الحزب الشيوعي الأرجنتيني

الحزب الشيوعي الأرجنتيني
Partido Comunista de la Argentina
الاختصارPC, PCA
الأمين العامVictor Gorodeki Kot
تأسس6 January 1918
انشق عنSocialist Party
المقر الرئيسيBuenos Aires, Argentina
العضوية22,523 (2016)[1]
الموقف السياسيFar-left
الانتماء الوطنيFrente de Todos
الانتماء الدوليForo de São Paulo
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
0 / 72
0 / 257
Official website

الحزب الشيوعي الأرجنتين (إسپانية: Partido Comunista de la Argentina, also simply known as "PC") هو حزب سياسي في الأرجنتين. تأسس الحزب في عام 1918. أمين عام الحزب هو بتريسيو إشغراي.[2]

From its origin it maintained an almost automatic alignment with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which generated friction with the rest of the national left, which accused the party of struggling more for the geopolitical interests of the Soviet Union than for the effective emergence of a communist revolution in Argentina.

The party is part of the Frente de Todos coalition supporting the 2019 Argentine presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez during the 2019 Argentine general election.

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من التأسيس إلى بزوغ الپيرونية

From its creation it followed the political line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, supporting in general its initiatives. Its alignment with the CPSU in the period Stalinism earned it numerous criticisms of other parties of political left. Throughout the 1920s it had several splits, being recognized the one of the frontists (1923), the one of the chispistas (pre-trotskistas) (1925) and the penelonistas (supporters of Bukharin) in 1928, returning many paintings during the 8th PCA Congress that year.

The PCA organized the sending of combatants to the International Brigades and other resources to the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. However, its leader Victorio Codovilla, who maintained a leading role in the leadership of the Communist Party of Spain during this period, during the organization of the local NKVD and having direct participation in the persecution, torture and murder of leaders and militants anarchists, of the POUM and of the International Brigades.

According to the version of Alberto Nadra, a member of the Central Committee until 1989, the party was secretly structured as a political-military organization, and that character led the first guerrilla movement of the 20th century between the late 1930s and the early 1930s. 40, in the then National Territory of the Chaco, with specific agreements with the popular gaucho Mate Sewn. The communists would have marched to the mountain and had as objectives properties of La Forestal, Bunge Born, Dreyfuss and the great cotton patrons, making impressive actions. At the beginning of 1945, the Gendarmerie surrounded and detained the main leaders, such as the journalist Salvador "Rómulo" Marini, Simón Duschatsky and Pedro Marini, among others, although, according to Nadra, the "Commander Leonor Cuaretta who initially managed to flee, He was later arrested and murdered on March 30, 1945.15 He also refers to another 200 actions against Nazi targets during the Second World War or the blowing up of 14 Minimax supermarkets on June 28, 1968, although other sources have attributed it to the Armed Forces Revolutionary

During the Second World War, the party maintained an active participation in the international arena in favor of the Soviet Union, organizing aid collections and contributing its leaders to various international tasks. An example of this would be the murder of Leon Trotsky in Mexico in 1940, whose organization was in charge of Codovilla, who at this point enjoyed the confidence of the leadership of the CPSU.

من الپيرونية إلى ديكتاتورية 1976

As a result of the workers' mobilizations of October 17, 1945 against the dismissal and detention of Juan Domingo Perón, within the party there were questions to the political line of the same and to the leadership headed by Codovilla and in the National Conference of December of that year, Rodolfo Puiggrós openly expressed criticism and demanded to find practical agreements with Perón around the defense of the interests of the workers and the fight against imperialism.

In the elections of 1946 the Communist Party was part of the Democratic Union, opposed to Peronism. Puiggrós was expelled in 1947 and founded the Communist Workers Movement together with some communist syndicalists supporters of the alliance with Peronism.

The student of chemistry and communist militant Ernesto Mario Bravo was kidnapped at his home on June 17, 1951 and tortured by the police. His case was reported by the doctor who treated him, first in the Special Section and then in a fifth where he was transferred. The government, however, emphatically denied the facts:

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