قمع النيل

(تم التحويل من مروحة النيل)
قمع النيل

قمع النيل Nile cone هي بنية انضغاطية في شمال شرق الصفيحة الأفريقية. هي على شكل قمع رأسه عند القاهرة تقريباً وقاعدته جنوب قبرص وجبل إراتوستينس البحري. مروحة النيل هي تقريباً الجزء البحري من قمع النيل.

الغاز الطبيعي

حقول الغاز المصرية في مروحة النيل.

قدرت كميات الغاز الطبيعي الغير مكتشفة في منطقة شرق البحر المتوسط بحوالي 250,000 كم³، حسب تقديرات المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي.[1] يحدها من الشرق تقريبا قمع النيل، ومن الشمال Strabo, Pytheus, and Cyprus Trenches, to the east by the Levant Basin Province boundary, and to the south by the approximate edge of compressional structures in northern Egypt (Robertson, 1998; Roberts and Peace, 2007), which also corresponds to the general updip limit of Neogene deltaic strata in Egypt. This assessment was based on published geologic information and on commercial data from oil and gas wells, fields, and field production. The USGS approach is to define petroleum systems and geologic assessment units and assess the potential for undiscovered oil and gas resources.

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic Composite Petroleum System was defined to include the possibility of viable source rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene ages (Abdel Aal and others, 2000, 2001; Dolson and others, 2001a, b; Vandre and others, 2007). Four assessment units (AU) were defined geologically within the composite petroleum system. Two of the assessment units-Eratosthenes Seamount AU and Mediterranean Ridge AU-were defined northward of the Nile Cone but were not quantitatively assessed. The two assessed areas are the Nile Cone AU and Nile Margin Reservoirs AU (figs. 1 and 2).

Oil and gas were generated from multiple Mesozoic and Cenozoic sources including: (1) hypothesized Jurassic marine and terrigenous shale; (2) Cretaceous argillaceous shales and limestones; (3) Oligocene and Miocene terrigenous source rocks; and (4) possibly biogenic sources (Vandre and others, 2007). Source rocks are thermally mature in deeper parts of the province (Abu El-Ella, 1990; Shaaban and others 2006).

في 14 مايو 2012 أعلنت شركة بترول بلاعيم عن أكبر كشف لانتاج الغاز بمنطقة امتياز بتروتمساح بالبحر الأبيض المتوسط، على بعد 65 كيلو متراً شمال غرب مدينة بورسعيد ويقدر الاحتياطي القابل للاستخراج ب65 مليار قدم مكعب غاز. ومن المتوقع أن يصل الانتاج اليومي من الكشف الجديد إلى 650 مليون قدم مكعب غاز يومياً.[2]

النموذج الجيولوجي - حوض دلتا النيل

The geologic model used in the assessment of the Nile Delta Basin was derived from comparison of geologic analogs, oil and gas production data, proved reserves, and potential oil and gas resources for the maturely explored Niger Delta Province (Brownfield and others, 2010). The USGS used a minimum undiscovered field size of 5 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE).

الكميات المقدرة

Estimates of volumes of undiscovered technically recoverable oil and gas resources are shown in table 1. The mean of the distribution for undiscovered oil is about 1,763 million barrels of oil (MMBO), with a range from 491 MMBO to 4,266 MMBO. For undiscovered gas, the total mean volume is 223,242 billion cubic feet of gas (BCFG), with a range from 92,614 to 425,935 BCFG. For natural gas liquids, the total mean volume is 5,974 million barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL), with a range of 2,451 to 11,464 MMBNGL. By far the largest resource is estimated to be in the Nile Cone AU, with a mean volume of 217,313 BCFG and 5,789 MMBNGL. These estimates represent technically recoverable oil and gas resources; no attempt was made to estimate economically recoverable resources.



  • Abu El-Ella, Ramadan, 1990, Maturation history of Neogene- Quaternary sediments, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 1, p. 77-84.
  • Abdel Aal, A., El Barkooy, A., Gerrits, M., Meyer, H., Schwander, M., and Zaki, H., 2000, Tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean Basin and its significance for the hydrocarbon prospectively in the ultra-deepwater of the Nile Delta: The Leading Edge, October 2000, p. 1086-1102.
  • Abdel Aal, Ahmed, El Barkooky, Ahmed, Gerrits, Marc, Meyer, Hans-Jurg, Schwander, Marcus, and Zaki, Hala, 2001, Tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean Basin and its significance for the hydrocarbon prospectively of the Nile Delta deepwater area: GeoArabia, v. 6, no. 3, p. 363-384.
  • Abdel Aal, Ahmed, El Barkooky, Ahmed, Gerrits, Marc, Meyer, Hans-Jurg, Schwander, Marcus, and Zaki, Hala, 2001, Tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean Basin and its significance for the hydrocarbon prospectively of the Nile Delta deepwater area: GeoArabia, v. 6, no. 3, p. 363-384.
  • Brownfield, M.E, Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., Schenk, C.J., and Tennyson, M.E., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of four West Africa geologic provinces: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010-3006, 2 p.
  • Cross, N.E., Cummingham Alan, Cook, R.J., Taha, Amal, Esmaie, Eslam, and El Swidan, Nasar, 2009, Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology of a deep-water slope-channel system: The Sequoia field, offshore west Nile Delta, Egypt: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 93, no. 8, p. 1063-1086.
  • Cross, N.E., Cummingham Alan, Cook, R.J., Taha, Amal, Esmaie, Eslam, and El Swidan, Nasar, 2009, Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology of a deep-water slope-channel system: The Sequoia field, offshore west Nile Delta, Egypt: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 93, no. 8, p. 1063-1086.
  • Dolson, J.C., Shann, M.V., Matbouly, S.I., Hammouda, Hussein, and Rashed, R.M., 2001b, Egypt in the twenty-first century: petroleum potential in offshore trends: GeoArabia, v. 6, no. 2, p. 211-230.