تحليل الشبكات (دوائر كهربائية)

تحليل خطي للشبكات

المقاومةCapacitor button.svgInductor button.svgمفاعلةمعاوقةVoltage button.svg
مواصلةElastance button.svgBlank button.svgSusceptance button.svgمسامحةCurrent button.svg


Resistor button.svg Capacitor button.svg Inductor button.svg Ohm's law button.svg

دوائر التوالي والتوازي

Series resistor button.svgParallel resistor button.svgSeries capacitor button.svgParallel capacitor button.svgSeries inductor button.svgParallel inductor button.svg

تحويلات المعاوقة

Y-Δ transform Δ-Y transform star-polygon transforms Dual button.svg

مبرهنات المولد مبرهنات الشبكة

Thevenin button.svgNorton button.svgMillman button.svg

KCL button.svgKVL button.svgTellegen button.svg

أساليب تحليل الشبكات

KCL button.svg KVL button.svg Superposition button.svg

Two-port parameters

z-parametersy-parametersh-parametersg-parametersAbcd-parameter button.svgS-parameters

الشبكة، في مجال الإلكترونيات، هي مجموعة من المكونات المترابطة. تحليل الشبكات، عملية إيجاد the voltages across, and the currents through, every component in the network. ويوجد تقنيات مختلفة لتحقيق ذلك. However, for the most part, they assume that the components of the network are all linear. The methods described in this article are only applicable to linear network analysis except where explicitly stated.

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Component A device with two or more terminals into which, or out of which, charge may flow.
Node A point at which terminals of more than two components are joined. A conductor with a substantially zero resistance is considered to be a node for the purpose of analysis.
Branch The component(s) joining two nodes.
Mesh A group of branches within a network joined so as to form a complete loop.
Port Two terminals where the current into one is identical to the current out of the other.
Circuit A current from one terminal of a generator, through load component(s) and back into the other terminal. A circuit is, in this sense, a one-port network and is a trivial case to analyse. If there is any connection to any other circuits then a non-trivial network has been formed and at least two ports must exist. Often, "circuit" and "network" are used interchangeably, but many analysts reserve "network" to mean an idealised model consisting of ideal components.[1]
Transfer function The relationship of the currents and/or voltages between two ports. Most often, an input port and an output port are discussed and the transfer function is described as gain or attenuation.
Component transfer function For a two-terminal component (i.e. one-port component), the current and voltage are taken as the input and output and the transfer function will have units of impedance or admittance (it is usually a matter of arbitrary convenience whether voltage or current is considered the input). A three (or more) terminal component effectively has two (or more) ports and the transfer function cannot be expressed as a single impedance. The usual approach is to express the transfer function as a matrix of parameters. These parameters can be impedances, but there is a large number of other approaches, see two-port network.

دوائر متكافئة

Circuit equivalence.png

معاوقة كهربائية مزدوجة

Impedances in series:

Impedances in parallel:

The above simplified for only two impedances in parallel:

Delta-wye transformation

Delta-Star Transformation.svg

Delta-to-star transformation equations

Star-to-delta transformation equations

General form of network node elimination

For a star-to-delta () this reduces to:

For a series reduction () this reduces to:

For a dangling resistor () it results in the elimination of the resistor because .

Source transformation



الشبكات البسيطة

Voltage division of series components

Current division of parallel components


Special case: Current division of two parallel components

Nodal analysis

Mesh analysis


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اختيار الطريقة

Transfer function

Two terminal component transfer functions




Two port network transfer function

Two port parameters

or just

Distributed components

تحليل الصورة

Non-linear networks

Constitutive equations

Boolean analysis of switching networks

Separation of bias and signal analyses

Graphical method of dc analysis

Small signal equivalent circuit

[z] parameter equivalent circuit showing dependent voltage generators

Piecewise linear method

Time-varying components

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انظر أيضا


  1. ^ Belevitch V (1962). "Summary of the history of circuit theory". Proceedings of the IRE. 50 (5): 849. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1962.288301. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help) cites "IRE Standards on Circuits: Definitions of Terms for Linear Passive Reciprocal Time Invariant Networks, 1960". Proceedings of the IRE. 48 (9): 1609. 1960. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1960.287676. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)to justify this definition.
    Sidney Darlington Darlington S (1984). "A history of network synthesis and filter theory for circuits composed of resistors, inductors, and capacitors". IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems. 31 (1): 4.
    follows Belevitch but notes there are now also many colloquial uses of "network".

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