قالب:Infobox organization
![]() | This template is used on many pages, so changes to it will be widely noticed. Please test any changes in the template's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own user subpage. Please consider discussing changes on the talk page قبل تنفيذهم. |
![]() | Uses Lua: |
{{Infobox organization}}
can be used to provide at-a-glance information at the start of an article about an organization.
full_name | |
native_name | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1]] logo_caption | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1]] caption | |
[[File:{{{map}}}|{{{map_size}}}|alt={{{map_alt}}}]] map_caption | |
[[File:{{{map2}}}|{{{map2_size}}}|alt={{{map2_alt}}}]] map2_caption | |
الاختصار | abbreviation |
الكنية | nickname |
النطق |
مسماة على اسم | named_after |
الشعار الحادي | motto |
سبقها | predecessor |
Merged into | merged |
تبعها | successor |
التشكل | formation |
المؤسس | founder / founders |
تأسست في | founding_location |
انحلت | dissolved / defunct |
اندماج | merger |
النوع | type |
tax_id / vat_id | |
رقم التسجيل | registration_id |
الوضع القانوني | status |
الغرض | purpose |
العنوان المهني | professional_title |
المقر الرئيسي | headquarters |
الموقع |
المواقع |
الإحداثيات | coordinates |
الأصول | origins |
المنطقة served | region_served / region / area_served |
المنتجs | products / product |
الخدمات | services |
الطريقةs | methods / method |
المجالs | fields / field |
الأعضاءالأعضاء (_year) | membership |
Official language | language / languages |
المالك | owner / owners |
الأمين العام | sec_gen / gen_sec |
leader_title | leader_name |
leader_title2 | leader_name2 |
leader_title3 | leader_name3 |
leader_title4 | leader_name4 |
board_of_directors | |
الأشخاص البارزون | key_people |
الهيئة الرئيسية | main_organ / publication |
المنظمة الأم | parent_organization / parent_organisation |
المنظمات الفرعية | subsidiaries |
الانفصالات | secessions |
الانتماءات | affiliations |
الميزانية (_year) | budget |
الدخل (_year) | revenue |
الإنفاق | disbursements |
المصاريف (_year) | expenses (_year) |
الوقف (_year) | endowment |
الطاقم (_year) | staff |
المتطوعون (_year) | volunteers |
الطلبة (_year) | students |
الجوائز | awards |
الموقع الإلكتروني | {{URL|...}} |
تعليقات | remarks |
الاسم السابق | formerly / former_name |
footnotes |
- Full syntax
Copy this version to use, remove hidden notes (both the <!--
and -->
characters) that surround certain entries, in order for the data you enter to appear in the published article. All fields must be lowercase, and all are optional.
{{Infobox organization
| name = <!-- defaults to {{PAGENAME}}, if not provided -->
| full_name =
| native_name = <!-- organization's name in its local language -->
| native_name_lang = <!-- required ISO 639-1 code of the above native language -->
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| logo_caption =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt = <!-- see [[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption =
| map = <!-- map image -->
| map_size = <!-- defaults to 250px -->
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| map2 = <!-- 2nd map image, if required -->
| map2_size =
| map2_alt =
| map2_caption =
| abbreviation =
| nickname =
| pronounce =
| pronounce ref =
| pronounce comment =
| pronounce 2 =
| named_after =
| motto =
| predecessor =
| merged = <!-- any other organization(s) which it was merged into -->
| successor =
| formation = <!-- or |established = --><!-- use {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| founder = <!-- or |founders = -->
| founding_location =
| dissolved = <!-- or |defunct = --><!-- use {{end date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| merger = <!-- other organizations (if any) merged with, to constitute the new organization -->
| type = <!-- e.g., [[Nonprofit organization|Nonprofit]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]], etc. -->
| tax_id = <!-- or |vat_id = (for European organizations) -->
| registration_id = <!-- for non-profits -->
| status = <!-- legal status and/or description (company, charity, foundation, etc.) -->
| purpose = <!-- or |focus = --><!-- humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, etc. -->
| professional_title = <!-- for professional associations -->
| headquarters =
| location_city =
| location_country =
| location_city2 =
| location_country2 =
| addnl_location_city =
| addnl_location_country =
| addnl_location_city2 =
| addnl_location_country2 =
| coordinates = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|display=inline,title}} -->
| origins =
| region_served = <!-- or |area_served = or |region = -->
| products = <!-- or |product = -->
| services =
| methods = <!-- or |method = -->
| fields = <!-- or |field = -->
| membership = <!-- number of members -->
| membership_year = <!-- year to which membership numbers/data apply -->
| language = <!-- or |languages = --><!-- any official language or languages used -->
| owner = <!-- or |owners = -->
| sec_gen = <!-- or |gen_sec for General Secretary -->
| leader_title = <!-- defaults to "Leader" -->
| leader_name =
| leader_title2 =
| leader_name2 =
| leader_title3 =
| leader_name3 =
| leader_title4 =
| leader_name4 =
| board_of_directors =
| key_people =
| main_organ = <!-- or |publication = --><!-- organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, etc.) or publication -->
| parent_organization = <!-- or |parent_organisation = -->
| subsidiaries =
| secessions =
| affiliations =
| budget =
| budget_year =
| revenue =
| revenue_year =
| disbursements =
| expenses =
| expenses_year =
| endowment =
| endowment_year =
| staff =
| staff_year =
| volunteers =
| volunteers_year =
| students =
| students_year =
| awards =
| website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| remarks =
| formerly = <!-- or |former_name = -->
| footnotes =
| bodystyle =
All fields are lower case and optional.
Organization's unabbreviated name | |
native_name | |
![]() (caption :) Example.png (image) at template's default size. | |
![]() (map_caption :) World map.jpg (map) at template's default size. | |
الاختصار | abbreviation |
الكنية | nickname |
مسماة على اسم | named_after |
الشعار الحادي | motto |
سبقها | predecessor |
Merged into | merged |
تبعها | successor |
التشكل | formation (or established) |
المؤسس | founder (or founders) |
تأسست في | founding_location |
انحلت | dissolved (or defunct) |
اندماج | merger |
النوع | type |
tax_id (or vat_id) | |
رقم التسجيل | registration_id |
الوضع القانوني | status |
الغرض | purpose |
المقر الرئيسي | headquarters |
الموقع |
الإحداثيات | ( use {{coord}} ) |
الأصول | origins |
المنطقة served | region_served |
المنتجs | products |
الخدمات | services |
الطريقةs | methods |
المجالs | fields |
الأعضاءالأعضاء (_year) | membership |
Official language | language (or languages) |
المالك | owner (or owners) |
الأمين العام | sec_gen (or gen_sec) |
leader_title | leader_name |
leader_title2 | leader_name2 |
board_of_directors | |
الأشخاص البارزون | key_people |
الهيئة الرئيسية | main_organ (or publication) |
المنظمة الأم | parent_organi[z/s]ation |
المنظمات الفرعية | subsidiaries |
الانفصالات | secessions |
الانتماءات | affiliations |
الميزانية (_year) | budget |
الدخل (_year) | revenue |
الإنفاق | disbursements |
المصاريف (_year) | expenses (_year) |
الوقف (_year) | endowment |
الطاقم (_year) | staff |
المتطوعون (_year) | volunteers |
الطلبة (_year) | students |
الجوائز | awards |
الموقع الإلكتروني | website |
تعليقات | remarks |
الاسم السابق | formerly (or former_name) |
footnotes |
{{Infobox organization
| name = Organization's ''name''
| full_name = Organization's unabbreviated name
| native_name = ''native_name''
| native_name_lang = required ISO 639-1 code of the above native language
| image = Example.png
| alt = Text alternative for those who do not see the image
| caption = {{longitem|(''caption''{{thin space}}''':'''){{break}}Example.png (''image'') at template's default size.}}
| map = World map.jpg
| map_alt = This is the message carried by "map_alt" parameter
| map_caption = {{longitem|(''map_caption''{{thin space}}''':'''){{break}}World map.jpg (''map'') at template's default size.}}
| abbreviation = ''abbreviation''
| nickname = ''nickname''
| named_after = ''named_after''
| motto = ''motto''
| predecessor = ''predecessor''
| merged = ''merged''
| successor = ''successor''
| formation = {{nowrap|''formation'' (or ''established'')}}
| founder = ''founder'' (or ''founders'')
| founding_location = ''founding_location''
| dissolved = ''dissolved'' (or ''defunct'')
| merger = ''merger''
| type = ''type''
| tax_id = ''tax_id'' (or ''vat_id'')
| registration_id = ''registration_id''
| status = ''status''
| purpose = ''purpose''
| headquarters = ''headquarters''
| location_city = ''location_city''
| location_country = ''location_country''
| coords = ({{thin space|use {{tl|coord}}}})
| origins = ''origins''
| region_served = ''region_served''
| products = ''products''
| services = ''services''
| methods = ''methods''
| fields = ''fields''
| membership = ''membership''
| membership_year = ''_year''
| language = ''language'' (or ''languages'')
| owner = ''owner'' (or ''owners'')
| sec_gen = ''sec_gen'' (or ''gen_sec'')
| leader_title = ''leader_title''
| leader_name = ''leader_name''
| leader_title2 = ''leader_title2''
| leader_name2 = ''leader_name2''
| board_of_directors = ''board_of_directors''
| key_people = ''key_people''
| main_organ = {{nowrap|''main_organ'' (or ''publication'')}}
| parent_organization = ''parent_organi[z/s]ation''
| subsidiaries = ''subsidiaries''
| secessions = ''secessions''
| affiliations = ''affiliations''
| budget = ''budget''
| budget_year = ''_year''
| revenue = ''revenue''
| revenue_year = ''_year''
| disbursements = ''disbursements''
| expenses = ''expenses''
| expenses_year = ''_year''
| endowment = ''endowment''
| endowment_year = ''_year''
| staff = ''staff''
| staff_year = ''_year''
| volunteers = ''volunteers''
| volunteers_year = ''_year''
| students = ''students''
| students_year = ''_year''
| awards = ''awards''
| website = ''website''
| remarks = ''remarks''
| formerly = {{nowrap|''formerly'' (or ''former_name'')}}
| footnotes = ''footnotes''
The HTML mark-up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat that makes an organization's details readily parsable by computer programs. This aids tasks such as the cataloguing of articles and maintenance of databases. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please visit the Microformat WikiProject.- Subtemplates
- Use {{start date}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
- Use {{coord}} for coordinates associated with the organisation (e.g. the location of its headquarters). A Geo microformat will then make these coordinates parsable, e.g. for use in online mapping, downloading to a GPS unit, etc.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
nor collapse nested elements which use them.
See the monthly error report for this template.
TemplateData for Infobox organization
لا وصف.
وسيط | وصف | نوع | حالة | |
name | name | defaults to {{PAGENAME}} if name not provided | نص | اختياري |
full_name | full_name | Unabbreviated name of the organization | نص | اختياري |
native_name | native_name | Organization's name in its local language | نص | اختياري |
native_name_lang | native_name_lang | Language code for native_name | نص | اختياري |
logo | logo | logo of organisation | نص | اختياري |
logo_size | logo_size | size of logo | رقم | اختياري |
logo_alt | logo_alt | see [[WP:ALT]] | نص | اختياري |
logo_caption | logo_caption | caption of logo | نص | اختياري |
image | image | image of organisation | نص | اختياري |
image_size | image_size | size of image | رقم | اختياري |
alt | alt | see [[WP:ALT]] | نص | اختياري |
caption | caption | caption | نص | اختياري |
map | map | map image | نص | اختياري |
map_size | map_size | defaults to 250px | رقم | اختياري |
map_alt | map_alt | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
map_caption | map_caption | caption for map | نص | اختياري |
map2 | map2 | second map image, if required | نص | اختياري |
map2_size | map2_size | size of map | رقم | اختياري |
map2_alt | map2_alt | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
map2_caption | map2_caption | caption for map | نص | اختياري |
abbreviation | abbreviation | abbreviation or acronym of organisation | نص | اختياري |
nickname | nickname | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
pronounce | pronounce | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
pronounce ref | pronounce ref | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
pronounce comment | pronounce comment | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
pronounce 2 | pronounce 2 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
named_after | named_after | Entity the organisation was named after, if any | نص | اختياري |
motto | motto | motto of organisation | نص | اختياري |
predecessor | predecessor | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
merged | merged | Any other organizations with which the organization was merged | نص | اختياري |
successor | successor | successor of organisation | نص | اختياري |
formation | formation established founded | established, e.g. use {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} | تاريخ | اختياري |
founder | founder founders | founder of organisation | نص | اختياري |
founding_location | founding_location | place founded | نص | اختياري |
dissolved | dissolved defunct | dissolved, e.g. use {{end date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} | تاريخ | اختياري |
merger | merger | Other organizations (if any) merged to constitute the organization | نص | اختياري |
type | type | e.g. [[Governmental organization|Governmental]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]], [[Nonprofit organization|Nonprofit]] | نص | اختياري |
tax_id | tax_id vat_id | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
registration_id | registration_id | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
status | status | Organization's legal status and/or description (company, charity, foundation) | نص | اختياري |
purpose | purpose focus | Organization's purpose or focus (humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, …) | نص | اختياري |
professional_title | professional_title | for professional associations | نص | اختياري |
headquarters | headquarters | organisation headquarters | نص | اختياري |
location_city | location_city location | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
location_country | location_country | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
location_city2 | location_city2 location2 | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
location_country2 | location_country2 | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
addnl_location_city | addnl_location_city addnl_location | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
addnl_location_country | addnl_location_country | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
addnl_location_city2 | addnl_location_city2 addnl_location2 | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
addnl_location_country2 | addnl_location_country2 | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
coordinates | coordinates coords | location's {{coord}}s | نص | اختياري |
origins | origins | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
region | region region_served area_served | Any particular region or regions associated with or served by the organization | نص | اختياري |
products | products product | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
services | services | services of organisation | نص | اختياري |
methods | methods method | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
fields | fields field | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
membership | membership members | membership of organisation | نص | اختياري |
membership_year | membership_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
language | language languages | Any official language or languages used by the organization | نص | اختياري |
owner | owner owners | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
sec_gen | sec_gen gen_sec | Name of the organization's Secretary General (if post exists) | نص | اختياري |
leader_title | leader_title | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_name | leader_name | leader name | نص | اختياري |
leader_title2 | leader_title2 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_name2 | leader_name2 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_title3 | leader_title3 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_name3 | leader_name3 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_title4 | leader_title4 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
leader_name4 | leader_name4 | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
board_of_directors | board_of_directors | board of directors of organisation | نص | اختياري |
key_people | key_people | key people of organisation | نص | اختياري |
main_organ | main_organ publication | Organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, …) or publication | نص | اختياري |
parent_organization | parent_organization parent_organisation | parent_organisation | نص | اختياري |
subsidiaries | subsidiaries | organisation subsidiaries | نص | اختياري |
secessions | secessions | organisation secessions | نص | اختياري |
affiliations | affiliations | affiliation of organisation | نص | اختياري |
budget | budget | organisation budget | نص | اختياري |
budget_year | budget_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
revenue | revenue | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
revenue_year | revenue_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
disbursements | disbursements | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
expenses | expenses | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
expenses_year | expenses_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
endowment | endowment | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
endowment_year | endowment_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
staff | staff employees | Numbers and/or types of staff | نص | اختياري |
staff_year | staff_year employees_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
volunteers | volunteers | Numbers and/or types of volunteers | نص | اختياري |
volunteers_year | volunteers_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
students | students | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
students_year | students_year | دون وصف | تاريخ | اختياري |
awards | awards | دون وصف | غير معروف | اختياري |
website | website | organisation website | اسم الصفحة | اختياري |
remarks | remarks | organisation remarks | نص | اختياري |
formerly | formerly former_name | Any former names by which the organization known | نص | اختياري |
footnotes | footnotes | footnotes of organisation | نص | اختياري |
bodystyle | bodystyle | دون وصف | نص | اختياري |
Tracking category
- Category:Pages using infobox organization with unknown parameters (104)
- Category:Infoboxes without native name language parameter (33)
See also
The above documentation is transcluded from قالب:Infobox organization/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |