ترنغانو دار الإيمان

Coordinates: 4°45′N 103°0′E / 4.750°N 103.000°E / 4.750; 103.000
Terengganu Darul Iman
ترڠݢانو دار الإيمان
الترجمة اللفظية بالـ Other
 • Jawiترڠݢانو
 • Chinese登嘉楼 (Simplified)
登嘉樓 (Traditional)
 • Tamilதிராங்கானு
Tiraṅkāṉu (Transliteration)
علم Terengganu
درع Terengganu
Turtle state
Maju, Berkat dan Sejahtera
ماجو، بركت دان سجهترا
Advanced, Blessed and Prosperous
النشيد: Selamat Sultan
سلامت سلطان
(God) Save The Sultan
   Terengganu in    Malaysia
   Terengganu in    Malaysia
الإحداثيات: 4°45′N 103°0′E / 4.750°N 103.000°E / 4.750; 103.000
(and largest city)
Kuala Terengganu
Royal capitalKuala Terengganu
 • النوعParliamentary constitutional monarchy
 • SultanMizan Zainal Abidin
 • Menteri BesarAhmad Samsuri Mokhtar (PN-PAS)
 • الإجمالي13٬035 كم² (5٬033 ميل²)
أعلى منسوب1٬519 m (4٬984 ft)
 (2020 Census)[3]
 • الإجمالي1٬149٬440[1](10th)
 • Demonym
Terengganuan Terengganurian
Demographics of Terengganu
 • Ethnic composition
 • Languages
 • Religions
 • HDI (2021)0.791 (high) (11th
 • GDP (2021)RM 38.2 billion
 • GDP per capita (2021)RM 32,199
Postal code
20xxx to 24xxx
Calling code09
لوحة السيارةT
Establishment of the Sultanate1724
British control1909
Japanese occupation1942
Accession into the Federation of Malaya1948
Independence as part of the Federation of Malaya31 August 1957
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.terengganu.gov.my

ترنگانو دار الإيمان (بالجاوي: "ترڠڬانو دار الإيمانوبالبهاسا: "Terengganu") اقليم ماليزي على الساحل الشرقي لشبه جزيرة الملايو. وهي sultanate and federal state of Malaysia. The state is also known by its Arabic honorific, Dāru l-Īmān ("Abode of Faith"). The coastal city of Kuala Terengganu, which stands at the mouth of the broad Terengganu River, is both the state and royal capital as well as the largest city in Terengganu. Other major cities and towns includes Jerteh, Kuala Dungun, Chukai, Kuala Berang, Marang, and Permaisuri. At 13,035 square kilometres in size and a population of over 1.2 million people in 2023, Terengganu is Malaysia's 7th largest state by area and 10th largest in population. Terengganu, along with Kelantan, Perlis and the Federal Territory of Putrajaya is one of the most homogeneous states/territories in the country of which 95% of the population are ethnic Malay-Muslims with its own distinct language/dialect, culture, history and tradition.

وتقع كلنتن في الشمال الغربي، وباهانغ في الجنوب الغربي، بينما يوجد ساحل ممتد مواجه لبحر الصين الجنوبي.

Located on the East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia, Terengganu borders with the state of Kelantan to the north and Pahang to the west and south while to the east of Terengganu is the South China Sea. Terengganu is geographically divided into sparsely populated and mountainous inland (known as Terengganu Highlands of which the highest point is Mount Lawit at 1,519 metres) that spans from the border with Kelantan to Kemaman district and largely flat coastal plains of which most of the state's 1.1 million people are concentrated. The state is known for having the longest coastline in west Malaysia and achieved the Malaysian Book of Records for having the cleanest beach in the country.[4] Many of the most popular islands in Malaysia are located in the state of Terengganu such as Perhentian, Kapas and Redang islands as well as Bidong Island which was once a refuge to tens of thousands of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s.

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أصل الاسم

There are several theories on the origin of the name "Terengganu". One theory attributes the name's origin to terang ganu, Malay for 'bright rainbow'.[5] Another story, said to have been originally narrated by the ninth Sultan of Terengganu, Baginda Omar, tells of a party of hunters from Pahang roving and hunting in the area of what is now southern Terengganu. One of the hunters spotted a big animal fang lying on the ground. A fellow party member asked to which animal did the fang belong. The hunter, not knowing which animal, simply answered taring anu (Malay: 'fang of something'). The party later returned to Pahang with a rich hoard of game, fur and sandalwood, which impressed their neighbours. They asked the hunters where did they source their riches, to which they replied, from the land of taring anu, which later evolved into Terengganu.[5] Terengganu was called Trangkanu (بالتايلندية: ตรังกานู) by the Siamese when it was under their influence. Terengganuans usually pronounce Terengganu as Tranung or Ganu with the G often being emphasized.[6]

التسمية الصينية

The traditional Chinese name for Terengganu has been "丁加奴" (Pinyin: dīngjiānú), which is a direct transcription of the Malay name. However, in recent years, the Chinese community in Terengganu has raised objections to the name, citing[بحاجة لمصدر] that the characters used loosely translate to "giving birth to a child who will become a slave" (Chinese: 添丁加). Therefore, they successfully petitioned the regulatory commission for Chinese language in Malaysia to change the Chinese name for the state to "登嘉楼" (Pinyin: dēngjiālóu), which can be loosely translated to "aspiring/stepping up to a higher level", in September 2004. The new name was in unofficial use by the state's Chinese community for at least 30 years before its official adoption.

Certain segments of the Chinese community opposed the name change, citing the fact that the new name contains too many character strokes, making it much more difficult to write. They have proposed to revert the name to the version used before 2004, but with the word "奴" (slave, which was mainly the cause of the controversy) to the similar sounding, but more positive "努" (perseverance).


قبل التاريخ

Human activities may have already existed in Terengganu as early as 16,000 years ago during the Paleolithic age as evidenced by the discovery of a skeleton in Gua Bewah, Hulu Terengganu in 2009. The skeleton, which is called Bewah Man (Malay: Orang Bewah) has been analyzed as 5,000 years older than skeletons found in Perak, making it the oldest known modern human skeleton in the country.[7]

العصر الهندوسي-البوذي

Terengganu's location by the South China Sea ensured that it was on trade routes since ancient times. Based on Ptolemy's 2nd century map called Golden Chersonese, the areas of what would be known as Terengganu today was historically called Perimula and Kole Polis. The earliest written reports on the area that mentioned the name "Terengganu" were by Chinese merchants and seafarers in the early 6th century A.D. During the early HinduBuddhist period, Terengganu was known as Tan-Tan which is based in what is now Kuala Telemong. It was a small ancient polity that came under the influence of Langkasuka, a powerful kingdom based either in Kedah or Patani in the 1st century AD.[بحاجة لمصدر] In the 7th century, the dynasty of Langkasuka that once ruled over Terengganu was replaced by a new kingdom called Srivijaya.[بحاجة لمصدر] Under Srivijaya, Terengganu traded extensively with other kingdoms in the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra, Champa, Khmer Empire, Majapahit Empire and especially the Chinese.[بحاجة لمصدر]

العصران الوسيط والحديث المبكر

Terengganu was the first Malay state to receive Islam, as attested to by the Terengganu Inscription Stone with Arabic inscriptions found in Kuala Berang, the capital of the district of Hulu Terengganu. The inscribed date which is incomplete due to damage can be read as various dates from 702 to 789 AH (1303 to 1387 CE).[8] Terengganu became a vassal state of Malacca, but retained considerable autonomy with the emergence of Johor Sultanate.

A Mao Kun map from Wubei Zhi which comes from the 15th century navigation maps of Zheng He showing Trengganu (丁架路) at the top left.

Terengganu emerged as an independent sultanate in 1724. The first sultan was Tun Zainal Abidin, the younger brother of a former sultan of Johor, and Johor strongly influenced Terengganu politics through the 18th century. However, in the book Tuhfat al-Nafis, the author, Raja Ali Haji, mentions that in the year 1708, Tun Zainal Abidin was installed as the Sultan of Terengganu by Daeng Menampuk - also known as Raja Tua - under the rule of Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah.

يرجع تاريخ ترنغانو الحديث إلى القرن الرابع عشر الميلادي حين اعتنق أحد حكامها الدين الإسلامي، وكان اعتناق الدين الإسلامي قد حدث قبل ظهور ملقا وازدهارها. والدليل على هذا التحول إلى الإسلام هو النقش الذي وجد على أحجار ترنغانو، ويعتبر هذا النقش أقدم مخطوط عربي في الملايو. وفي أواخر القرن الخامس عشر وأوائل القرن السادس عشر الميلاديين أصبح الإقليم تحت سيطرة ملقا، ثم جُوهُر، ولكن ولأسباب جغرافية كانت الولايات دائما معرَّضةً لضغوط ممالك تايلاند من الشمال، وكان عليها أن تدفع إتاوة خــلال القرن التاسع عشر الميلادي إلى بانكوك. وفي الواقع فإن حكام تايلاند كانوا ذوي سلطة محدودة على المنطقة. وفي بداية القرن العشرين بدأ تأثير بريطانيا على شبه الجزيرة يهدد سلطة تايلاند على الولاية وفي عام 1909م أعلنت الإدارة في بانكوك حقها في السيطرة على الولاية، ونقلت ترنغانو وكايدا وكلنتان وبرليس إلى السلطات البريطانية.

كانت هذه السلطات متساهلة في إدارتها لولاية ترنغانو مقارنة بولايات الساحل الغربي، بسبب قلة الموارد الاقتصادية، ونتيجة لذلك ظلت الطبقة الحاكمة تنعم بنوع من الاستقلال.

وفي أغسطس عام 1943م سمح المستعمرون اليابانيون لتايلاند بالسيطرة على ترنغانو وكايدا وكلنتان وبرليس، وانتهى هذا الانتداب بهزيمة اليابان في أغسطس عام 1945م. وفي عام 1948م انضمت ترنغانو إلى اتحاد الملايو، الذي أعلن استقلاله عن الحكم البريطاني في 31 أغسطس عام 1957.


بحيرة كنيير
Perhentian Besar


تبلغ مساحة ترنغانو 12,955كم²، وتمتد السلاسل الجبلية على طول حدود ترنغانو البرية مع كلنتان وباهانغ، وقد عزلت هذه الجبال ترنغانو تاريخيا عن بقية الولايات في شبه الجزيرة، ولا توجد خطوط سكك حديدية بالولاية تربطها بشبكة الخطوط الموجودة في شبه الجزيرة التي تم إنشاؤها إبان الحكم البريطاني، وتدخل الشوارع الرئيسية الولاية مع حدودها الساحلية المنخفضة المجاورة لولاية كلنتان في الشمال وباهانغ في الجنوب، ويمتــد شارع رئيسي داخل الولاية على طول الساحل.

يوجد عدد كبير من الأنهار الصغيرة التي تجري خارج السلاسل الجبلية إلى الغرب، لتصب في بحر الصين الجنوبي، وتمتاز وديان هذه الأنهار بالخصوبة، ولكن بقية الأراضي في الداخل فقيرة. أما ساحل ترنغانو فهو امتدادات رملية متعرجة وبحيرات ضحلة وأراضٍ صخرية منخفضة.

السلحفاة ذات الظهر الجلدي تضع بيضها في سواحل ترنغانو خلال فترة الصيف، وهذا النوع يصير كبيرًا جدًا مع الأيام.

السياسة والحكومة

DUN Terengganu 2023.svg
Affiliation Coalition/Party Leader Status Seats
2023 election Current
     Perikatan Nasional Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar Government 32 32
Government majority 32 32

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The Constitution of Terengganu came into force in 1911. It has a supplement that came into force in 1959. The official English title for the 1911 constitution is "The Constitution of the Way of Illustrious Sovereignty". The 1959 constitutional supplement is divided into two sections. The sections' official English language titles are "The Laws of the Constitution of Terengganu (First Part)" and "The Laws of the Constitution of Terengganu (Second Part)"

سلطان ترنگانو

The Sultan is the constitutional ruler of the state of Terengganu. The State Constitution proclaims that the Sultan is "the Ruler and fountain head of all authority of government in the State and Territory of Terengganu", the Head of the Religion of Islam in the state and the source of all titles, honours and dignities in the state. He is also vested with the Executive Power of the State. The hereditary Sultan of Terengganu since 1998 has been Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin.


As per both the Malaysian and state constitutions, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or King of Malaysia cannot simultaneously reign as federal Head of State and ruler of his own state. This means that a state ruler must appoint a regent to govern in his absence. Between 2006 and 2011, the current Sultan served as the 13th King of Malaysia, naming his eldest son and heir apparent, Tengku Muhammad Ismail, as Regent (Pemangku Raja) of Terengganu. As he was only eight years old upon his father's election, the young Prince co-reigned with a three-member Regency Advisory Council (Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja) headed by Raja Tengku Baderulzaman (the King's younger brother) as dictated by syarat (2) Fasal 16 AA Undang-Undang Bagi Diri Kerajaan Terengganu (Bab Yang Kedua) of the Terengganu State Constitution.

كبير الوزراء

When Terengganu was an absolute monarchy, the Chief Minister was selected by the Sultan. Since the declaration of independence of Malaysia (then called Tanah Melayu) and the first general election, the Chief Minister has been the State Assembly (ADUN) member elected by a majority of all State Assembly members, who are themselves elected by universal adult suffrage of the citizens of their constituencies. Below is the list of the Chief Ministers of Terengganu from 1925.

Term Starts Term Ends Chief Minister[9] Party
April 1925 June 1940 Dato' Seri Amar Diraja Ngah Muhamad bin Yusof
June 1940 May 1942 Tengku Seri Setia Raja Tengku Omar bin Othman
May 1942 Dec 1945 Dato' Jaya Perkasa Da Omar bin Mahmud
Dec 1945 Dec 1949 Tengku Panglima Perang Tengku Muhamad bin al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad
Dec 1949 June 1959 Dato' Perdana Menteri Di Raja Dato' Seri Setia Raja Kamaruddin bin Idris
June 1959 Nov 1961 Mohd Daud bin Abdul Samad PAS*
Nov 1961 Sep 1970 Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri bin Mohammad Perikatan
Sep 1970 Sep 1971 Dato' Mahmood bin Sulaiman Perikatan
Sep 1971 Aug 1974 Dato' Nik Hassan bin Wan Abdul Rahman Perikatan
Sep 1974 Dec 1999 Dato' Seri Amar Diraja Tan Sri Wan Mokhtar Ahmad Barisan Nasional
Dec 1999 March 2004 Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang PAS
March 2004 March 2008 Dato Seri Idris Jusoh Barisan Nasional
March 2008 May 2014 Datuk Ahmad Said Barisan Nasional
May 2014 May 2018 Dato' Seri Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman Barisan Nasional
May 2018 Current Dato' Seri Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar PAS
Perikatan Nasional

Note:* The state Government formed by PAS after the general election in 1959 was turned over to Perikatan in Nov 1961, due to a vote of no confidence in the State Assembly and the fact that two PAS assemblymen switched parties[10]

2008 Menteri Besar appointment crisis

Following the ruling party UMNO's return to power over Terengganu after winning 24 out of 32 seats in the 2008 general elections, Prime Minister (PM) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi put forth the reappointment of Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh to a second term as Menteri Besar. In what political analysts described as a possible constitutional crisis, trouble began to precipitate after the Sultan of Terengganu, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, who is also the then Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King) of Malaysia refused to re-appoint and swear in Idris as Menteri Besar.[11] Similar problems occurred in the state of Perlis where the PM's choice was also rejected, in which the latter eventually gave in to its Sultan.[12]

The Sultan of Terengganu appointed Ahmad Said instead for the job, with the Regency Advisory Council handing him the letter of appointment. The PM claimed that the appointment of Ahmad Said was unconstitutional as it went against the wishes of the assemblymen and the Prime Minister's office who have supported Idris Jusoh candidacy for Menteri Besar.[13]

In spite of threats to strip Ahmad Said of his party membership "for disobeying the leadership", he went to the office in Wisma Darul Iman to begin the first day of his new appointment on 25 March 2008. The party announced earlier that they made good on their promise to remove his membership, which technically disqualifies him to be appointed as Menteri Besar in the first place.[14] The ruling also planned to vote down the sultan's choice through a motion of no-confidence by 22 UMNO state assemblymen.

The opposition party Parti Islam SeMalaysia in the meantime promised that its assemblymen would support Ahmad Said as Menteri Besar.[15]

On 26 March 2008 however, PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin met at Istana Negara to resolve the deadlock.[16] The Prime Minister reversed his stance and decided to accept the King's appointment of Ahmad Said as Chief Minister of Terengganu.[17][18] He also apologised to the King for the public spat over the appointment of the Menteri Besar, explaining that there was no intention to disparage or humiliate the royal household.

The apparent backdown was due to threat that the royal household would be prepared to dissolve the state assembly if the motion of no-confidence was initiated against Ahmad Said, which would trigger another election in what is already a climate of discontent towards the ruling party and the possibility of dissenting assemblymen defecting to the opposition.[19]

The UMNO Supreme Council proceeded to endorse Ahmad Said as the new Menteri Besar of Terengganu. With the resolution of the impasse, Ahmad Said expressed his gratefulness on his appointment and paid tribute to Idris, an old friend he has known since university, for the work he has done for the Terengganu people so far and to seek his advice. After the swearing in ceremony where the duties are handed over from Idris, he also expressed hopes in moving on to discharge his responsibility to the people and eradicate poverty within the state.[20][21]

التقسيمات الإدارية

Terengganu is divided into 8 districts (daerah), 99 mukims, and 7 local governments.[22][23][24]

التقسيمات الإدارية لترنگانو
UPI code[22] الدوائر تعداد
(2020 census)[25]
(منتصف 2023
المقر المقيم
1101 Flag of Besut, Terengganu.svg بسوت 154,168 162,600 1,233.678 Kampung Raja 19
1102 Flag of Dungun, Terengganu.svg Dungun 158,130 165,200 2,735.031 Kuala Dungun 13
1103 Flag of Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu.svg Hulu Terengganu 69,881 73,700 3,874.626 Kuala Berang 10
1104 Flag of Kemaman, Terengganu.svg Kemaman 215,582 226,600 2,535.599 Chukai 17
1105 Flag of Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.svg Kuala Terengganu 229,781 241,000 210.215 Kuala Terengganu 21
1106 Flag of Marang, Terengganu.svg Marang 116,605 124,000 666.543 Marang 8
1107 Flag of Setiu, Terengganu.svg Setiu 59,651 62,900 1,304.363 Bandar Permaisuri 7
1108 Flag of Kuala Nerus, Terengganu.svg Kuala Nerus 145,642 153,600 397.521 Kuala Nerus 4
ملاحظة: معظم الدوائر لها حكومة محلية واحدة، ما عدا كوالا نروس و كوالا ترنگانو، اللتين تخضعان لاختصاص مجلس مدينة كوالا ترنگانو.

On 18 September 2014, it was announced that the Kuala Terengganu District sub-district of Kuala Nerus would become Terengganu's 8th district, to be called Kuala Nerus by sixth Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.[27]

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السكان ونظام الحكم

Historical population
1970 405٬368—    
1980 525٬255+29.6%
1991 766٬244+45.9%
2000 880٬234+14.9%
2010 1٬011٬363+14.9%
2020 1٬149٬440+13.7%
2023 1٬209٬400+5.2%
Source: قالب:My10

Terengganu has a population of 1,015,776 اعتبارا من 2010,[28] which increase to 1,149,440 in 2020.[29] The official mid-year estimate in 2023 was 1,209,400.[30] In 2006, Malays made up 94.7% of the population and Chinese, 2.6%, while Indians 0.2% and other ethnic groups comprise the remainder, 2.4%.[31] According to the 2010 census, the ethnic composition of Terengganu was 97% Bumiputras, 2.6% Chinese, 0.2% Indian, and 0.1% others.[32]

In 2000, the state's population was only 48.7% urban; the majority lived in rural areas.[33] By the 2005 census, the proportions had changed significantly, with 51% of the population living in urban areas and 49% in the rural areas.[33] Terengganu recorded the lowest life expectancy in Malaysia for both males and females for the period 2021-2023.[34]

الجماعات العرقية

Terengganu is one of Malaysia's most homogeneous states along with Kelantan. More than 95% of the population is ethnically Malay, but there are other ethnic groups that live in the state as well including Chinese (mostly Hokkien), Indians (mostly Tamils), Siamese and Orang Aslis (Batek and Semaq Beri).


Malays are the largest ethnic group in the state with more than 94% of the population. The Malays in Terengganu are distinct from Malays of other parts of the country, they have unique cultures, traditions and spoken language. There are two sub-groups of Malays in the state:

Terengganu Malays

Terengganu Malays are the majority Malay sub-group in the state. They are the dominant Malay sub-group in all districts of Terengganu except for Besut and northern Setiu. They habitually speak Terengganu Malay language which is distinct but closely related to Kelantanese variety in the north. Terengganu Malays are also known for their rich cultures and traditions, one of the most well known is the Ulek Mayang.

ملايو بسوت

Besut Malays are predominantly found in the district of Besut and northern Setiu. Despite being Terengganu citizens, they are ethnically, linguistically and culturally closer to, and still maintain strong ties with, Kelantan. Most Malays in Besut and northern Setiu speaks only Kelantanese, although those who have long been exposed to other districts of Terengganu can speak Terengganuan as well.


The Chinese Terengganuan form the largest minority ethnic group in the state. They are mostly Hokkien by ancestry and speak a dialect of Hokkien. Unlike other parts of Malaysia, the Chinese in Terengganu are much more assimilated; they speak fluent local Malay (Terengganuan in most parts of Terengganu and Kelantanese in Besut) and also share a similar lifestyle. They also have a local Peranakan culture known as "Mek Awang" which is a mixture of Chinese (mostly Hokkien) and Malay (Terengganu Malay) cultures, which can be seen in their cuisine and clothing and their language as well.


Indians in Terengganu are mostly Tamils and the majority are adherents of Hinduism, although a minority follow Islam. Like their Chinese counterparts, the Indian community in Terengganu are highly assimilated, with many fluent in Terengganu Malay along with Tamil, Standard Malay and English. There is one major Hindu temple in Kuala Terengganu. Most Indians in Terengganu live in urban areas like Kuala Terengganu.


The Siamese in Terengganu maintain a small but well-organised community. They can be found in Besut and few in Setiu and Kuala Terengganu. Physically, there is little difference between Malays and Siamese other than their name and religion. Their native language is Southern Thai language but most speak Kelantanese as large numbers of them live in Besut.

أورانگ أصلي

The Orang Aslis are the indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. In Terengganu they can be found mostly in Hulu Terengganu and Besut districts. There are two Orang Asli ethnic groups in Terengganu, the Semaq Beris lives near Lake Kenyir or other parts of the district, they belong to Senoi group. Besides the Semaq Beris, there are also Batek people, a Semang ethnic group mostly found in interior parts of Terengganu, especially in Taman Negara area or in other parts of Terengganu. Both Semaq Beris and Bateks still maintain their semi-nomadic lifestyle although some now lives in permanent homes. Both are also speakers of Austroasiatic languages.


The people of Terengganu generally speak Coastal Terengganu Malay, which is distinct from standard Malay and Kelantan-Pattani Malay, except for those in Besut district, Perhentian Islands and some parts of Setiu where Kelantanese are more dominant. Those that live in Hulu Terengganu had their own distinct variant but closely related to Coastal Terengganu Malay. Chinese Terengganuans are predominantly Hoklo people and thus mostly speak Hokkien as their first language, although a number of Mandarin speakers are increasing. Indians in Terengganu mostly speak Malaysian Tamil. There is also an Orang Asli languages such as Batek and Semaq Beri, spoken in inland parts of Terengganu and is part of the Austroasiatic language family. There is also a small number of Cham language speakers spoken by a small community of Cham people in Dungun.[35]


الدين في ترنگانو - 2020 Census[36]
الدين النسبة
غير معروف / لا دين
Chinese Ethnic Religion
No Religion

According to the 2020 Census, the population of Terengganu is 95% Muslim, 1.8% Buddhist, 1.3% Hindu, 0.2% Christian, and 0.2% follower of Chinese folk religions or unknown affiliation.[36]

Statistics from the 2010 Census indicate that 91.4% of the Chinese population are identified as Buddhists, with significant minorities of adherents identifying as Christians (4.7%), Chinese folk religions (1.6%) and Muslims (1.4%). The majority of the Indian population are Hindus (69.8%), with a significant minorities of numbers identifying as Muslims (18.1%), Christians (5.3%) and Buddhists (4.9%). The non-Malay bumiputera community are predominantly Muslims (56.8%), with significant minorities identifying as Christians (33.2%) and Buddhists (5.6%). All Malays are Muslims.[37]


يعد زيت النخيل من أهم المحاصيل التجارية، بالإضافة إلى حقول المطاط الكبيرة ومزارع الأرز. ويعتمد الكثير من سكان السواحل على صيد الأسماك من البحر.

وفي الثمانينيات من القرن العشرين، تم إنشاء حقول ضخمة للنفط في سواحل ترنغانو، وُطورت الإمكانات في هذه السواحل لتواكب هذه الصناعة الجديدة، ويوجد العديد من المنشآت الصناعية في المناطق الساحلية.

ترنغانو إحدى الولايات الواقعة على الساحل الشرقي من شبه جزيرة ماليزيا. تتألف صادراتها الرئيسية من زيت النخيل والنفط والمطاط.

Terengganu used to be Malaysia's poorest state until oil and gas were discovered off its coastline in the 80s.[38] Terengganu's main industry now is petroleum and gas. There are huge petrochemical complexes near Paka and Kerteh, involving many joint ventures between the Malaysian national oil company, Petronas, and foreign multinationals. Tourism and fishing are also major industries in Terengganu, a state with a long coastline. Agriculture also remains important, with banana, rambutan, durian, watermelon, and various other fruits and vegetables available in season. Terengganu was traditionally famous for boatbuilding, with highly decorated carved wooden boats called bangau to be found in the harbour of every village and town in days not so long gone by, before electric motorboats became standard equipment for the state's fishermen.

Income and Quality of life 1995[39] 2005[39]
GDP (RM Million) 12,082.9 16,821.2
GDP Per Capita (RM) 13,636.1 13,642.6
Average Household Income (RM) 1,113.0 2,075.3
Crude Birth Rate (Per Thousand) 29.5 18.5
Infant Mortality Rate (Per Thousand) 10.4 6.5
Number of Population Per Doctor 2,803.0 1,930.0
Number of Students Per Teacher 17.6 15.1
Motor Vehicles Registered (Per Thousand) 181.0 212.5
Number of Viewers Per TV 11.4 9.0

الثقافة والمعالم

Kemaman Museum in Kemaman
Kemasik Beach, in the town of Kemasik, Kemaman District

Terengganu did not receive many Indian or Chinese migrants, and therefore Malay cultural influences predominate. Traditional pursuits such as kite-flying contests, top-spinning contests, and traditional arts & crafts, such as batik and songket are still very much alive. The people of Terengganu have always had a reputation for being socially conservative and devout Muslims.

The major tourist attractions in the state include: Kuala Terengganu, the capital; Islamic Heritage Park, Tasik Kenyir, a large artificial lake; Sekayu Waterfalls; Kuala Ibai Lagoons; Batu Burok Beach, Kemasik Beach, Rantau Abang, Setiu Wetlands, Marang, Chukai town and several offshore islands such as Pulau Redang, Pulau Lang Tengah, and Pulau Kapas, and the Pulau Perhentian, which attract beachgoers and snorkelers because of their picture perfect beaches. Many travellers find the relatively rural and tranquil atmosphere in the state conducive to a relaxing holiday.

Terengganu has recently been known internationally as the host of Monsoon Cup, which was first held in 2005 and then became an annual national sporting event. The event brought millions of ringgit of investment into the state from the private sectors and Malaysian Government. Tourists flocked to Kuala Terengganu and Duyong to witness this event, held during the monsoon season, which had previously been low season for tourism in Terengganu.

Basic Tourism Sector Data 1999[40] 2005[40]
Average Day of Stays of Foreign Tourist 3.3 4.2
Average Day of Stays of Domestic Tourist 1.9 3.1
Sectorial Contribution to the Economy (RM Million) 298.9 1281.0
Number of Registered Tourist Agents 70 92
Number of Tourist Guides 21 37
Average Hotel Occupancy Rate (%) 55.9 58.3
Domestic Tourist 1,002,324 1,624,726
Foreign Tourist 146,713 197,952
Total Tourist Arrival 1,149,037 1,822,678


Terengganu, along with Kelantan, is known as the cradle of the Malay civilization in Peninsular Malaysia. There are various traditional dances in the state such as the Ulek Mayang, Rodat, Saba, Balai, and Nur Sakti; some even predate the arrival of Islam in the region. Terengganu is also one of few states to adopt the gamelan as part of their traditional theatre (after Riau and Pahang); the Terengganu gamelan has developed a distinct identity from Sundanese and Javanese gamelan. The gamelan was originally brought to Pahang and later to Terengganu, and was played only during royal occasions. Today the gamelan is part of the state's cultural heritage.


  • 2008 National Horse Show at Terengganu Equestrian Resort 31 October to 2 November
  • Monsoon Cup- international sailing event
  • Sultan's Cup Terengganu Endurance Challenge - Horse Endurance Race
  • Formula Future- speed boat racing for under 15
  • Kapas-Marang International Swimathon- International swimming event
  • Kenyir Motocross Championship
  • Terengganu Masters- Golf
  • Kenyir International Mountain Bike Challenge
  • 'Candat Sotong' Fiesta - fishing competition
  • Kenyir Lake International Triathlon
  • Terengganu Starhill Tasik Kenyir 4x4 Challenge
  • Tasik Puteri Water Festival
  • Terengganu Traditional Games Competition
  • Terengganu International 4WD Rainforest Challenge 2007
  • FEI World Endurance Championship 2008
  • Le Tour de Langkawi 2012
  • Terengganu International Squid Jigging Festival

الولايات الشقيقة

انظر أيضاً

في الثقافة الشعبية


  • Tukang Perahu Pulau Duyong (2013)


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وصلات خارجية
