للأسئلة الصعبة.[43]

العالمية مقابل الخصوصية

Writing of Sacks as a rabbi, social philosopher, proponent of interfaith dialogue and a public intellectual, Tirosh-Samuelson and Hughes note that "[Sacks's] vision—informed as it is by the concerns of modern Orthodoxy—is paradoxically one of the most universalizing voices within contemporary Judaism. Sacks possesses a rare ability to hold in delicate balance the universal demands of the modern, multicultural world with the particularism associated with Judaism."[44]:1 This is a view supported by Rabbi Nathan Lopez Cardozo, who wrote in The Jerusalem Post that Sacks's "confidence in the power of Judaism and its infinite wisdom enabled him to enter the lion's den, taking on famous philosophers, scientists, religious thinkers and sociologists and showing them that Judaism had something to teach that they couldn't afford to miss if they wanted to be at the forefront of philosophy and science."[45] Harris and Rynhold, in their introduction to Radical Responsibility, argued: "The special contribution made by the thought of Chief Rabbi Sacks is that it not only continues the venerable Jewish philosophical tradition of maintaining traditional faith in the face of external intellectual challenges, but also moves beyond this tradition by showing how core Jewish teachings can address the dilemmas of the secular world itself. What make Lord Sacks' approach so effective is that he is able to do so without any exception of the wider world taking on Judaism's theological beliefs."[39]:xvi

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Torah v'Chokhma

The framework for Sacks' philosophical approach and his interaction between the universal and the particular is not too dissimilar from those positions adopted by other leading Orthodox thinkers of recent times. The favoured phrase of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was Torah im derekh eretz, 'Torah with general culture'; for Rabbi Norman Lamm it was Torah u-mada, 'Torah and Science'. For Sacks, his favoured phrase was Torah vehokhmah, 'Torah and Wisdom'. As noted in the introduction to Radical Responsibility: "Torah, for Jonathan Sacks represents the particularistic, inherited teachings of Judaism, while hokhmah (wisdom) refers to the universal realm of the sciences and humanities."[39]:xviii Framed in religious terms, as Sacks sets out in his book Future Tense:

"Chokhmah is the truth we discover; Torah is the truth we inherit. Chokhmah is the universal language of humankind; Torah is the specific heritage of Israel. Chokhmah is what we attain by being in the image of God; Torah is what guides Jews as the people of God. Chokhmah is acquired by seeing and reasoning; Torah is received by listening and responding. Chokhmah tells us what is; Torah tells us what ought to be."[46]

Tirosh-Samuelson and Hughes are of the opinion that whilst Torah v'Chokhmah is certainly a valid overarching framework, they note that Sacks' perspective is one rooted in modern orthodoxy: "Although he will try to understand various denominations of Judaism, he is always quick to point out that Orthodoxy cannot recognize the legitimacy of interpretations of Judaism that abandon fundamental beliefs of halakhic (Jewish law) authority. Judaism that departs from the truth and acceptance of the halakha is a departure from authentic Judaism and, he reasons, is tantamount to the accommodation of secularism. So, while Sacks will develop a highly inclusive account of the world's religions, there were times when he was critical of the denominations within Judaism."[47]

"No one creed has a monopoly on spiritual truth"

After the publication of his book The Dignity of Difference, a group of Haredi rabbis, most notably Rabbis Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and Bezalel Rakow, accused Sacks of heresy against what they consider the traditional Orthodox viewpoint. According to them, some words seemed to imply an endorsement of pure relativism between religions, and that Judaism is not the sole true religion, e.g. "No one creed has a monopoly on spiritual truth." This led him to rephrase more clearly some sentences in the book for its second edition, though he refused to recall books already in the stores.[48]

In his "Preface to the Second Edition" of the book, Sacks wrote that certain passages in the book had been misconstrued: He had already explicitly criticised cultural and religious relativism in his book, and he did not deny Judaism's uniqueness. He also stressed, however, that mainstream rabbinic teachings teach that wisdom, righteousness, and the possibility of a true relationship with God are all available in non-Jewish cultures and religions as an ongoing heritage from the covenant that God made with Noah and all his descendants, so the tradition teaches that one does not need to be Jewish to know God or truth, or to attain salvation.[49][50] As this diversity of covenantal bonds implies, however, traditional Jewish sources do clearly deny that any one creed has a monopoly on spiritual truth. Monopolistic and simplistic claims of universal truth he has characterized as imperialistic, pagan and Platonic, and not Jewish at all.[51] The book received international acclaim, winning the Grawemeyer Award for Religion in 2004.[52]

Efforts to accommodate Haredi Jews

A book by the British historian and journalist Meir Persoff, Another Way, Another Time, has argued that "Sacks's top priority has been staying in the good graces of the Haredi, or strictly Orthodox, faction, whose high birthrate has made it the fastest-growing component of British Jewry."[53][54]

Relationship with the non-Orthodox denominations

Sacks provoked considerable controversy in the Anglo-Jewish community in 1996 when he refused to attend the funeral service of the late Reform Rabbi Hugo Gryn and for a private letter he had written in Hebrew, which (in translation) asserted that Auschwitz survivor Gryn was "among those who destroy the faith", was leaked and published. He wrote further that he was an "enemy" of the Reform, Liberal and Masorti movements, leading some to reject the notion that he was "Chief Rabbi" for all Jews in Britain. He attended a memorial meeting for Gryn, a move that brought the wrath of some in the ultra-Orthodox community.[55][56] Rabbi Dow Marmur, a Canada-based progressive Rabbi, argued that after attending the memorial service, Sacks then attempted to placate the ultra-Orthodox community, an attempt which Marmur has described as "neurotic and cowardly."[57]

Later, in a letter to The Jewish Chronicle in May 2013, Jackie Gryn, the widow of Rabbi Hugo Gryn, wrote: "I feel the time has come for me to lay to rest, once and for all , the idea… that there ever was a 'Hugo Gryn Affair', as far as I am concerned, regarding the absence of the Chief Rabbi at the funeral of my late husband, Hugo… From the beginning, relations were cordial and sympathetic and have remained so", she wrote. "There has never been any personal grievance between us concerning his non-attendance at the funeral, which promoted such venomous and divisive comments and regrettably continues to do so."[58]

Sacks responded to the incident by rethinking his relationship with the non-Orthodox movements, eventually developing what he called the "two principles". Responding to an interview shortly before his retirement, he wrote that "You try and make things better in the future. As a result of the turbulence at that time, I was forced to think this whole issue through and I came up with these two principles; on all matters that affect us as Jews regardless of our religious differences we work together regardless of our religious differences, and on all things that touch our religious differences we agree to differ, but with respect. As a result of those two principles, relations between Reform and Orthodox have got much better and are actually a model for the rest of the Jewish world. Progressive rabbis sit with me on the top table of the Council of Christians and Jews, we stand together for Israel. All of this flowed from those two principles. Until then there had been a view never to do anything with the non-Orthodox movements but once you thought it through you saw that there were all sorts of opportunities."[59]

Sacks years earlier (2004) drew some criticism when he and his Beth Din prevented the retired Rabbi Louis Jacobs, who had helped establish the British branch of the Masorti movement, from being called up for the Reading of the Torah on the Saturday before his granddaughter's wedding.[60]

Secularism and Europe's changing demographics

Sacks expressed concern at what he regarded as the negative effects of materialism and secularism in European society, arguing that they undermined the basic values of family life and lead to selfishness. In 2009, Sacks gave an address claiming that Europeans have chosen consumerism over the self-sacrifice of parenting children, and that "the major assault on religion today comes from the neo-Darwinians". He argued that Europe is in population decline "because non-believers lack shared values of family and community that religion has".[61][62]

Consumerism and Steve Jobs

Sacks made remarks at an inter-faith reception attended by the Queen, in November 2011, in which he criticised what he believed to be the selfish consumer culture that has only brought unhappiness. "The consumer society was laid down by the late Steve Jobs coming down the mountain with two tablets, iPad one and iPad two, and the result is that we now have a culture of iPod, iPhone, iTune, i, i, i. When you're an individualist, egocentric culture and you only care about 'I', you don’t do terribly well."[63][64] In a later statement, the Chief Rabbi's office said "The Chief Rabbi meant no criticism of either Steve Jobs personally or the contribution Apple has made to the development of technology in the 21st century."[65]

Position on gay marriage

In July 2012 a group of prominent British Jews criticised Sacks for opposing plans to allow civil marriage for gays and lesbians.[66] He said that he understood "the fear that gays have of prejudice and persecution"[67] and went on to say, in a lecture on the institution of marriage, that a world that persecutes homosexuals is one "to which we should never return."[68]

I fully understood... that gays, not just Jews, were sent to the concentration camps, and I did not want to become a voice that would be caught up in a very polarised debate and be seen to be heartless towards the gays in our own community. I am not heartless towards them, I really seek to understand them and they seek to understand where I am coming from. – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks[67]

Interfaith dialogue

Jonathan Sacks (second from left) with George Carey, Mustafa Cerić, and Jim Wallis at the 2009 World Economic Forum

Sacks was an advocate of interfaith dialogue and sat on the Board of World Religious Leaders for the Elijah Interfaith Institute.[69]

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Politics in the United States

In October 2017, Jonathan Sacks inveighed against a "politics of anger" he said was corroding the fabric of U.S. society. "The politics of anger that's emerged in our time is full of danger," Sacks said. He decried the breakdown of American society into narrower and narrower identities that nurtured a "culture of grievances." Sacks warned that "The social contract is still there, but the social covenant is being lost."[70]

On antisemitism

In a June 2019 debate on anti-Semitism in the House of Lords, Sacks stated that "there is hardly a country in the world, certainly not a single country in Europe, where Jews feel safe" and that societies tolerating anti-Semitism had "forfeited all moral credibility".[71] Additionally, Sacks equated anti-Semitism to a "mutating virus".[72]


As author
As editor

Personal life

Sacks married Elaine Taylor in 1970,[7] and together they had three children: Joshua, Dina and Gila.[7] He was a vegetarian.[73]


Sacks died in London on 7 November 2020, at the age of 72.[74][75] He had been diagnosed with cancer a month earlier, having been twice previously treated for the disease.[76]

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that Sacks' leadership had a "profound impact on our whole country and across the world".[77] Rabbi Meir Soloveichik wrote a tribute piece in the Wall Street Journal entitled "What Gentiles can Learn from Lord Sacks".[78] Awarding the Genesis Prize Lifetime Achievement Award to Rabbi Sacks posthumously in late 2021, Israeli President Isaac Herzog paid tribute to him and praised him as “a master articulator of the Jewish foundation of universal values" who "unapologetically verbalized a proud, dignified Jewish identity."[79]


  1. ^ "Gedolim Portraits".
  2. ^ Abrams, Hester (7 December 1991). "Philosopher is new leader of Britain's Jews : Educational standards, disintegrating family concern rabbi". The Record. Kitchener, Ontario. p. C11. He is officially head of the mainstream United Synagogue, but is not recognized as religious leader by many in the progressive Reform and Liberal movements
  3. ^ Butt, Riazat (13 July 2009). "Chief Rabbi joins House of Lords". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 6 September 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2009. The decision to confer a title on Sacks angered Jews from both the progressive and strictly Orthodox branches who did not recognise him as their religious leader
  4. ^ Compare: Cohen, Justin (20 July 2016). "Lord Sacks leads tributes to Alan Senitt at moving memorial". Jewish News. London. Archived from the original on 31 August 2017. Retrieved 7 July 2017. The Chief Rabbi Emeritus said the one-time BBYO president and UJS chair would have been 'one of the great leaders of our time' [...].
  5. ^ أ ب ت "About Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks". Archived from the original on 7 October 2020. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  6. ^ Herlinger, Chris (2 March 2016). "Lord Jonathan Sacks wins Templeton Prize". Archived from the original on 25 December 2016. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  7. ^ أ ب ت ث ج قالب:Who's Who
  8. ^ Gjelten, Tom (November 9, 2020). "Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Towering Intellect Of Judaism, Dies At 72". NPR (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2021-09-06.
  9. ^ "Chief Rabbi's mother dies at 91". The Jewish Chronicle. 2010-09-26. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  10. ^ "In memory of Libby Sacks". www.personal.briansacks.com. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  11. ^ "Jonathan Sacks: Defender of the faith". The Independent. 7 September 2001. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  12. ^ "Lord Sacks obituary". 8 November 2020. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 8 November 2020 – via www.thetimes.co.uk.
  13. ^ "LIBBY FRUMKIN and LOUIS SACKS – East End Vintage Glamour". eastendvintageglamour.org.uk. Archived from the original on 29 December 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  14. ^ أ ب Goldman, Ari L. (9 November 2020). "Jonathan Sacks, the U.K.'s Inclusive Former Chief Rabbi, Dies at 72". The New York Times.
  15. ^ "Remembering Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020)". Tablet Magazine. 12 November 2020.
  16. ^ Jonathan Sacks, "How The Rebbe Changed My Life" Archived 8 نوفمبر 2020 at the Wayback Machine. 28 November 2011.
  17. ^ Sacks, Jonathan (1982). Rabbinic concepts of responsibility for others : a study of the Commandment of Rebuke and the idea of mutual surety. london.ac.uk (PhD thesis). University of London. قالب:Copac. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 17 May 2018.
  18. ^ "Introduction - Rabbi Sacks - Testimony". Archived from the original on 2 February 2014. Retrieved 21 January 2014.
  19. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 February 2014. Retrieved 21 January 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
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