أمن طبقة النقل

(تم التحويل من Transport Layer Security)

أمن طبقة النقل Transport Layer Security (TLS) ، وسابقته طبقة المنافذ الآمنة Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)، هي پروتوكولات تعمية مصممة للحصول على أمن الاتصالات في شبكات الحاسوب.[1] هناك إصدارات مختلفة للپروتوكولات تستخدم على نطاق واسع في تطبيقات مثل تصفح الإنترنت، البريد الإلكتروني، فاكس الإنترنت، التراسل الفوري، والصوت عبر الإنترنت. مواقع الوب الرئيسية (تشمل گوگل، يوتيوب، فيسبوك وغيرها) تستخدم أمن طبقة النقل لتأمين جميع الاتصالات بين خوادمها ومتصفحات الوب.


إن معظم إجراءات البروتوكول تُنفّذ حال البدء بتبادل المعلومات وطلب إعداد قناة اتصال آمنة، حيث يبدأ البروتوكول العمل عندما يقوم حاسب المستخدم بطلب الوثوقية من المخدم. يحدد الطلب الذي يقوم به المستخدم وهو خوارزمية التشفير التي يمكن استخدامها بالإضافة إلى نص التحدي. (نص التحدي باختصار هو مادة عشوائية يتم ارجاعها ضمن محتوى مشفر لمنع إعادة إرسال تلك النصوص المشفرة والتي كانت تستخدم في السابق، مما يعني أن نص التحدي مختلفاً عن النصوص المشفرة).

أما التوثيق الذي يقوم المخدم بإعادته فيكون على شكل شهادة تحوي توقيع مفتاح المخدم المعلن، وعلى أفضليات المخدم لخوارزمية التشفير التي ستستخدم. يقوم حاسب المستخدم بعد ذلك بإنشاء مفتاح أصلي، وتشفير مفتاح المخدم، ومن ثم يقوم بإرسال النتيجة إلى المخدم. حينذاك، يقوم المخدم بإعادة الرسالة المشفرة مع المفتاح الأصلي، حيث يستخدم هذا المفتاح لإنشاء المفاتيح اللازمة لإرسال الرسائل.

التاريخ والتطوير

الپروتوكول السنة
SSL 1.0 n/a
SSL 2.0 1995
SSL 3.0 1996
TLS 1.0 1999
TLS 1.1 2006
TLS 1.2 2008

برمجة الشبكة الآمنة

SSL 1.0, 2.0 و3.0

TLS 1.0

TLS 1.1

TLS 1.2

TLS 1.3 (مسودة)

الشهادات الرقمية


التطبيقات والاستخدامات

يستطيع بروتوكول SSL تشفير كافة الاتصالات بين المنافذ فوراً وبدون تدخل من المستخدم، الأمر الذي يوفر الدعم الأمني لكافة تطبيقات الانترنيت، وخاصة البريد الإلكتروني، وبروتوكول تل نت، وبروتوكول نقل الملفات، بالإضافة إلى مختلف التبادلات التي تتم على الويب، حيث يمكن حمايتها كافة عن طريق SSL.

مواقع الوب

دعم پروتوكول الوب
موقع الوب[2]
SSL 2.0 10.4% (−0.4%) Insecure
SSL 3.0 32.6% (−1.2%) Insecure[4]
TLS 1.0 99.0% (−0.2%) Depends on cipher[n 1] and client mitigations[n 2]
TLS 1.1 65.7% (+1.4%) Depends on cipher[n 1] and client mitigations[n 2]
TLS 1.2 67.9% (+1.4%) Depends on cipher[n 1] and client mitigations[n 2]
TLS 1.3
  1. ^ أ ب ت see #Cipher table below
  2. ^ أ ب ت see #Web browsers and #Attacks against TLS/SSL sections

متصفحات الوب

TLS/SSL support history of web browsers
Browser Version Platforms SSL protocols TLS protocols Certificate Support Vulnerabilities fixed[n 1] Protocol selection by user
[n 2]
SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV
[n 3][5]
BEAST[n 4] CRIME[n 5] POODLE (SSLv3)[n 6] RC4[n 7] FREAK[8][9] Logjam
Google Chrome
(Chrome for Android)
[n 8]
[n 9]
1–9 Windows (XP SP2+)
OS X (10.7+)
Android (4.0+)
iOS (7.0+)
Chrome OS
Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected
Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
10–20 No[15] Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Vulnerable
Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
21 No Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated
Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
22–25 No Enabled by default نعم نعم[17] لا[17][18][19][20] نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
26–29 No Enabled by default نعم نعم لا نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
30–32 No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم[18][19][20] نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
33–37 No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Partly mitigated
[n 12]
Lowest priority
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
38, 39 No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Partly mitigated Lowest priority Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
40 No Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated
[n 13]
Lowest priority Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Yes[n 14]
41, 42 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Lowest priority Mitigated Vulnerable Yes[n 14]
43 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15][27]
Mitigated Vulnerable Yes[n 14]
44–46 47 No No[28] نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Not affected Only as fallback
[n 15]
Mitigated Mitigated[29] Temporary
[n 11]
Google Android OS Browser
Android 1.0, 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0–2.1, 2.2–2.2.3 No Enabled by default نعم لا لا غير معروف لا لا غير معروف غير معروف Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
Android 2.3–2.3.7, 3.0–3.2.6, 4.0–4.0.4, 4.1–4.3.1 No Enabled by default نعم لا لا غير معروف نعم[6] since Android OS 3.0[31] غير معروف غير معروف Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
Android 4.4–4.4.4 No Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default غير معروف نعم نعم[7] غير معروف غير معروف Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
Android 5.0-5.0.2 No Enabled by default نعم نعم[32] نعم[32] غير معروف نعم نعم غير معروف غير معروف Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
Android 5.1-5.1.1 No No نعم نعم نعم غير معروف نعم نعم غير معروف غير معروف Not affected Only as fallback
[n 15]
Mitigated Mitigated لا
Android 6.0 No No نعم نعم نعم غير معروف نعم نعم غير معروف غير معروف Not affected غير معروف Mitigated Mitigated غير معروف
Browser Version Platforms SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV certificate SHA-2 certificate ECDSA certificate BEAST CRIME POODLE (SSLv3) RC4 FREAK Logjam Protocol selection by user
Mozilla Firefox
(Firefox for mobile)
[n 16]
1.0 Windows (XP SP2+)
OS X (10.6+)
Android (2.3+)
iOS (8.2+)
Firefox OS

ESR only for:
Windows (XP SP2+)
OS X (10.6+)
Enabled by default
Enabled by default
نعم[33] لا لا لا نعم[6] لا Not affected
Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
1.5 Enabled by default Enabled by default نعم لا لا لا نعم لا Not affected Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
2 Disabled by default
Enabled by default نعم لا لا لا نعم نعم[7] Not affected Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
3–7 Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
ESR 10
No[35] Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
11–14 No Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Vulnerable
Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
ESR 17.0–17.0.10
No Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
ESR 17.0.11 No Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Lowest priority
Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
23 No Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default
لا نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
24, 25.0.0
ESR 24.0–24.1.0
No Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
25.0.1, 26
ESR 24.1.1
No Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Lowest priority
Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
ESR 31.0–31.2
No Enabled by default نعم نعم[41][42] نعم[43][42] نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Lowest priority Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
34, 35
ESR 31.3–31.7
No Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Mitigated
[n 18]
Lowest priority Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
ESR 31.8 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Lowest priority Not affected Mitigated[48] Yes[n 17]
ESR 38.0
No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15][49]
Not affected Vulnerable Yes[n 17]
ESR 38.1
ESR 38.3
ESR 38.4 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15]
Not affected Mitigated[48] Yes[n 17]
ESR 38.5
ESR 38.8
39–41 42 No No[50] نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Not affected Only as fallback
[n 15]
Not affected Mitigated[48] Yes[n 17]
44 ESR 45 No No نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Not affected Mitigated Not affected Not affected[n 19] Not affected Mitigated Yes[n 17]
Browser Version Platforms SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV certificate SHA-2 certificate ECDSA certificate BEAST CRIME POODLE (SSLv3) RC4 FREAK Logjam Protocol selection by user
Microsoft Internet Explorer
[n 20]
1.x Windows 3.1, 95, NT[n 21],[n 22]
Mac OS 7, 8
No SSL/TLS support
2 Yes No لا لا لا لا لا لا No SSL 3.0 or TLS support Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable {{N/A}}
3 Yes Yes[56] لا لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف
4, 5 Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT[n 21],[n 22]
Mac OS 7.1, 8, X,
Enabled by default Enabled by default Disabled by default
لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
6 Windows 98, ME, NT[n 21], 2000[n 22] Enabled by default Enabled by default Disabled by default
لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
6 Windows XP[n 22] Enabled by default Enabled by default Disabled by default لا لا لا نعم
[n 23] [57]
لا Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
6 Server 2003[n 22] Enabled by default Enabled by default Disabled by default لا لا لا نعم
[n 23] [57]
لا Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Mitigated
Yes[n 10]
7, 8 Windows XP[n 22] Disabled by default
Enabled by default نعم[62] لا لا نعم نعم
[n 23] [57]
لا Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Yes[n 10]
7, 8 Server 2003[n 22] Disabled by default
Enabled by default نعم[62] لا لا نعم نعم
[n 23] [57]
لا Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Mitigated
Yes[n 10]
7, 8[n 24] 9 Windows Vista Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم[7] Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Mitigated
Yes[n 10]
Server 2008
8, 9, 10[n 24] Windows 7 Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default
Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Lowest priority
[65][n 25]
Yes[n 10]
Server 2008 R2
10[n 24] Windows 8 Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default
Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Lowest priority
[65][n 25]
Yes[n 10]
10 Server 2012
11 Windows 7 Disabled by default Disabled by default
[n 26]
نعم نعم[67] نعم[67] نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated
[n 26]
Lowest priority
[65][n 25]
Yes[n 10]
Server 2008 R2
11 Windows 8.1 Disabled by default Disabled by default
[n 26]
نعم نعم[67] نعم[67] نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated
[n 26]
Only as fallback
[n 15][71][72]
Yes[n 10]
Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Edge[n 27]
and (as fallback)
Internet Explorer[n 20]
IE 11 Edge[n 28] Windows 10 Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15]
Mitigated Mitigated Yes[n 10]
Server 2016
Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile
[n 20]
7, 9 Windows Phone 7, 7.5, 7.8 Disabled by default
Enabled by default نعم لا
[بحاجة لمصدر]
[بحاجة لمصدر]
[بحاجة لمصدر]
نعم نعم[31] غير معروف Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Only with 3rd party tools[n 29]
10 Windows Phone 8 Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default
Disabled by default
[بحاجة لمصدر]
نعم نعم[76] Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Only with 3rd party tools[n 29]
11 Windows Phone 8.1 Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم نعم[77] نعم[77] لا
[بحاجة لمصدر]
نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Vulnerable Only as fallback
[n 15][71][72]
Vulnerable Vulnerable Only with 3rd party tools[n 29]
Microsoft Edge
[n 27]
Edge Windows 10 Mobile Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15]
Mitigated غير معروف غير معروف
Browser Version Platforms SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV certificate SHA-2 certificate ECDSA certificate BEAST CRIME POODLE (SSLv3) RC4 FREAK Logjam Protocol selection by user
Opera Browser
(Opera Mobile)
(Pre-Presto and Presto)
[n 30]
1-2 Windows
Symbian S60
Windows Mobile
No SSL/TLS support[79]
3 Yes[80] No لا لا لا لا لا لا No SSL 3.0 or TLS support Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف {{N/A}}
4 Yes Yes[81] لا لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف غير معروف
5 Enabled by default Enabled by default نعم[82] لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
6-7 Enabled by default Enabled by default نعم[82] لا لا لا نعم[6] لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
8 Enabled by default Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default
لا لا نعم لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
9 Disabled by default
Enabled by default نعم نعم لا since v9.5
(only desktop)
نعم لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
10–11.52 No[85] Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default
(only desktop)
نعم لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
11.60–11.64 No Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم
(only desktop)
نعم لا Mitigated
Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable غير معروف غير معروف Yes[n 10]
12–12.14 No Disabled by default
[n 31]
نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم
(only desktop)
نعم لا Mitigated Not affected Mitigated
[n 31]
Vulnerable غير معروف Mitigated[88] Yes[n 10]
12.15–12.17 No Disabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default نعم
(only desktop)
نعم لا Mitigated Not affected Mitigated Partly mitigated
غير معروف Mitigated[88] Yes[n 10]
Opera Browser
(Opera Mobile)
(Webkit and Blink)
[n 32]
14–16 Windows (XP+)
OS X (10.7+)
Android (4.0+)
No Enabled by default نعم نعم[93] لا[93] نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
17–19 No Enabled by default نعم نعم[94] نعم[94] نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
20–24 No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
needs SHA-2 compatible OS[6] needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Partly mitigated
[n 33]
Lowest priority
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
25, 26 No Enabled by default
[n 34]
نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated
[n 35]
Lowest priority Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Temporary
[n 11]
27 No Disabled by default
نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated
[n 36]
Lowest priority Vulnerable
(except Windows)
Vulnerable Yes[n 37]
(only desktop)
28, 29 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Lowest priority Mitigated Vulnerable Yes[n 37]
(only desktop)
30 No Disabled by default نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Mitigated Only as fallback
[n 15][27]
Mitigated Mitigated[88] Yes[n 37]
(only desktop)
31, 32 33 No No[28] نعم نعم نعم نعم
(only desktop)
نعم needs ECC compatible OS[7] Not affected Mitigated Not affected Only as fallback
[n 15][27]
Mitigated Mitigated Temporary
[n 11]
Browser Version Platforms SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV certificate SHA-2 certificate ECDSA certificate BEAST CRIME POODLE (SSLv3) RC4 FREAK Logjam Protocol selection by user
Apple Safari
[n 38]
1 Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3 No[100] Yes نعم لا لا لا لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
2–5 Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, Win XP No Yes نعم لا لا since v3.2 لا لا Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
3–5 Vista,Win 7 No Yes نعم لا لا since v3.2 لا نعم[31] Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
4–6 Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 No Yes نعم لا لا نعم نعم[6] نعم[7] Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
6 OS X 10.8 No Yes نعم لا لا نعم نعم نعم[7] Mitigated
[n 39]
Not affected Mitigated
[n 40]
[n 40]
Vulnerable لا
7 9 OS X 10.9 No Yes نعم نعم[107] نعم[107] نعم نعم نعم Mitigated
Not affected Mitigated
[n 40]
[n 40]
Vulnerable لا
8 9 OS X 10.10 No Yes نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated
[n 40]
Lowest priority
[108][n 40]
9 OS X 10.11 No No نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Not affected Lowest priority Mitigated Mitigated لا
Apple Safari
[n 41]
3 iPhone OS 1, 2 No[113] Yes نعم لا لا لا لا غير معروف Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
4, 5 iPhone OS 3, iOS 4 No Yes نعم لا لا نعم[114] نعم since iOS 4[31] Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
5, 6 iOS 5, 6 No Yes نعم نعم[110] نعم[110] نعم نعم نعم Vulnerable Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
7 iOS 7 No Yes نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم[115] Mitigated
Not affected Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable لا
8 iOS 8 No Yes نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Mitigated
[n 40]
Lowest priority
[117][n 40]
9 iOS 9 No No نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم Mitigated Not affected Not affected Lowest priority Mitigated Mitigated لا
Browser Version Platforms SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 EV
[n 3]
SHA-2 ECDSA BEAST[n 4] CRIME[n 5] POODLE (SSLv3)[n 6] RC4[n 7] FREAK[8][9] Logjam Protocol selection by user
SSL protocols TLS protocols Certificate Support Vulnerabilities fixed
Color or Note Significance
Browser version Platform
Browser version Operating system Future release; under development
Browser version Operating system Current latest release
Browser version Operating system Former release; still supported
Browser version Operating system Former release; long-term support still active, but will end in less than 12 months
Browser version Operating system Former release; no longer supported
n/a Operating system Mixed / Unspecified
Operating system (Version+) Minimum required operating system version (for the current latest version of the browser)
Operating system No longer supported for this operating system
  1. ^ Does the browser have mitigations or is not vulnerable for the known attacks. Note actual security depends on other factors such as negotiated cipher, encryption strength etc (see #Cipher table).
  2. ^ Whether a user or administrator can choose the protocols to be used or not. If yes, several attacks such as BEAST (vulnerable in SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0) or POODLE (vulnerable in SSL 3.0) can be avoided.
  3. ^ أ ب Whether EV SSL and DV SSL (normal SSL) can be distinguished by indicators (green lock icon, green address bar, etc.) or not.
  4. ^ أ ب e.g. 1/n-1 record splitting.
  5. ^ أ ب e.g. Disabling header compression in HTTPS/SPDY.
  6. ^ أ ب
    • Complete mitigations; disabling SSL 3.0 itself, "anti-POODLE record splitting". "Anti-POODLE record splitting" is effective only with client-side implementation and valid according to the SSL 3.0 specification, however, it may also cause compatibility issues due to problems in server-side implementations.
    • Partial mitigations; disabling fallback to SSL 3.0, TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV, disabling cipher suites with CBC mode of operation. If the server also supports TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV, the POODLE attack will fail against this combination of server and browser, but connections where the server does not support TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV and does support SSL 3.0 will still be vulnerable. If disabling cipher suites with CBC mode of operation in SSL 3.0, only cipher suites with RC4 are available, RC4 attacks become easier.
    • When disabling SSL 3.0 manually, POODLE attack will fail.
  7. ^ أ ب
    • Complete mitigation; disabling cipher suites with RC4.
    • Partial mitigations to keeping compatibility with old systems; setting the priority of RC4 to lower.
  8. ^ Google Chrome (and Chromium) supports TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 from version 22 (it was added, then dropped from version 21). TLS 1.2 support has been added, then dropped from Chrome 29.[10][11][12]
  9. ^ Uses the TLS implementation provided by BoringSSL for Android, OS X, and Windows[13] or by NSS for Linux. Google is switching the TLS library used in Chrome to BoringSSL from NSS completely.
  10. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت configure enabling/disabling of each protocols via setting/option (menu name is dependent on browsers)
  11. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز configure the maximum and the minimum version of enabling protocols with command-line option
  12. ^ TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is implemented.[21] Fallback to SSL 3.0 is disabled since version 39.[22]
  13. ^ In addition to TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV and disabling a fallback to SSL 3.0, SSL 3.0 itself is disabled by default.[22]
  14. ^ أ ب ت configure the minimum version of enabling protocols via chrome://flags[26] (the maximum version can be configured with command-line option)
  15. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س Only when no cipher suites with other than RC4 is available, cipher suites with RC4 will be used as a fallback.
  16. ^ Uses the TLS implementation provided by NSS. As of Firefox 22, Firefox supports only TLS 1.0 despite the bundled NSS supporting TLS 1.1. Since Firefox 23, TLS 1.1 can be enabled, but was not enabled by default due to issues. Firefox 24 has TLS 1.2 support disabled by default. TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 have been enabled by default in Firefox 27 release.
  17. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر configure the maximum and the minimum version of enabling protocols via about:config or add-on[39]
  18. ^ SSL 3.0 itself is disabled by default.[44] In addition, fallback to SSL 3.0 is disabled since version 34,[46] and TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is implemented since 35.0 and ESR 31.3.[44][47]
  19. ^ All RC4 cipher-suites is disabled by default.[51][52][53]
  20. ^ أ ب ت IE uses the TLS implementation of the Microsoft Windows operating system provided by the SChannel security support provider. TLS 1.1 and 1.2 are disabled by default until IE11.[54][55]
  21. ^ أ ب ت Windows NT 3.1 supports IE 1–2, Windows NT 3.5 supports IE 1–3, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0 supports IE 1–6
  22. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ Windows XP as well as Server 2003 and older only support weak ciphers like 3DES and RC4.[58] The weak ciphers of these SChannel version are not only used for IE. They are also used for other Microsoft products running on this OS, e.g like Office. Only Windows Server 2003 can get a manually update to support AES ciphers by KB948963[59]
  23. ^ أ ب ت ث MS13-095 or MS14-049 for 2003 and XP-64 or SP3 for XP (32-bit)
  24. ^ أ ب ت Internet Explorer Support Announcement[63]
  25. ^ أ ب ت RC4 can be disabled except as a fallback (Only when no cipher suites with other than RC4 is available, cipher suites with RC4 will be used as a fallback.)[66]
  26. ^ أ ب ت ث Fallback to SSL 3.0 is sites blocked by default in Internet Explorer 11 for Protected Mode.[68][69] SSL 3.0 is disabled by default in Internet Explorer 11 since April 2015.[70]
  27. ^ أ ب Edge (formerly known as Project Spartan) is based on a fork of the Internet Explorer 11 rendering engine.
  28. ^ Except Windows 10 LTSB 2015 (LongTermSupportBranch)[73]
  29. ^ أ ب ت Could be disabled via registry editing but need 3rd Party tools to do this.[74]
  30. ^ Opera 10 added support for TLS 1.2 as of Presto 2.2. Previous support was for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. TLS 1.1 and 1.2 are disabled by default (except for version 9[78] that enabled TLS 1.1 by default).
  31. ^ أ ب SSL 3.0 is disabled by default remotely since October 15, 2014[87]
  32. ^ TLS support of Opera 14 and above is same as that of Chrome, because Opera has migrated to Chromium backend (Opera 14 for Android is based on Chromium 26 with WebKit,[91] and Opera 15 and above are based on Chromium 28 and above with Blink[92]).
  33. ^ TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is implemented.[95]
  34. ^ SSL 3.0 is enabled by default, with some mitigations against known vulnerabilities such as BEAST and POODLE implemented.[87]
  35. ^ In addition to TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV, "anti-POODLE record splitting" is implemented.[87]
  36. ^ In addition to TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV and "anti-POODLE record splitting", SSL 3.0 itself is disabled by default.[26]
  37. ^ أ ب ت configure the minimum version of enabling protocols via opera://flags[26] (the maximum version can be configured with command-line option)
  38. ^ Safari uses the operating system implementation on Mac OS X, Windows (XP, Vista, 7)[96] with unknown version,[97] Safari 5 is the last version available for Windows. OS X 10.8 on have SecureTransport support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2[98] Qualys SSL report simulates Safari 5.1.9 connecting with TLS 1.0 not 1.1 or 1.2[99]
  39. ^ In September 2013, Apple implemented BEAST mitigation in OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), but it was not turned on by default resulting in Safari still being theoretically vulnerable to the BEAST attack on that platform.[101][102] BEAST mitigation has been enabled by default from OS X 10.8.5 updated in February 2014.[103]
  40. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د Because Apple removed support for all CBC protocols in SSL 3.0 to mitigate POODLE[104][105], this leaves only RC4 which is also completely broken by the RC4 attacks in SSL 3.0.
  41. ^ Mobile Safari and third-party software utilizing the system UIWebView library use the iOS operating system implementation, which supports TLS 1.2 as of iOS 5.0.[110][111][112]


الدعم المكتبي لــ TLS/SSL
Implementation SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3
Botan No No[120] نعم نعم نعم
cryptlib No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم
GnuTLS No[a] Disabled by default[121] نعم نعم نعم
Java Secure Socket Extension No[a] Disabled by default[b] نعم نعم نعم
LibreSSL No[122] No[123] نعم نعم نعم
MatrixSSL No[a] Disabled by default at compile time[124] نعم نعم نعم
mbed TLS (previously PolarSSL) No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم
Network Security Services Disabled by default[a] Disabled by default[125] نعم نعم[126] نعم[127]
OpenSSL Enabled by default Enabled by default نعم نعم[128] نعم[128]
RSA BSAFE[129] No Yes نعم نعم نعم
SChannel XP / 2003[130] Disabled by default by MSIE 7 Enabled by default Enabled by default by MSIE 7 لا لا
SChannel Vista / 2008[131] Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم لا لا
SChannel 7 / 2008 R2[132] Disabled by default Disabled by default in MSIE 11 نعم Enabled by default by MSIE 11 Enabled by default by MSIE 11
SChannel 8 / 2012[132] Disabled by default Enabled by default نعم Disabled by default Disabled by default
SChannel 8.1 / 2012 R2, 10[132] Disabled by default Disabled by default in MSIE 11 نعم نعم نعم
Secure Transport OS X 10.2-10.8 / iOS 1-4 Yes Yes نعم لا لا
Secure Transport OS X 10.9-10.10 / iOS 5-8 No[c] Yes نعم نعم[c] نعم[c]
Secure Transport OS X 10.11 / iOS 9 No No[c] نعم نعم نعم
SharkSSL No Enabled by default نعم نعم نعم
wolfSSL (previously CyaSSL) No Disabled by default[133] نعم نعم نعم
Implementation SSL 2.0 (insecure) SSL 3.0 (insecure) TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3

استخدامات أخرى


يوفر هذا البروتوكول الأمن بأسلوب غير مرئي للمستخدم، فالعمليات التي يقوم بها بروتوكول تتم فوق طبقة الخدمات الأساسية لحزمة بروتوكولات الإنترنت، فالبرمجيات التي تستخدم ميفاق ضبط الإرسال تقوم بتعيين منفذ أو مقبس لكلا طرفي الاتصال، ويتم ذلك من خلال رسم خارطة للإجراءات البرمجية عند كل طرف من أطراف الاتصال.

SSL 2.0

SSL 3.0


الهجمات المضادة لــ TLS/SSL

السرية الأمامية

سجل TLS

+ بايت +0 بايت +1 بايت +2 بايت +3
نوع المحتوى  
الإصدار الطول
(رئيسي) (هامشي) (بيت 15..8) (بيت 7..0)
Protocol message(s)
MAC (optional)
Padding (block ciphers only)
نوع المحتوى
أنواع المحتوى
Hex Dec Type
0x14 20 ChangeCipherSpec
0x15 21 Alert
0x16 22 Handshake
0x17 23 Application
0x18 24 Heartbeat
This field identifies the major and minor version of TLS for the contained message. For a ClientHello message, this need not be the highest version supported by the client.
نوع الإصدار
3 0 SSL 3.0
3 1 TLS 1.0
3 2 TLS 1.1
3 3 TLS 1.2

دعم الخوادم الافتراضية المعتمدة على الاسم


انظر أيضاً


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  11. ^ Google (2012-08-21). "Stable Channel Update". Retrieved 2012-08-22. {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help)
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  26. ^ أ ب ت ث ج "Issue 693963003: Add minimum TLS version control to about:flags and Finch gate it. - Code Review". Retrieved 2015-01-22.
  27. ^ أ ب ت "Issue 375342: Drop RC4 Support". Retrieved 2015-05-22.
  28. ^ أ ب "Issue 436391: Add info on end of life of SSLVersionFallbackMin & SSLVersionMin policy in documentation". Retrieved 2015-04-19.
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  39. ^ SSL Version Control :: Add-ons for Firefox
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  44. ^ أ ب ت "The POODLE Attack and the End of SSL 3.0". Mozilla blog. Mozilla. 2014-10-14. Retrieved 2014-10-28.
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  46. ^ "Bug 1083058 - A pref to control TLS version fallback". bugzilla.mozilla.org. Retrieved 2014-11-06.
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  50. ^ "Firefox — Notes (39.0) — Mozilla". mozilla.org. 2015-06-30. Retrieved 2015-07-03.
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  58. ^ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380512(v=vs.85).aspx
  59. ^ http://support.microsoft.com/kb/948963
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  65. ^ أ ب ت Thomlinson, Matt (2014-11-11). "Hundreds of Millions of Microsoft Customers Now Benefit from Best-in-Class Encryption". Microsoft Security. Retrieved 2014-11-14.
  66. ^ Microsoft security advisory: Update for disabling RC4
  67. ^ أ ب ت ث Microsoft (2013-09-24). "IE11 Changes". Retrieved 2013-11-01.
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  69. ^ "Update turns on the setting to disable SSL 3.0 fallback for protected mode sites by default in Internet Explorer 11". Retrieved 2015-02-11.
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  72. ^ أ ب "W8.1(IE11) vs RC4 | Qualys Community". Retrieved 2014-11-04.
  73. ^ [http://www.zdnet.com/article/some-windows-10-enterprise-users-wont-get-microsofts-edge-browser
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  75. ^ أ ب "What TLS version is used in Windows Phone 8 for secure HTTP connections?". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-11-07.
  76. ^ https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewClient.html?name=IE%20Mobile&version=10&platform=Win%20Phone%208.0
  77. ^ أ ب "Platform Security". Microsoft. 2014-06-25. Retrieved 2014-11-07.
  78. ^ "Changelog for Opera 9.0 for Windows" at Opera.com
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  93. ^ أ ب same as Chrome 26–29
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  98. ^ Curl: Patch to add TLS 1.1 and 1.2 support & replace deprecated functions in SecureTransport
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قراءات إضافية

وصلات خارجية

Specifications (see Standards section for older SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 links)


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