لطفي زادة

لطفي زادة
Zadeh, L.A. 2005.jpg
(5 November 2005)
Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh

(1921-02-04)فبراير 4, 1921
توفيسبتمبر 6, 2017(2017-09-06) (aged 96)[1][2]
المدرسة الأمUniversity of Tehran
Columbia University
اللقبFounder of fuzzy mathematics,
fuzzy set theory, and fuzzy logic, Z numbers, Z-transform
الجوائزEringen Medal (1976)
IEEE Hamming Medal (1992)
Rufus Oldenburger Medal (1993)
IEEE Medal of Honor (1995)
2012 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
Honorary Doctorate of Tehran University (2016)[4]
ACM Fellow
IEEE Fellow
AAAS Fellow
AAAI Fellow
Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Founding Member of Eurasian Academy
السيرة العلمية
المجالاتMathematics, electrical engineering, artificial intelligence
الهيئاتU.C. Berkeley
أطروحةFrequency analysis of variable networks (1949)
المشرف على الدكتوراهJohn R. Ragazzini
طلاب الدكتوراهJoseph Goguen

ولد العالم لطفي زاده في 4 فبراير 1921 بباكو، أذربيجان - 6 سبتمبر 2017) عالم رياضيات. و يعتبر مؤسس المنطق الضبابي (أو منطق الغموض) Fuzzy Logic

في سن العاشرة رحل زاده برفقة عائلته إلى إيران . ودرس الهندسة الكهربائية في جامعة طهران وأنهى دراسته بها سنة ١٩٤٢.

هاجر زاده خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية إلي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ثم حصل على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة "بركلي" في كالفورنيا.

لطفي زاده في 2004

اشتغل زاده في التدريس بنفس الجامعة ابتداء من سنة ١٩٥٩ إلي حدود سنة ١٩٩١، سنة التقاعد.

طرح زاده في سنة ١٩٦٥ نظرية المجموعة الضبابية Fuzzy Set Theory وهي الأساس النظري ل منطق ضبابي أو منطق الغموض،و الذي يعتبر إمتدادآ للمنطق التقليدي أو الكلاسيكي.

يتعامل المنطق الضبابي مع التعابير اللغوية الغير الدقيقة أو الغير الواضخة ،التي لا يمكن للمنطق التقليدي أن يعالجها.

لدى لطفي زاده أبحات علمية أخري في مجالات:

Selected publications

  • 1965. "Fuzzy sets". Information and Control. 1965; 8: 338–353.
  • 1965. "Fuzzy sets and systems". In: Fox J, editor. System Theory. Brooklyn, NY: Polytechnic Press, 1965: 29–39.
  • 1972. "A fuzzy-set-theoretical interpretation of linguistic hedges". Journal of Cybernetics 1972; 2: 4–34.
  • 1973. "Outline of a new approach to the analysis of complex systems and decision processes". IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1973; 3: 28–44.
  • 1974. "Fuzzy logic and its application to approximate reasoning". In: Information Processing 74, Proc. IFIP Congr. 1974 (3), pp. 591–594.
  • 1975. "Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning". Synthese, 1975; 30: 407–428.
  • 1975. "Calculus of fuzzy restrictions". In: Zadeh LA, Fu KS, Tanaka K, Shimura M, editors. Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes. New York: Academic Press, 1975: 1–39.
  • 1975. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning", I-III, Information Sciences 8 (1975) 199–251, 301–357; 9 (1976) 43–80.
  • 2002. "From computing with numbers to computing with words — from manipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions". International Journal of Applied Math and Computer Science, pp. 307–324, vol. 12, no. 3, 2002.
  • 2012. Computing With Words. Principal Concepts and Ideas. Berlin: Springer, 2012.
A complete list of publications is on the website: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/

Awards and honors

Zadeh was a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Association for Computing Machinery, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and the International Fuzzy Systems Association, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.[5] He was also a member of the Academies of Science of Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Finland, Korea and Poland, and of the International Academy of Systems Studies in Moscow. He has received 24 honorary doctorates.[6]

Awards received by Zadeh include, among many others:



  1. ^ Staff (September 7, 2017) "Lotfi Zadeh has passed away" EECS at UC Berkeley: News
  2. ^ Associated Press (September 8, 2017) "Lotfi Zadeh dead: Computing revolutionary and founder of fuzzy logic dies aged 96" International Business Times
  3. ^ Metz, Cade (September 11, 2017) "Lotfi Zadeh: Father of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, Dies at 96" The New York Times
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة UT
  5. ^ Dr. Lotfi A. Zadeh was elected in 1973 as a member of National Academy of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics, Communication & Information Systems Engineering.
  6. ^ "Lotfi A. Zadeh" faculty page from College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley
  7. ^ "IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal Recipients" (PDF). IEEE. Retrieved سبتمبر 3, 2011.
  8. ^ "IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal Recipients" (PDF). IEEE. Retrieved مايو 29, 2011.
  9. ^ "Rufus Oldenburger Medal". American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Retrieved فبراير 12, 2013.
  10. ^ "IEEE Medal of Honor Recipients" (PDF). IEEE. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-04-22. Retrieved سبتمبر 3, 2011. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  11. ^ "Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award". American Automatic Control Council. Retrieved فبراير 10, 2013.
  12. ^ "AI's Hall of Fame" (PDF). IEEE Intelligent Systems. IEEE Computer Society. 26 (4): 5–15. 2011. doi:10.1109/MIS.2011.64.
  13. ^ "IEEE Computer Society Magazine Honors Artificial Intelligence Leaders". DigitalJournal.com. أغسطس 24, 2011. Retrieved سبتمبر 18, 2011. Press release source: PRWeb (Vocus).


  • McNeil, Daniel and Freiberger, Paul. Fuzzy Logic: The discovery of a revolutionary computer technology - and how it is changing our world. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. ISBN 0-671-73843-7

Further reading

  • Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The main journal of the field which contains many contributions by its founder.
  • Zadeh, Fay. "My Life and Travels with the Father of Fuzzy Logic". 1998, TSI Press, Albuquerque, NM.
  • Zadeh, Lofti A. "Lotfi Visions", two-part interview with Jack J. Woehr, Dr. Dobb's Journal, July, 1994 (part 1) and August, 1994 (part 2).
  • Seising, Rudolf: The Fuzzification of Systems. The Genesis of Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Initial Applications - Developments up to the 1970s (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 216) Berlin, New York, [et al.]: Springer 2007.

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