الأميرال كوزنيتسوڤ، حاملة الطائرات الروسية

منظر علوي لـ الأميرال كوزنيتسوڤ.
الاتحاد السوڤيتي ← روسيا
الاسم: أدميرال فلوتا سوڤيتسكوگو سويوزا كوزنيتسوڤ ([Адмирал Флота Советского Союза Кузнецов] Error: {{Lang-xx}}: text has italic markup (help))
السمِيْ: نيقولاي كوزنيتسوڤ
طُلِبت: 3 مارس 1981
وُضِع هيكلها: 1 أبريل 1982[1]
أُطلِقت: 6 ديسمبر 1985[1]
بدأت الخدمة:

25 ديسمبر 1990[1][N 1]

(تشغيل كامل في 1995)
أعيد ضبطها: مايو – أغسطس 2015[3]
الوضع: دخلت الخدمة، اعتبارا من 2025
السمات العامة
الفئة والنوع: كوزنيتسوڤ، طراز حاملات طائرات
  • 43,000 طن (الحمل القياسي)[1]
  • 55,200 طن (أقصى حمولة)[1]
  • 61,390 طن (أقصى حمولة)
الغاطس: 10 متر[1]
  • توربينات بخارية، 8 غلايات مضغوطة تربو، 4 shafts, 200,000 hp (150 MW)
  • 2 × توربين 50,000 hp (37 MW)
  • 9 × مولد تربو 2,011 hp (1,500 kW)
  • 6 × مولد ديزل 2,011 hp (1,500 kW)
  • 4 × fixed pitch propellers
السرعة: 29 knots (33 mph; 54 km/h)[1]
المدى: 8,500 nmi (15,700 km) بسرعة 18 kn (21 mph; 33 km/h)[1]
التحمل: 45 يوم[1]
  • 1,690 (إجمالي)؛ 1,690 طاقم السفينة[1]
  • 626 air group
  • 40 flag staff
  • 3,857 rooms
الطائرات المحمولة:
  • حوالي 41 طائرة[4]
    • أجنحة ثابتة؛
    • أجنحة دوارة؛
      • 4 × مروحية كاموڤ Ka-27LD32
      • 18 × مروحية كاموڤ Ka-27PL
      • 2 × مروحية كاموڤ Ka-27PS

أميرال أسطول الاتحاد السوڤيتي كوزنيتسوڤ (روسية: Адмира́л фло́та Сове́тского Сою́за Кузнецо́в؛ وتُنطق: أدميرال فلوتا سوڤيتسكوگو سويوزا كوزنيتسوڤ ؛ "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov") هي حاملة طائرات (طراد صواريخ ثقيل حامل للطائرات - TAVKR) في التصنيف الروسي) تعمل كـ سفينة العلم في البحرية الروسية. وقد بناها حوض البحر الأسود لبناء السفن، الصانع الوحيد لحاملات الطائرات السوڤيتية، والذي يقع في ميكولايڤ في جمهورية أوكرانيا الاشتراكية السوڤيتية. الاسم المبدئي للسفينة كان ريگا؛ ثم دُشنت بإسم ليونيد بريجنيڤ لإجراء التدشين بعد وفاة بريجنيف مباشرة، وبدأت التجريب البحري بإسم تبيليسي، وأخيراً سُميت أدميرال فلوتا سوڤيتسكوگو سويوزا كوزنيتسوڤ.[6]

وكانت البحرية السوڤيتية قد أمرت ببدء إنشائها، وكان الغرض منها أن تكون أولى سفن طرازها، ولكن السفينة الوحيدة الأخرى في طرازها، ڤارياگ، لم تكتمل أبداً ولم تطلبها البحرية السوڤيتية أو الروسية أو الأوكرانية. هذا البدن الثاني بيع في نهاية الأمر إلى جمهورية الصين الشعبية من قِبل أوكرانيا، وأُكمِلت في داليان ودُشِنت بإسم لياوننگ.[7] كوزنيتسوڤ سُميت على اسم أميرال أسطول الاتحاد السوڤيتي نيقولاي گراسيموڤتش كوزنيتسوڤ.

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تشكيل السطح له ثلاث أوضاع إطلاق للطائرات ثابتة الجناح.



Kuznetsov في المياه جنوب إيطاليا مع يوإس‌إس Deyo، في مقدمة الصورة، مطلقة البخار من جانب الرسو.

أدميرال فلوتا سوڤيتسكوگو سويوزا كوزنيتسوڤ، التي بُنيت في حوض چرنومورسكي لبناء السفن، والذي يُعرف أيضاً بإسم حوض نيقولايڤ الجنوبي لبناء السفن، في نيقولايڤ، التي هي الآن ميكولايڤ، أوكرانيا ج.ا.س.، ودُشنت في 1985، وأصبحت كاملة التشغيل في 1995.

النشر في البحر المتوسط 2011–12

كوزنيتسوڤ تلاحقها المدمرة البريطانية إتش‌إم‌إس York مقابل الساحل البريطاني في طريقها إلى مهمتها المتوسطية في 2011.

نشر 2013–14

مع HMS Dragon مقابل المملكة المتحدة في مايو 2014

عمرة منتصف العمر

In April 2010, it was announced that by the end of 2012 the ship would enter سڤيرودڤينسك Sevmash shipyard for a major refit and modernisation,[8] reportedly to include upgrades to obsolete electronics and sensor equipment, installation of a new anti-aircraft system and increase of the air wing by the removal of the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles; it was thought possible that the refit would also include exchanging the troublesome steam powerplant to gas-turbine or even nuclear propulsion and installation of catapults to the angled deck.[8]

استلامها مقاتلات ميگ-29ك وإعادة تشكيل الفوج 100

المقاتلة ميگ-29ك المطوّرة، المنافسة للمقاتلة الفرنسية داسو رافال في مسابقة البيع للهند. وفي الصورة رئيس وزراء الهند نارندرا مودي في النسخة التدريبية ميگ-29KUB قبل الإقلاع مع معلم.
K-52K مزودة بالرادار القوي "Zhuk-AE" وصواريخ ATGM هرميز ، التي كان يُعتقد سابقاً أنها سلاحها الرئيسي UDC ميسترال، ويعتبرها الخبراء عامل زعزعة استقرار في منطقة البحر الأسود. "الأميرال كوزنيتسوڤ" مصممة لتأوي تلك المروحية.

النشر في 2016

In early July 2016, upon completion of a refit, it was reported by Russian media that Admiral Kuznetsov would be deployed in the Mediterranean in October that year to serve as a platform for carrying out airstrikes in Syria.[9] If it carries out such strikes it would be the first time a Russian (or Soviet) aircraft carrier has seen combat.[10]

تقييم واستشراف

مزايا وعيوب الاستغناء عن الإطلاق المنجنيقي

استطلاع أم إحتواء

The most severely affected in the presence of absence of catapults specialized aircraft AWACS , which could used to take off from the springboard that led to the beginning of the short-range radar detection. At the beginning of opportunity for heavy aircraft-horizon detection limited AEW helicopters, which had a small radius of action [50] [51] . As a solution to the problem of the original concept of the Su-33 included the creation of reconnaissance version of the aircraft on the basis of general aviation with a traditional [52] . However, the more effective was the concept of temporary transformation of fighters into reconnaissance aircraft. For the conduct of intelligence activities for dry aircraft family in 2015 was adopted by the "universal container Intelligence" (UKR) [53] . As the fighter-bombers-duty enough to transport standard set of equipment of the aircraft AWACS , the intelligence equipment is divided into three containers to carry out exploration on three planes: UKR-RT - electronic reconnaissance , UKR-RL - the far sided AESA radar, UKR-EO - electron optical reconnaissance [54] . With powerful hanging UKRam Sukhoi aircraft can effectively detect targets without the use of specialized aircraft AWACS .

Representatives of the corporation MiG has officially confirmed that the MiG-29K is able to at least be the bearer of optoelectronic reconnaissance container and container targeting system. [40] It should be noted that much has changed, and exploration concept. Initially planned as a carrier of the war with NATO, the real practical application of all modern aircraft carriers showed that aircraft carriers are a means of conducting local wars with greater emphasis on the bombing of the land forces of the enemy. This explains the emphasis on exploration corporation MiG containers and targeting for destruction of ground equipment. The lack of data that the MiG can carry container for radar reconnaissance may be due to the fact that the new version of the radar " Zhuk-ME " in range of 300 km [16] is comparable with a range of AEW radar, although it has a smaller viewing angle, but functionally superior to many of them with the ability to not only detect targets, but for long-distance missiles targeting both RVV-AE (110 km) and X-35 (260 km) [17] .

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مفهوم حاملة الطائرات وحق المرور إلى البحر الأسود

حسب البند 11 في معاهدة مونترو حول نظام المضائق فإن مرور حاملات الطائرات إلى البحر الأسود غير مسموح به، لأن البند 11 يسمح فقط بمرور "السفن الحربية"، وهنا تبرز أهمية التعريف القانوني لحاملة الطائرات. فالملحق II لمعاهدة مونترو يعطي تعريف السفينة الحربية والفرق بينها وبين حاملة الطائرات.


" تعريف حاملة طائرات في معاهدة مونترو

(2) الحاملات - سفن حربية، بغض النظر عن وزنها، مصنوعاً خصيصاً أو محوّلة أساساً للعمليات الجوية. إذا لم تكن العمليات الجوية غرضها الرئيسي، فإن تلك السفن يجب ألا تُصنف كحاملة طائرات، حتى وإن وُجـِد فيها سطح طيران. "


As you can see, the advantage of the unusual construction of an aircraft carrier, combines the weapons missile cruiser ( aircraft carrier ), it lies in the fact that the "Admiral Kuznetsov" is in fact the only aircraft carrier in the world that can operate in the Black Sea. Point B.2 of Annex II of the Montreux Convention does not consider "Admiral Kuznetsov" by the SCRC, "Granit" aircraft carrier and is therefore a " battleship " can pass through the through the straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles [24] .

A significant factor is also some legal conflict has arisen under Article 19 of the Convention of Montreux, which indicates that even if the carrier will be used to wage war with the Black Sea coastal state, Turkey without declaring war, the Russian Federation has no right to prevent the entry of the carrier into the Black Sea. Prescribe an exception in the case of the closure of the Straits for " assistance provided by the State, that appeared a victim of an attack " requires the solution of the League of Nations , which no longer exists. But large military value "Admiral Kuznetsov" in the Black Sea is not due to the fact that the sea water area is covered coastal aircraft , except for the ship's ability to conduct amphibious operations specially formed group of attack helicopters Ka-52K [6] . In landing configuration, the aircraft carrier can carry 30 heavy drums and transport helicopters substantially surpassing even the largest UDC as a " Mistral " and allowing the base deck large "land" helicopters like the Mi-28 and Ka-50/52 which UDC take not. [55] [6] Victoria Nuland in June 2014 stated in Odessa that the US position that the landing operation of Russia with a helicopter on the coast of Ukraine is not abstratsiey and therefore should not be sent " Mistral " to Russia. [56] in general, the appearance of in the Black Sea ship capable of being heavy helicopter changes the whole Black Sea region's security structure agree and many independent analysts. [57] [58] [59] in February 2016 the Russian Government submitted that really creates in the Crimea 97th desatno assault regiment the basis of the 7 th Guards air assault division of the North Caucasus with the primary means of landing helicopters. [60] [61] The suitability of "Admiral Kuznetsov" felt is part of the functions UDC is controversial in the sense that the ship does not have facilities for long-term placement of troops, but it can be placed in the BBC , and the aircraft carrier can be assigned the role fire support landing helicopter gunships. However, that opportunity to create a landing aircraft carrier group with the command of the Russian Navy is considered confirmed by testing the conduct of operations of Ka-52K [6]

It should be noted that the Ka-52K are actively deployed as weapons option, "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the attack helicopter has an unusually powerful radar " Zhuk-AE " with a range of exposure objectives to 200-300 km [62] and using unusually long missiles to destroy armored vehicles by ATRA Hermes 30 km (potential missile 100 km). [63] Therefore, the attack helicopter as a means to support the landing is a " game equipmentCD changer ", as It allows you to destroy enemy armored vehicles not coming, not only in the coverage of MANPADS, but many neighboring air defense systems. Therefore, the Western experts estimate the appearance of a heavy helicopter with such Russian helicopters in the Black Sea as a factor of change in the balance of arms in the region. [57] [58] [59]

مزايا وعيوب صواريخ گرانيت الثقيلة

مزايا وعيوب المحرك النفطي

تقدير سياسي وتكتيكي لقيمة حاملة الطائرات

BBC experts, assessing the project carrier, note that most of its major importance for the Russian Navy - the maintenance of experience with aircraft carriers and the availability of pilots who know how to use the equipment on aircraft carriers. This makes it possible to effectively modernize the aircraft carrier, as well as experienced staff use when creating new Russian aircraft carriers. In this regard, BBC, experts note that if the carrier will be applied in a real shock operation in Syria, the Russian Armed Forces will receive an experience that has a few countries in the world [75] . Anshel Pfeffer in his critical article notes that only the United States in NATO have superiority over Russia in aircraft carriers , other countries have a much smaller or even older carriers. Including substantially less air wings and Charles de Gaulle carrying out patrols from NATO in the Mediterranean Sea in which US aircraft carriers not traditionally come. [76] Columnist The Telegraph writes that all who "giggle" relatively smoke from fuel oil propulsion system on an aircraft carrier is very far from the perception of reality. Con Coughlin wrote that "Russian aircraft carrier has at least" Recalling that all carriers of the UK series Invizibl long been sent for scrap, and the construction of new aircraft carriers Great Britain and entering into operation is delayed until at least 2020. Con Coughlin says that the carrier should be seen as a tool in the context of military action against Georgia, Ukraine, pro-Western rebels in Syria or even the Baltic states. [77]

National Interest estimating the carrier says that of course it needs repair and modernization, but experts point out that the aircraft carrier fighting is not a deck, and their aircraft, so the fighting capacity of the aircraft carrier is more dependent on how successful was the new upgraded version of the MiG-29K . [14] [ 78] also, experts say that the most important asset of an aircraft carrier - it is an experience of its military pilots, because operating with an aircraft carrier requires special skills. According to American experts on training pilots of the wing has a very important role refund training base landing systems NITKA in the Crimea and the resulting practice of aircrew can clip during an operation in Syria [78]

معرض صور

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ According to Defense Daily, the ship was commissioned on 21 January 1991.[2]


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش Yu.B. Apalkov, Korabli VMF SSSR, Tom 2, Udarnye Korabli, Galeya Print, Sankt Peterburg, 2003
  2. ^ "Soviet Naval Aviation increasing - U.S. Navy spy chief; Kutzenow carrier should deploy this year". Defense Daily. 11 March 1991. Retrieved 8 August 2015 – via HighBeam Research. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |subscription= ignored (|url-access= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ "Russia's Admiral Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier is Back in Service!". Sputnik. 20 August 2015. Retrieved 20 August 2015.
  4. ^ Admiral Kuznetsov the only aircraft carrier in the Russian Navy
  5. ^ flotprom.ru http://flotprom.ru/news/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=170929. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  6. ^ Sovetskii Avianostsy, S.Balakin & V.Zablotskiy, Moscow 2007
  7. ^ "China's Aircraft Carrier Ambitions: Seeking Truth from Rumors." Storey, I.; Ji, Y. Naval War College Review. Winter 2004, Vol. 57, No. 1. Archive copy at the Internet Archive
  8. ^ أ ب "Moscow set to upgrade Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier". RIA Novosti. 6 April 2010. Retrieved 7 April 2010.
  9. ^ Russian aircraft carrier to take part in Syria operation by October – source RT, 2 July 2016.
  10. ^ Russia sends its only aircraft carrier to Syria in response to US naval build-up, Turkish shoot-down

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier