نزار الصياد
نزار الصياد | |
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وُلِدَ | |
الجنسية | مصري-أمريكي |
الجنسية | الولايات المتحدة |
الخلفية الأكاديمية | |
التعليم | دكتوراه في العمارة، ماجستير في العمارة، بكالوريوس في الهندسة المعمارية |
العمل الأكاديمي | |
المجال | معماري، مخطط، مصمم عمراني، مؤرخ عمراني |
الموقع الإلكتروني | www |
نزار الصياد (و. 10 أكتوبر 1956)، هو معماري، مخطط من، مصمم عمراني، مؤرخ عمراني، وأستاذ فخري في كلية التصميم البيئي بجامعة كاليفورنيا بركلي، الولايات المتحدة، حيث حصل على جائزة التدريس المتميز. كمخطط عمراني، يركز الصياد في تخصصه على دراسة المدن، وهيئاتها ومساحاتها العمرانية، وأثرها على الواقع الاجتماعي والثقافي. كعالم، قام الصياد بتأليف العديد من الكتب حول الاستعمارية، الهوية، العمارة الإسلامية، السياحة، التقاليد، العمران، التصميم العمراني، التاريخ العمراني، العشوائية الحضرية والافتراضية.
السنوات المبكرة والتعليم
وُلد نزار الصياد في القاهرة في 10 أكتوبر 1956. كان والده جغرافياً وشاعراً ومفكراً مصرياً بارزاً. أثناء طفولته كان الصياد مهتماً بالقراءة والتعلم. كانت والدته مهتمة بالتصميمات وتحليل الطرز المعمارية وتخطيط المدن. أثناء طفولته قضى سنة في نورمان أوكلاهوما، فقرر الصياد العودة والإقامة في الولايات المتحدة. بعد تخرجه من المدرسة الثانوية، التحق الصياد بجامعة القاهرة حيث حصل على بكالوريوس الهندسة المعمارية عام 1977 والدبلوما العليا في تخطيط المدن عام 1979.
عام 1981، حصل الصياد على ماجستير في العمارة من معهد مساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا. بعدها عمل في يماساكي وشركاه، التي تولت التصميمات المعمارية لمركز التجارة العالمي، قبل قبوله منصبه أول مناصبه الأكاديمية في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في الظهران، السعودية. بعد نشر كتابه الأول، دُعي الصياد من قبل المؤرخ المعماري سپيكو كوستوف للإنضمان إلى بركلي للحصول على الدكتوراه في التاريخ المعماري والعمراني. عمل الصياد كمحاضراً في قسم تخطيط المدن والتخطيط الإقليمي بالجامعة نفسها. بعد حصوله على الدكتوراه عام 1988، أسس الصياد الرابطة الدولية لدراسة البيئات التقليدية (IASTE)، رابطة علمية معنية بدراسة البيئات المحلية والشعبية المحلية حول العالم، حيث تولى رئاستها ورئاسة تحرير الدورية الصادرة عنها مراجعة المساكن والمستوطنات التقليدية Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review.[1]
مسيرته المهنية
بعد تأسيسه الرابطة الدولية لدراسة البيئات التقليدية (IASTE)، أسس في العام نفسه تخصص التصميم البيئي والعمران في البلدان النامية (EDUDC)، مجال تخصصي يرتبط بالتاريخ، النظريات، العمليات الاجتماعية، والتصميم على مستوى المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا في كلية التصميم البيئي بجامعة كاليفورنيا بركلي. كمستشار أكاديمي، عمل الصياد مع أكثر من 50 طالب دكتوراه في تخصصي العمارة والتطيط بالإضافة لإشرافه على أكثر من مائة رسالة ماجستير وأطروحة دكتوراه خلال مسيرته الأكاديمية في بركلي التي امتدت لأكثر من 33 سنة.
كانت أنتج وشارك في إنتاج فيلم وثائقيين تلفزيونيين "القاهرة الافتراضية وفي المنزل ما أمنا الأرض. حصل على منح من وزارة التعليم الأمريكية، برنامج NEA لفنون التصميم، برنامج گتي گرانت، مؤسسة گراهام، SSRC، وزمالة گوگنهام. حصل على جوائز منها وسام بيت القرآن من البحرين، جائزة الكتاب الاجتماعي الأمريكي الرائد، وتكريمات من المعهد الأمريكي لتعليم العمارة.
دُعي الصياد كأستاذ زائر ومحاضر في أكثر من 40 بلد. الصياد هو رئيس الرابطة الدولية لدراسة البيئات التقليدية، مدير مركز المجتمعات والدراسات البيئية العربية. وهو عضو في مجموعة خريجي التصميم العمراني ومجموعة خريجي الدراسات العالمية. لحوالي عامين ترأس الصياد مركز الدراسات الشرق أوسطية في بركلي.
مجالات الدراسة
- تاريخ العمارة والعمران
- العمرانية السينمائية والواقع الافتراضي
- الاستعمارية والعمران الهجين
- التراث الثقافي والسياسة
- التصميم البيئة والعمران في البلدان النامية
- الإسكان والتنمية الدولية
- العمارة الإسلامية ومدن الشرق الأوسط
- الأصولية الدينية والمدينة
- المساكن والمستوطنات التقليدية
- التصميم العمراني
- التاريخ العمراني
- العشوائية الحضرية
- Whose Tradition?. Co-edited with Mark Gillem and David Moffat. Routledge: London, 2017.
- Traditions: The Real, the Hyper, and the Virtual in the Built Environment. Routledge: London, 2014.
- Cairo: Histories of a City. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 2011.
- The Fundamentalist City? Co-edited with Mejgan Massoumi. Routledge: London, 2010.
- Cinematic Urbanism: A History of the Modern From Reel to Real. Routledge: London & New York, 2006.
- Making Cairo Medieval. Co-edited with Irene Bierman and Nasser Rabbat. Lexington Books: Lanham & London, 2005.
- Müslüman Avrupa ya da Avro-Islam. Co-edited with Manuel Castells. Istanbul: Everest, 2004 (In Turkish).
- The End of Tradition? Editor. Routledge: London & New York, 2003.
- Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America and South Asia. Co-edited with Ananya Roy. Lexington Books: Lanham and London, 2003.
- Europa Musulmana O Euro-Islam. Barcelona: Alianza Editorial/Ensayo, 2003 (In Spanish).
- Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam. Co-edited with Manuel Castells. Lexington Books: Lanham and London, 2002.
- Consuming Tradition/Manufacturing Heritage: Global Norms and Urban Forms in an Age of Tourism. Routledge: London, New York, 2001.
- Hybrid Urbanism: On the Identity Discourse and the Built Environment. Greenwood/Praeger: New York and Westport, 2001.
- Al Mudun fi Sadr al-Islam: The Early Cities of Islam. Beit Al-Quran: Bahrain, 1996 (in Arabic).
- Forms of Dominance: On the Architecture and Urbanism of the Colonial Enterprise. Editor. Avebury: London and Aldershot, 1992.
- Cities and Caliphs: On the Genesis of Arab Muslim Urbanism. Greenwood Press: New York, Westport, and London, 1991.
- Dwellings, Settlements and Tradition. Co-edited with Jean-Paul Bourdier. University Press of America: New York, Lanham, and London, 1989.
- The Design and Planning of Housing. Editor. UPM Press: Dhahran & Houston, 1984.
- Streets of Islamic Cairo; A Configuration of Urban Themes and Patterns. Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AKP: Cambridge, 1981.
كتب تحت النشر
- Nile: Urban Histories on the Banks of a River. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, publication scheduled for 2017.
- Architecture's Poverty. Routledge: London, publication scheduled for 2017.
- Feb 2019, “The city behind the square”,[2] Interview, at Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt.
- Mar 2018, “Open Conversations with Nezar AlSayyad”, Invited talk, at Dar Al-Labana Lecture Series, Cairo, Egypt.
- Mar 2018, Symposium on Urban Governance, “Opening Address on Urban Governance,”, in a Comparative Perspective, King Salman Center for Local Governance, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Feb 2018, “Legitmating Heritage,” in Preserving Iraq's Heritage, Keynote address, in a Postwar Era Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Feb 2018, “On the Possibilities of Urban Citizenship”, Paper Presentation, at the Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar, CRASSH Working Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Jan 2018, Architecture Curriculum Workshop, “Opening address”, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
- Dec 2017, “Heritage and Architecture”, Keynote address, in Balkan Patterns Conference, Balkan Biennale, Belgrade, Serbia
- Dec 2017, “An Architecture Conversation,”, Invited talk, Hindu School of Architecture, Sonipat, India
- Dec 2017, “Urban History vs. History of Planning,” Short one week course, Main Lecturer, at School of Architecture and Planning, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
- Oct 2017, “Tradition, Heritage and politics,”, Invited Public Lecturer, at Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Jul 2017, “Architecture, Heritage and Tourism”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in Architecture and Tourism Conference, held at the Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- May 2017, “Tourism and Fundamentalism”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in Tourism and Patrimony Conference, Universite Laval, Québec, Canada.
- Apr 2017, “Arab Culture at the Cross-Road”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in First International Memaryat Conference, Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr 2017, “Architecture and Identity, Invited Public Lecture, in the Age of Globalization” at Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
- Mar 2017, “Cairo: Consuming Tradition” at Sustaining Heritage, Invited keynote address, in the Digital Age Conference, Cairo, Egypt.
- Feb 2017, at the Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar, Invited Discussant, CRASSH Working Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Nov 2016, “The Power of Place”, Invited public lecture, in International Studies Institute Lecture Series, University of Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Nov 2016, “The State of Arab Urbanism”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in 5th International Architectural Conference of the Jordanian Engineers Association, Amman, Jordan.
- Nov 2016, “Fundamentalism and the City”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in Symposium of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
- Oct 2016, “Inclusion and Exclusion in Arab Cities”, Invited talk, in Pluralism and Community in the Middle East Symposium, Center for International Regional Studies, Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar.
- Apr 2016, “Architecture and Globalization, Invited public lecture, in the Middle East” in at School of Architecture Lecture Series, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
- Apr 2016, “Heritage and the Problem of Tradition”, Invited public lecture, at Institut du PatrimoineCulturel, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
- Feb 2016, “Is Urban Citizenship Possible?”, Invited Speaker, at Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar, CRASSH Working Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Jan 2016, “The Death and Life of the Fundamentalist City,”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in the International Conference Religious Pluralism and the City, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Nov 2015, “Architecture and National Identity,”, Invited Keynote Speaker, in Learning from Education City Conference, Doha, Qatar.
- Oct 2015, “Globalization and Architecture,”, Invited public lecture, Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
- Sep 2015, “Urban Uprising: Middle East and Elsewhere,”, Invited public lecture, School of Architecture, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
- Sep 2015, “On Tahrir Square,”, Invited public lecture, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Jun 2015, “Diversity and Change from the Vernacular to the Global,”, Invited Keynote Speaker, at Delivering Diversity for the 21stCentry Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Jun 2015, “Virtual Uprisings and the Architecture of Revolt,”, Invited public lecture, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Jun 2015, “From the Arab ‘Spring’ to the Arab ‘Winter’:, Invited public lecture, Urban Uprisings and Social Media,” CAMEA Lecture Series, School of Architecture & the Built Environment, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
- Apr 2015, “Urban Uprisings and Virtual Media,”, Invited public lecture, Columbia University Global Center, Amman, Jordan.
- Mar 2015, “Globalization and the Architecture of the Middle East,”, Invited public lecture, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.
- Feb-2015, From Tahrir Square to Occupy Wall Street, Invited Keynote Speaker, at Rethinking Global Cities Conference, Duke University, Durham, NC.
- Feb-2015, The Struggle for Citizenship, Discussant, at Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Symposium, CRASSH Working Group, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
- Dec-2014, Whose Tradition?, Opening and closing remarks at, the 14th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Nov-2014, Vernacular to Modern: Discourses on Tradition, Invited lecture, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
- Oct-2014, The State of Research in Vernacular Architecture, Invited Keynote Speaker, at the 7th International Symposium on Vernacular Settlements, organized by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Oct-2014, From Tahrir to Occupy Central, Invited lecture, Lecture Series of the School of Architecture at Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
- Sep-2014, Fundamentalism and Revolution, Invited lecture, Lecture Series of the School of the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore NUS, Singapore.
- Sep-2014, Tahrir and the Virtual Uprising, Invited lecture, Lecture Series of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, National University of Singapore NUS, Singapore.
- Jan-2014, From Vernacularism to Globalization: Settlement in the Arab World, Invited Speaker, Lecture Series of Dar al-Athar al-Islamiya, The Islamic Museum, Kuwait, U.A.E.
- Oct-2013, The Struggle for Egypt, Keynote Speaker, Middle East Futures Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- May-2013, Cities and the Arab Spring, Invited Keynote Speaker, Yale Alumni Association Arab Conference entitled, "Navigating the Tides: Urban Transformation in the Arab World", Doha, Qatar.
- Mar-2013, Religion & the Cities of the Arab Spring, Invited Keynote Speaker, the Ajman International Conference on Urban Planning, Ajman, U.A.E
- Oct-2012, The Myth of Tradition, Opening and Closing remarks, the 13th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Portland, Oregon.
- May-2012, The Arab Spring: An International Symposium, Symposium Chair and Speaker, organized by Istanbul Ayden University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- May-2012, Fundamentalism, Religiosity and the City, Invited Speaker, International Symposium on Religious Violence and Cities, Queens University, Belfast.
- May-2012, The 'Islam', 'Arab', 'Middle Eastern' City: Reflection on an Urban Concept, Invited Keynote Speaker, The City Debates 2012 Conference, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
- Mar-2012, Cities of the Arab Spring, Invited Keynote Speaker, Urban Revolution in the Age of Global Urbanism Conference, Tarumangara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Mar-2012, Modernity Struggles of the Islamic City in a Global Context, Invited Keynote Speaker, Planning Turkish Cities Conference, Organized by the Municipality of Pursaklan and Yildirim Bayezit University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Mar-2012, Culture, Heritage and Identity, Invited Speaker and Moderator, Qatar Urban Forum, Cannes, France.
- Feb-2012, The Religious City, the Fundamentalist City, Invited Keynote Speaker, Global Prayers Conference, organized by the House of World Cultures Museum, Berlin, Germany.
- Jun-2011, Tradition, Identity, Culture, and the Arts in Central China., Keynote Speaker, Art and Design Forum, Jingdazhen and Chong Qing, China.
- Apr-2011, The Middle East in Context, Session co-chair, at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, New Orleans, LA.
- Apr-2011, The Fundamentalist City or Medieval Modernity, Invited Speaker, Lecture Series of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund, Sweden.
- Mar-2011, Tahrir Square Earns its Name, Keynote Speaker, Symposium on the Future of Tahrir Square, Ministry of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.
- Mar-2011, Fundamentalism, Medievalism, and Urbanism, Invited Speaker, Lecture Series of the School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Castle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
- Dec-2010, Utopia of Tradition, Opening remarks at, the 12th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Oct-2010, Consuming Heritage and the End of Tradition., Invited Speaker, Lecture Series at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Oct-2010, Cinematic Urbanism in the Middle East, Session Chair, at the Second Biennial Symposium of the Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA).
- Jul-2010, Consuming Heritage and the End of Tradition, Keynote Speaker, 3rd international conference on Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place, hosted by Arte-Polis 3 and the Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Jun-2010, The Fundamentalist City?, Invited speaker, at the Megacities Workshop, sponsored by the New Encyclopedia Project, University of California, Irvine.
- Mar-2010, Ajman International Conference: Sustainable Development Reshaping Cities, Invited Speaker and Session Chair, Ajman University, United Arab Emirates.
- Nov-2009, Peer Review Colloquium, Invited assessor at, at Delft University, Netherlands.
- Sep-2009, Identity, Culture, and Urbanism, Invited keynote speaker, at the conference Urban Identities, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
- Jul-2009, Problematizing Urban Modernity, Invited speaker, in the Concept of Urban Change Symposium, Les Treilles Foundation, France.
- May-2009, New Research in the Field of Urban Studies, Invited speaker, presentation on, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Feb-2009, Neither Homogeneity nor Heterogeneity: Modernity Struggles, Invited speaker, at the Knowledge of Construction Workshop, for the Aga Khan Development Network Seminar in Vancouver, Canada.
- Dec-2008, Interrogating Tradition, Opening remarks at, the 11th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Oxford, England.
- Oct-2008, Colonial Modernities Conference and Exhibit, Invited keynote speaker, organized by the House of World Cultures Museum in Berlin, German
- Mar-2008, Heritage and Tradition, Invited speaker, Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, University of Minnesota, MN.
- Jan-2008, The Modernity of Ethnicity and Race in the Cinematic City of the 1980s, Invited keynote speaker, at the conference Globalization, Violence, and Visual Cultures, University of London Institute, Paris, France.
- Dec-2007, The End of Tradition in the Middle East Region, Invited speaker, Lecture Series in the Department of Architecture & Design, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon.
- Oct-2007, Consuming Heritage or the End of Tradition, Invited speaker, Hearst Lecture Series in the Department of Architecture, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA.
- May-2007, Spin and Journalism: An Uneasy Coexistence, Invited plenary session moderator of, at the Annual Conference of the International Press Institute, Istanbul Turkey.
- Apr-2007, Empire and the Clash of Civilizations, Invited plenary session organizer of, at the 7th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade in Doha, Qatar.
- Apr-2007, Open Session Track at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Invited chair of the, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Mar-2007, Post-Tradition, Hyper-Traditions and the End of Tradition, Invited keynote speaker, at the Annual Conference of the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage, Bruges, Belgium.
- Dec-2006, Hyper-Traditions, Opening remarks at, the 10th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Dec-2006, South of Doxiades: Other Ideas from Egypt, Invited keynote speaker, at the Space and Progress Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Nov-2006, Urban Inclusion, Invited speaker, at the Inclusive Cities Conference at the Center for Contemporary Culture, Barcelona, Spain.
- Jun-2006, Inclusive Cities Working Group, Invited participant at the, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
- May-2006, Consuming Heritage or the End of Tradition, Invited speaker, at the California House, University of California Trust, London, U.K.
- Apr-2006, Architects’ Architectural Histories, Session chair and organizer of, at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Savannah Georgia.
- Mar-2006, Consuming Heritage or the End of Tradition, Invited speaker, at the New Heritage Forum, University of Hong Kong.
- Mar-2006, Berkeley Club of Hong Kong, Invited guest speaker at the, and co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the American Institute of Architects, Hong Kong.
- Feb-2006, Culture, Identity, and Urbanism in the Changing World, Invited keynote speaker, at the First International Symposium on Environment Behavior: People in Place in People, University of Sydney, Australia.
- Jan-2006, Shangri-La Unfolding: Place, Space, Decorative Art, Invited speaker and discussant at the, held at the Doris Duke Foundation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Sep-2005, Medieval Modernity/ Hybrid Urbanism, Invited keynote speaker, at the Santa Fe Conference of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
- Jul-2005, Heritage, Tradition and Their Limits, Invited keynote speaker, International Fellows Program, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI.
- Apr-2005, Democracy and Global Islam Conference, Opening remarks at the, University of California, Berkeley.
- Apr-2005, ‘Double Readings’: Encounters between Islam and the West, Session chair and organizer of, at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vancouver, B.C.
- Mar-2005, Virtual Cairo Reconsidered, Invited speaker, Lecture Series at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Mar-2005, Visualizing Cairo, Invited speaker, Lecture Series at Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, NY.
- Feb-2005, Consuming Heritage or the End of Tradition, Invited keynote speaker, at the 4th Annual Symposium: Architecture and Regionalism, Savannah, GA.
- Feb-2005, The End of Tradition and Medieval Modernity: At the Dawn of a Post Global Era, Invited speaker, at the American University of Sharjah, UAE
- Dec-2004, Post-Traditional Environments in a Post-Global World, Opening remarks at, The Ninth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Dubai, UAE.
- Nov-2004, Globalization, Urbanization, and Development Symposium, Invited speaker at the, organized by the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
- Oct-2004, Virtual Cairo, Invited talk, at the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Lecture Series, U.C. Berkeley, CA.
- Jul-2004, Identity and Cultural Domination, Invited keynote address, at Barcelona Cultural Forum, Dialogue on Globalization and Diversity, Barcelona, Spain.
- Jul-2004, Medieval Modernity, Speaker, (with Ananya Roy) at the Annual Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS,) Barcelona, Spain.
- Feb-2004, Outreach and Public Programs in a Polarized Context, Keynote address, at the Fourth Annual Conference of National Resource Center Directors, United States Department of Education, Santa Fe, NM.
- Apr-2003, Regional Implications of the War, Address at the Chancellor's forum, Implications of the War in Iraq, organized by International Area Studies, U.C. Berkeley.
- Apr-2003, Consuming Tradition in an Area of Preservation, Lecture Series at American University, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
- Mar-2003, Manufacturing Heritage: Middle Eastern Perspectives, Keynote address, at Local Sites of Global Practice: The Middle East, Yale University.
- Dec-2002, Unbounding Tradition, Opening remarks at, The Eighth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Hong Kong.
- Apr-2001, Hybrid Urbanism: Middle Eastern Perspectives, at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Oct-2000, The End of Tradition, Opening Remarks at, the Seventh Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Trani, Italy
- May-2000, Virtual Cairo: Representation Versus Interpretation, Invited talk, at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.
- Dec-1999, On the Manufacture of Heritage in the age of Tourism, Invited keynote speaker, at the Heritage and Tourism Conference organized by the Government of Hong Kong.
- ^ "Nezar-AlSayyad | UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design". ced.Berkeley.edu. Retrieved 14 July 2017.
- ^ "The city behind the square | Al-Ahram Weekly". weekly.ahram.org.eg. Retrieved 2019-02-08.