ثقافة پـِيْ‌لي‌گانگ

ثقافة پـِيْ‌لي‌گانگ
Peiligang culture
Peiligang map.svg
النطاق الجغرافيHenan, الصين
الفترةNeolithic China
التواريخ7000–5000 BC
الموقع النمطيPeiligang
المواقع الرئيسيةTanghu, Jiahu
سبقهاNanzhuangtou Culture
تلاهاثقافة يانگ‌شاو
Chinese name
الصينية التقليدية裴李崗文化
Red pot with two small "ear" handles, from the Peiligang culture, c. 6000–5200 BC

The Peiligang culture was a Neolithic culture in the Yi-Luo river basin (in modern Henan Province, China) that existed from about 7000 to 5000 BC.[1] Over 100 sites have been identified with the Peiligang culture, nearly all of them in a fairly compact area of about 100 square kilometers in the area just south of the river and along its banks.

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ثقافة پـِيْ‌لي‌گانگ

The culture is named after the site discovered in 1977 at Peiligang, a village in Xinzheng County, Zhengzhou, north-central Henan province. Archaeologists believe that the Peiligang culture was egalitarian, with little political organization.[1]

The culture practiced agriculture in the form of cultivating millet and animal husbandry in the form of raising pigs and possibly poultry.[1] The people hunted deer and wild boar, and fished for carp in the nearby river, using nets made from hemp fibers. The culture is also one of the oldest in ancient China to make pottery.[1] This culture typically had separate residential and burial areas, or cemeteries, like most Neolithic cultures. Common artifacts include stone arrowheads, spearheads and axe heads; stone tools such as chisels, awls and sickles for harvesting grain; and a broad assortment of pottery items for such purposes as cooking and storing grain.[1]


The site at Jiahu is the earliest site associated with Peiligang culture. There are many similarities between the main group of Peiligang settlements and the Jiahu culture, which was isolated several days' travel to the south of the main group. Archaeologists are divided about the relationship between Jiahu and the main group. Most agree that Jiahu was part of the Peiligang culture, pointing to the many similarities. A few archaeologists are pointing to the differences, as well as the distance, believing that Jiahu was a neighbor that shared many cultural characteristics with Peiligang, but was a separate culture. The cultivation of rice, for example, was unique to Jiahu and was not practiced among the villages of the main Peiligang group in the north. Also, Jiahu existed for several hundred years before any of the settlements of the main group.


See also


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج Liu, Li (2005). The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States (in الإنجليزية). Cambridge University Press. p. 25. ISBN 9781139441704.


الحقبة التاريخية
العصر الحجري الحديث
العصر الحجري الوسيط
الهلال الخصيب
العصر الحجري الحديث الثقيل
العصر الحجري الحديث للرعاة
العصر الحجري الحديث ثلاثي الأوجه
قبل الخزفي (أ، ب)
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الثقافة اليرموكية
ثقافة حلف
فترة حلف-العبيد الانتقالية
ثقافة العـُبيد
تل أسود
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Coțofeni culture
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Gumelniţa–Karanovo culture
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الخزف الخطي
معابد مالطة
Petreşti culture
ثقافة سسكلو
Tisza culture
Tiszapolgár culture
Usatovo culture
حضارة ڤارنا
حضارة ڤنچا
حضارة ڤوچدول
Peiligang culture
Pengtoushan culture
Beixin culture
Cishan culture
ثقافة دادي‌وان
ثقافة هولي
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ثقافة شين‌لى
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Hemudu culture
ثقافة داشي
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Yueshi culture
جنوب آسيا

العصر الحجري النحاسي

فترة اوروك
فترة قبور الحفر
Corded Ware
أمريكا الوسطى

الزراعة، تربية الحيوانات
صناعة الفخار، علم المعادن، العجلات
الخنادق الدائرية، مصراع، ميگاليث
دين العصر الحجري الحديث

العصر البرونزي

قالب:Neolithic Chronology