گلن مركت

گلن مركت
Glenn Murcutt
27-11-04 Murcutt y yo 022.jpg
Glenn Murcutt in 2004
وُلِدَ25 يوليو 1936
الجوائزRAIA Gold Medal (1992)
جائزة پريتسكر (2002)
AIA Gold Medal (2009)
المبانيMarie Short House (1975), Fredericks House (1982), Ball-Eastaway House (1983), Magney House (1984), Marika-Alderton House (1994), Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Education Centre (1999)

گلن ماركوس مركت Glenn Marcus Murcutt AO (و. 25 يوليو 1936) هو معماري بريطاني-أسترالي وحائز على جائزة پريتسكر عام 2002 وAIA Gold Medal عام 2009 .

مشروعات مباني

Knights of Columbus Building, New Haven, CT
  • 1972-74 : Laurie Short House, Sydney (NSW)
  • 1974-75 : Marie Short House, Kempsey (NSW)
  • 1976-83 : Berowra Waters Inn, Berowra Waters (NSW)
  • 1977-80 : Nicholas House, Mount Irvine (NSW)
  • 1977-80 : Carruthers House, Mount Irvine (NSW)
  • 1981-83 : Ball-Eastaway House, Glenorie, Sydney (NSW)
  • 1976-88 : Museum of Local History and Tourist Office, Kempsey (NSW)
  • 1981-82 : Fredericks House, Jamberoo (NSW)
  • 1982-84 : Magney House, Bingie Bingie (NSW)
  • 1986-90 : Magney House, Sydney (NSW)
  • 1988-91 : Done House, Sydney (NSW)
  • 1988-92 : Meagher House, Bowral (NSW)
  • 1989-94 : Simpson-Lee House, Mount Wilson (NSW)
  • 1991-94 : Marika-Alderton House, Yirrkala Community, Eastern Arnhern Land (NT)
  • 1992  : Murcutt Guest Studio, Kempsey (NSW)
  • 1992-94 : Bowali Visitor Information Centre, Kakadu National Park (NT), in collaboration with Troppo Architects
  • 1994-96 : Schnaxl House, Newport, Sydney (NSW)
  • 1996-98 : Fletcher-Page House, Kangaroo Valley (NSW)
  • 1995-96 : Douglas and Ruth Murcutt House, Woodside (SA)
  • 1996-99 : Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Art Centre, Riversdale, West Cambewarra (NSW), in collaboration with Reg Lark and Wendy Lewin
  • 1997-01: House at Kangaloon, Southern Highlands (NSW)
  • 2000-03: Murcutt/Lewin House and Studio, Mosman (NSW)
  • 2001-05: Walsh House, Kangaroo Valley (NSW)
  • 2006-07: Moss Vale Education Centre (University of Wollongong), Moss Vale (NSW), in collaboration with Wendy Lewin

جوائز وتكريمات

قائمة المراجع

  • Dennis Sharp. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Architects and Architecture. New York: Quatro Publishing, 1991. ISBN 0-8230-2539-X. NA40.I45. p111.
  • "Glenn Murcutt Pritzker Prize", ArchitectureWeek No. 94, 2002.0417, pN1.1.
  • "In the Landscape of Murcutt", by Brook Muller, ArchitectureWeek No. 66, 2001.0912, pE1.1.
  • Francoise Fromonot. Glenn Murcutt : Buildings and Projects 1962-2003. Thames and Hudson, London/New York, 2005. ISBN 10: 978 0 500 28589 3. ISBN 13: 0500 28589 6
  • Philip Drew. Leaves of Iron : Glenn Murcutt : Pioneer of an Australian Architectural Form. ISBN 0-207-17327-3.
  • Philip Drew. Touch This Earth Lightly: Glenn Murcutt in His Own Words. Duffy & Snellgrove, 15 May 2000. ISBN 1-875989-46-3.
  • E. M. Farrelly. Glenn Murcutt - Three Houses (Architecture in Detail). Phaidon Press Inc. (October 1993). ISBN 0-7148-2875-0.
  • Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper, A Singular Practice. Images, April 2006. ISBN 1-876907 75 4.
  • Limited Edition Folio, "Glenn Murcutt Architect", Essays by Kenneth Frampton, Juhani Pallasmaa, boxed photos/drawings. 01 Editions, Sydney, 2006. ISBN 0 9775931 0 X.
  • Gusheh, Heneghan, Lassan, Seyama, "The Architecture of Glenn Murcutt", TOTO, Japan, 2008. ISBN 978 4 88706 293 1
  • Gusheh, Heneghan, Lassan, Seyama, "Glenn Murcutt - Thinking Drawing,Working Drawing", TOTO, Japan, 2008. ISBN 978 4 88706 294 8


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