قصر وستمنستر

(تم التحويل من Palace of Westminster)
قصر وستمنستر Palace of Westminster
Parliament at Sunset.JPG
قصر وستمنستر و جسر وستمنستر ينظر منه من جميع أنحاء نهر التايمز
الموقعمدينة وستمنستر, لندن، المملكة المتحدة
بـُنِيَالعصور الوسطى
أزيل1834 (نظرا لإطلاق النار)
معاد بناؤه1840–70
النمط المعماريPerpendicular Gothic
الاسم الرسميقصر وستمنستر ، كنيسة وستمنستر و شارع كنيسة مارغريت
المعيارi, ii, iv
التوصيف1987 (11th session)
الرقم المرجعي426
بلدالمملكة المتحدة
منطقةأوروبا وشمال أمريكا
Listed Building – Grade I
الاسم الرسميHouses of Parliament / The Palace of Westminster
التوصيف5 فبراير 1970
الرقم المرجعي1226284[1]
قصر وستمنستر is located in وسط لندن
قصر وستمنستر
موقع قصر وستمنستر في وسط لندن

قصر وستمنستر إنگليزية: Palace of Westminster (معروف بصورة أكثر باسم بيوت البرلمان)، في مدينة وستمنستر في لندن في المملكة المتحدة، هو القصر الذي يجتمع فيه أعضاء البرلمان البريطاني.[2] القصر هو واحد من أكبر مباني البرلمانات في العالم. مخطط القصر معقد جدا، يحتوي على ما يقرب من 1200 غرفة مع الأخذ بالحسبان المباني القائمة فيه، إضافة إلى 100 سلم واكثر من ثلاثة كيلومترات (اثنان ميلا) من الممرات ويعود تاريخها إلى القرن التاسع عشر، فيه قاعة وستمنستر والتي يعتبر من المباني التاريخية، تستخدم في الوقت الحاضر للاحتفالات العامة الرئيسية.

البرمان هو ذو مجلسين، المجلس الأعلى، الممثل بمجلس اللوردات، ومجلس سفلي، الممثل بمجلس العموم. المجلسين يجتمعون في غرف مفصولة في قصر وستمنستر.

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القصر القديم

Conjectural restoration of Westminster during the reign of Henry VIII, by H. J. Brewer, 1884[3]
The Old Palace of Westminster was a complex of buildings, separated from the River Thames in the east by a series of gardens. The largest and northernmost building is Westminster Hall, which lies parallel to the river. Several buildings adjoin it on the east side, south of those and perpendicular to the Hall is the mediaeval House of Commons, further south and parallel to the river is the Court of Requests, with an eastwards extension at its south end, and at the south end of the complex lie the House of Lords and another chamber. The Palace was bounded by St Margaret's Street to the west and Old Palace Yard to the south-west; another street, New Palace Yard, is just visible to the north.
A detail from John Rocque's 1746 map of London. St Stephen's Chapel, labelled "H of Comm" (House of Commons), is adjacent to Westminster Hall; the Parliament Chamber—labelled "H of L" (House of Lords)—and the Prince's Chamber are to the far south. The Court of Requests, between the two Houses, became the new home of the Lords in 1801. At the north-east, by the river, stands Speaker's House.

الحريق وإعادة الإعمار

J. M. W. Turner watched the fire of 1834 and painted several canvasses depicting it, including The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons (1835).
Portrait of Sir Charles Barry
Sir Charles Barry conceived the winning design for the New Houses of Parliament and supervised its construction until his death in 1860.

التاريخ الحديث

المظهر الخارجي

River front of the Palace of Westminster
View from across the Thames in the morning...
...and at dusk. Portcullis House is visible on the right.



The Victoria Tower was the most conspicuous feature of Charles Barry's design for the New Palace of Westminster. At the time of its completion, it was the tallest secular building in the world.
The Clock Tower's fame has surpassed that of the Palace itself. The structure has largely become synonymous with Big Ben, the heaviest of the five bells it houses.
The slender form of the Central Tower, which was designed as a spire, markedly contrasts with the more massive square towers at the ends of the Palace.

St. Stephen's Tower


Cromwell Green, outside Westminster Hall, is the site of Hamo Thornycroft's bronze statue of Oliver Cromwell, erected amid controversy in 1899.[4]

المنظر الداخلي

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Layout of the principal floor (north is to the right). The debating chambers of the two Houses and their ante-rooms lie on opposite sides of the Central Lobby and are part of the central spine of the Palace, which includes the suite of ceremonial rooms to the south. The Victoria Tower occupies the south-west corner and the Speaker's House takes up the north-east corner; the Clock Tower is at the far north and Westminster Hall protrudes to the west.

شرفة نورمان

غرفة ملابس الملكة

See adjacent text.
The Sovereign prepares for the State Opening of Parliament on the Robing Room's Chair of State.

المعرض الملكي

Following the rapid decay of Maclise's first two frescoes, the rest of the Royal Gallery's walls were left unpainted.

غرفة الأمير

مجلس اللوردات

The Sovereign's Throne and its gilded Canopy dominate the ornate Lords Chamber.
The passage of the Parliament Act 1911. Votes in both Houses of Parliament are conducted in the form of divisions.

لوبي النبلاء

اللوبي المركزي

The Central Lobby
Saint George for England by Sir Edward Poynter and Saint Patrick for Ireland by Robert Anning Bell are two of the four mosaics decorating the Central Lobby.

أعضاء اللوبي

American President Barack Obama in the Members' Lobby during a tour of Parliament in 2011

مجلس اللوردات يحتوي على نوعين من الأعضاء: اللوردات الروحيون (الممثلين بأعلى أساقفة كنيسة إنكلترا) واللوردات الدنويون (الممثلين بالنبلاء)؛ أعضاءه لا يتم انتخابهم من قبل عامة الشعب ولكن يتم تعينهم من قبل حكومة قديمة وحديثة. أما مجلس العموم، فهو منتخب ديموقراطياً مع انتخابات تقام كل خمس سنوات على الأقل.

مجلس العموم

The Commons Chamber
Like its predecessor, the post-war chamber of the House of Commons can seat on its green benches only about two-thirds of all Members of Parliament.

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قاعة وستمنستر

Westminster Hall in the early 19th century
George IV's coronation banquet was held in Westminster Hall in 1821; it was the last such banquet held.

الغرف الأخرى


Concrete barriers restrict access to Old Palace Yard.


The assassination of Prime Minister Spencer Perceval in 1812 in the lobby of the House of Commons
Activists on the roof of the Palace of Westminster

القواعد والتقاليد

الأكل والشرب والتدخين

قواعد اللبس

The introduction of a new Member of Parliament, 1858. Wearing hats in the House of Commons has not always been treated in the same way.

تقاليد أخرى

الثقافة والسياحة

The Houses of Parliament, sunset (1903), National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
London, Houses of Parliament. The Sun Shining through the Fog (1904), Musée d'Orsay, Paris
During three trips to London between 1899 and 1901, Impressionist painter Claude Monet worked on a series of canvasses depicting the Houses of Parliament under various light and weather conditions, often obscured by the smog prevalent in the city in Victorian times. The paintings share the same vantage point—a terrace at St Thomas's Hospital—and many of the works were finished in Monet's studio in France during the following years.[5]



  1. ^ "The National Heritage List For England". English Heritage. Retrieved 31 يوليو 2011.
  2. ^ قصر وستمنستر
  3. ^ The bird's-eye view was published in The Builder in 1884, according to www.parliament.uk.
  4. ^ Riding and Riding (2000), p. 268.
  5. ^ "Paintings reveal pollution clues". BBC News. 9 أغسطس 2006. Retrieved 30 أكتوبر 2010.
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