توم ماين
توم ماين Thom Mayne (و. 19 يناير, 1944, في واتربري، كنتيكت)، هو معماري أمريكي شهير مقيم في لوس أنجلس.
فلسفة التصميم
جوائز وتكريمات
- جائزة پريتسكر في العمارة/ 2005
- The Edward MacDowell Medal / 2008
- Top Ten Green Project Award, American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment / 2007
- جائزة پريتسكر / 2005
- Chrysler Design Award of Excellence / 2001
- Los Angeles Gold Medal, American Institute of Architects / 2000
- Alumni of the Year, University of Southern California / 1995
- Brunner Prize or Award in Architecture, American Academy of Arts and Letters / 1992
- Member Elect, American Academy of Design / 1992
- Eliel Saarinen Chair, Yale School of Architecture, Yale University / 1991
- Elliot Noyes Chair, Harvard University Graduate School of Design / 1988
- Rome Prize Fellowship, American Academy in Rome, Italy / 1987
مشروعات رئيسية
- New Academic Building, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, New York, 2009
- Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 2009
- San Francisco Federal Building, San Francisco, California, 2006
- Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon, 2006
- Public housing in Madrid, Spain, 2006
- University of Cincinnati Student Recreation Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006
- Science Center School, Los Angeles, كاليفورنيا, 2004
- Caltrans District 7 Headquarters, Los Angeles, كاليفورنيا, 2004
- Hypo Alpe-Adria Center, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2002
- University of Toronto Graduate House, Toronto, Ontario, كندا, 2000
- Diamond Ranch High School, Pomona, كاليفورنيا, 1999
- Sun Tower in Seoul, Korea 1997
- Blades Residence, Santa Barbara, California, 1995
- Salick Healthcare Office Building, Los Angeles, CA, 1991
- Crawford Residence, Montecito, CA, 1990
- Cedar Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA, 1988
- 6th Street Residence, Santa Monica, CA, 1988
- Kate Mantilini / Beverly Hills, CA, 1986
تحت العمل
- National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Operation Facility, Suitland, Maryland, 2007
- Phare Tower (Tour Phare), also known as "Le Phare" and "The Lighthouse", "green" wind-powered office building, La Défense, Paris, فرنسا, 2012
- Perot Museum of Nature & Science, Victory Park, Dallas, Texas, 2013
- Orlandoni, Alessandra ""Interview with Thom Mayne" - The Plan 014, May2006
- Ayyuce, Orhan ""Thom Mayne in Coffee Break" - Archinect, July, 2007
وصلات خارجية
- Morphosis.com - Official Website
- Morphopedia.com - Official Directory of Projects
- Online profile of Thom Mayne as principal of Morphosis
- American Maverick Wins Pritzker Prize New York Times, March 21, 2005
- Metropolis article on Mayne
- ARCH'IT article on NewCity Park
- ARCH'IT article on Caltrans District Headquarters
- Pritzker Prize Media Kit
- Thom Mayne's Guest DJ Project on KCRW KCRW Guest DJ set
- TED Talks: Thom Mayne on architecture as connection at TED in 2005
- مواليد 1944
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona alumni
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona faculty
- خريجو جامعة هارڤرد
- People from Waterbury, Connecticut
- People from Whittier, California
- حائزو جائزة پريتسكر
- University of Southern California alumni
- معماريون من كاليفورنيا
- معماريون أمريكان