علم الاقتصاد التطوري
(تم التحويل من Evolutionary economics)
الاقتصاد التطوري Evolutionary economics is part of mainstream economics as well as heterodox school of economic thought that is inspired by evolutionary biology. Much like mainstream economics, it stresses complex interdependencies, competition, growth, structural change, and resource constraints but differs in the approaches which are used to analyze these phenomena.[1]
Schumpeter's "Entwicklung"
الحالة الراهنة للمناقشة
انظر أيضاً
- Behavioral economics
- Complexity economics
- Creative destruction
- Cultural economics
- Darwinism
- Ecological model of competition
- Economics
- Evolutionary socialism
- Hypergamy
- Institutional economics
- Natural selection
- Population dynamics
- Social Darwinism
- Innovation system
- Non-equilibrium economics
- Universal Darwinism
- ^ Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1993) Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back Into Economics, Cambridge and University of Michigan Press. Description and chapter-link preview.
- [1]
- Aldrich, Howard E., Geoffrey M. Hodgson, David L. Hull, Thorbjørn Knudsen, Joel Mokyr and Viktor J. Vanberg (2008) ‘In Defence of Generalized Darwinism’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(5), October, pp. 577–96.
- Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (2004) The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism (London and New York: Routledge).
- Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter. (1982). An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Harvard University Press.
- Sidney G. Winter (1987). "natural selection and evolution," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp. 614–17.
- Veblen, Thorstein B. (1898) ‘Why Is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science?’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 12(3), July, pp. 373–97.
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Description and article-preview links.
وصلات خارجية
- Evolutionary economics at the Open Directory Project
- "Evolutionary Economics et al." by Prof. Esben S. Andersen - Aalborg University, Denmark
- Evolutionary Economics by J.P. Birchall