محرك ڤانكل

محرك فانكل ذو المكبس الدوار هو محرك ذو مكبس دوراني Rotatory piston اخترعه فيلكس فانكل عام 1954 واختبر للمرة الأولى عام 1957. ولهذا المحرك مزايا عديدة تجعله خيرا من المحرك ذي الاحتراق التقليدي. فهو أسرع منه، وأخف وزنا، وأحسن أداء وتوازنا، وأقل ضجيجا وتلويثا للهواء.

التطوير المبكر

Compression-ignition rotary
وقود الهيدروجين

Using hydrogen fuel in Wankel engines improved efficiency by 23% over gasoline fuel with near zero emissions.[1] Four-stroke reciprocating piston Otto cycle engines are not well suited for conversion to hydrogen fuel. The hydrogen/air fuel mix can misfire on hot parts of the engine like the exhaust valve and spark plugs, as all four stroke operations occur in the same chamber.

Prime advantages of the Wankel engine are:[2]
- A far higher power to weight ratio than a piston engine
- Approximately one third of the size of a piston engine of equivalent power output
- Easier to package in small engine spaces than an equivalent piston engine
- No reciprocating parts
- Able to reach higher revolutions per minute than a piston engine
- Operating with almost no vibration
- Not prone to engine-knock
- Cheaper to mass-produce, because the engine contains fewer parts
- Superior breathing, filling the combustion charge in 270 degrees of mainshaft rotation rather than 180 degrees in a piston engine
- Supplying torque for about two thirds of the combustion cycle rather than one quarter for a piston engine
- Wider speed range giving greater adaptability
- Can use fuels of wider octane ratings
- Does not suffer from "scale effect" to limit its size.
- Easily adapted and highly suitable to use hydrogen fuel.
- On some Wankel engines the sump oil remains uncontaminated by the combustion process, so no oil changes are required. The oil in the mainshaft is totally sealed from the combustion process. The oil for Apex seals and crankcase lubrication is separate. In piston engines the crankcase oil is contaminated by combustion blow-by through the piston rings.[3]
Although many of the disadvantages are the subject of ongoing research, the current disadvantages of the Wankel engine in production are the following:[4]
- Rotor sealing
- Apex seal lifting
- Slow combustion
- Bad fuel economy using gasoline fuel
- High emissions
سباق السيارات
محركات الدراجات النارية
محركات الطائرات

In principle, Wankel engines are ideal for light aircraft, being light, compact, almost vibrationless, and with a high power-to-weight ratio.
تمديد نطاق السيارة
الاستخدامات الأخرى

الاحتراق غير الداخلي
انظر أيضا
- ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةcder.dz
- ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم
غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماةPS-April-1966
- ^ "SPARCS". Advanced Innovative Engineering. Retrieved 2018-05-04.
- ^ Sinitsky, John (11 September 2008). "Wankel Engine - Part III - problems and disadvantages". BrighthubEngineering.com. Retrieved 2014-02-01.
- Yamaguchi, Jack K (2003). The Mazda RX-8: World's First 4-door, 4-seat Sports Car Plus Complete Histories of Mazda Rotary Engine development and Rotary Racing Around the World. Mazda Motor. ISBN 4-947659-02-5.
- Yamaguchi, Jack K (1985). The New Mazda RX-7 and Mazda Rotary Engine Sports Cars. New York: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-69456-3.
- Norbye, Jan P. (1973). "Watch out for Mazda!". Automobile Quarterly. XI.1: 50–61.
- Biermann, Arnold E.; Ellerbrock Jr., Herman H. (1941). "Report No. 726 The design of fins for air-cooled cylinders" (PDF). NACA. Retrieved 2018-05-05.
- Yamamoto, Kenichi (1981). Rotary Engine. Toyo Kogyo.
- Grazen, Alfred E. P., Patents CA 602098 and CA 651826 (plating for working surface in Suzuki RE-5)
- Societé Anonyme Automobiles Citroën (1969), Spanish patents 0374366 and 0375053 on improvements in procedures for covering a friction surface, http://www.oepm.es/ (Nikasil).
- F Feller and M I Mech: "The 2-Stage Rotary Engine—A New Concept in Diesel Power" by Rolls-Royce, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings 1970–71, Vol. 185, pp. 139–158, D55-D66. London
- Ansdale, R. F. (1968). The Wankel RC Engine, Design and Performance. Iliffe. ISBN 0-592-00625-5.
- Frank Jardine (Alcoa): "Thermal expansion in automotive engine design", SAE Journal, Sept 1930, pp. 311–319, and also SAE paper 300010.
- P V Lamarque, "The Design of Cooling Fins for Motor-Cycle Engines", The Institution of Automobile Engineers Magazine, London, March 1943 issue, and also in "The Institution of Automobile Engineers Proceedings", XXXVII, Session 1942–1943, pp. 99–134 and 309–312.
- W. M. Holaday and John Happel (Socony-Vacuum Oil Co): 'A Refiner's Viewpoint on Motor Fuel Quality', SAE paper 430113
- Walter G Froede: 'The NSU-Wankel Rotating Combustion Engine', SAE Technical paper 610017
- M. R. Hayes & D. P. Bottrill: 'N.S.U. Spider -Vehicle Analysis', Mira (Motor Industry Research Association, UK), 1965.
- C Jones (Curtiss-Wright), "Rotary Combustion Engine is as Neat and Trim as the Aircraft Turbine", SAE Journal, May 1968, Vol 76, nº 5: 67–69. Also in SAE paper 670194.
- Jan P Norbye: "Rivals to the Wankel", Popular Science, Jan 1967; 'The Wankel Engine. Design, development, applications'; Chilton, 1972. ISBN 0-8019-5591-2
- T W Rogers et al. (Mobil),"Lubricating Rotary Engines", Automotive Engineering (SAE) May 1972, Vol 80, nº 5: 23–35.
- K Yamamoto et al. (Mazda): "Combustion and Emission Properties of Rotary Engines", Automotive Engineering (SAE), July 1972: 26–29. Also in SAE paper 720357.
- L W Manley (Mobil): "Low-Octane Fuel is OK for Rotary Engines", Automotive Engineering (SAE), Aug 1972, Vol 80, nº 8: 28–29.
- W-D Bensinger (Daimler-Benz), "Rotationskolben-Verbrennungsmotoren", Springer-Verlag 1973; ISBN 978-3-642-52173-7
- Reiner Nikulski: "The Norton rotor turns in my Hercules W-2000", "Sachs KC-27 engine with a catalyst converter", and other articles in: "Wankel News" (In German, from Hercules Wankel IG)
- "A WorldWide Rotary Update", Automotive Engineering (SAE), Feb 1978, Vol 86, nº 2: 31–42.
- B Lawton: 'The Turbocharged Diesel Wankel Engine', C68/78, of: 'Institution of Mechanical Engineers Conference Publications. 1978–2, Turbocharging and Turbochargers, ISBN 0 85298 395 6, pp 151–160.
- T Kohno et al. (Toyota): "Rotary Engine's Light-Load Combustion Improved", Automotive Engineering (SAE), Aug 1979: 33–38. Also in SAE paper 790435.
- Kris Perkins: Norton Rotaries, 1991 Osprey Automotive, London. ISBN 1855321 81 5
- Karl Ludvigsen: Wankel Engines A to Z, New York 1973. ISBN 0-913646-01-6
- Len Louthan (AAI corp.): 'Development of a Lightweight Heavy Fuel Rotary Engine', SAE paper 930682
- G Bickle et al. (ICT co), R Domesle et al. (Degussa AG), "Controlling Two-Stroke Engine Emissions", Automotive Engineering International (SAE), Feb 2000, pp 27–32.
- BOSCH, "Automotive Handbook", 2005, Fluid's Mechanics, Table: 'Discharge from High-Pressure Deposits'.
- Anish Gokhale et al.: "Optimization of Engine Cooling through conjugate heat transfer simulation and analysis of fins"; SAE paper 2012-32-0054.
- Patents: US patent 3848574 , 1974 -Kawasaki; GB patent 1460229 , 1974 -Ford; US patent 3833321 , 1974; US patent 3981688 , 1976. -Ford; CA patent 1030743 , 1978; CA patent 1045553 , 1979, -Ford.
- Dun-Zen Jeng et al.: 'The Numerical Investigation on the Performance of Rotary Engine with Leakage, Different Fuels and Recess Sizes', SAE paper 2013-32-9160, and same author: 'The intake and Exhaust Pipe Effect on Rotary Engine Performance', SAE paper 2013-32-9161
- Wei Wu et al.: 'A Heat Pipe Assisted Air-Cooled Rotary Wankel Engine for Improved Durability, Power and Efficiency', SAE paper 2014-01-2160
- Mikael Bergman et al. (Husqvarna): 'Advanced Low Friction Engine Coating applied to a 70 cc High Performance Chainsaw', SAE paper 2014-32-0115
- Alberto Boretti: 'CAD/CFD/CAE Modelling of Wankel Engines for UAV', SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2466
وصلات خارجية

- U.S. Patent 2٬988٬008
- How Wankel Engines Work, How Stuff Works, http://www.howstuffworks.com/rotary-engine.htm/printable, retrieved on 2012-08-14
- Wankel Engine, Animated Engines, Keveney, http://www.animatedengines.com/wankel.html
- How and why an engine must rev smoothly, UK: Citroën Net, http://www.citroenet.org.uk/miscellaneous/wankel/wankel1.html, retrieved on 2012-08-14
- Aaron Cake's page on Wankel engine, CA, http://www.aaroncake.net
- J I Martin-Artajo SI Rotary engine mockup, ES, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziM7Cfv_wYU
- J C Lefeuvre's Moto-Turbine-Radiale rotary engine installed in a motorcycle, http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xecdrn_moto-turbine-radiale-par-jean-claud_auto, FR
- Scott, David (March 1960). "Auto Engine Without Pistons". Popular Science: 82.
- Norbye, Jan P. (January 1967). "Rivals to the Wankel: A Roundup of Rotary Engines". Popular Science: 80. Kauertz, Tschudi, Virmel, Mercer, Selwood, Jernaes examples.
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: CS1 maint: postscript (link) - The Norton Rotary; summary of the development of the Norton series of Wankel engines, by David Garside