مقارنة بين برامج خوادم نظام أسماء النطاقات

يقدم هذا المقال مقارنة بين مميزات، منصات الدعم، والتطبيقات المستقلة والمجمعة لبرامج أسماء الخوادم في نظام أسماء النطاقات.

مقارنة الخوادم


Microsoft DNS



Simple DNS Plus







Secure64 DNS



شرح المميزات

يوجد فئة كبيرة من وظائف نظام أسماء النطاقات الخادم ، انظر أعلاه.
يوجد فئة كبيرة من وظائف نظام أسماء النطاقات الخادم ، انظر أعلاه.
Recursion Access Control
Servers with this feature provide control over which hosts are permitted DNS recursive lookups. This is useful for load balancing and service protection.
Slave Mode
Authoritative servers can publish content that originates from primary data storage (such as zone files or databases connected to business administration processes)--such servers are also called 'master' servers--or can be slave or secondary servers, republishing content fetched from and synchronized with such master servers. Servers with a "slave mode" feature have a built-in capability to retrieve and republish content from other servers. This is typically, though not always, provided using the AXFR DNS protocol.
تخزين مؤقت
Servers with this feature provide recursive services for applications, and cache the results so that future requests for the same name can be answered quickly, without a full DNS lookup. This is an important performance feature, as it significantly reduces the latency of DNS requests.
Servers with this feature implement some variant of the DNSSEC protocols. They may publish names with resource record signatures (providing a "secure authority service"), and may validate those signatures during recursive lookups (providing a "secure resolver"). DNSSEC is not widespread, and has not been adopted by the most popular sites on the Internet. Its value and feasibility has been the subject of debate. However, the presence of DNSSEC features is a notable characteristic of a DNS server.
Servers with this feature typically provide DNSSEC services. In addition, they support the TSIG protocol, which allows DNS clients to establish a secure session with the server to publish Dynamic DNS records or to request secure DNS lookups without incurring the cost and complexity of full DNSSEC support.
Servers with this feature are capable of publishing or handling DNS records that refer to IPv6 addresses. In addition to be fully IPv6 capable they must implement IPv6 transport protocol for queries and zone transfers in slave/master relationships and forwarder functions.
Servers with this feature can publish information for wildcard records, which provide data about DNS names in DNS zones that are not specifically listed in the zone.
Split horizon
Servers with the split-horizon DNS feature can give different answers depending on the source IP address of the query.

ميزة المصفوفة

الخادم موثوق متكرر Recursion ACL Slave mode تخزين مؤقت DNSSEC TSIG IPv6 Wildcard Interface split horizon
BIND نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم (since 9.x) نعم (since 4.x) Web[Note 1], command line نعم
Microsoft DNS نعم نعم لا نعم نعم نعم[Note 2] نعم[Note 3] نعم[Note 4] نعم GUI, command line, API[Note 5], WMI[Note 6], RPC[Note 7] لا
djbdns نعم نعم نعم نعم[Note 8] نعم لا لا لا [1] جزئي[Note 9] command line نعم[Note 10]
Dnsmasq جزئي[Note 11] لا لا لا نعم لا لا نعم نعم command line لا
Simple DNS Plus نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم GUI, Web, command line نعم[Note 12]
NSD نعم لا N/A نعم N/A نعم نعم نعم نعم command line لا
PowerDNS نعم نعم نعم نعم[Note 13] نعم جزئي [Note 14] لا جزئي[Note 13] نعم Web, command line لا[Note 15]
MaraDNS نعم نعم نعم جزئي[Note 16] نعم لا لا جزئي نعم command line لا
ANS نعم لا {{N/A}} نعم لا نعم نعم نعم نعم command line, api, SOAP Interface, SNMP نعم
CNS لا نعم نعم {{N/A}} نعم نعم نعم نعم {{N/A}} command line, api, SNMP نعم
Posadis نعم نعم ? نعم نعم لا لا نعم نعم command line, API ?
Secure64 DNS نعم لا ? نعم لا نعم نعم نعم نعم command line لا
Unbound جزئي نعم نعم N/A نعم نعم نعم نعم N/A command line, API لا
  1. ^ A BIND configuration module is available for Webmin in many Linux distributions.
  2. ^ Windows Server 2008 R2 supports DNSSEC, however dynamic DNS is not supported for DNSSEC-signed zones. For earlier versions including Windows Server 2003, DNSSEC functionality must be manually activated in the registry. In these versions, the DNSSEC support is sufficient to act as a slave/secondary server for a signed zone, but not sufficient to create a signed zone (lack of key generation and signing utilities).
  3. ^ Microsoft DNS supports the GSS-TSIG algorithm for Secure Dynamic Update when integrated with Active Directory, using RFC 3645, an application of GSS-API RFC 2743.
  4. ^ IPv6 functionality in the Microsoft DNS server is only available on Windows Server 2003 and newer.
  5. ^ Microsoft DNS Server API Reference
  6. ^ Microsoft DNS WMI Provider Specification
  7. ^ MS-DNSP DNS Server Management Protocol Specification (uses RPCs)
  8. ^ djbdns provides facilities to transfer zones; after completing the zone transfer, djbdns can act as an authoritative server for that zone. Consult the axfr-get documentation for further information.
  9. ^ djbdns supports wildcard DNS records, but not in a way that conforms with the RFCs.
  10. ^ This is not the same as views in bind. But it is a solution with comparable capabilities. See: section of tinydns-data.
  11. ^ dnsmasq has limited authoritative support, intended for internal network use rather than public Internet use. A records are supported via /etc/hosts, and there is some MX record support via the command line.
  12. ^ Simple DNS Plus does not have "views" in the same way as BIND, but has a "NAT IP Alias" feature which allows host records to resolve to different IP addresses depending on where the DNS request comes from.
  13. ^ أ ب IPv6 support in PowerDNS is incomplete. Zone transfers in master/slave replication are only functional with IPv4 transport.
  14. ^ DNSSEC support in PowerDNS is currently restricted to being able to serve DNSSEC-related RRs, full DNSSEC support in progress.
  15. ^ It is possible to support the concept of views in PowerDNS by either running two copies of PowerDNS in parallel (on the same machine), or by writing a custom backend which serves different data based on the client who is querying. See here for the original answer regarding this topic by the author of PowerDNS.
  16. ^ MaraDNS cannot directly provide slave support. Instead, a zone transfer is needed, after which MaraDNS will act as an authoritative server for that zone. See DNS Slave for further information.


الخادم BSD Solaris لينكس Mac OS X ويندوز
BIND نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم[Note 1]
Microsoft DNS لا لا لا لا ضمناً[Note 2]
djbdns نعم نعم نعم نعم لا
Dnsmasq نعم نعم نعم نعم لا
Simple DNS Plus لا لا لا لا نعم
NSD نعم نعم نعم نعم لا
PowerDNS نعم نعم [2] نعم تجريبي نعم
MaraDNS نعم نعم [3] نعم نعم جزئي
ANS نعم نعم نعم لا لا
CNS نعم نعم نعم لا لا
Posadis نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم [4]
Secure64 DNS [Note 3] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Unbound نعم نعم نعم نعم نعم
  1. ^ BIND is available for Windows NT-based systems (including Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003) in a port known as ntbind.
  2. ^ The functionality available with the Microsoft DNS server varies depending on the version of the underlying operating system; such as most Windows Server components, it is upgraded only with the rest of the operating system. Certain functionality, such as DNSSEC and IPv6 support, is only available in the Windows Server 2000-2003 version. Windows 2000 Server includes TSIG support. The Microsoft DNS Server is not available on Windows client operating systems such as Windows XP.
  3. ^ Secure64 DNS runs exclusively on SourceT, a micro operating system developed by Secure64.


الخادم Creator Cost (USD) Public source code Software license
BIND Internet Systems Consortium مجاني نعم BSD
أسماء نطاقات مايكروسوفت مايكروسوفت يتضمن خادم ويندوز لا Clickwrap license
djbdns Daniel J. Bernstein مجاني نعم ملكية عامة
Dnsmasq سيمون كيلي مجاني نعم GPL
Simple DNS Plus JH Software $79 - $379 لا Clickwrap license
NSD NLnet Labs مجاني نعم BSD variant
PowerDNS PowerDNS.COM BV / Bert Hubert مجاني نعم GPL
MaraDNS Sam Trenholme مجاني نعم BSD variant
ANS Nominum Unpublished price لا Clickwrap license
CNS Nominum Unpublished price لا Clickwrap license
Secure64 DNS Secure64 Software Unpublished price لا Clickwrap license
Posadis Meilof Veeningen مجاني نعم GPL
Unbound NLnet Labs مجاني نعم BSD

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