جورج كلمنصو

(تم التحويل من جورج كليمنصو)
جورج كلـِمـَنصو
Georges Clemenceau
Georges Clemenceau Nadar.jpg
رئيس وزراء فرنسا رقم 72
في المنصب
25 أكتوبر 1906 – 24 يوليو 1909
الرئيس أرمان فاليير
سبقه فردينان ساريين
خلفه أريستيد بريان
رئيس وزراء فرنسا رقم 85
في المنصب
16 نوفمبر 1917 – 20 يناير 1920
الرئيس ريمون پوانكاريه
سبقه پول پينلڤيه
خلفه ألكسندر ميران
في المنصب
25 October 1906 – 24 July 1909
الرئيس Armand Fallières
سبقه Ferdinand Sarrien
خلفه Aristide Briand
Minister of War
في المنصب
16 November 1917 – 20 January 1920
رئيس الوزراء Himself
سبقه Paul Painlevé
خلفه André Joseph Lefèvre
Minister of the Interior
في المنصب
14 March 1906 – 24 July 1909
رئيس الوزراء
  • Ferdinand Sarrien
  • Himself
سبقه Fernand Dubief
خلفه Aristide Briand
Parliamentary offices
Senator for Var
في المنصب
6 April 1902 – 10 January 1910
سبقهErnest Denormandie
خلـَفهGustave Fourment
Member of the Chamber of Deputies
في المنصب
15 October 1885 – 14 October 1893
سبقهAuguste Maurel
خلـَفهJoseph Jourdan
الدائرة الانتخابيةVar
في المنصب
9 March 1876 – 14 October 1885
الدائرة الانتخابيةSeine
Member of the National Assembly
في المنصب
12 February 1871 – 17 March 1871
الدائرة الانتخابيةSeine
President of the Council of Paris
في المنصب
28 November 1875 – 24 April 1876
سبقه Pierre Marmottan
خلفه Barthélemy Forest
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد 28 سبتمبر 1841
توفي 24 نوفمبر 1929(1929-11-24) (aged 88)
الحزب راديكالي
المهنة طبيب، ناشر صحيفة

جورج بنجامان كلمنصو Georges Benjamin Clemenceau[1] (النطق الفرنسي: [ʒɔʁʒ klemɑ̃so][2]؛ عاش 28 سبتمبر 1841 – 24 نوفمبر 1929) كان رجل دولة فرنسي وطبيب وصحفي. عمل رئيس وزراء فرنسا من 1906 حتى 1909، ومرة أخرى من 1917 حتى 1920. وتقريباً طيلة السنة الاخيرة من الحرب العالمية الأولى قاد فرنسا، وكان واحداً من الأصوات الرئيسية وراء التوصل إلى معاهدة ڤرساي في مؤتمر باريس للسلام في تبعات الحرب. ويشيع تسميته "Le Tigre" (النـِمـْر) و "Père-la-Victoire" (الأب نصر) لعزيمته كزعيم في وقت الحرب.

وقد مارس قيادة قوية بذلك النداء الذي أعلنه "أنا أصنع الحرب". ورأس مؤتمر باريس للسلام، حيث أصّر على شروط قاسية تُفرض على ألمانيا، وسعى لحصول فرنسا على الشاطئ الشمالي لنهر الراين. تقدم كليمنصو لرئاسة فرنسا عام 1920، ولكنه خسر أمام بول ديشانيل فقدم استقالته من رئاسة مجلس الوزراء في اليوم التالي لهزيمته.

وُلِدَ كليمنصو في مويليرو أون باريه بالقرب من لاروش-سور-يون بفرنسا. تعلم الطب وتمرّن عليه، وسافر إلى الولايات المتحدة حيث قام هناك بالتدريس بعض الوقت وتزوج من أمريكية. وحين عاد إلى فرنسا أصبح عمدة مونمارتر (جزء من باريس)، كما ساعد في الدفاع عن باريس ضد الألمان عام 1870. خدم كليمنصو مفوضاً ونائباً من عام 1876 حتى 1893، ثم أصبح رئيسًا للوزراء من عام 1906 حتى 1909.

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جورج كليمنصو Georges Clemenceau، سياسي ورجل دولة فرنسي, ولد في مقاطعة ڤاندي Vendée لأسرة برجوازية، بدأ حياته طبيباً إلى جانب اهتماماته في المسائل والقضايا السياسية. كان ذا نزعة يسارية، انضم إلى التيار الجمهوري المناهض لسياسة الامبراطور ناپليون الثالث Napoléon III. وقد عبّر عن أفكاره السياسية تلك من خلال نشاطه في المجال الصحافي، بعد سفره إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1865، وبعد عودته إلى فرنسا، عرف عنه جرأته الناقدة، وكان له دور بارز في إسقاط امبراطورية نابليون بخطبه البليغة التي كان يلقيها في النوادي والمؤتمرات، إلى جانب مقالاته المنشورة في الصحف، وفي عام 1870 شارك بحماس مع الحشد الجماهيري الثائر في ساحة الباستيل، الذي تطور إلى ثورة مسلّحة أسفرت عن سقوط الامبراطورية وقيام الجمهورية الثالثة. انتخب نائباً عن منطقة السين، ونتيجة لانضمامه المبكر إلى التيار الجمهوري فإنه التزم مواقف اليسار الفرنسي، وكان من أشد المعارضين لسياسة جول فري Jules Ferry الاستعمارية ومطامع الجنرال بولانجيه Boulanger البونابرتية، فأثار بمواقفه الحادة عداوة كثيرين من خصومه السياسيين الذين استغلوا تورطه غير المباشر بفضيحة قناة بنما المالية Scandale de Panama، كما استغلوا علاقته الحميمة بالإنكليز فاتهموه بالعمالة وعلى الرغم من ثبوت براءته من القضيتين خسر مقعده النيابي في الانتخابات وأبعد عن الحلبة السياسية لتسع سنوات، خصصها لكتابة المقالات الصحفية، ثم أعيد انتخابه عضواً في مجلس الشيوخ عن منطقة الڤار Var عام 1902.

وفي عام 1906 أصبح وزيراً للداخلية، فرئيساً للوزراء لفترتين في أدق ظروف التاريخ الفرنسي طبع في أثنائهما سياسة فرنسا بطابعه الخاص وتحقق فيها كثير من المنجزات، ففي عهده الأول تمّ فصل الكنيسة عن الدولة، وأصدر بعض القوانين المتصلة بالعمال وأرباب العمل, وتوطدت علاقته بالولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا، وكان له دور لافت في تهيئة الجمهور الفرنسي وتعبئته لخوض غمار الحرب ضد ألمانيا العدو اللدود لفرنسا، وفي أثناء فترته الثانية في سنين الحرب كان يقوم بزيارات ميدانية متفرقة للجنود في خنادقهم متوكئاً على عصاه، حاثاً إياهم على الثبات والصبر، فواصلت حكومته الائتلافية التي شكّلها سنة 1917 الحرب إلى أن خرجت فرنسا منها منتصرة على الرغم من الظروف القاسية التي مرّت بها، فاستحق لقب (أبو النصر). وفي مؤتمر فرساي كان له دور مؤثر في صياغة مقرراته ومعارضاً أكثر الآراء التي قدمها الرئيس الأمريكي وودرو ولسن Woodrow Wilson، بحجة أن تلك الآراء غير كافية لضمان سلامة فرنسا تجاه المخاطر التي كانت تتوقعها من ألمانيا، فأقحم كثيراً من الشروط التي كان يستهدف من خلالها إذلال ألمانيا، الأمر الذي كان له أثر مباشر في تكوين وتنمية الأيديولوجية العدائية التي تبناها هتلر Hitler تجاه فرنسا، والتي كان من نتائجها تحطيم كبريائها حينما اقتحمتها الجيوش الألمانية في الحرب العالمية الثانية، وأجبرتها على توقيع معاهدة مماثلة بالمكان نفسه وبشروط مشابهة. ومع كل ما تحقق في عهد كليمنصو لفرنسا والفرنسيين فإنه خسر في انتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية سنة 1920 أمام منافسه بول دي شانيل Paul Deschanel، فكان ذلك مدعاة لانسحابه من الحياة السياسية والاعتزال منكباً على الكتابة إلى أن وافته المنية بمسقط رأسه ڤاندي.

قضية درايفوس


  • «الحرب شأن أكبر كثيراً من أن يترك قراره للجنرالات.»


  1. ^ Clemenceau's name is spelled with an ‹e› and not with the ‹é› that is normally required in French for the pronunciation /e/.
  2. ^ Clemenceau himself preferred the pronunciation كـْلـَمـَنصو kləmɑ̃so، ولكن الاستخدام الحالي استقر على الحرف المتحرك [e] (ليتماثل مع الاسم Clément). See P. Fouché, Traité de prononciation française, Paris, 1956, p. 65.


  • Holt, E., The Tiger: The Life of Georges Clemenceau 1841-1929, (London : Hamilton, 1976);
  • Georges Clemenceau, La France devant l'Allemagne, (Paris: Lumet & Martet, 1916);
  • Cochet, A., Clemenceau et la Troisieme Republique, (Paris: Denoel, 1989).

وصلات خارجية

After about 1,400,000 French soldiers were killed between the German invasion and Armistice, he demanded a total victory over the German Empire. Clemenceau stood for reparations, a transfer of colonies, strict rules to prevent a rearming process, as well as the restitution of Alsace–Lorraine, which had been annexed to Germany in 1871. He achieved these goals through the Treaty of Versailles signed at the Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920). Nicknamed Père la Victoire ("Father Victory") or Le Tigre ("The Tiger"), he continued his harsh position against Germany in the 1920s, although not quite so much as President Raymond Poincaré or former Supreme Allied Commander Ferdinand Foch, who thought the treaty was too lenient on Germany, prophetically stating: "This is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years." Clemenceau obtained mutual defence treaties with the United Kingdom and the United States, to unite against possible future German aggression, but these never took effect due to the U.S. Senate's failure to ratify the treaty, which thus also nullified British obligation.

Early years

Clemenceau was a native of Vendée, born in Mouilleron-en-Pareds. During the period of the French Revolution, Vendée had been a hotbed of monarchist sympathies. The department was remote from Paris, rural, and poor. His mother, Sophie Eucharie Gautreau (1817–1903), was of Huguenot descent. His father, Benjamin Clemenceau (1810–1897), came from a long line of physicians, but lived off his lands and investments and did not practice medicine. Benjamin was a political activist; he was arrested and briefly held in 1851 and again in 1858. He instilled in his son a love of learning, devotion to radical politics, and a hatred of Catholicism.[1] The lawyer Albert Clemenceau (1861–1955) was his brother. His mother was a devout Protestant; his father was an atheist and insisted that his children should have no religious education. Clemenceau was interested in religious issues. He was a lifelong atheist with a sound knowledge of the Bible.[بحاجة لمصدر] He became a leader of anti-clerical or "Radical" forces that battled against the Catholic Church in France and the Catholics in politics. He stopped short of the more extreme attacks. His position was that if church and state were kept rigidly separated, he would not support oppressive measures designed to further weaken the Catholic Church.[2][3]

After his studies in the Lycée in Nantes, Clemenceau received his French baccalaureate of letters in 1858. He went to Paris to study medicine and eventually graduated with the completion of his thesis "De la génération des éléments anatomiques" in 1865.[4]

Political activism and American experience

Clemenceau at age 24, ح. 1865

In Paris, the young Clemenceau became a political activist and writer. In December 1861, he and some friends co-founded a weekly newsletter, Le Travail. On 23 February 1862, he was arrested by the imperial police for having placed posters summoning a demonstration. He spent 77 days in the Mazas Prison. Around the same time, Clemenceau also visited the old French revolutionary Auguste Blanqui and another Republican activist, Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, in jail, further deepening his hatred of the Napoleon III regime and advancing his fervent republicanism.[5]

He was graduated as a doctor of medicine on 13 May 1865, founded several literary magazines, and wrote many articles, most of which attacked the imperial regime of Napoleon III. After a failed love affair, Clemenceau left France for the United States as the imperial agents began cracking down on dissidents and sending most of them to the bagne de Cayennes (Devil's Island Penal System) in French Guiana.

Clemenceau worked in New York City during the years 1865–1869, following the American Civil War. He maintained a medical practice, but spent much of his time on political journalism for a Parisian newspaper, Le Temps. He taught French in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and also taught and rode horseback at a private girls' school in Stamford, Connecticut, where he would meet his future wife. During this time, he joined French exile clubs in New York that were opposing the imperial regime.

As part of his journalistic activity, Clemenceau covered the country's recovery following the Civil War, the workings of American democracy, and the racial questions related to the end of slavery. From his time in America, he retained a strong faith in American democratic ideals as opposed to France's imperial regime, as well as a sense of political compromise that later would become a hallmark of his political career.[5]

Marriage and family

Mary Clemenceau in period costume. Portrait by Ferdinand Roybet

On 23 June 1869, he married Mary Eliza Plummer (1849–1922), in New York City. She had attended the school where he taught horseback riding and was one of his students. She was the daughter of Harriet A. Taylor and William Kelly Plummer.

Following their marriage, the Clemenceaus moved to France. They had three children together, Madeleine (born in 1870), Thérèse (1872) and Michel (1873).[5]

Although Clemenceau had many mistresses, when his wife took a tutor of their children as her lover, Clemenceau had her put in jail for two weeks and then sent her back to the United States on a steamer in third class. The marriage ended in a contentious divorce in 1891.[6] He obtained custody of their children. He then had his wife stripped of French nationality.

Beginning of the Third Republic

Clemenceau had returned to Paris after the French defeat at the Battle of Sedan in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War and the fall of the Second French Empire. After returning to medical practice as a physician in Vendée, he was appointed mayor of the 18th arrondissement of Paris, including Montmartre, and he also was elected to the National Assembly for the 18th arrondissement. When the Paris Commune seized power in March 1871, he tried unsuccessfully to find a compromise between the more radical leaders of the Commune and the more conservative French government. The Commune declared that he had no legal authority to be mayor and seized the city hall of the 18th arrondissement. He ran for election to the Paris Commune council, but received fewer than eight hundred votes and took no part in its governance. He was in Bordeaux when the commune was suppressed by the French Army in May 1871.[7]

After the fall of the commune, he was elected to the Paris municipal council on 23 July 1871 for the Clignancourt quarter and retained his seat until 1876. He first held the offices of secretary and vice-president, then he became president in 1875.[8]

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Chamber of Deputies

An 1887 painting of a French child being taught about the "lost" province of Alsace-Lorraine in the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War dramatizes the main goal of Clemenceau and the French in general, to regain those provinces

In 1876, Clemenceau stood for the Chamber of Deputies (which replaced the National Assembly in 1875) and was elected for the 18th arrondissement. He joined the far left and his energy and mordant eloquence speedily made him the leader of the radical section. In 1877, after the Crisis of 16 May 1877, he was one of the republican majority who denounced the ministry of the Duc de Broglie. Clemenceau led resistance to the anti-republican policy of which the incident of 16 May was a manifestation. In 1879, his demand for the indictment of the Broglie ministry brought him prominence.[9][8]

From 1876 to 1880, Clemenceau was one of the main defenders of the general amnesty of thousands of Communards, members of the revolutionary government of the 1871 Paris Commune who had been deported to New Caledonia. Along with other radicals and figures such as poet and then-Senator Victor Hugo, as well as a growing number of republicans, he supported several unsuccessful proposals. Finally a general amnesty was adopted on 11 July 1880. The "reconciliation" envisaged by Clemenceau could begin, as the remaining deported Communards returned to France, including his friend Louise Michel.[5]

Clemenceau giving a speech in the Parisian Fernando Circus, painting by Jean-François Raffaëlli, 1883
Portrait of Georges Clemenceau, painting by Édouard Manet, c. 1879–80

In 1880, Clemenceau started his newspaper, La Justice, which became the principal organ of Parisian Radicalism. From this time, throughout the presidency of Jules Grévy (1879–1887), he became widely known as a political critic and destroyer of ministries (le Tombeur de ministères) who avoided taking office himself. Leading the far left in the Chamber of Deputies, he was an active opponent of the colonial policy of Prime Minister Jules Ferry, which he opposed on moral grounds and also as a form of diversion from the more important goal of "Revenge against Germany" for the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine after the Franco-Prussian War. In 1885, his criticism of the conduct of the Sino-French War contributed strongly to the fall of the Ferry cabinet that year.[8]

During the French legislative elections of 1885, he advocated a strong radical programme and was returned both for his old seat in Paris and for the Var, district of Draguignan. He chose to represent the latter in the Chamber of Deputies. Refusing to form a ministry to replace the one he had overthrown, he supported the right in keeping Prime Minister Charles de Freycinet in power in 1886 and was responsible for the inclusion of Georges Ernest Boulanger in the Freycinet cabinet as war minister. When General Boulanger revealed himself as an ambitious pretender, Clemenceau withdrew his support and became a vigorous opponent of the heterogeneous Boulangist movement, although the radical press continued to patronize the general.[8]

Duel between Clemenceau and Paul Déroulède

By his exposure of the Wilson scandal, and by his personal plain speaking, Clemenceau contributed largely to the resignation of Jules Grévy from the presidency of France in 1887. He had declined Grévy's request to form a cabinet upon the downfall of the cabinet of Maurice Rouvier by advising his followers not to vote for Charles Floquet, Jules Ferry, nor Charles de Freycinet, Clemenceau was primarily responsible for the election of an "outsider", Marie François Sadi Carnot, as president.[8]

The split in the Radical Party over Boulangism weakened his hand and its collapse meant that moderate republicans did not need his help. A further misfortune occurred in the Panama affair, as Clemenceau's relations with the businessman and politician Cornelius Herz led to his being included in the general suspicion.[8] In response to accusations of corruption levelled by the nationalist politician Paul Déroulède, Clemenceau fought a duel with him on 23 December 1892. Six shots were discharged, but neither participant was injured.[بحاجة لمصدر]

Clemenceau remained the leading spokesman for French radicalism, but his hostility to the Franco-Russian Alliance so increased his unpopularity that in the French legislative elections of 1893, he was defeated for his seat in the Chamber of Deputies after having held it continuously since 1876.[8]

Dreyfus Affair

For nearly a decade after his 1893 defeat, Clemenceau confined his political activities to journalism. His career was further clouded by the long-drawn-out Dreyfus case, in which he took an active part as a supporter of Émile Zola and an opponent of the anti-Semitic and nationalist campaigns.[8] In all, during the affair Clemenceau published 665 articles defending Dreyfus.[10]

On 13 January 1898, Clemenceau published Émile Zola's J'Accuse...! on the front page of the Paris daily newspaper, L'Aurore, of which he was owner and editor. He decided to run the controversial article that would become a famous part of the Dreyfus Affair in the form of an open letter to Félix Faure, the president of France.[بحاجة لمصدر]

In 1900, he withdrew from La Justice to found a weekly review, Le Bloc, to which he practically was the sole contributor. The publication of Le Bloc lasted until 15 March 1902. On 6 April 1902, he was elected senator for the Var district of Draguignan, although he had previously called for the suppression of the French Senate, as he considered it a strong-house of conservatism.[8] He served as the senator for Draguignan until 1920.

Clemenceau sat with the Independent Radicals in the Senate and moderated his positions, although he still vigorously supported the Radical-Socialist ministry of Prime Minister Émile Combes, who spearheaded the anti-clericalist republican struggle. In June 1903, he undertook the direction of L'Aurore, the journal that he had founded. In it, he led the campaign to revisit the Dreyfus affair and to create a separation of church and state in France.[8] The latter was implemented by the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State.[11]

Cabinet and office of Prime Minister

In March 1906, the ministry of Maurice Rouvier fell as a result of civil disturbances provoked by the implementation of the law on the separation of church and state and the victory of radicals in the French legislative elections of 1906. The new government of Ferdinand Sarrien appointed Clemenceau as minister of the interior in the cabinet. On a domestic level, Clemenceau reformed the French police forces and ordered repressive policies toward the workers movement. He supported the formation of scientific police by Alphonse Bertillon and founded the Brigades mobiles (French for "mobile squads") led by Célestin Hennion. These squads were nicknamed Brigades du Tigre ("The Tiger's Brigades") after Clemenceau, who was nicknamed "The Tiger".[9]

The miners strike in the Pas de Calais after the Courrières mine disaster, which resulted in the death of more than one thousand persons, threatened widespread disorder on 1 May 1906. Clemenceau ordered the military against the strikers and repressed the wine growers strike in the Languedoc-Roussillon. His actions alienated the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO) socialist party, from which he definitively broke in his notable reply in the Chamber of Deputies to Jean Jaurès, leader of the SFIO, in June 1906. Clemenceau's speech positioned him as the strong man of the day in French politics; when the Sarrien ministry resigned in October, Clemenceau became premier.[8]

After a proposal by the deputy Paul Dussaussoy for limited women's suffrage in local elections, Clemenceau published a pamphlet in 1907 in which he declared that if women were given the vote France would return to the Middle Ages.[12]

As the revolt of the Languedoc winegrowers developed Clemenceau at first dismissed the complaints, then sent in troops to keep the peace in June 1907.[13]

During 1907 and 1908, he led the development of a new Entente cordiale with Britain, which gave France a successful role in European politics.[8] Difficulties with Germany and criticism by the Socialist party in connection with the handling of the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905–06 were settled at the Algeciras Conference.

Clemenceau was defeated on 20 July 1909 in a discussion in the Chamber of Deputies on the state of the navy, in which bitter words he exchanged with Théophile Delcassé, the former president of the Council whose downfall Clemenceau had aided. Refusing to respond to Delcassé's technical questions, Clemenceau resigned after his proposal for the order of the day vote was rejected. He was succeeded as premier by Aristide Briand, with a reconstructed cabinet.[8]

Between 1909 and 1912, Clemenceau dedicated his time to travel, conferences, and the treatment of his illness. He went to South America in 1910, traveling to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina (where he went as far as Santa Ana (Tucuman) in northwest Argentina). There, he was amazed by the influence of French culture and of the French Revolution on local elites.[14]

He published the first issue of the Journal du Var on 10 April 1910. Three years later, on 6 May 1913, he founded L'Homme libre ("The Free Man") newspaper in Paris, for which he wrote a daily editorial. In these media, Clemenceau focused increasingly on foreign policy and condemned the anti-militarism of the Socialists.

First World War

At the outbreak of World War I in France in August 1914, Clemenceau's newspaper was one of the first to be censored by the government. It was suspended from 29 September 1914 to 7 October. In response, Clemenceau changed the newspaper's name to L'Homme enchaîné ("The Chained Man") and criticized the government for its lack of transparency and its ineffectiveness, while defending the patriotic union sacrée against the German Empire.

In spite of the censorship imposed by the French government on Clemenceau's journalism at the beginning of World War I, he still wielded considerable political influence. As soon as the war started, Clemenceau advised Interior Minister Malvy to invoke Carnet B, a list of known and suspected subversives who were supposed to be arrested upon mobilisation, in order to prevent the collapse of popular support for a war effort. The Prefect of Police gave the same advice, but the government did not follow it. In the end, 80% of the 2,501 people listed on Carnet B as subversives volunteered for service.[15] In autumn 1914, Clemenceau declined to join the government of national unity as justice minister.[16]

He was a vehement critic of the wartime French government, asserting that it was not doing enough to win the war. His stance was driven by a will to regain the province of Alsace-Lorraine, a view shared by public opinion. The autumn of 1917 saw the disastrous Italian defeat at the Battle of Caporetto, the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia, and rumours that former Prime Minister Joseph Caillaux and Interior Minister Louis Malvy might have engaged in treason. Prime Minister Paul Painlevé was inclined to open negotiations with Germany. Clemenceau argued that even German restitution of Alsace-Lorraine and the liberation of Belgium would not be enough to justify France abandoning her allies. This forced Alexandre Ribot and Aristide Briand (both the previous two prime ministers, of whom the latter was by far the more powerful politician who had been approached by a German diplomat) to agree in public that there would be no separate peace. For many years, Clemenceau was blamed for having blocked a possible compromise peace, but it is now clear from examination of German documents that Germany had no serious intention of handing over Alsace-Lorraine.[17] The prominence of his opposition made him the best known critic and the last man standing when the others had failed.[18] "Messieurs, les Allemands sont toujours à Noyon" (Gentlemen, the Germans are still at Noyon) wrote Clemenceau's paper endlessly.[19]

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Second term as prime minister

In November 1917, at one of the darkest hours for the French war effort in World War I, Clemenceau was appointed to the prime ministership. Unlike his predecessors, he discouraged internal disagreement and called for peace among the senior politicians.[9]

1917: return to power

Clemenceau governed from the Ministry of War on Rue Saint-Dominique. Almost his first act as prime minister was to relieve General Maurice Sarrail from his command of the Salonika front. This was the main topic of discussion at the first meeting of the war committee on 6 December, at which Clemenceau stated, "Sarrail cannot remain there".[20][21] The reason for Sarrail's dismissal was his links with the socialist politicians Joseph Caillaux and Louis Malvy (at that time suspected of treasonable contacts with the Germans)

Clemenceau as prime minister of France

Churchill later wrote that Clemenceau "looked like a wild animal pacing to and fro behind bars" in front of "an assembly which would have done anything to avoid putting him there, but, having put him there, felt they must obey".[22]

When Clemenceau became prime minister in 1917 victory seemed to be elusive. There was little activity on the western front because it was believed that there should be limited attacks until the American support arrived. At this time, Italy was on the defensive, Russia virtually had stopped fighting – and it was believed that they would be making a separate peace with Germany