منطق الرتبة الأولى
(تم التحويل من Predicate calculus)
منطق الرتبة الأولى First-order logic (FOL) أو المنطق الإسنادي عبارة عن نظام للمنطق الرياضي يتم تمديده بمنطق القضايا (منطق العبارات) propositional logic ، الذي بدوره يتم تمديده بمنطق الرتبة الثانية . يدعى منطق الرتبة الأولى أحيانا : بمنطق الرتبة الأولى الإسنادي أو first-order predicate calculus (FOPC .
انظر أيضاً
- ACL2 — A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp.
- Equiconsistency
- Extension by definitions
- Herbrandization
- Higher-order logic
- List of logic symbols
- Löwenheim number
- Nonfirstorderizability
- Prenex normal form
- Relational algebra
- Relational model
- Second-order logic
- Skolem normal form
- Tarski's World
- Truth table
- Type (model theory)
- Prolog
وصلات خارجية
- Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Predicate calculus", Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-1556080104
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Shapiro, Stewart; "Classical Logic". Covers syntax, model theory, and metatheory for first-order logic in the natural deduction style.
- Magnus, P. D.; forall x: an introduction to formal logic. Covers formal semantics and proof theory for first-order logic.
- Metamath: an ongoing online project to reconstruct mathematics as a huge first-order theory, using first-order logic and the axiomatic set theory ZFC. Principia Mathematica modernized.
- Podnieks, Karl; Introduction to mathematical logic
- Cambridge Mathematics Tripos Notes (typeset by John Fremlin). These notes cover part of a past Cambridge Mathematics Tripos course taught to undergraduates students (usually) within their third year. The course is entitled "Logic, Computation and Set Theory" and covers Ordinals and cardinals, Posets and Zorn's Lemma, Propositional logic, Predicate logic, Set theory and Consistency issues related to ZFC and other set theories.
- Tree Proof Generator can validate or invalidate formulas of first-order logic through the semantic tableaux method.