1918 في روسيا
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فيما يلي قوائم الأحداث التي وقعت خلال عام 1918 في روسيا.
تعيين في المنصب
- 18 نوفمبر – ألكسندر كولتشاك .
- 9 January - the creation of the Volunteer Army was officially announced
- 18–19 January - Russian Constituent Assembly held its first and last meeting
- 20 January - lynching of Andrei Shingaryov and Fyodor Kokoshkin, members of the liberal Cadet Party Central Committee, by the revolutionary sailors
- 22 January - Ukrainian People's Republic proclaims its independence
- 23-31 January - 3rd All-Russian Congress of Soviets approved the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and adopted a resolution "On a new designation of the supreme state power".
- 27 January - Finnish Civil War begins
- 28 January - Communist government issues a decree on the foundation of the Red Army
- 29 January - Battle of Kruty between Ukrainian and Bolshevik forces
- 30 January - Odessa Soviet Republic proclaimed
- 9 February - Ukrainian People's Republic and the Central powers signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- 14 February - the Gregorian calendar ("new style") was introduced in Bolshevik-controlled areas. After January 31st, February 14th immediately followed
- 16 February - Council of Lithuania adopts the act of independence
- 17 February - beginning of the Ice Cruise of the Baltic Fleet, transferring Russian ships from Reval and Helsingfors to Kronstadt
- 21 February - the CPC issues the decree named Socialist Homeland is in Danger!
- 22 February - Ice March of the Volunteer Army begins
- 24 February - Estonian Declaration of Independence
- 3 March - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between the Soviet Russia and the Central powers
- 11 March - Communist government moves from Petrograd to Moscow
- 25 March - Belarusian People's Republic proclaimed
- 17 May - beginning of the Revolt of the Czechoslovak Legion
- 8 June - Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly founded in Samara and declared itself the holder of the supreme power, acting temporarily on behalf of the Assembly
- 11 June - ARCEC approved the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the organization and supply of the rural poor" creating the kombeds
- 4–10 July - Fifth All–Russian Congress of Soviets
- 6 July - assassination of German ambassador Wilhelm von Mirbach by Yakov Blumkin precedes the Left SR uprising
- 10 July - Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic adopted by the Congress
- 17 July - execution of the abdicated emperor Nicholas II of Russia and his family performed in Yekaterinburg by the local Bolsheviks
- 2 August - Anglo-American troops landed in Arkhangelsk
- 8 August - beginning of anti-Communist Izhevsk–Votkinsk Uprising
- 30 August - Vladimir Lenin assassination attempt by SR Fanny Kaplan
- 5 September - the CPC proclaims the Red Terror as a response for the Kaplan incident
- 23 September - Ufa Directory, the reformed anti-Bolshevik government, formed in Ufa
- 29 October - creation of the Russian Communist Youth League
- 13 November - Bolsheviks renounced the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk two days after Armistice of Compiègne marking defeat of the Central powers in the World War I.
- 18 November - Admiral Alexander Kolchak seizes power from the Ufa Directory which moved to Omsk month before. The council of ministers appointed him to the post of the Supreme Ruler of Russia (chosen to avoid the words "president" and "regent", believing that the form of government will be determined by the Constituent Assembly after the end of the civil war)
- 10 December - Sfatul Țării of Bessarabia decided to join Romania. The Romanian annexation of Bessarabia was never recognized by the Soviet government.
- 15 مارس – زارا دولوخانوفا
- 11 ديسمبر – ألكسندر سولجنيتسين كاتب روسي.
- 1 يناير – مراد توبتاني (مواليد 1867)
- 6 يناير – جورج كانتور (مواليد 1845)
- 20 يناير – فلاديمير ناليفكين (مواليد 1852) دبلوماسي روسي.
- 7 February – Alexander Taneyev, Russian composer (b. 1850)
- 1 April - General Paul von Rennenkampf, military commander in Russo-Japanese War and World War I (shot)
- 6 April - Savva Mamontov, businessman and philanthropist
- 13 April - General Lavr Kornilov, Supreme Commander of the Russian Army (1917), one of the leaders of the anti-Communist White Movement
- 30 مايو – جورجي بليخانوف (مواليد 1856)
- 9 يونيو – آنا دوستويفسكايا (مواليد 1846)
- 20 June - V. Volodarsky (Moisey Goldstein), Bolsheviks' chief agitator
- 25 June - General Sergey Markov, anti-Communist Volunteer Army leader
- 17 يوليو – أولغا نيكولايفنا (مواليد 1895) كبرى بنات آخر آباطرة روسيا الإمبراطور الأوتقراطي نيقولا الثاني وزوجته الإمبراطورة ألكسندرا فيودورفنا.
- 17 يوليو – الدوقة الكبرى أناستاسيا نيكولايفنا من روسيا (مواليد 1901) سياسية روسية.
- 17 يوليو – تاتيانا نيكولايفنا (مواليد 1897)
- 17 يوليو – نيقولا الثاني إمبراطور روسيا (مواليد 1868)
- 22 July - Alexey Schastny, Russian naval officer (b. 1881)
- 25 سبتمبر – ميخائيل ألكسيف (مواليد 1857)
- 4 October – Nikolai Skrydlov, admiral (b. 1844)
- 3 نوفمبر – ألكسندر ليابونوف (مواليد 1857) رياضياتي روسي.
- 9 November – Sergey Andreyevsky, Russian writer, poet, literary critic and lawyer (b. 1847)
- 8 ديسمبر – أندريه فامنتسين (مواليد 1835) عالم نبات روسي.
- 26 ديسمبر – جيرمان لوباتين (مواليد 1845) كاتب روسي.
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