أيوتا (تكنولوجيا)
IOTA | |
![]() IOTA logo | |
الفئات | |
الوحدة الأكبر | |
103 | KiloIota (Ki) |
106 | MegaIota (Mi) |
109 | GigaIota (Gi) |
1012 | TeraIota (Ti) |
1015 | PetaIota (Pi) |
الرمز | IOTA, MIOTA[1] |
الديمغرافيا | |
تاريخ الطرح | 11 يونيو 2016 |
Source | Initial Coin Offering |
المستخدم(ون) | جميع أرجاء العالم |
القيمة | |
Supply growth | Fixed supply of 2 779 530 283 units |
أيوتا ( IOTA بالإنجليزية ) هي دفتر حسابات موزع مفتوح المصدر (عملة مشفرة) تهدف إلى توفير اتصالات و مدفوعات آمنة بين الآلات في شبكة إنترنت الأشياء (IoT). تستخدم الأيوتا تكنولوجيا المخطط الموجه غير الدوري (Directed acyclic graph- DAG) بدلا من تكنولوجيا سلسلة الكتل ( Blockchain) التقليدية. تتميز معاملات الأيوتا في التحويل من شخص إلى شخص أو من آلة إلى شخص أو من آلة إلى آلة ، بأنها مجانية بالكامل (بدون رسوم) بغض النظر عن حجم التعامل، سرعة وقت تأكيد التعاملات ، عدد التحويلات التي تستطيع الشبكة (The Tangle) تحملها في نفس الوقت غير محدود، النظام أو الشبكة تستطيع أن تستوعب الزيادة أي أن لها القدرة على الاتساع بعكس تكنولوجيا الـ blockchain.[2][3] تأسست أيوتا في 2015 على يد كل من David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener و د. Serguei Popov.[4][5]
تتم إدارة ومتابعة الأيوتا بواسطة مؤسسة أيوتا ( IOTA FOUNDATION ) ، وهي مؤسسة غير ربحية مثلها مثل مؤسسة الـ Linux ، أنشئت خصيصا لتطوير التكنولوجيا وضمان كونها بلا رخصة مملوكة لجهة محددة حتى تتيح الفرصة لجميع المطورين العمل على تطويرها.[6] قامت المؤسسة بالتعاون مع شركتي فولكس فاجن ( Volkswagen ) و إنوجي ( Innogy ) لتطوير مشروع CarPass وهو عبارة عن تكنولوجيا مبنية على الأيوتا تتيح استخراج سجلات فحص آمنة ، هويات رقمية ( Digital ID’s ) و شبكات للسيارات.[7]
بالإشتراك مع كل من دويتشه تلكوم، مايكروسوفت وفوجيتسو وسامسونج،[8] قامت مؤسسة أيوتا بافتتاح سوق بيانات باستخدام تكنولوجيا أيوتا.[9] مؤسسة الأيوتا هي أيضا عضو مؤسس في اتحاد إنترنت الأشياء الموثوق والذي يضم الكثير من الشركات مثل Bosch, Consensys, USbank، سيسكو.[10]
في ديسمبر 2017 وصلت قيمة رأس المال السوقي للعملة أيوتا 13 مليار دولار، مما يجعلها رابع أكبر عملة مشفرة في سوق العملات المشفرة.[11]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
أصغر وحدة قياس للأيوتا هي أيوتا , وقد سميت كذلك على إسم أصغير حرف في الأبجدية اليونانية . أسماء الوحدات الأكبر تتم عن طريق إضافة بادئات وحدات القياس بالنظام المتري لكلمة أيوتا . لذلك واحد مليون أيوتا يسمى ( ميجا أيوتا ) أو ( ميوتا ) ، والذي يعتبر الآن الوحدة الأساسية التي يتم التعامل بها على مواقع تبادل العملات الرقمية المشفرة وطبقا للحجم فإن أسماء[12] العملات هي كالتالي :
Iota | = 1 Iota | = 1i | = 1i |
KiloIota | = 1 Kiota | = 1Ki | = 1,000i |
MegaIota | = 1 Miota | = 1Mi | = 1,000,000i |
GigaIota | = 1 Giota | = 1Gi | = 1,000,000,000i |
TeraIota | = 1 Tiota | = 1Ti | = 1,000,000,000,000i |
PetaIota | = 1 Piota | = 1Pi | = 1,000,000,000,000,000i |
ملاحظة : يجب عدم الخلط بين هذه الوحدات و بادئات حروف نظام العد الثنائي[13] والذي فيه 1 كيلو بت يساوي 1024 بايت
تم تأسيس الأيوتا بواسطة كل من IOTA founded by David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener, and Dr. Serguei Popov . قيمة كل ما هو موجود من الأيوتا بالكامل في العالم هو 2,779,530,283,277,761 وهي قيمة ثابتة لا تزيد حيث أنه لا يوجد تعدين للأيوتا مثلما يحدث في عملة البتكوين . بعد شهور قليلة بدأت المرحلة التجريبية المفتوحة لأيوتا
أثناء مرحلة الاختبار التجريبية ، بدأ التداول فيما بين المستخدمين لمدة 11 شهرا

For an IOTA user to send out a transaction, the user must validate two other, randomly selected transactions. A sent transaction must accumulate a sufficient level of verification (i.e. must be validated a sufficient number of times by other users) in order to be accepted as “confirmed” by its recipient. IOTA works with a single administrator called the Coordinator which confirms all transactions in a set of released milestones. Without the Coordinator, the IOTA DAG is not considered sufficiently secured in its early stages. The Coordinator is meant to be removed when the network is sufficiently large.[2]
Instead of using a blockchain, IOTA uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG). IOTA's DAG is colloquially referred to as the "tangle", and is a generalization of the block chain protocol (a blockchain is a special case of a DAG[14]).
IOTA uses Winternitz hash-based cryptography signatures instead of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).[15][16] Hash-based signatures are much faster than ECC.[17]
IOTA made use of a self-designed hash function named Curl. In July 2017 researchers found a critical vulnerability allowing them to forge signatures. Generally, the researchers criticize the use of self-developed cryptography.[18] On 7 August the developers replaced the hash function with a version of SHA-3 named Kerl, which works with ternary (instead of binary) operations, effectively fixing the vulnerability.[19]
مؤسسة أيوتا
أٌشهـِرت مؤسسة أيوتا في ألمانيا كشركة غير ربحية تنسق وتموّل تطوير النظام البيئي لأيوتا. The Foundation is dedicated to building sustainable ecosystems around IOTA to accelerate its development and commercial adoption as an open source technology. As of November 2017, the Foundation has a $100 million fund to promote IOTA use. The funds are distributed as IOTA tokens to companies building technology with IOTA. The development fund does not fund start ups.[20][21]
The Foundation is the first regulated, non-profit in Germany ("gemeinnützige Stiftung") funded exclusively by crypto currencies. It's divided into a Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, and Advisory Board. Beneath them, the Foundation will organized into working groups focused on promoting and enabling IOTA's use in: Identity and MyDate; Social Causes; Supply Chain; Mobility; E-Health; Fintech; Smart Cities and Infrastructure; R&D; Interoperability; Energy; Industry 4.0; and Others.[6][22]
Data marketplace
IOTA launched a public marketplace (https://datum.iota.org/) for data generated by 3rd party sensors. The objective is to monetize the exploding market for 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated daily and growing exponentially. The project gathered participation of over twenty global organizations, including Deutsche Telekom, Bosch, Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Airbus, Cisco, Samsung, Orange S.A., Fujitsu, and China's Huawei Group.[8] The marketplace allows connected devices to securely transfer, buy and sell fine-granular and diverse data across the global to any buyer. The fee-less micro-transactions are handled by the IOTA protocol. Initial data sets available on the marketplace include location-specific environmental measurements, African agricultural data, and anonymized healthcare data from wearables.[23][24] Ordinary netizens will also be able to sell their data on the marketplace.[25]
In September 2017, a distributed machine learning service was announced using IOTA as the payment system. CognIOTA goal is to allow users to rent their idle CPU's for others to use in real time. David Sonstebo commented, “The goal is indeed to get mining pools to switch over to providing a useful service (Machine Learning) while paid in iotas. A lot of mining farms are struggling these days, so this is a very win-win situation”[26][27]
Masked Authenticated Messaging
Masked Authenticated Messaging (MAM) is a second layer data communication protocol which enables encrypted data streams, like RSS, to be sent securely over IOTA's distributed ledger. To transmit, a user needs to conduct a small amount of proof of work to prevent spamming of the network. Nodes listening for the channel ID (= address), will receive the message. MAM messages contribute to the security of the network by increasing total hashing power and benefit from the data integrity properties of the network. The Bosch XDK IoT developer kit and the RuuviTag, an open source sensor beacon from Ruuvi Labs, already use IOTA's MAM. Example uses for XDK and RuuviTags are portable weather stations, Eddystone proximity beacons, vehicle locators and similar applications which securely report telemetry or receive commands. Another use case are the announced EV charging station from the Dutch energy giant Elaad.[28]
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Flash Channels
IOTA allows instantaneous, high throughput payment channels that are bi-directional and off-Tangle. This allows parties to transact at high speed without waiting for normal confirmation times. When a channel is created, each party deposits an equal amount of IOTA into a multi-signature address controlled by all parties. Once initial deposits are confirmed, the channel does not need to interact with the network until the channel is closed. When the parties finish transacting, final balances are published to the network. This approach can reduce thousands of transactions down to two.
A sample use is paying for wirelessly charging a phone at a cafe. If the phone and cafe open an IOTA Flash Channel, payments are made by the second from the phone to the cafe. Once the charge is terminated, the channel is closed and one payment is recorded on the Tangle as being conducted between your phone and the cafe.
As of December 2017, neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum have been able to launch their Flash Channels.[29][30]
The official wallet is version 2.5.4, downloadable from GitHub: https://github.com/iotaledger/wallet/releases.[31] The current wallet requires independently generating your own seed (private key). Instructions how to do that are located here: https://matthewwinstonjohnson.gitbooks.io/iota-guide-and-faq/getting-started/dl-wallet/what-is-my-seed.html.[32] IOTA-help.com is to be avoided as it is a scam site used to steal seeds and IOTA.[33]
IOTA trades for fiat currencies, bitcoin and ether, on the following online exchanges:
- Bitfinex[34] (does not allow access by US persons)
- Binance[35]
- CoinSpot[36]
- CoinFalcon[37]
- Bit520[38]
- Exrates[38]
- OKex[39] (does not allow access by US persons)
- CoinOne[40]
- ^ "Coin Market Cap - IOTA (MIOTA)". 2017.
- ^ أ ب Aitken, Roger (2017). "IOTA's Bitfinex Listing Surges To $1.5B Record-Breaking 'Crypto' Capitalization On Market Debut".
- ^ "Future of Digital Currency May Not Involve Blockchains". Cointelegraph.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "IOTA Support - what is IOTA?". iotasupport.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ https://satoshiwatch.com/coins/iota/in-depth/iota-the-winner-takes/
- ^ أ ب "IOTA Foundation – IOTA". Blog.iota.org. 13 November 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ أ ب Reuters (28 November 2017). "Blockchain Network IOTA Teams Up With Cisco, Volkswagen, Others on Data Marketplace". Nytimes.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
{{cite web}}
has generic name (help) - ^ Ponciano, Jonathan. "IOTA Foundation Launches Data Marketplace For 'Internet-Of-Things' Industry". Forbes.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "Trusted IoT Alliance - Membership". Trusted-iot.org. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "IOTA (MIOTA) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics - CoinMarketCap". coinmarketcap.com. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
- ^ https://iota.org/IOTA_Whitepaper.pdf
- ^ Wikipedia.
{{cite journal}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help); Unknown parameter|التاريخ=
ignored (help); Unknown parameter|العنوان=
ignored (help); Unknown parameter|اللغة=
ignored (help); Unknown parameter|المسار=
ignored (help) - ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةiota.org
- ^ Buchmann, Johannes; Dahmen, Erik; Ereth, Sarah; et al. "On the Security of the Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme" (PDF).
{{cite web}}
: Explicit use of et al. in:|last4=
(help) - ^ Hopwood, David-Sarah (2010). "Merkle-Winternitz-HORS signature scheme for Tahoe-LAFS".
- ^ Rohde, Sebastian; Eisenbarth, Thomas; Dahmen, Erik; et al. "Efficient Hash-Based Signatures on Embedded Devices" (PDF).
{{cite web}}
: Explicit use of et al. in:|last4=
(help) - ^ Narula, Neha (2017-09-07). "Cryptographic vulnerabilities in IOTA". Neha Narula. Retrieved 2017-12-07.
- ^ tangled-curl: IOTA's hash function curl is broken, The MIT Digital Currency Initiative @ Media Lab, 2017-12-07, https://github.com/mit-dci/tangled-curl, retrieved on 2017-12-07
- ^ "YouTube". Youtube.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "IOTA Support - the IOTA Foundation". iotasupport.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ http://etherworld.co/2017/11/14/iota-foundation-finally-registered-in-germany/
- ^ Ponciano, Jonathan. "IOTA Foundation Launches Data Marketplace For 'Internet-Of-Things' Industry". Forbes.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "IOTA Data Marketplace – IOTA". Blog.iota.org. 28 November 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ Mix (28 November 2017). "Microsoft and IOTA launch first cryptocurrency market for the Internet of Things". Thenextweb.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "Cogniota Machine Learning service". Iotafeed.com. 4 October 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "CognIOTA - Machine Learning as a service". Cogniota.io. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "Introducing Masked Authenticated Messaging – IOTA". Blog.iota.org. 4 November 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "Instant & Feeless: Flash Channels". Blogs.iota.org. 24 September 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ https://themerkle.com/iota-team-announces-flash-channels-for-instant-and-feeless-transactions/
- ^ "wallet: IOTA Wallet". GitHub. 6 December 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "What is my seed? · IOTA Guide and FAQ". Matthewwinstonjohnson.gitbooks.io. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "[PSA] Just that all are aware, iota-help.com is a SCAM site. Do not generate a seed on their seed generator! • r/Iota". reddit. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ [2][dead link]
- ^ "Binance Lists IOTA". Support.binance.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "Buy IOTA Australia - Safe, Easy, Fast - CoinSpot". Coinspot.com.au. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "CoinFalcon - Buy and sell Bitcoin for free". Coinfalcon.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ أ ب "IOTA (MIOTA) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics - CoinMarketCap". Coinmarketcap.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ "OKEx supports IOTA Deposit and Spot Trading". OKEx.com. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
- ^ [3][dead link]