
(تم التحويل من Scalpel)
Various scalpels.png
مباضع مختلفة. الأول، الثاني، والرابع بشفرات قابلة للتبديل.
التصنيفأداة قطع
الاستخدامالمرسام، الجراحة
الارتباطLancet, utility knife, مبضع الليزر

المبضع scalpel، هي أداة ذات نصل حاد دقيق تستخدم في الجراحة، التسليخ التشريحي، والفنون والحرف. قد تكون المباضع لاستعمال المرة الواحدة أو قابلة للاستخدام عدة مرات. المباضع القابلة للاستخدام عدة مرات يوجد بها شفرات مثبتة قابلة للشحذ، والأكثر شيوعاً، المباضع ذات الشفرات الغير مثبتة القابلة للتبديل. مضابع استعمال المرة الواحدة تصنع عادة ما تكون بمقبض بلاستيكية وشفرة قابلة للتجديد وتستخدم لمرة واحدة، بعدها يتم التخلص من الأداة.

المباضع الجراحية

B Braun Disposable Surgical scalpel blade no. 15
أنواع شفرات المباضع الجراحية
رقم الشفرة المقابض المتوافقة وصف الشفرة الاستخدام
6 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
9 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
10 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 Curved cutting edge with an unsharpened back edge. A more traditional blade shape. Generally for making small incisions in skin and muscle, and often utilised in more specialised surgeries such as for harvesting the radial artery during a coronary artery bypass operation, opening the bronchus during thoracic surgery and for Inguinal hernia repair.
10a B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 This blade is a small and straight
11 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 Triangular blade with sharp point, flat cutting edge parallel to the handle and flat back For precision cutting, stripping, sharp angle cuts and also stencil cutting due to its similarity to the X-Acto artknife blade
11P B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
E11 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
E/11 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
12 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A small, pointed, crescent-shaped blade sharpened on the inside edge of the curve
12D B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A small, pointed, crescent-shaped blade sharpened on both sides of the curve
13 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
14 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
15 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A smaller version of the #10 For the same general use as the #10 blade
15A B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A front-facing straight blade with flat back
15C B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 The #15 with a downward angle, flatter and thinner than the #15 The downward angle makes this the preferred blade for working within the chest during cardiac surgery, and is commonly used to make the distal arteriotomy during coronary artery bypass grafting.
15T B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
D/15 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
16 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A narrow chisel-like blade with flat, angled cutting edge, positioned higher than the axis of the handle For cutting stencils, scoring and etching
17 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9 A flat face 1.6 mm chisel blade For narrow cuts
18 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A 12.7 mm chisel blade For deep cuts and scraping
19 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A similar blade to the #15
20 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A larger version of the #10 blade, with a curved cutting edge and a flat, unsharpened back edge. Used in general surgery and orthopaedic surgery.
21 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6
22 2, 4, 5, 6 A slightly larger version of the #20, with a curved cutting edge and a flat, unsharpened back edge. Used for skin incisions in both cardiac and thoracic surgery, and to cut the bronchus in lung resection surgery.
22A 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6
23 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 Similar to #22, leaf-shaped For long incisions.
24 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A wide, flat, angled cutting edge For corner cuts, trimming, stripping, and cutting mats and gaskets
25 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A front-facing straight blade with flat back (similar to #15a)
25a 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A triangular straight blade with flat back edge taking a downwards angle (similar to #10a, shorter than #26)
26 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A triangular straight blade with flat back edge taking a downwards angle (similar to the #15a, longer than #25a)
27 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6
34 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A triangular blade similar to the #11
36 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A larger blade Used in general surgery but also within a Laboratory setting for Histology and Histopathology
40 B3, 3, 3 Graduated, 3 Long, 5, 7, 9
PM40 Stainless PM Handle
PM40B Stainless PM Handle
60 4, 4 Graduated, 4 Long, 6 A long blade resembling the #10 with a long cutting edge, rounded tip and flat back.
PM60 PM8

شفرات التصميم الگرافيكي والفنون والحرف

X-Acto knife

مباضع قديمة

إصابات المباضع

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Dwivedi & Dwivedi (2007)
  2. ^ Lock etc., page 420
  3. ^ "Sushruta: The first Plastic Surgeon in 600 B.C." Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery. 4 (2). ISSN 1528-8293.
  4. ^ "Roman ruins cast new light on a trip to doctor". Telegraph.co.uk. December 9, 2007.

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