نواحي طاجيكستان

(تم التحويل من Districts of Tajikistan)
نواحي طاجيكستان قبل 2017

حتى 2020، كانت ولايات طاجيكستان مقسمة إلى 47 ناحية (بالطاجيكية: ноҳия، nohiya أو روسية: район، رايون) وهؤلاء لا يضمون 4 نواحي تابعة للعاصمة دوشانبه، و 18 مدينة تنتمي لولاية (منهم دوشانبه، المدينة العاصمة فوق الولاية).[1] Before ca. 2017, there were 58 districts.[2][3][4] The districts are further subdivided into municipal units: either as urban municipalities called either as cities (بالطاجيكية: шаҳр, "cities") or towns (بالطاجيكية: шаҳрак, "towns"), or as rural municipalities called jamoats (بالطاجيكية: ҷамоати деҳот, "village communes"), which in turn are further subdivided into villages (بالطاجيكية: деҳа or қишлоқ, "villages/hamlets").

ترقيم النواحي يتبع الخريطة.

ولاية صغد


No. District Native name Former names Capital Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
1 Mastchoh Мастчоҳ Dilvarzin Buston 1,000 128,400
2 Bobojon Ghafurov Бобоҷон Ғафуров Leninabad, Khodzhent Ghafurov 2,700 380,500
3 Asht Ашт Shaydon 2,800 168,100
4 Zafarobod Зафаробод Zafarobod 400 75,900
5 Spitamen Нов Nau (until 2003)[6] Navkat 400 141,600
6 Jabbor Rasulov Ҷаббор Расулов Proletarsk Mehrobod 300 137,700
10 Shahriston Шаҳристон Shahriston 1,100 43,700
11 Devashtich Ғончӣ Ghonchi Ghonchi 1,600 173,500
13 Ayni Айнӣ Zahmatobod Ayni 5,200 83,600
14 Kuhistoni Mastchoh Кӯҳистони Мастчоҳ Dalyon Mehron 3,700 25,400

Cities of regional subordination:

No. City Native name Former names Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
7 Konibodom Конибодом 800 211,100
8 Isfara Исфара 800 274,000
9 Istaravshan Истаравшан Uroteppa (until 2000) 700 273,500
12 Panjakent Панҷакент 3,700 303,000
- Khujand Хуҷанд Leninabad, Khojent <100 183,600
- Istiqlol Истиқлол Taboshar <100 17,900
- Guliston Гулистон Kayrakkum <100 49,200
- Buston Бустон Chkalovsk <100 36,900

Areas of Republican Subordination


No. District Native name Former names Capital Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
16 Shahrinav Шаҳринав Qaratogh, Hisori Poyon Shahrinav 1,000 123,000
18 Varzob Варзоб Varzob 1,700 82,200
20 Rasht Рашт Gharm Gharm 4,600 127,400
21 Lakhsh Лахш Jirgatol Vahdat[7] 4,600 66,400
22 Rudaki Рӯдакӣ Leninskiy (until 2003),[6][8] Kuktosh, Loqay-Tojik Somoniyon 1,800 518,200
23 Fayzobod Файзобод Fayzobod 900 103,600
25 Nurobod Дарбанд Komsomolobod, Darband (until 2003)[9] Darband 900 82,100
26 Tojikobod Тоҷикобод Qalai Labi Ob Tojikobod 700 46,000
27 Sangvor Сангвор Tavildara Tavildara 6,000 23,300

Cities of regional subordination:

No. City Native name Former names Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
- Dushanbe Душанбе Stalinabad 126.6 846,400
15 Tursunzoda Турсунзода Regar (renamed between 1979 and 1989) 1,200 298,800
17 Hisor Ҳисор 1,000 308,100
19 Vahdat Ваҳдат Yangibazar (1927-1936), Ordzhonikidzeabad
(1936-1992), Kofarnihon (1992-2003)[10]
3,700 342,700
24 Roghun Роғун Obigarm 500 44,100
Districts of Dushanbe.

City districts of Dushanbe

No. District Native name Former names Area in km2 Popular (est. 2019)
1 Ibn Sina Сино Frunze[6] 43,8 326 100
2 Firdavsi Фирдавсӣ Central[6] 29,1 209 000
3 Ismail Somoni Исмоили Сомонӣ Oktyabrskiy (October) 25,8 148 700
4 Shohmansur Шоҳмансур Zheleznodorozhnyi (Railway) 27,9 162 600

Khatlon Region


No. District Native name Former names Capital Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
28 Khuroson Хуросон Ghozimalik[11] Obikiik 900 116,500
29 Yovon Ёвон Yovon 900 234,600
31 Baljuvon Балҷувон Sarikhosor Baljuvon 1,300 30,400
32 Khovaling Ховалинг Khovaling 1,700 57,900
33 Jomi Абдураҳмони Ҷомӣ Kuybyshevsk, Khojamaston Abdurahmoni Jomi 600 175,800
35 Danghara Данғара Danghara 2,000 161,000
36 Temurmalik Темурмалик Qizil-Mazor (until 1957),[12]
Sovetskiy (until 2004)[13]
Bahmanrud 1,000 69,800
37 Mu'minobod Мӯминобод Leningradskiy Mu'minobod 900 94,700
38 Kushoniyon Кӯшониён Bokhtar Ismoili Somoni 600 245,900
39 Vakhsh Вахш Qurghonteppa Vakhsh 1,000 199,300
40 Vose' Восеъ Aral Vose' 800 216,500
42 Shamsiddin Shohin Шамсиддин Шоҳин Shuroobod Shuroobod 2,300 55,500
43 Nosiri Khusrav Носири Хусрав Beshkent[14] Bahori 800 39,300
44 Shahritus Шаҳритус Qubodiyon Shahritus 1,500 130,000
45 Qubodiyon Қубодиён Qabodiyon Qubodiyon 1,800 188,100
46 Dusti Дӯстӣ Jilikul Jilikul 1,200 117,100
47 Jayhun Ҷайҳун Qumsangir Dusti 1,000 139,000
48 Jaloliddin Balkhi Ҷалолиддин Балхӣ Kolkhozobod (until 23 June 2007),[15] Rumi Balkh 900 201,300
49 Farkhor Фархор Farkhor 1,200 170,800
50 Panj Панҷ Saroy-Kamar Panj 900 119,700
51 Hamadoni Ҳамадонӣ Moskovskiy Moskovskiy 500 148,800

Cities of regional subordination:

No. City Native name Former names Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
- Bokhtar Бохтар Qurghonteppa <100 111,800
30 Norak Норак 400 61,500
34 Levakant Левакант Kalininabad, Sarband 100 48,300
41 Kulob Кӯлоб 300 214,700

ولاية بدخشان الجبلية الذاتية


الرقم الناحية الاسم المحلي الأسماء السابقة العاصمة المساحة كم²[5] التعداد
(2020 estim.)[1]
52 Darvoz Дарвоз Qala'i-Khumb قلعة خمب 2,800 24,000
53 Vanj Ванҷ Rokharv Vanj 4,400 34,400
54 Rushon Рӯшон Rushon 5,900 25,800
55 Shughnon Шуғнон خروق 4,600 38,000
56 Roshtqala Роштқалъа Roshtqal'a 4,300 27,400
57 إشكاشم Ишкошим Vakhan إشكاشم 3,700 32,900
58 Murghob Мурғоб Vostochno-Pamirskiy Murghob 37,300 15,900

City of regional subordination:

No. City Native name Former names Area in km2[5] Population
(2020 estim.)[1]
- Khorugh Хоруғ <100 30,500


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ "Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2020" (PDF) (in الروسية). Statistics office of Tajikistan. pp. 13–29. Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2021. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  2. ^ Socio-Economic Atlas of Tajikistan, World Bank (2005)
  3. ^ Regions of the Republic of Tajikistan 2005, State Committee of Statistics, Dushanbe, 2005 (in روسية)
  4. ^ Republic of Tajikistan, map showing administrative division as of January 1, 2004, "Tojjikoinot" Cartographic Press, Dushanbe (in روسية)
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د "Regions of the Republic of Tajikistan 2017" (PDF) (in الروسية). Statistics office of Tajikistan. pp. 15–21. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 March 2022. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
  6. ^ أ ب ت ث Renaming Nau District to Spitamen District; Leninskiy District to Rudaki District; Frunze District to Sino District; Central District to Firdavsi District
  7. ^ Presidential News, 4 October 2008 Archived 9 يونيو 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ "Rudaki District". Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2009-02-12.
  9. ^ Renaming Darband District to Nurobod District
  10. ^ "Vahdat District". Archived from the original on 2009-02-01. Retrieved 2009-02-12.
  11. ^ Ghozimalik District renamed Khuroson District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine (in روسية)
  12. ^ Qizil-Mazor (Kzyl-Mazar) District renamed Sovetskiy District Archived أكتوبر 6, 2008 at the Wayback Machine, 1957 (in روسية)
  13. ^ Sovetskiy District renamed Temurmalik District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, 2004 (in روسية)
  14. ^ Beshkent District renamed Nosiri Khusrav District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, 2004 (in روسية)
  15. ^ "Kolkhozobod District renamed after Jaloliddin Rumi". Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2008-09-28.