إعصار إستوائي

(تم التحويل من اعصار استوائي)
إعصار كيت 2003
أعاصير إستوائية
التكون والتسمية
التطور - البنية
التسمية - القوائم الإستوائية - القائمة الكاملة

الترقب والتحذير
Storm surge - عواصف هامة
أسماء متقاعدة (الأطلسي - شرق الهادي - غرب الهادي)

علم المناخ والتتبع
الأحواض - RSMCs - TCWCs - المقاييس
المراقبة - التوقع
توقع الأمطار
علم مناخ سقوط الأمطار
جزء من سلسلة الطبيعة: الطقس

الإعصار الاستوائي هو نظام عاصفة يتميز بمركز منخفض الضغط وعدد كبير من العواصف الرعدية التي تؤدي إلى رياح قوية وأمطار فيضانات.

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البنية الطبيعية

Structure of a tropical cyclone

العين والمركز

Size descriptions of tropical cyclones
ROCI النوع
Less than 2 degrees latitude Very small/midget
2 to 3 degrees of latitude Small
3 to 6 degrees of latitude Medium/Average
6 to 8 degrees of latitude Large
Over 8 degrees of latitude Very large[1]



Tropical cyclones form when the energy released by the condensation of moisture in rising air causes a positive feedback loop over warm ocean waters.[2]

الأحواض الرئيسية ومراكز الإنذار المناظرة

Basins and WMO Monitoring Institutions[3]
Basin Responsible RSMCs and TCWCs
Northern Atlantic National Hurricane Center (United States)
Northeastern Pacific National Hurricane Center (United States)
North Central Pacific Central Pacific Hurricane Center (United States)
Northwestern Pacific Japan Meteorological Agency
Northern Indian Ocean India Meteorological Department
Southwestern Indian Ocean Météo-France
South and
Southwestern Pacific
Fiji Meteorological Service
Meteorological Service of New Zealand
Papua New Guinea National Weather Service
Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
Southeastern Indian Ocean Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
Meteorological and Geophysical Agency (Indonesia)
: Indicates a Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre


Map of the cumulative tracks of all tropical cyclones during the 1985–2005 time period. المحيط الهادي غرب خط التاريخ الدولي sees more tropical cyclones than any other basin, while there is almost no activity in the Atlantic Ocean south of the Equator.
Map of all tropical cyclone tracks from 1945 to 2006. Equal-area projection.



Season lengths and seasonal averages[4][5]
Basin Season start Season end Tropical Storms
(>34 knots)
Tropical Cyclones
(>63 knots)
Category 3+ TCs
(>95 knots)
Northwest Pacific April January 26.7 16.9 8.5
South Indian November April 20.6 10.3 4.3
Northeast Pacific May November 16.3 9.0 4.1
North Atlantic June November 10.6 5.9 2.0
Australia Southwest Pacific November April 10.6 4.8 1.9
North Indian April December 5.4 2.2 0.4


Waves in the trade winds in the Atlantic Ocean—areas of converging winds that move along the same track as the prevailing wind—create instabilities in the atmosphere that may lead to the formation of hurricanes.

الحركة والمسار

Steering winds

Coriolis effect

Infrared image of a powerful southern hemisphere cyclone, Monica, near peak intensity, showing clockwise rotation due to the Coriolis effect

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التفاعل مع the mid-latitude westerlies

Storm track of Typhoon Ioke, showing recurvature off the Japanese coast in 2006



Tropical Storm Franklin, an example of a strongly sheared tropical cyclone in the Atlantic Basin during 2005


The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Gulfport, Mississippi. Katrina was the costliest tropical cyclone in world history.

الرصد والتنبؤ


Sunset view of Hurricane Isidore's rainbands photographed at 7,000 feet (2,100 m)

A general decrease in error trends in tropical cyclone path prediction is evident since the 1970s


التصنيفات والمصطلحات والتسمية

تصنيفات الشدة

Three tropical cyclones at different stages of development. The weakest (left), demonstrates only the most basic circular shape. A stronger storm (top right) demonstrates spiral banding and increased centralization, while the strongest (lower right) has developed an eye.

أصول تعبيرات العواصف

Taipei 101 endures a typhoon in 2005

أهم الأعاصير الإستوائية

The relative sizes of Typhoon Tip, Cyclone Tracy, and the United States

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أنواع أعاصير ذات علاقة

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Q: What is the average size of a tropical cyclone? Retrieved on 2007-07-04.
  2. ^ Kerry Emanuel. Anthropogenic Effects on Tropical Cyclone Activity. Retrieved on 2008-02-25.
  3. ^ Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Hurricane Research Division. "Frequently Asked Questions: What regions around the globe have tropical cyclones and who is responsible for forecasting there?". NOAA. Retrieved 2006-07-25.
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة AOML FAQ G1
  5. ^ Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Hurricane Research Division. "Frequently Asked Questions: What are the average, most, and least tropical cyclones occurring in each basin?". NOAA. Retrieved 2006-11-30.

وصلات خارجية

مراجع تعليمية
Regional specialised meteorological centers
عواصف سابقة