500 ق.م.

الألفية: الألفية 1 ق.م.
القرون: القرن 6 ق.م. - القرن 5 ق.م. - القرن 4 ق.م.
العقود: عقد 530 ق.م.  عقد 520 ق.م.  عقد 510 ق.م.  - 500s ق.م. -  عقد 490 ق.م.  عقد 480 ق.م.  عقد 470 ق.م.
السنوات: 503 ق.م. 502 ق.م. 501 ق.م. - 500 ق.م. - 499 ق.م. 498 ق.م. 497 ق.م.
500 ق.م. حسب الموضوع
زعماء الدولالدول ذات السيادة
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات
تصنيفات التأسيسات والانحلالات

خطأ لوا: Invalid number -499. السنة 500 ق.م. . (الرابط يعرض روزنامة كاملة) من التقويم اليوليوسي. وكان يسبقها سنة 501 ق.م. وتلتها سنة 499 ق.م..

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حسب المكان

الشرق الأوسط

الامبراطورية الفارسية حوالي سنة 500 ق.م.
التمدد الروماني في لاتسيو بين تأسيس المدينة (753 ق.م.) وقيام الجمهورية (500 ق.م.).
  753 ق.م.
  700 ق.م.
  500 ق.م.


  • The Greek- Ionian Poleis in Asia Minor have been part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire for almost half a century . The cities were able to maintain a certain degree of independence and extensive economic independence, even if they were subject to tribute. The background for this is the Persian principles of leaving the areas of the empire as far as possible political self-government and leaving the cultural and religious life of the peoples untouched. The Persian " tyrannis ", as in all 20 satrapies, is a personal-feudal relationship, according to the satrap as governor of Persia elects local nobles as shop stewards who exercise power and collect the tributes.
  • Aristagoras , the tyrant of Miletus who was just appointed by the Persian king Dareios I , persuades Artaphernes , the satrap of Sardis , to campaign against Naxos , which has renounced the Persian Achaemenid Empire . After Artaphernes received Dario's consent for this company, he equipped a fleet of 200 Trireme , for which he commanded his cousin Megabatesappoints. Despite a four-month siege, the Persians fail to capture Naxos, mainly because Megabates and Aristagoras are fighting over each other. Megabates is said to even secretly assist the residents of Naxos in defending the island.
  • Aristagoras, who fears punishment from the Persian king after his return, seeks allies from the other Greek cities to spark an uprising against the Persian Empire . His efforts fall on fertile ground on numerous poleis that are currently affected by an economic and trade crisis. The Ionic uprising begins. The uprising - far from the political center of the Persian Empire - was very successful in the first year and spread like wildfire.


  • According to legend, Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus and Manius Tullius Longus are consuls of the early Roman Republic.
  • Around 500 BC The Oscans are conquered by the Etruscans , whose territory at this time reached its greatest extent.


  • الشعوب الناطقة بالبانتو تهاجر إلى جنوب غرب أوغندا من شمال شرق أفريقيا. (تاريخ تقريبي)
  • قبيلة الهوتو تبدأ حوالي هذا الوقت، في وسط وجنوب القارة الأفريقية.
  • تاريخ تقريبي
    • الاستكشاف البحري الذي قام به حنو الملاح للساحل الغربي لأفريقيا ربما قد توغل جنوباً حتى الگابون.



انتشار ثقافة نوك.
  • ظهور ثقافة نوك في نيجيريا. (تاريخ تقريبي) lies in the area of ​​today's Nigeria. The elliptical to triangular eyes, the pupil of which is indicated by a recess, are characteristic of the stylized representations of animals and people made during this period. Individual features such as beards, jewelry and extravagant hairstyles or headgear emphasize the artistic execution of the figures.


  • ظهور أقدم كتابات معروفة للزاپوتك (تاريخ تقريبي).
  • الأولمك يؤسسون مونتى ألبان، المدينة المقدسة، ويواصلون بناء الأهرامات. تأسست حوالي نهاية فترة التشكل الوسطى حوالي سنة 500 ق.م. على يد the Terminal Formative (ح.100 ق.م.-200م) مونتى ألبان سرعان ما تصبح عاصمة كيان توسعي كبير هيمن على معظم مرتفعات واخاكا وتفاعلت مع دويلات إقليمية أخرى في وسط أمريكا، مثل تيوتهواكان إلى الشمال (Paddock 1983; Marcus 1983).


الهند وسريلانكا


الصين في المراحل الأخيرة من حوليات الربيع والخريف.
  • The 10th year of the reign of Lusk Prince Ding-gun.
  • Confucius became an adviser to the gunas , which is repeatedly noted by Sima Qian.
  • 500-496 BC e. - “Minister of Justice” of the kingdom of Lu Kun-tzu ( Confucius ) (551–479).
  • The world of Lu and Qi was made in the 3 moon [4] . In the summer, the Lusk gong met with the Tsiski Hou in Jiagu [5] . Li Ju (Li Chu) advised the Qi prince to meet with people from Lai to play musical instruments. When the meeting began, Luskiy's first adviser, Kun Qiu, ordered the Lites to be beheaded (according to Chapter 47, “ Shi Ji, ” to chop off his hands and feet) and expressed censure to the Tsic gong for violating the ritual. Tsiska gong, as Sima Qian writes, “was ashamed” and returned Lu to the lands in Yun, Wenyang (Huang) and Guiyin [6], in the summer , the Zi ambassador arrived in Lu to return the fields.
  • In summer, the Jin commander Zhao Yang besieged the capital of Wei [8] . Its residents agreed to give 500 families resettled to Handan [9] . The Jin defeated Wei.
  • In the summer and the second fall, the Lusky generals Shusun Zhou-qiu and Zhongsun He-ji besieged the city of Hou.
  • In the fall, the Suna dignitary E Da-hsin fled to Cao , and the other Suna dignitary gongzi Di fled to Chen.
  • In winter, princes Qi and Wei and the Zheng ambassador Yu Su held a congress in An-fu.
  • In winter, the Lusky ambassador Shusun Zhou-qiu went to Qi.
  • In winter, Chen, brother of the Sung prince , with two dignitaries Zhong To and Shi Kou fled from Song to Chen.
  • Died Cisco dignitary sage and Ying Yang.
  • A comet appeared in Qin.

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حسب الموضوع


  • تعداد سكان العالم يبلغ 100,000,000[2]—التعداد هو 85,000,000 في نصف الكرة الشرقي و 15,000,000 في نصف الكرة الغربي، أساساً وسط أمريكا (المكسيك، أمريكا الوسطى، كولومبيا، پيرو وڤنزويلا).


الفنون والثقافة

Bowl with Euphronios' pottery signature, painting by Onesimos.
  • The Greek vase painter Euphronios , previously working in the pottery workshop of the Euxitheos , took over around 500 BC. BC his own pottery, in which he mainly creates bowls in the next few years. Among other things, he trains the artist known as the Antiphon painter and possibly also the Sosias painter . Also Onesimos one of his students. Euphronios' greatest artistic competitor is the vase painter Euthymides . All of these artists belong to the pioneering group of Attic vase painting .
  • The Eucharides painter changes around 500 BC. BC from black-figure to red-figure vase painting . He is the first vase painter of the red-figure style to paint Panathenaic price amphoras .
سجادة من پاسيريكتال.
ألواح حجرية تشكل النقش العظيم
  • بين 500 و 450 ق.م.، ميثاق بلدة گورتين في جزيرة كريت نـُقِش على 42 كتلة حجرية. In terms of content, this longest preserved Greek inscription is a kind of amendment to older laws rather than a new codification . Rules from family law, inheritance law, property law, criminal law and procedural law are codified. النص مكتوب بلهجة دورية قديمة ويتكون من اثناعشر عمود، كل منها يحوي 53 إلى 55 سطر، السطور تجري في the bustrophedon .



كيف بدا العالم


  1. ^ "The Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times".
  2. ^ an average of figures from different sources as listed at the US Census Bureau's Historical Estimates of World Population
  3. ^ Suzuki, Jeff (2009). Mathematics in Historical Context (in الإنجليزية). MAA. p. 24. ISBN 9780883855706.