الفرنك الكونغولي Congolese franc

الفرنك الكونغولي
Billet 500FC Recto.jpg
ورقة بنكنوت من فئة 10,000 فرنك كونغولي، إصدار 2020
ISO 4217
الوحدات الفرعية
الأوراق النقدية(1, 5, 10, 20, 50 centimes, 1, 5, 10, obsolete) 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 francs
المستخدم(ون) الكونغو الديمقراطية
جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية First Congolese Republic
بلجيكا Ruanda-Urundi
 الكونغو البلجيكي
 دولة الكونغو الحرة
البنك المركزيCentral Bank of the Congo
 الموقع الإلكترونيwww.bcc.cd
 المصدر[1], 2022

الفرنك الكونغولي (فرنسية: franc congolais, code قالب:ISO 4217) is the currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the past, it was subdivided into 100 centimes. However, centimes no longer have a practical value and are no longer used. In April 2024, 2,800 francs was equivalent to one United States dollar (US$1).

الفرنك الأول (1887–1967)

Currency denominated in centimes and francs (called frank in Dutch) was first introduced in 1887 for use in the Congo Free State (1885–1908). After the Free State's annexation by Belgium, the currency continued in the Belgian Congo. The francs were equal in value to the Belgian franc. From 1916, the Congolese franc also circulated in Ruanda-Urundi (present day Rwanda and Burundi) and, from 1952, the currency was issued jointly in the names of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi. After the independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1960, Ruanda-Urundi adopted its own franc, whilst, between 1960 and 1963, Katanga also issued a franc of its own.

A currency based on the gold standard was created for the Congo Free State in 1887. Banknotes were issued from 1896 in the name of the General Treasury of the Congo Free State (Trésoire générale de l'État indépendant du Congo) payable to the bearer, until the annexation of the Free State in 1908.[1]

As a result of the confused legal definition under Article 11 of the 1908 Colonial Charter, it has been argued that the Congolese franc did not exist de jure as a currency between 1908 and 1960 and was instead merely a token representing a claim on Belgian francs.[2] It did exist, however, as the sole de facto currency in the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi.[3]

A decree in 1911 authorised the private Bank of the Belgian Congo (Banque du Congo Belge, BCB) to issue banknotes for the Belgian Congo payable to the bearer. They could be converted into the gold or silver currency of the Latin Union or into foreign currencies at the prevailing gold exchange rate.[2] Convertability was suspended during World War I and was only restored in 1927. Although the Congolese franc had appreciated during the conflict, it was restored to parity with the Belgian franc in 1919.[4] Parity was again broken during World War II.[4] After the conflict, the Congolese and Belgian francs continued to form part of the "Belgian monetary zone" under the Bretton Woods system.[5] A central bank was created in 1951 entitled the Central Bank of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi (Banque Centrale du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, BCCBRU) which subsequently issued both coins and banknotes and dealt with foreign exchange controls and was partially supported by the National Bank of Belgium.[6]

The franc remained Congo's currency after independence in 1960. Afterwards, its value relative to the Belgian franc fell. In 1967, when the zaire was introduced, at a rate of 1 zaïre = 1,000 francs.


Obverse and Reverse of an 1887 Franc minted for the Congo Free State, with the unabridged and translated obverse lettering of "Leopold II, King of the Belgians, Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo".

In 1887, holed, copper coins were introduced in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 centimes, together with silver coins worth 50 centimes, and 1, 2, and 5 francs. Coins ceased to be minted in silver in 1896. Holed, cupro-nickel 5, 10 and 20 centime coins were introduced in 1906, with the remaining copper coins (worth 1 and 2 centimes) minted until 1919. Cupro-nickel 50 centime and 1 franc coins were introduced in 1921 and 1920, respectively.

The coinage of Belgian Congo ceased in 1929, only to be resumed in 1936 and 1937 for the issue of nickel-bronze 5 franc coins. In 1943, hexagonal, brass 2 franc coins were introduced, followed by round, brass coins worth 1, 2 and 5 francs, and silver 50 franc coins, between 1944 and 1947.

In 1952, brass 5-franc coins were issued carrying the name "Ruanda-Urundi" for the first time.[7]

Aluminum coins worth 50 centimes, 1 and 5 francs followed between 1954 and 1957. In 1965, the only franc-denominated coins of the first Democratic Republic of Congo were issued, aluminum coins worth 10 francs.

As with Belgium's own coins, some types were issued in two distinct versions, one with French legends, the other with Dutch legends.

الأوراق النقدية

500 francs, issued by the Bank of the Belgian Congo, 1943 (obverse and reverse)

In 1896 the Congo Free State issued 10 and 100 franc notes. In 1912, the Bank of Belgian Congo introduced 20 and 1000 francs, followed by notes of 1, 5 and 100 franc notes in 1914. The 1-franc notes were only printed until 1920, whilst 10 franc notes were introduced in 1937. 500 francs were introduced in the 1940s, with 10,000 francs introduced in 1942.

In 1952, the Central Bank of Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi introduced notes for 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs, with 500 and 1000 francs added in 1953.

In 1961, the National Bank of Congo introduced notes for 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 francs, some of which were issued until 1964. In 1962, the Monetary Council of the Republic of Congo introduced 1000 franc notes, which were notes of the Central Bank of Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi overprinted with the Monetary Council's name. In 1963, the Monetary Council issued regular type 100 and 5000 franc notes.

الفرنك الثاني (1997–الحاضر)

The franc was re-established in 1997, replacing the new zaïre at a rate of 1 franc = 100,000 new zaïres, equivalent to 300 trillion old francs.

Coins were not been issued; denominations below one franc were issued in banknote form only. Coins were struck, but the value of the metal in each coin exceeded the value of the coin.

الأوراق النقدية

On 30 June 1998, banknotes were introduced in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs, though all are dated 01.11.1997. 200-franc notes were introduced in 2000, followed by 500-franc notes in 2002. In February 2025, the only negotiable instrument in circulation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was banknotes of 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 francs.

أوراق نقدية خارج التداول في 2019

If these notes are no longer in circulation today (May 2019), it is because they are no longer worth enough to buy something: a single banana from the cheapest merchant in the Democratic Republic of Congo costs more than 50 francs. The 50 franc blue and 100 franc red notes, for their part, were destroyed a few months after being printed, by Laurent-Désiré Kabila himself.

Valeur Dimensions (mm) Couleur(s) principale Recto Verso Année d'émission Avers Revers
1 centime 120 × 70 Mauve Cueilleuse de café Volcan Nyiragongo 1997 Billet 1CC Recto.jpg Billet 1CC Verso.jpg
5 centimes 120 × 70 Pourpre Masque Suku Hemba Harpe Zande 1997 Billet 5CC Recto.jpg Billet 5CC Verso.jpg
10 centimes 120 × 70 Rose Masque Pende Groupe de danseurs Pende 1997 Billet 10CC Recto.jpg Billet 10CC Verso.jpg
20 centimes 120 × 70 Vert/pourpre Antilope Le parc national de l'Upemba 1997/2000 Billet 20CC Recto.jpg Billet 20CC Verso.jpg
50 centimes 120 × 70 Gris Tête d'okapi Famille d'okapis 1997/2000 Billet 50CC Recto.jpg Billet 50CC Verso.jpg
1 franc 151 × 70 Bleu La Gécamines پاتريس-إمري لومومبا وصديقان 1997/2000 Billet 1FC Recto.jpg Billet 1FC Verso.jpg
5 francs 151 × 70 Mauve وحيد القرن الأبيض Les chutes de Kamwanga 1997/2000 Billet 5FC Recto.jpg Billet 5FC Verso.jpg
10 francs 151 × 70 Vert/Gris Appui-tête d'un chef لوبا تمثال من شعب اللوبا 1997/2000
10 francs 151 × 70 Orange Appui-tête d'un chef Luba Statuette Luba 2003 Billet 10FC Recto.jpg Billet 10FC Verso.jpg
20 francs 151 × 70 Orange رأس أسد أسرة من الأسود 1997/2000
20 francs 151 × 70 Vert/gris رأس أسد أسرة من الأسود 2003 Billet 20FC Recto 2003.jpg Billet 20FC Verso 2003.jpg
50 francs 151 x 70 Bleu Masque Tshokwe Village de pêcheurs 1997
100 francs 151 × 70 Rouge فيل Barrage d'إنگا 2 1997 Billet 100FC Recto 1997.jpg Billet 100FC Verso 1997.jpg

الأوراق المتداولة

In 2010, the Central Bank of the Congo issued 20 million 500 franc banknotes to commemorate the country's 50th anniversary of independence from Belgium.[8]

On July 2, 2012, the Central Bank of the Congo issued new banknotes in denominations of 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 francs.[9][10][11][12][13]

The smallest note in use is 50 francs.

Banknotes of the Congolese franc (01.11.1997 issue)
Image Value Main color Obverse Reverse Watermark
[2] 1 centime Deep olive-green, violet and dark brown Coffee harvest Nyiragongo volcano Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[3] 5 centimes Purple Suku mask Zande harp Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[4] 10 centimes Red-violet and dark-brown Pende mask Pende dancers Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[5] 20 centimes Blue-green and black Antelope Upemba National Park Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[6] 50 centimes Dark brown and brown Okapi Okapis at Epulu Okapi Reserve Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[7] 1 franc Deep purple and blue-violet Gécamines' copper smelting complex Patrice Lumumba with his comrades after his capture Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[8] 5 francs Purple and black Rhinoceros, Garamba National Park Kamwanga falls Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[9] 10 francs Red-violet Luba carving "Tête-à-Tête" Luba carving Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[10] 20 francs Brown-orange and red-orange Lion, Kundelongu Park Lioness with her cubs, Kundelongu Park Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[11] 50 francs Blue-Purple Tshokwe mask "Mwana Pwo" Fishermen's village along the Congo River Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[12] 100 francs Red Elephant, Virunga National Park "Inga II" hydroelectric dam Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
Banknotes of the Congolese franc (04.01.2000 issue)
Image Value Main color Obverse Reverse Watermark

50 francs Lilac-brown Tshokwe mask "Mwana Pwo" Fishermen's village along the Congo River Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically

100 francs Slate blue Elephant, Virunga National Park "Inga II" hydroelectric dam Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
Banknotes of the Congolese franc (30.06.2000 & 04.01.2002 (2003) issues)
Image Value Main color Obverse Reverse Watermark
[13] 200 francs Lilac and olive-green Fieldwork Drummers Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
[14] 500 francs Blue Diamond exploitation Diamond exploitation, Etroite Valley Single Okapi head or multiple Okapi heads repeated vertically
Banknotes of the Congolese franc (02.02.2005 & 18.02.2006 (2012) issues)
Image Value Main color Obverse Reverse Watermark
[15] 1000 francs Green Okapi, Kanioka box Grey parrot; yellow corn Okapi and electrotype 1000
[16] 5000 francs Brown Zebras; Hemba statuette Bowl; bundles of maniok; two helmeted guineafowl Okapi and electrotype 5000
[17] 10,000 francs Violet Two wildebeest; carved statuette Bird on a branch; banana trees Okapi and electrotype 10,000
[18] 20,000 francs Yellow Giraffes; carved head "Bashilele" Palm trees; date clusters; two grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum) Leopard head and electrotype 20,000

الأوراق النقدية المتداولة في 2024

As of April 2024, only the 50 red, 100 blue, 200, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 franc notes are still in circulation.

Valeur Dimensions (mm) Couleur(s) principale Recto Verso Année d'émission Avers Revers
50 francs 151 × 70 Rouge Masque Tshokwe Village de pêcheurs 1997/2000[14] / 2007 / 2013 Billet 50FC Recto.jpg Billet 50FC Verso.jpg
100 francs 151 × 70 Vert/bleu Éléphant barrage Inga II 1997 / 2000 / 2007[14] / 2013 Billet 100FC Recto 2000.jpg Billet 100FC Verso 2000.jpg
200 francs 151 × 70 Violet/vert Couple de cultivateurs Lokolé 2000 / 2013 Billet 200FC Recto 2000.jpg Billet 200FC Verso 2000.jpg
500 francs 151 × 70 Bleu/gris Mineurs de diamant Rivière forestière 2002 / 2013 Billet 500FC Recto.jpg Billet 500FC Verso.jpg
500 francs 151 × 70 Vert Port de Matadi Pont de Kinsuka 2010[note 1] Billet 500FC Vert Recto.jpg Billet 500FC Vert Verso.jpg
1000 francs 141 × 72 Vert Perroquet Okapis 2012[15] · [16] /2013 Billet 1000FC Recto.jpg Billet 1000FC Verso.jpg
5000 francs 145 × 72 Brun Couple de pintades Zèbres 2012[17] / 2013 Billet 5000FC Recto.jpg Billet 5000FC Verso.jpg
10 000 francs 152 × 73 Violet Colibri Couple de gnous 2012[18] / 2013 Billet 10000FC Recto.jpg Billet 10000 Verso.jpg
20000 francs 156 × 73 Jaune Couple de hérons Couple de girafes 2012[16] · [19] / 2013 Billet 20000FC Recto.jpg Billet 20000FC Verso.jpg

سعر الصرف CDF الحالي

See also


  1. ^ Boehme 2007, p. 14.
  2. ^ أ ب Boehme 2007, pp. 14-5.
  3. ^ Boehme 2007, p. 22.
  4. ^ أ ب Boehme 2007, pp. 15.
  5. ^ Boehme 2007, p. 16.
  6. ^ Boehme 2007, pp. 19-20.
  7. ^ http://i.colnect.com/images/items/full/803/109803.jpg[dead link]
  8. ^ Linzmayer, Owen (2012). "Congo (Democratic Republic)". The Banknote Book. San Francisco, CA: www.BanknoteNews.com.
  9. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 1,000-, 5,000-, and 10,000-franc notes reported Archived 2013-07-02 at the Wayback Machine BanknoteNews.com. Retrieved 2012-07-01.
  10. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 5,000-franc note confirmed Archived 2012-10-06 at the Wayback Machine BanknoteNews.com. Retrieved 2012-08-03.
  11. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 1,000-franc note confirmed Archived 2012-10-06 at the Wayback Machine BanknoteNews.com. Retrieved 2012-08-13.
  12. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 10,000-franc note confirmed Archived 2012-10-06 at the Wayback Machine BanknoteNews.com. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  13. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 20,000-franc note reported Archived 2013-01-20 at the Wayback Machine BanknoteNews.com. November 7, 2012. Retrieved on 2013-03-10.
  14. ^ أ ب Martin Yandesa Mavuzi, Les Monnaies du Congo, Neufchâteau, Weyrich, 2015, coll. « Africa », p. 230.
  15. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 1,000-franc note confirmed على الموقع BanknoteNews.com.اطلع عليه يوم 13 août 2012.
  16. ^ أ ب « RDC: le Gouvernement annonce la sortie des billets de 1000, 5000 et 10 000 francs congolais », RadioOkapi.net, 5 juin 2012
  17. ^ Les nouvelles coupures de francs congolais en circulation
  18. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 10,000-franc note confirmed على الموقع BanknoteNews.com.اطلع عليه يوم 20 août 2012.
  19. ^ Congo Democratic Republic new 20,000-franc note reported على الموقع BanknoteNews.com, 7 novembre 2012.اطلع عليه يوم 10 mars 2013.


External links

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