المقتدي بأمر الله أبو القاسم عبد الله

(تم التحويل من المقتدي)
Amir al-Mu'minin
Dinar of Abbasid caliph of Baghdad al-muqtadi.jpg
Gold dinar of al-Muqtadi
27th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate
Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad
العهد2 April 1075 – 3 February 1094
وُلِد24 July 1056
Baghdad, Abbasid Caliphate
توفي3 فبراير 1094(1094-02-03) (aged 37)
Baghdad, Abbasid Caliphate
الاسم الكامل
Abū'l-Qasim ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muhammad ibn al-Qa'im
العهد الاسم والتواريخ
Later Abbasid era: 11th century
الديانةSunni Islam

المقتدي بأمر الله أبو القاسم عبد الله، هو أبو القاسم عبد الله بن محمد بن القائم بأمر الله المقتدى بأمر الله من خلفاء الدولة العباسية. ولد بعد وفاة أبيه بستة أشهر في عام 448 هـ. أمه أم ولد اسمها أرجوان.

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بويع له بالخلافة عند موت جده وله تسع عشرة سنة وثلاثة أشهر وكانت البيعة بحضرة الشيخ أبي إسحاق الشيرازي وابن الصباغ والدامغاني وظهر في أيامه خيرات كثيرة وآثار حسنة في البلدان. وكانت قواعد الخلافة في أيامه باهرة وافرة الحرمة بخلاف من تقدمه. ومن محاسنه أنه نفى المغنيات والخواطي ببغداد وأمر أن لا يدخل أحد الحمام إلا بمئزر وخرب أبراج الحمام صيانة لحرم الناس. وكان ديناً خيراً قوي النفس عالي الهمة من نجباء بني العباس.

الدولة العباسية
خلفاء بني العباس في بغداد
المعتصم بالله.
الواثق بالله.
المتوكل على الله.
المنتصر بالله.
المستعين بالله.
المعتز بالله.
المهتدي بالله.
المعتمد على الله.
المعتضد بالله.
المكتفي بالله.
المرتضي بالله.
المقتدر بالله.
القاهر بالله.
الراضي بالله.
المتقي لله.
المستكفي بالله.
المطيع لله.
الطائع بالله.
القادر بالله.
القائم بأمر الله.
المقتدي بأمر الله.
المستظهر بالله.
المسترشد بالله.
الراشد بالله.
المقتفي لأمر الله.
المستنجد بالله.
المستضئ بأمر الله.
الناصر لدين الله.
الظاهر بأمر الله.
المستنصر بالله.
المستعصم بالله.

حدث في خلافته

في سنة 467هـ من خلافته أعيدت الخطبة للعبيدي بمكة وفيها جمع نظام الملك المنجمين وجعلوا النيروز أول نقطة من الحمل وكان قبل ذلك عند حلول الشمس نصف الحوت وصار ما فعله النظام مبدأ التقاويم.

Mah-i Mulk Khatun depicted in the center of a procession from Isfahan to Baghdad, for her upcoming marriage to Muqtadi in 1087. Nizam al-Mulk is also depicted accompanying the procession. Folio from a manuscript of Nigaristan, Iran, probably Shiraz, dated 1573–74.

Meanwhile, Amid ad-Dawla had left for Isfahan once he heard of Nizam al-Mulk's plans.[1][2] He took a circuitous route through the mountains to avoid running into Gohar-A'in on the way, and he reached Isfahan on 23 July – the same day that Gohar A'in reached Baghdad.[1][2] Amid ad-Dawla met with Nizam al-Mulk and the two parties eventually reconciled, which they sealed with a marriage contract between Nizam al-Mulk's granddaughter and Amid ad-Dawla.[1][2] Al-Muqtadi did not initially rehire the Banu Jahir and instead kept them under house arrest, but Nizam al-Mulk later intervened and got them rehired.[1][2]

Also during Ramadan of 1078 (March–April), Fakhr ad-Dawla had had a minbar (pulpit) made at his expense and bearing the titles of al-Muqtadi.[2] It later ended up broken up and burned down.[2]

In 1081, the caliph sent Fakhr ad-Dawla to Isfahan, laden with gifts and over 20,000 dinars, to negotiate marriage with Malik-Shah's daughter.[1] Malik-Shah was grieving the death of his son Da'ud and did not take part i; the negotiations; rather, Fakhr ad-Dawla went to Nizam al-Mulk.[1] The two worked together this time; they went to the princess's foster mother, Turkan Khatun, to make their request.[1] She was disinterested at first because the Ghaznavid ruler had made a better offer: 100,000 dinars.[1][2] Khadija Arslan Khatun, who had been married to al-Qa'im, told her that a marriage with the caliph would be more prestigious, and that she should not be asking the caliph for more money.[2]

Eventually, Turkan Khatun agreed to the marriage, but with heavy conditions imposed on al-Muqtadi: in return for marrying the Seljuk princess, al-Muqtadi would pay 50,000 dinars plus an additional 100,000 dinars as mahr (bridal gift), give up his current wives and concubines, and agree to not have sexual relations with any other woman.[1] This was an especially heavy significant burden on the Abbasid caliph, since the Abbasids had been tightly controlling their "reproductive politics", with all their heirs being born to umm walads and therefore unrelated to any rival dynasties.[1] By agreeing to Turkan Khatun's terms, Fakhr ad-Dawla was putting al-Muqtadi at a severe disadvantage while also benefitting the Seljuks considerably.[1]

In 1083, al-Muqtadi removed the Banu Jahir from office by decree.[1] The circumstances of their removal from office are somewhat unclear - historians gave varying accounts.[1] In Sibt ibn al-Jawzi's version, al-Muqtadi had become suspicious of the Banu Jahir, prompting them to leave for Khorasan without requesting official permission; this further aroused al-Muqtadi's suspicions and he retroactively fired them after they had left.[1] He then wrote to the Seljuks, telling them not to employ the Banu Jahir in their administration.[1] In Ibn al-Athir's version, the Seljuks at some point approached al-Muqtadi and asked to employ the Banu Jahir themselves, and al-Muqtadi agreed.[1] Al-Bundari offers no details about the firing itself but wrote instead that the Seljuks sent representatives to meet the Banu Jahir in Baghdad (rather than in Khorasan).[1]

According to Ibn al-Athir's account, the Banu Jahir left Baghdad on Saturday, 22 July 1083.[2] They were succeeded as viziers by Abu'l-Fath al-Muzaffar, son of the ra'is al-ru'asa', who had previously been "in charge of the palace buildings".[2]

Al-Muqtadi was honored by the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah I, during whose reign the Caliphate was recognized throughout the extending range of Seljuk conquest. Arabia, with the Holy Cities, now recovered from the Fatimids, acknowledged again the spiritual jurisdiction of the Abbasids.

Gold Dinar minted with Al-Muqtadi and Malik Shah I name with the Shahada 484 AH/1091/2 AD. (Citing Al-Muqtadi as the Head of State over Seljuk Sultanate)

Malik-Shah I arranged a marriage between his daughter and al-Muqtadi, possibly planning on the birth of a son who could serve as both caliph and sultan. Though the couple had a son, the mother left with her infant to the court of Isfahan. Following the failure of the marriage, the Sultan grew critical of the Caliph's interference in affairs of state, and sent an order for him to retire to Basra. The death of Malik-Shah I shortly after, however, made the command inoperative.

In 1092, when Malik Shah I was assassinated shortly after Nizam al-Mulk, Taj al-Mulk nominated Mahmud as Sultan and set out for Isfahan.[3] Mahmud was a child, and his mother Terken Khatun wished to seize power in his stead. To accomplish this, she entered negotiations with the Caliph al-Muqtadi to secure her rule. The Caliph opposed both a child and a woman as ruler, and could not be persuaded to allow the khutba, the sign of the sovereign, to be proclaimed in the name of a woman. Eventually, however, the Caliph agreed to let her govern if the khutba was said in the name of her son, and if she did so assisted by a vizier he appointed for her, a condition she saw herself forced to accept.[4]


Al-Muqtadi's first wife was Sifri Khatun. She was the daughter of Sultan Alp Arslan.[5] In 1071–72, his father Al-Qa'im sent his wazir Ibn Al-Jahir to ask her hand in marriage, to which demand the Sultan agreed.[6] His second wife was Mah-i Mulk Khatun, daughter of Sultan Malik-Shah I. In March 1082, Al-Muqtadi sent Abu Nasr ibn Jahir to Malik Shah in Isfahan to ask for her hand in marriage. Her father gave his consent and the marriage contract was concluded. She arrived Baghdad in March 1087. The marriage was consummated in May 1087. She gave birth to Prince Ja'far on 31 January 1088. But then Al-Muqtadi began to avoid her and she asked permission to return home. She left Baghdad for Khurasan on 29 May 1089, accompanied by her son. Subsequently, news of her death reached Baghdad. Her ailing father, brought her son back to Baghdad in October 1092. Prince Ja'far was taken back to the Caliphal Palace, where he remained until his death on 21 June 1093. He was buried near the caliphal tombs in the Rusafah Cemetery.[7] One of Al-Muqtadi's concubines was Kalbahaar or Jalb'har, also known as Tayf al-Khayal. She was a Turkish and was the mother of caliph Al-Mustazhir.[8]


في المحرم سنة 487هـ خرج علي الخليفة أخو محمود بن ملكشاه بركياروق بن ملكشاه فقلده الخليفة ولقبه ركن الدين وعلم الخليفة على تقليده ثم مات الخليفة من الغد فجأة فقيل: إن جاريته شمس النهار سمته وبويع لولده المستظهر.

مات في عهده

مات في أيام المقتدى من الأعلام: عبد القادر الجرجاني وأبو الوليد الباجي والشيخ أبو إسحاق الشيرازي والأعلم النحوي وابن الصباغ صاحب الشامل والمتولي وإمام الحرمين والدامغاني الحنفي وابن فضالة المجاشعي والبزدوي شيخ الحنفية.


Al-Muqtadi died in 1094 at the age of 37–38. He was succeeded by his 16-year-old son Ahmad al-Mustazhir as Caliph.

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انظر أيضاً

  • Banu Jahir, family of viziers that were prominent under al-Muqtadi's reign


المقتدي بأمر الله أبو القاسم عبد الله
وُلِد:  ? توفي: 1094
ألقاب إسلامية سنية
Caliph of Islam
1075 – 1094


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Hanne 2008
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Ibn al-Athir
  3. ^ Boyle 1968, p. 103.
  4. ^ Mernissi, Fatima; Mary Jo Lakeland (2003). The forgotten queens of Islam. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-579868-5.
  5. ^ El-Hibri, T. (2021). The Abbasid Caliphate: A History. Cambridge University Press. p. 211. ISBN 978-1-107-18324-7.
  6. ^ Lambton, A.K.S. (1988). Continuity and Change in Medieval Persia. Bibliotheca Persica. Bibliotheca Persica. p. 267. ISBN 978-0-88706-133-2.
  7. ^ al-Sāʿī, Ibn; Toorawa, Shawkat M.; Bray, Julia (2017). كتاب جهات الأئمة الخلفاء من الحرائر والإماء المسمى نساء الخلفاء: Women and the Court of Baghdad. Library of Arabic Literature. NYU Press. p. 63. ISBN 978-1-4798-6679-3.
  8. ^ Rudainy, Al; Saud, Reem (12 يونيو 2015). "The Role of Women in the Būyid and Saljūq Periods of the Abbasid Caliphate (339-447/9501055&447-547/1055-1152): The Case of Iraq". University of Exeter. pp. 117, 157. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2024.
  9. ^ السيوطي, جلال الدين. تاريخ الخلفاء. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)