التقويم الصيني
التقويم الصيني هو تقويم شمسي قمري، إذ يتضمن عناصر من التقويم القمري مع أخرى من التقويم الشمسي. وهو ليس مقطوراً على الصين، بل يتـَّبعه العديد من الثقافات الآسيوية الأخرى. واليوم في معظم شرق آسيا، فإن التقويم الگريگوري يستخدم للأنشطة اليومية، ولكن التقويم الصيني مازال مستخدماً في حساب العطلات، مثل رأس السنة الصينية، عيد دوان فو، وفي التنجيم، مثل اختيار أنسب تاريخ للزواج أو افتتاح منشأة. ولأن كل شهر يتبع دورة القمر، فإنه يُستخدم لتحديد أطوار القمر.
عموماً، فإن السنة في التقويم الصيني تبدأ بيوم اختفاء القمر قرب البداية الربيعية. وكل شهر، ماعدا الشهر النسيء، يناظر نقطة المنتصف في الفترة الشمسية.
السنة الحالية (2012-1-23~2013-2-9) هي سنة Rechen.

بدأ عام 2637 ق.م.، وهي السنة التي يُفترض أن الإمبراطور الأسطوري هوانجدي قد وضع فيها التقويم. يُنظم هذا التقويم السنين في دورات من 60 سنة. على سبيل المثال، سنة 2000 م هي السنة السابعة عشرة في الدورة 78. وتُعرف السنة داخل كل دورة بمجموعة كلمات مكونة من سلسلتين من المصطلحات، واحدة منها تتضمن اسم أي حيوان من بين 12 حيوانًا. وهذه الحيوانات مرتبة حسب ظهورها في الدورة وهي: الجرذ، الثور، النمر، الأرنب البرّي، التّنّين، الأفعى، الحصان، الخروف، القرد، الديك، الكلب، الخنزير. وسنة 2000 في التقويم الصيني هي سنة التّنّين.
وتعتمد السنة الصينية على القمر وعادة ما تتكون من 12 شهرًا. يبدأ كل شهر بالقمر الجديد ويتكون من 29 أو 30 يومًا. يُضاف شهر للسنة سبع مرات كل 19 سنة حتى يبقى التقويم والفصول متطابقين تقريبًا. تبدأ السنة بالقمر الجديد الثاني بعد بداية الشتاء.
تقويم تايچو
صحيح الشمس والقمر
الإصلاح الگريگوري
الوقت العياري
العملية التقويمية (الشمس الحقة) للتقويم الصيني مسرودة أدناه.
1. Decide the days -> 2. Decide the months -> 3. Decide the midpoints of solar terms -> 4. Decide the month names(include Intercalary month) -> 5. Decide the year -> 6. Decide the year name -> 7. Mark the stem-branches for each days -> 8. Mark the nodes and midpoints of the solar terms -> 9. Mark the festivals -> 10. Make the calendar.
اليوم (Rì日)
A day in the Chinese calendar Runs from midnight to the next midnight, just as that in Gregorian calendar do.
Days are grouped with several kind of week.
- أسبوع العشرة أيام
The days are grouped with 10-days week, which is called as ten celestial stems (or heavenly stems). The names of each weekdays are Jia-day, Yi-day, Bin-day, Ding-day, Wu-day, Ji-day, Geng-day, Xin-day, Ren-day, and Gui-day.
2013-1-31 is Ding-day.
- أسبوع الإثنا عشر يوماً
The days are grouped with 12-day week, which is called as 12 earthly branches. The names of each weekdays are Zi-day, Chou-day, Yin-day, Mao-day, Chen-day, Si-day, Wu-day, Wei-day, Shen-day, You-day, Xu-day, and Hai-day.
2013-1-31 is You-day.
- أسبوع الستين يوماً
The 10-day week system and 12-day week system are used in couple, and become a 60-day week which is called as 60 stem-branches.
2013-1-31 is Dingyou-day.
- أسبوع السبع أيام
The days are grouped with 7-day week, which is called as Xingqi(Luminary-day). The name of each weekdays are Sun-day, Moon-day, Mars-day, Mercury-day, Jupiter-day, Venus-day, and Saturn-day.
In modern China, the names is changed with ordinal number except sunday: Xingqi Ri (Sunday), Xingqi Yi (First-day), Xingqi Er (Second-day), Xingqi San (Third-day), Xingqi Si (Fourth-day), Xingqi Wu (Fifth-day), Xingqi Liu (Sixth-day).
2013-1-31 is Fouth-day(Thursday).
الشهر (Yuè月)
The month in the Chinese calandar is a lunar term between days with dark moon A month contains the day with dark moon wholly.
Synodic month(29.48 days) 2013-01-12 03:43:36 ~ 2013-02-10 15:20:06 + Dark moon day 2013-01-12 00:00:00 ~ 2013-01-13 00:00:00 - Next dark moon day 2013-02-10 00:00:00 ~ 2013-02-11 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The month(29 days) 2013-01-12 00:00:00 ~ 2013-02-10 00:00:00
Synodic month(29.52 days) 2013-02-10 15:20:06 ~ 2013-03-12 03:51:00 + Dark moon day 2013-02-10 00:00:00 ~ 2013-02-11 00:00:00 - Next dark moon day 2013-03-12 00:00:00 ~ 2013-03-13 00:00:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The month(30 days) 2013-02-10 00:00:00 ~ 2013-03-12 00:00:00
السنة الشمسية(Suì岁) و Solar term(Jiéqì节气)
The solar year(Suì) in Chinese is the term between the winter solstice days.
Tropical year (365.25 days) 2012-12-21 19:11:35 ~ 2013-12-22 01:10:59 + The day of the winter solstice 2012-12-21 00:00:00 ~ 2012-12-22 00:00:00 - The day of the next winter solstice 2013-12-22 00:00:00 ~ 2013-12-23 00:00:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solar year(366 days) 2012-12-21 00:00:00 ~ 2013-12-21 00:00:00
A tropical year is divided into 12 solar term, which are called as Zi-term, Chou-term, Yin-term, Mao-term, Chen-term, Si-term, Wu-term, Wei-term, Shen-term, You-term, Xu-term, and Hai-term. There're 12 nodes between the terms and 12 midpints within the terms. the nodes are called as Jieqi, and the midpoints are called as Zhongqi. The nodes and midpoints is corresponding to each 15° points along the ecliptic.
The relationship between the nodes/midpoints, ecliptic position, and zodiac is list as below.
Solar Term | الاسم | خط الطول | البرج | |
Zi-term(子) | Node | GS, Great Snow(Dàxuě大雪) | 255° | |
Midpoint | WS, Winter Solstice(Dōngzhì冬至) | 270° | Capricornus 270-300° | |
Chou-term(丑) | Node | SC, Slight Cold(Xiǎohán小寒) | 285° | |
Midpoint | GC, Great Cold(Dàhán大寒) | 300° | Aquarius 300-330° | |
Yin-term(寅) | Node | VB, Vernal Begins(Lìchūn立春) | 315° | |
Midpoint | RW,Rain Water(Yǔshuǐ雨水) | 330° | Pisces 330-360° | |
Mao-term(卯) | Node | IA, Insects Awaken(Jīnzhé惊蛰) | 345° | |
Midpoint | VE, Vernal Equinox(Chūnfēn春分) | 360°/0° | Aries 0-30° | |
Chen-term(辰) | Node | CB, Clear and Bright(Qīngmíng清明) | 15° | |
Midpoint | GR, Grain Rain(Gǔyǔ谷雨) | 30° | Taurus 30-60° | |
Si-term(巳) | Node | SB, Summer Begins(Lìxià立夏) | 45° | |
Midpoint | GF, Grain Full(Xiǎomǎn小满) | 60° | Gemini 60-90° | |
Wu-term(午) | Node | GE, Grain in Ear(Mángzhǒng芒种) | 75° | |
Midpoint | SS, Summer Solstice(Xiàzhì夏至) | 90° | Cancer 90-120° | |
Wei-term(未) | Node | SH, Slight Heat(Xiǎoshǔ小暑) | 105° | |
Midpoint | GH, Great Heat(Dàshǔ大暑) | 120° | Leo 120-150° | |
Shen-term(申) | Node | AB, Autumn Begins(Lìqiū立秋) | 135° | |
Midpoint | LH, Limit of Heat(Chúshǔ处暑) | 150° | Virgo 150-180° | |
You-term(酉) | Node | WD, White Dew(Báilù白露) | 165° | |
Midpoint | AE, Autumnal Equinox(Qiūfēn秋分) | 180° | Libra 180-210° | |
Xu-term(戌) | Node | CD, Cold Dew(Hánlù寒露) | 195° | |
Midpoint | FD, Frost's Descent(Shuāngjiàng霜降) | 210° | Scorpio 210-240° | |
Hai-term(亥) | Node | WB, Winter Begins(Lìdōng立冬) | 225° | |
Midpoint | LS, Light Snow(Xiǎoxuě小雪) | 240° | Sagittarius 240-270° | |
Node | GS, Great Snow(Dàxuě大雪) | 255° |
أسماء الشهور
If the intercalary month is just the first of the 12 whole-months, it's called as Run-Dongyue(Intercalary Dongyue). If the intercalary month is not just the first of the 12 whole-months, it follow the name of the month before it. For example, the intercalary month after Qiyue is called as Run-Qiyue.
2012-12-13 ~ 2013-01-11 Dongyue WS:2012-12-21 1 2013-01-12 ~ 2013-02-09 Layue 2 2013-02-10 ~ 2013-03-11 Zhengyue 3 2013-03-12 ~ 2013-04-09 Eryue 4 2013-04-10 ~ 2013-05-09 Sanyue 5 2013-05-10 ~ 2013-06-07 Siyue 6 2013-06-08 ~ 2013-07-07 Wuyue 7 2013-07-08 ~ 2013-08-06 Liuyue 8 2013-08-07 ~ 2013-09-04 Qiyue 9 2013-09-05 ~ 2013-10-04 Bayue 10 2013-10-05 ~ 2013-11-02 Jiuyue 11 2013-11-03 ~ 2013-12-02 Shiyue 2013-12-03 ~ 2013-12-31 Dongyue WS: 2013-12-22
2013-12-03 ~ 2013-12-31 Dongyue WS: 2013-12-22 1 2014-01-01 ~ 2014-01-30 Layue GC: 2014-01-20 2 2014-01-31 ~ 2014-02-28 Zhengyue RW: 2014-02-19 3 2014-03-01 ~ 2014-03-30 Eryue VE: 2014-03-21 4 2014-03-31 ~ 2014-04-28 Sanyue GR: 2014-04-20 5 2014-04-29 ~ 2014-05-28 Siyue GF: 2014-05-21 6 2014-05-29 ~ 2014-06-26 Wuyue SS: 2014-06-21 7 2014-06-27 ~ 2014-07-26 Liuyue GH: 2014-07-23 8 2014-07-27 ~ 2014-08-24 Qiyue LH: 2014-08-23 9 2014-08-25 ~ 2014-09-23 Bayue AE: 2014-09-23 10 2014-09-24 ~ 2014-10-23 Jiuyue FD: 2014-10-23 11 2014-10-24 ~ 2014-11-21 Intercalary Jiuyue(Run-Jiuyue) 12 2014-11-22 ~ 2014-12-21 Shiyue LS: 2014-11-22 2014-12-22 ~ 2015-01-19 Dongyue WS: 2014-12-22
التناظر بين المصطلحات الشمسية والشهور القمرية
النتاظر بين الأنظمة
Jiǎzǐ (甲子) sequence |
الجذع/ الفرع |
Gānzhī (干支) | سنة... [Note 1] |
متصل [Note 2] |
گريگوري [Note 3] |
يوم رأس السنة (chūnjié, 春節) |
15 | 5/3 | wùyín (戊寅) | نمر التراب | 4696 | 1998 | January 28 |
16 | 6/4 | jǐmǎo (己卯) | أرنب التراب | 4697 | 1999 | February 16 |
17 | 7/5 | gēngchén (庚辰) | تنين المعدن | 4698 | 2000 | February 5 |
18 | 8/6 | xīnsì (辛巳) | ثعبان المعدن | 4699 | 2001 | January 24 |
19 | 9/7 | rénwǔ (壬午) | Water Horse | 4700 | 2002 | February 12 |
20 | 10/8 | guǐwèi (癸未) | ماعز الماء | 4701 | 2003 | February 1 |
21 | 1/9 | jiǎshēn (甲申) | Wood Monkey | 4702 | 2004 | January 22 |
22 | 2/10 | yǐyǒu (乙酉) | Wood Rooster | 4703 | 2005 | February 9 |
23 | 3/11 | bǐngxū (丙戌) | Fire Dog | 4704 | 2006 | January 29 |
24 | 4/12 | dīnghài (丁亥) | Fire Pig | 4705 | 2007 | February 18 |
25 | 5/1 | wùzǐ (戊子) | Earth Rat | 4706 | 2008 | February 7 |
26 | 6/2 | jǐchǒu (己丑) | Earth Ox | 4707 | 2009 | January 26 |
27 | 7/3 | gēngyín (庚寅) | Metal Tiger | 4708 | 2010 | February 14 |
28 | 8/4 | xīnmǎo (辛卯) | Metal Rabbit | 4709 | 2011 | February 3 |
29 | 9/5 | rénchén (壬辰) | Water Dragon | 4710 | 2012 | January 23 |
1 The beginning of each zodiac year should correspond to the first day of the lunar year.
2 Calculating according to the number on executive order for reforming the calendar and era.
3 In any case, the correspondence between Chinese year and Gregorian year is of course not exact. The first few months of each Gregorian year (the days before Chinese New Year) belong to the previous Chinese year. For example, January 1–28, 2006 correspond to yǐyǒu or 4703. Thus, it might be more precise to state that Gregorian 2006 corresponds to 4703–4704, or that continuous Chinese 4704 corresponds to 2006–2007.
السنة الشمسية مقابل السنة القمرية
There is a distinction between a solar year and a lunar year in the Chinese calendar because the calendar is lunisolar. A lunar year (年 nián) is from one Chinese new year to the next. A solar year (歲 suì) is either the period between one Spring Equinox and the next or the period between two winter solstices (see Jiéqì section). A lunar year is exclusively used for dates, whereas a solar year, especially that between winter solstices, is used to number the months.
ساعات اليوم
Under the traditional system of hour-marking, each day is divided into 12 units (時辰). Each of these units is equivalent to two hours of international time. Each is named after one of the 12 Earthly Branches. The first unit, Hour of Zi (子時), begins at 11 p.m. of the previous day and ends at 1 a.m. Traditionally, executions of condemned prisoners occur at the midpoint of Hour of Wu (正午時), i.e., noon.
عدد الأيام
الحيوانات الإثنا عشر
مقالة مفصلة: الأبراج الصينية
الإثنا عشر حيواناً (十二生肖 shí'èr shēngxiào، "رموز الميلاد الإثنا عشر" أو بالعامية 十二屬相 shí'èr shǔxiàng, "علامات الانتماء الإثنا عشر") التي تمثل 12 فرع دنيوي هم، بالترتيب، الفأر، الثور، النمر، الأرنب، التنين، برج الثعبان، الثعبان، الحصان، الماعز، القرد، الديك، الكلب، والخنزير. أسطورة السباق الكبير يشرح ترتيب الحيوانات.
Solar term
Ecliptic long. |
Chinese name | Gregorian date (approx.) |
Usual translation |
Remarks |
315° | 立春 lìchūn | February 4 | start of spring | spring starts here according to the Chinese definition of a season |
330° | 雨水 yǔshuǐ | February 19 | rain water | starting at this point, the temperature makes rain more likely than snow |
345° | 驚蟄 jīngzhé (啓蟄 qǐzhé) |
March 5 | awakening of insects | when hibernating insects awaken |
0° | 春分 chūnfēn | March 20 | vernal equinox | lit. the central divide of spring (referring to the Chinese seasonal definition) |
15° | 清明 qīngmíng | April 5 | clear and bright | a Chinese festival where, traditionally, ancestral graves are tended |
30° | 穀雨 gǔyǔ or gǔyù | April 20 | grain rains | rain helps grain grow |
45° | 立夏 lìxià | May 6 | start of summer | refers to the Chinese seasonal definition |
60° | 小滿 xiǎomǎn | May 21 | grain full | grains are plump |
75° | 芒種 mángzhòng or mángzhǒng | June 6 | grain in ear | lit. awns (beard of grain) grow |
90° | 夏至 xiàzhì | June 21 | summer solstice | lit. summer extreme (of sun's height) |
105° | 小暑 xiǎoshǔ | July 7 | minor heat | when heat starts to get unbearable |
120° | 大暑 dàshǔ | July 23 | major heat | the hottest time of the year |
135° | 立秋 lìqiū | August 7 | start of autumn | uses the Chinese seasonal definition |
150° | 處暑 chùshǔ | August 23 | limit of heat | lit. dwell in heat |
165° | 白露 báilù | September 8 | white dew | condensed moisture makes dew white; a sign of autumn |
180° | 秋分 qiūfēn | September 23 | autumnal equinox | lit. central divide of autumn (refers to the Chinese seasonal definition) |
195° | 寒露 hánlù | October 8 | cold dew | dew starts turning into frost |
210° | 霜降 shuāngjiàng | October 23 | descent of frost | appearance of frost and descent of temperature |
225° | 立冬 lìdōng | November 7 | start of winter | refers to the Chinese seasonal definition |
240° | 小雪 xiǎoxuě | November 22 | minor snow | snow starts falling |
255° | 大雪 dàxuě | December 7 | major snow | season of snowstorms in full swing |
270° | 冬至 dōngzhì | December 22 | winter solstice | lit. winter extreme (of sun's height) |
285° | 小寒 xiǎohán | January 6 | minor cold | cold starts to become unbearable |
300° | 大寒 dàhán | January 20 | major cold | coldest time of year |
Note: The third jiéqì was originally called 啓蟄 (qǐzhé) but renamed to 驚蟄 (jīngzhé) in the era of the Emperor Jing of Han (漢景帝) to avoid writing his given name 啓 (also written as 啟, a variant of 啓).
Date | English | Chinese | Vietnamese | Remarks | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
Zhengyue 1st | Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) | 春節 chūnjié | Nguyên Đán(元旦) | Family gathering and festivities for 3–15 days | 0207 | 0126 | 0214 | 0203 | 0123 | 0210 |
Zhengyue 15th | Lantern Festival (Chap Goh Mei) |
元宵節 yuánxiāo | Thượng Nguyên (上元) |
0221 | 0209 | 0228 | 0217 | 0206 | 0224 |
April 4th/5th | Qingming Festival | 清明節 qīngmíng | Thanh Minh (清明) | Tomb sweeping | 0404 | 0404 | 0405 | 0405 | 0404 | 0404 |
Wuyue 5th | Dragon Boat Festival | 端午 duānwǔ | Đoan Ngọ (端午) | Dragon boat racing and zongzi eating | 0608 | 0528 | 0616 | 0606 | 0623 | 0612 |
Qiyue 7th | Night of Sevens | 七夕 qīxī | Thất tịch | For lovers, like Valentine's Day | 0807 | 0826 | 0816 | 0806 | 0823 | 0813 |
Qiyue 15th | Ghost Festival (Spirit Festival) |
中元節 zhōngyuán | Trung Nguyên (中元), or Le Vu Lan (禮盂蘭) |
Offer tributes and respect to the deceased | 0815 | 0903 | 0824 | 0814 | 0831 | 0821 |
Bayue 15th | Mid-Autumn Festival | 中秋 zhōngqiū | Trung Thu (中秋) | Family gathering and moon cake eating | 0914 | 1003 | 0922 | 0912 | 0930 | 0919 |
Jiuyue 9th | Double Ninth Festival | 重陽 chóngyáng | Trùng Cửu (重九) | Mountain climbing and flower shows | 1007 | 1026 | 1016 | 1005 | 1023 | 1013 |
Shiyue 15th | Peaceful Festival or Xia Yuan | 下元節 xiàyuán | Hạ Nguyên (下元) | Pray for a peaceful year to the Water God | 1112 | 1201 | 1120 | 1110 | 1128 | 1117 |
December 21th/22th | Winter Solstice Festival | 冬至 dōngzhì | Lễ hội Đông Chí | Family gathering, eat Tong yuen | 1221 | 1221 | 1222 | 1222 | 1221 | 1221 |
Layue 23th/24th | Kitchen God Festival | 小年 xiǎonián | Táo Quân (竈君) | Worshipping the kitchen god with thanks | 0131 | 0119 | 0207 | 0127 | 0117 | 0204 |
الغرض من الأشهر النسيء
الاستخدامات العملية
القضايا الثقافية
انظر أيضا
- van Dalen, Benno; Kennedy, E.S.; Saiyid, Mustafa K., «The Chinese-Uighur Calendar in Tusi's Zij-i Ilkhani», Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 11 (1997) 111–151.
وصلات خارجية
- Chinese Calendars in PDF, JPEG or PNG or create your own online(at ChineseBay.com featured by Chinapage.com)
- Online Chinese Calendar Chinese / Gregorian Calendar
- Rules for the Chinese Calendar
- Chinese Zodiac Chart Find your Chinese Zodiac sign based on your date of birth.
- التحويل بين التقاويم
- Gregorian-Chinese calendar converter Online: only for years after 1912
- Convert Gregorian to Chinese Lunar and Solar Dates
- Pages from the Hong Kong Observatory website
- التنبؤ بجنس المولود
- Chinese Lunar Calendar 2008-2010 with 'Yellow Calendar'
- Chinese Lunar Calendar 2006
- Chinese Lunar Calendar 2007
- Tooltip Chinese Calendar
- Vietnamese Cyclic Chronology