قائمة ملوك أورارتو

(تم التحويل من List of kings of Urartu)

هذا المقال يسرد ملوك أورارتو (آرارات أو مملكة ڤان)، مملكة من العصر الحديدي تمركزت حول بحيرة ڤان في شرق آسيا الصغرى.

الملوك المبكرون

الصعود للسلطة

  • سردوري الأول (also Sarduris I, Sedur I, Asiduri I) 834 ق.م.–828 ق.م.; known in Assyrian sources as Ishtarduri, moved the capital to Tushpa, expanded the fortress of Van, possibly established new dynasty.
  • Ishpuini (also Ishpuinis, Ispuini) the Establisher 828 ق.م.–810 ق.م.; expanded the empire and conquered Musasir.
  • منوا (also Menuas, Minua) the Conqueror 810 ق.م.–785 ق.م.; initially ruled jointly with his father Ishpuini and later jointly ruled with his son, Inushpua, greatly expanded the kingdom, organized the centralized administrative structure, fortified a number of cities and founded fortresses, developed a national canal and irrigation system.
  • Inushpua 788–786 ق.م. (?); co-ruled with his father, Menua. Possibly killed in battle.
  • أرگشتي الأول (also Argishtis I, Argishtish I, Argisti I) 785–763 ق.م.; fortified the empire's frontier, founded Erebuni (modern-day يريڤان).
  • سردوري الثاني 763 ق.م.–735 ق.م.; maximum expansion; zenith of Urartian power.
  • روسا الأول (also Rusas, Ursa) 735 ق.م.–714 ق.م.; Assyrian and Cimmerian attacks.
  • ملارتوا (714) briefly served as king after his father's defeat, subsequently killed by Urartian nobles
  • أرگشتي الثاني 714–680 ق.م.
  • روسا الثاني (known to Assyrian king as Yaya or Iaya) 680 ق.م.–639 ق.م.
  • سردوري الثالث 639 ق.م.–635 ق.م.


الهزيمة والدمار

  • سردوري الرابع 615 ق.م.–595 ق.م.
  • روسا الرابع 595 ق.م.–585 ق.م.; raids of Medes and Scythians. Assyrians King Tiglath-Pileser III destroyed castle of Rusa, which has been recently discovered under Lake Van, Turkey. Archaeologists also discovered jars that once contained wheat, oil and wine, in the ruins of a castle the Turks call "Chavez Tepe", built by Uzira Sardouri II (ruled: 764–735 ق.م.). Each buried jar with oriface covered with wedge engraved ceramic lids can hold 300 kg.[1]

الأسرة الأروندية تبدأ بالملك Orontes I Sakavakyats (570 ق.م.–560 ق.م.)، بعد آخر ملوك أورارتو.

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Abaigail, P. "The Mystery Behind the Ancient Underwater Kingdom in Turkey". Mobi Spirit. Retrieved 6 May 2021.
  • Boris Piotrovskii, The Ancient Civilization of Urartu, London, 1969.
  • Igor Diakonoff, The Pre-History of the Armenian People, Caravan Books, New York, 1988.
  • M. Chahin, The Kingdom of Armenia, Curzon, London, 2001.

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