مذبحة شانغهاي

مذبحة شانغهاي 1927
جزء من الحرب الأهلية الصينية
Communist purge.jpg
قوات الكومن‌تانگ تجمّع المساجين الشيوعيين
التاريخ12 أبريل 1927
شانغهاي، جمهورية الصين
النتيجة بداية الحرب الأهلي الصينية
علم الكومن‌تانگ
الكومن‌تانگ (KMT) والعصابة الخضراء وعصابات أخرى في شانغهاي
علم الحزب الشيوعي الصيني
الحزب الشيوعي الصيني (CPC) وميليشيات اتحادات عمال شانغهاي
القادة والزعماء
Flag of the Republic of China Army.svg باي تشونگ‌شي، قائد الكومن‌تانگ
Du Yuesheng، زعيم العصابة الخضراء
تشن دوشيو، أمين عام الحزب الشيوعي
ژو إن‌لاي
نحو 5,000 جندي من الفرقة الثانية من الجيش 26 وأعضاء مختلف العصابات آلاف العمال
الضحايا والخسائر
minimal 300–10,000 قتيل، 5,000 مفقود

مذبحة شانغهاي في 12 أبريل 1927، أحياناً تسمى حادث 12 أبريل، كانت قمعاً عنيفاً لمنظمات الحزب الشيوعي في شانغهاي by the military forces of تشيانگ كاي-شك and conservative factions في الكومن‌تانگ (Chinese Nationalist Party, or KMT). إثر الحادث، conservative KMT elements carried out a full-scale purge of Communists in all areas under their control, and even more violent suppressions occurred in cities such as گوانگ‌ژو و تشانگ‌شا.[1] The purge led to an open split between KMT left and right wings, with تشيانگ كاي-شك establishing himself as the leader of the right wing at نان‌جينگ in opposition to the original left-wing KMT government led by Wang Jingwei في ووهان.

By July 15, 1927, the Wuhan regime had also expelled the Communists in its ranks, effectively ending the KMT's four-year alliance with Soviet Russia and its cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party. During the remainder of 1927 the Communists launched several revolts in an attempt to win back power, marking the beginning of the Chinese Civil War. With the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising (December 11–13, 1927) the Chinese Communist Party's eclipse was complete; it was two decades before they were able to launch another major urban offensive.[2] The incident was a key moment in the complex sequence of events that set the stage for the first ten years of the Nationalist government.

Depending on writers' political views, the incident is also sometimes referred to as the "April 12 Purge" (四·一二清黨), "Shanghai Massacre",[3] the "April 12 Counter-revolutionary Coup" (四·一二反革命政變), or the "April 12 Tragedy" (四·一二慘案).

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 114
  2. ^ Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 170.
  3. ^ Zhao, Suisheng. [2004] (2004). A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism. Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-5001-7.


  • Chan, F. Gilbert; Thomas H. Etzold (1976). China in the 1920s: nationalism and revolution. New Viewpoints. ISBN 978-0-531-05589-2.
  • Chang, Kuo-t'ao (1972). The rise of the Chinese Communist Party: 1928–1938. University Press of Kansas.
  • Chesneaux, Jean (1968). The Chinese Labor Movement 1919–1927. Stanford University Press.
  • Harrison, James P. (1972). The long march to power: a history of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921–72. Praeger Publishers.
  • Isaacs, Harold (June 1961). Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution (Revised ed.). Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-0416-3.
  • Perry, Elizabeth J. (1995). Shanghai on strike: The politics of Chinese labor. Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-2491-3.
  • Smith, Stephen A. (2000). A road is made: Communism in Shanghai, 1920–1927. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2314-6.
  • Wilbur, C. Martin (1983). The nationalist revolution in China, 1923–1928. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-31864-8.
  • Wilbur, C. Martin; Julie Lien-ying How (1989). Missionaries of revolution: Soviet advisers and Nationalist China, 1920–1927. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-57652-0.


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