التقسيمات الادارية في گرينلاند

(تم التحويل من Administrative divisions of Greenland)

گرينلاند تنقسم إلى أربع بلديات  – كويالق, قاسويتسوپ, ققتا، و سرمرسوق[1]  – وكذلك شمال شرق گرينلاند، المنتزه الوطني الكبير الذي هو غير مُشهر. ثولى، القاعدة الجوية يديرها سلاح الجو الأمريكي وتعمل كجيب غير مشهر محاط بأراضي قاسويتسوپ.


التقسيمات الادارية في گرينلاند منذ 1 يناير 2009، بمراكز بلدية مميزة بأرقام.
الاسم Kalaallisut مركز
الدرع ISO[2] التعداد المساحة (كم²)
كويالق Kommune Kujalleq Qaqortoq Kujalleq-coat-of-arms.svg GL-KU 7,589 32,000
قاسويتسوپ Qaasuitsup Kommunia Ilulissat Qaasuitsup-coat-of-arms.svg GL-QA 17,749 660,000
ققتا Qeqqata Kommunia Sisimiut Qeqqata-coat-of-arms.svg GL-QE 9,677 115,500
سرمرسوق Kommuneqarfik
نوك Sermersooq-coat-of-arms.png GL-SM 21,232 531,900


Greenland was originally divided between the two colonies of شمال گرينلاند with its capital at Godhavn (modern Qeqertarsuaq) and South Greenland with its capital at Godthaab (modern Nuuk). These were directed by inspectors until 1924, when the officials were promoted to governors. The colonies were united in 1940قالب:Verify-inline and the administration centralized at Godthaab.

In 1953 a new Danish constitution promoted Greenland to full membership in the Danish state with all of its inhabitants given Danish citizenship.

التقسيمات والمنتزه الوطني

For statistical and some regulatory purposes the country was divided into three divisions (landsdele) in 1951: West Greenland, North Greenland and East Greenland. The large Northeast Greenland National Park was established in 1974 encompassing the northern part of East Greenland and amended with the eastern part of North Greenland in 1988

With the advent of Home Rule in 1979, these names were Greenlandicized to Kitaa, تونو، و Avannaa. By 2008, كيتا كانت تضم 15 بلدية، تونو 2، و Avannaa 1.


In 1908 Greenland was divided into 63 municipalities with elected municipal councils. After the modernization phase started in the 1950s these were consolidated and by 1979 there were 18 بلدية.

The structural reform in 2008-9 created 4 enlarged municipalities.

كيتا (غرب گرينلاند)

The three former counties of Greenland, including the boundaries of the former municipalities ومنطقة المنتزه الوطني بشمال شرق گرينلاند.

الجزء الجنوبي:

الجزء الأوسط:

الجزء الشمالي:

تونو (شرق گرينلاند)

أڤنـّا (شمال گرينلاند)

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Statistics Greenland, Greenland in Figures, 2014
  2. ^ ISO 3166-2:GL (ISO 3166-2 codes for the subdivision of Greenland)
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