ناثن سودربلوم

The Most Reverend Nathan Söderblom
Archbishop of Uppsala
Primate of Sweden
الكنيسةChurch of Sweden
سبقهJohan August Ekman
خلفهErling Eidem
التكريس1893 (priest)
الترسيم8 November 1914
تفاصيل شخصية
اسم الميلادLars Olof Jonathan Söderblom
وُلِد(1866-01-15)15 يناير 1866
Trönö, Sweden
توفي12 يوليو 1931(1931-07-12) (aged 65)
Uppsala, Sweden
الطائفةChurch of Sweden
الوالدانJonas Söderblom and Nikolina Sophie Blûme
الزوجAnna Söderblom (born as Forsell) (1870–1955)
الجامعة الأمUppsala University
تاريخ رسامة
ناثن سودربلوم
الرسامة الكهنوتية
Ordained byGottfrid Billing
Episcopal consecration
رسّمهGottfrid Billing
التاريخ8 November 1914
المكانUppsala Cathedral

لارس أولوف يوناثان سودربلوم ( Lars Olof Jonathan Söderblom ؛ و. 15 يناير 1866 _ت. 12 يوليو 1931) هو رجل دين سويدي حصل على جائزة نوبل للسلام سنة 1930. He is commemorated in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church on 12 July.[1]

الحياة والسيرة

Söderblom was born in the village of Trönö in Söderhamn Municipality, Gävleborg County. His father was a parish priest. He enrolled at Uppsala University in 1883. Although not initially convinced what he wanted to study, he eventually decided to follow in his father's footsteps. On returning from a journey to the United States, he was ordained as a priest in 1893. During the years 1892 and 1893, he was first vice president and then president of the Uppsala Student Union.[1]

Bust of Nathan Söderblom at Kungsholms Church in Stockholm, Sweden

From 1894 to 1901, he had a ministry position at the Swedish Embassy in Paris, where his congregation included both Alfred Nobel (1833–1896) and August Strindberg (1849–1912). In 1897, he officiated at the memorial service for Nobel. From 1901 to 1914, Söderblom held a chair in the School of Theology at Uppsala University and from 1912 to 1914 was also a professor of religious studies at Leipzig University. In 1914, he was elected as Archbishop of Uppsala, the head of the Lutheran church in Sweden. During the First World War, he called on all Christian leaders to work for peace and justice while working to alleviate the conditions of prisoners of war and refugees.[2]

He believed that church unity had the specific purpose of presenting the gospel to the world and that the messages of Jesus were relevant to social life. His leadership of the Christian "Life and Work" movement in the 1920s has led him to be recognised as one of the principal founders of the ecumenical movement. He had begun the movement toward intercommunion between the Church of Sweden and the Church of England and was a close associate of the English ecumenist George Bell (1883–1958), Dean of Canterbury, Bishop of Chichester. He was instrumental in chairing the World Conference of Life and Work in Stockholm, in 1925. In 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.[1][3]

أعمال مختارة

  • Den enskilde och kyrkan : föredrag (1909)
  • Helighet och kultur (1913)
  • Gudstrons uppkomst (1914)
  • 9 Works by Nathan Söderblom at The Documentation of Chinese Christianity program, Hong Kong Baptist University Library

انظر أيضا

وصلات خارجية

Johan August Ekman
Archbishop of Uppsala
Primate of Sweden

Erling Eidem
Waldemar Rudin
Swedish Academy, Chair No. 16
Tor Andræ


Alfred Nobel.png هذه بذرة مقالة عن جائزة نوبل، أو من حصل عليها وحول جميع أنواعها تحتاج للنمو والتحسين، فساهم في إثرائها بالمشاركة في تحريرها.
  1. ^ أ ب ت "Nathan Söderblom". The Nobel Foundation. Retrieved July 1, 2020.
  2. ^ "Nathan Söderblom". The Giffordlectures. Retrieved July 1, 2020.
  3. ^ "Nathan Söderblom 1930". Nobel Peace Center. Retrieved July 1, 2020.