
هذاالمقال هو جزء من سلسلة عن:
قرصنة الحاسوب
Hobbyist hacker
Technology hacker
Hacker programmer
Hacking in computer security
أمن الحاسب
Computer insecurity
أمن الشبكات
Hacker ethic
قبعة سوداء, رمادية, بيضاء
Hacker Manifesto
جريمة حاسب
List of convicted computer criminals
Script kiddie
Hacking tools
برامج أمن الحاسب

تطلق كلمة كراكر Cracker على من يملك مهارات الهاكر ويستخدم مهارته في الامور غير القانونية, مثل كسر حماية البرامج و اختراق الانظمة والشبكات.

Hacking and the media

Hacker magazines

The most notable hacker-oriented print publications are Phrack, Hakin9 and 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. While the information contained in hacker magazines and ezines was often outdated by the time they were published, they enhanced their contributors' reputations by documenting their successes.[1]

Hackers in fiction

Hackers often show an interest in fictional cyberpunk and cyberculture literature and movies. The adoption of fictional pseudonyms,[2] symbols, values and metaphors from these works is very common.[3]



Non-fiction books

See also


  1. ^ Thomas, Douglas (2003). Hacker Culture. University of Minnesota Press. p. 90. ISBN 978-0-8166-3346-3.
  2. ^ Swabey, Pete (27 February 2013). "Data leaked by Anonymous appears to reveal Bank of America's hacker profiling operation". Information Age. Retrieved 21 February 2014.
  3. ^ "Hackers and Viruses: Questions and Answers". Scienzagiovane. University of Bologna. 12 November 2012. Retrieved 21 February 2014.
  4. ^ Staples, Brent (May 11, 2003). "A Prince of Cyberpunk Fiction Moves Into the Mainstream". The New York Times. Mr. Gibson's novels and short stories are worshiped by hackers


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